12 research outputs found

    Optogenetics in Silicon: A Neural Processor for Predicting Optically Active Neural Networks

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    We present a reconfigurable neural processor for real-time simulation and prediction of opto-neural behaviour. We combined a detailed Hodgkin-Huxley CA3 neuron integrated with a four-state Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) model into reconfigurable silicon hardware. Our architecture consists of a Field Programmable Gated Array (FPGA) with a custom-built computing data-path, a separate data management system and a memory approach based router. Advancements over previous work include the incorporation of short and long-term calcium and light-dependent ion channels in reconfigurable hardware. Also, the developed processor is computationally efficient, requiring only 0.03 ms processing time per sub-frame for a single neuron and 9.7 ms for a fully connected network of 500 neurons with a given FPGA frequency of 56.7 MHz. It can therefore be utilized for exploration of closed loop processing and tuning of biologically realistic optogenetic circuitry

    An Adaptive Memory Management Strategy Towards Energy Efficient Machine Inference in Event-Driven Neuromorphic Accelerators

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    Spiking neural networks are viable alternatives to classical neural networks for edge processing in low-power embedded and IoT devices. To reap their benefits, neuromorphic network accelerators that tend to support deep networks still have to expend great effort in fetching synaptic states from a large remote memory. Since local computation in these networks is event-driven, memory becomes the major part of the system’s energy consumption. In this paper, we explore various opportunities of data reuse that can help mitigate the redundant traffic for retrieval of neuron meta-data and post-synaptic weights. We describe CyNAPSE, a baseline neural processing unit and its accompanying software simulation as a general template for exploration on various levels. We then investigate the memory access patterns of three spiking neural network benchmarks that have significantly different topology and activity. With a detailed study of locality in memory traffic, we establish the factors that hinder conventional cache management philosophies from working efficiently for these applications. To that end, we propose and evaluate a domain-specific management policy that takes advantage of the forward visibility of events in a queue-based event-driven simulation framework. Subsequently, we propose network-adaptive enhancements to make it robust to network variations. As a result, we achieve 13-44% reduction in system power consumption and a 8-23% improvement over conventional replacement policies

    Optimized Real-Time Biomimetic Neural Network on FPGA for Bio-hybridization

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    Neurological diseases can be studied by performing bio-hybrid experiments using a real-time biomimetic Spiking Neural Network (SNN) platform. The Hodgkin-Huxley model offers a set of equations including biophysical parameters which can serve as a base to represent different classes of neurons and affected cells. Also, connecting the artificial neurons to the biological cells would allow us to understand the effect of the SNN stimulation using different parameters on nerve cells. Thus, designing a real-time SNN could useful for the study of simulations of some part of the brain. Here, we present a different approach to optimize the Hodgkin-Huxley equations adapted for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation. The equations of the conductance have been unified to allow the use of same functions with different parameters for all ionic channels. The low resources and high-speed implementation also include features, such as synaptic noise using the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and different synapse receptors including AMPA, GABAa, GABAb, and NMDA receptors. The platform allows real-time modification of the neuron parameters and can output different cortical neuron families like Fast Spiking (FS), Regular Spiking (RS), Intrinsically Bursting (IB), and Low Threshold Spiking (LTS) neurons using a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). Gaussian distribution of the synaptic noise highlights similarities with the biological noise. Also, cross-correlation between the implementation and the model shows strong correlations, and bifurcation analysis reproduces similar behavior compared to the original Hodgkin-Huxley model. The implementation of one core of calculation uses 3% of resources of the FPGA and computes in real-time 500 neurons with 25,000 synapses and synaptic noise which can be scaled up to 15,000 using all resources. This is the first step toward neuromorphic system which can be used for the simulation of bio-hybridization and for the study of neurological disorders or the advanced research on neuroprosthesis to regain lost function

    Digital system for spiking neural network emulation

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    The present project is about the design, simulation and an experimentational test of a digital system in a single chip able to emulate the behavior of spiking neural networks, which is possible thanks to the use of mathematical models that emulate the behavior of these networks in the brain. A modular system has been proposed in order to provide the necessary flexibility and scalability for the simulation of different neural networks. At the same time the most flexible, simple and efficient option has been chosen in order to have a good performance without losing or reducing the necessary accuracy and exactitude for the emulation of the neural networks. The solution has been implemented by making use of different combinational blocks and totally synchronous flip-flops from a 100 MHz clock signal, besides, the description of the system was performed by using the high-level hardware description language VHDL. Finally, a neural network for pattern recognition has been implemented on a programmable logical device FPGA in order to demonstrate the correct operation of the digital system

    Design of a CMOS-Memristive Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic System with Energy and Area Efficiency in System Level Applications

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    The von Neumann architecture has been the backbone of modern computers for several years. This computational framework is popular because it defines an easy, simple and cheap design for the processing unit and memory. Unfortunately, this architecture faces a huge bottleneck going forward since complexity in computations now demands increased parallelism and this architecture is not efficient at parallel processing. Moreover, the post-Moore\u27s law era brings a constant demand for energy-efficient computing with fewer resources and less area. Hence, researchers are interested in establishing alternatives to the von Neumann architecture and neuromorphic computing is one of the few aspiring computing architectures that contributes to this research effectively. Initially, neuromorphic computing attracted attention because of the parallelism found in the bio-inspired networks and they were interested in leveraging this advantage on a single chip. Moreover, the need for speed in real time performance also escalated the popularity of neuromorphic computing and different research groups started working on hardware implementations of neural networks. Also, neuroscience is consistently building a better understanding of biological networks that provides opportunities for bridging the gap between biological neuronal activities and artificial neural networks. As a consequence, the idea behind neuromorphic computing has continued to gain in popularity. In this research, a memristive neuromorphic system for improved power and area efficiency has been presented. This particular implementation introduces a mixed-signal platform to implement neural networks in a synchronous way. In addition to mixed-signal design, a nano-scale memristive device has been introduced that provides power and area efficiency for the overall system. The system design also includes synchronous digital long term plasticity (DLTP), an online learning methodology that helps train the neural networks during the operation phase, improving the efficiency in learning when considering power consumption and area overhead. This research also proposes a stochastic neuron design with a sigmoidal firing rate. The design introduces variability in the membrane capacitance to reach different membrane potential leading to a variable stochastic firing rate

    Digital neural circuits : from ions to networks

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    PhD ThesisThe biological neural computational mechanism is always fascinating to human beings since it shows several state-of-the-art characteristics: strong fault tolerance, high power efficiency and self-learning capability. These behaviours lead the developing trend of designing the next-generation digital computation platform. Thus investigating and understanding how the neurons talk with each other is the key to replicating these calculation features. In this work I emphasize using tailor-designed digital circuits for exactly implementing bio-realistic neural network behaviours, which can be considered a novel approach to cognitive neural computation. The first advance is that biological real-time computing performances allow the presented circuits to be readily adapted for real-time closed-loop in vitro or in vivo experiments, and the second one is a transistor-based circuit that can be directly translated into an impalpable chip for high-level neurologic disorder rehabilitations. In terms of the methodology, first I focus on designing a heterogeneous or multiple-layer-based architecture for reproducing the finest neuron activities both in voltage-and calcium-dependent ion channels. In particular, a digital optoelectronic neuron is developed as a case study. Second, I focus on designing a network-on-chip architecture for implementing a very large-scale neural network (e.g. more than 100,000) with human cognitive functions (e.g. timing control mechanism). Finally, I present a reliable hybrid bio-silicon closed-loop system for central pattern generator prosthetics, which can be considered as a framework for digital neural circuit-based neuro-prosthesis implications. At the end, I present the general digital neural circuit design principles and the long-term social impacts of the presented work

    Efficient multiprocessing architectures for spiking neural network emulation based on configurable devices

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    The exploration of the dynamics of bioinspired neural networks has allowed neuroscientists to understand some clues and structures of the brain. Electronic neural network implementations are useful tools for this exploration. However, appropriate architectures are necessary due to the extremely high complexity of those networks. There has been an extraordinary development in reconfigurable computing devices within a short period of time especially in their resource availability, speed, and reconfigurability (FPGAs), which makes these devices suitable to emulate those networks. Reconfigurable parallel hardware architecture is proposed in this thesis in order to emulate in real time complex and biologically realistic spiking neural networks (SNNs). Some relevant SNN models and their hardware approaches have been studied, and analyzed in order to create an architecture that supports the implementation of these SNN models efficiently. The key factors, which involve flexibility in algorithm programmability, high performance processing, low area and power consumption, have been taken into account. In order to boost the performance of the proposed architecture, several techniques have been developed: time to space mapping, neural virtualization, flexible synapse-neuron mapping, specific learning and execution modes, among others. Besides this, an interface unit has been developed in order to build a bio-inspired system, which can process sensory information from the environment. The spiking-neuron-based system combines analog and digital multi-processor implementations. Several applications have been developed as a proof-of-concept in order to show the capabilities of the proposed architecture for processing this type of information.L'estudi de la dinàmica de les xarxes neuronals bio-inspirades ha permès als neurocientífics entendre alguns processos i estructures del cervell. Les implementacions electròniques d'aquestes xarxes neuronals són eines útils per dur a terme aquest tipus d'estudi. No obstant això, l'alta complexitat de les xarxes neuronals requereix d'una arquitectura apropiada que pugui simular aquest tipus de xarxes. Emular aquest tipus de xarxes en dispositius configurables és possible a causa del seu extraordinari desenvolupament respecte a la seva disponibilitat de recursos, velocitat i capacitat de reconfiguració (FPGAs ). En aquesta tesi es proposa una arquitectura maquinari paral·lela i configurable per emular les complexes i realistes xarxes neuronals tipus spiking en temps real. S'han estudiat i analitzat alguns models de neurones tipus spiking rellevants i les seves implementacions en maquinari , amb la finalitat de crear una arquitectura que suporti la implementació d'aquests models de manera eficient . S'han tingut en compte diversos factors clau, incloent flexibilitat en la programació d'algorismes, processament d'alt rendiment, baix consum d'energia i àrea. S'han aplicat diverses tècniques en l'arquitectura desenvolupada amb el propòsit d'augmentar la seva capacitat de processament. Aquestes tècniques són: mapejat de temps a espai, virtualització de les neurones, mapeig flexible de neurones i sinapsis, modes d'execució, i aprenentatge específic, entre d'altres. A més, s'ha desenvolupat una unitat d'interfície de dades per tal de construir un sistema bio-inspirat, que pot processar informació sensorial del medi ambient. Aquest sistema basat en neurones tipus spiking combina implementacions analògiques i digitals. S'han desenvolupat diverses aplicacions usant aquest sistema com a prova de concepte, per tal de mostrar les capacitats de l'arquitectura proposada per al processament d'aquest tipus d'informació