478 research outputs found

    Developing A Medium-Voltage Three-Phase Current Compensator Using Modular Switching Positions

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    The objective of this thesis is to present the context, application, theory, design, construction, and testing of a proposed solution to unbalanced current loading on three-phase four-wire systems. This solution, known as the Medium-Voltage Unbalanced Current Static Compensator or MV-UCSC, is designed to recirculate currents between the three phases of adistribution system. Through this redistribution of the currents negative- and zero-sequence current components are eliminated and a balanced load is seen upstream from the point of installation. The MV-UCSC as it operates in the distribution system is presented followed by its effect on traditional compensation equipment. The construction of the MV-UCSC as well as 13.8 kV simulations are then shown. Development of the switching positions required by the MVUCSC is then given followed by a variation on this switching position with the intent to reduce part count. Finally, the testing the 13.8 kV three-phase four-wire, neutral-point-clamped, elevenlevel, flying-capacitor-based MV-UCSC connected directly to the grid is presented

    A Surgical Navigation and Endoscope Holder Integrated System for Sinus Surgery

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    In this paper, we developed an integrated system, which consists of an augmented reality-based surgical navigation system (ARSNS) and an endoscope-holder system (EHS) to reduce complications such as blindness, cerebrospinal fluid leak and to solve a constraint on hand movement of surgeons during sinus surgery. The proposed system provides following main functions: warning system, automatic transparency adjustment, magnetic brakes, and counter-balancing mechanism. In addition, the system compensates for AR error which increases with the rotation of the scope cylinder. For the evaluation of ARSNS and EHS, the phantom experiments were performed with surgeons. Through the experiments, surgeons found the proposed system will be effective in performing sinus surgery

    Advanced Ultra-High Speed Motor for Drilling

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    Argobots: A Lightweight Low-Level Threading and Tasking Framework

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    In the past few decades, a number of user-level threading and tasking models have been proposed in the literature to address the shortcomings of OS-level threads, primarily with respect to cost and flexibility. Current state-of-the-art user-level threading and tasking models, however, either are too specific to applications or architectures or are not as powerful or flexible. In this paper, we present Argobots, a lightweight, low-level threading and tasking framework that is designed as a portable and performant substrate for high-level programming models or runtime systems. Argobots offers a carefully designed execution model that balances generality of functionality with providing a rich set of controls to allow specialization by end users or high-level programming models. We describe the design, implementation, and performance characterization of Argobots and present integrations with three high-level models: OpenMP, MPI, and colocated I/O services. Evaluations show that (1) Argobots, while providing richer capabilities, is competitive with existing simpler generic threading runtimes; (2) our OpenMP runtime offers more efficient interoperability capabilities than production OpenMP runtimes do; (3) when MPI interoperates with Argobots instead of Pthreads, it enjoys reduced synchronization costs and better latency-hiding capabilities; and (4) I/O services with Argobots reduce interference with colocated applications while achieving performance competitive with that of a Pthreads approach

    Supercapatteries as High-Performance Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices

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    Abstract: The development of novel electrochemical energy storage (EES) technologies to enhance the performance of EES devices in terms of energy capacity, power capability and cycling life is urgently needed. To address this need, supercapatteries are being developed as innovative hybrid EES devices that can combine the merits of rechargeable batteries with the merits of supercapacitors into one device. Based on these developments, this review will present various aspects of supercapatteries ranging from charge storage mechanisms to material selection including electrode and electrolyte materials. In addition, strategies to pair different types of electrode materials will be discussed and proposed, including the bipolar stacking of multiple supercapattery cells internally connected in series to enhance the energy density of stacks by reducing the number of bipolar plates. Furthermore, challenges for this stack design will also be discussed together with recent progress on bipolar plates. Graphic Abstract: Supercapattery is an innovated hybrid electrochemical energy storage (EES) device that combines the merit of rechargeable battery and supercapacitor characteristics into one device. This article reviews supercapatteries from the charge storage mechanisms to the selection of materials including the materials of electrodes and electrolytes. Strategies for pairing different kinds of electrode materials and device engineering are discussed.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Polymeric Microsensors for Intraoperative Contact Pressure Measurement

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    Biocompatible sensors have been demonstrated using traditional microfabrication techniques modified for polymer substrates and utilize only materials suitable for implantation or bodily contact. Sensor arrays for the measurement of the load condition of polyethylene spacers in the total knee arthroplasty (TKA) prosthesis have been developed. Arrays of capacitive sensors are used to determine the three-dimensional strain within the polyethylene prosthesis component. Data from these sensors can be used to give researchers a better understanding of component motion, loading, and wear phenomena for a large range of activities. This dissertation demonstrates both analytically and experimentally the fabrication of these sensor arrays using biocompatible polymer substrates and dielectrics while preserving industry-standard microfabrication processing for micron-level resolution. An array of sensors for real-time measurement of pressure profiles is the long-term goal of this research. A custom design using capacitive-based sensors is an excellent selection for such measurement, giving high spatial resolution across the sensing surface and high load resolution for pressures applied normal to that surface while operating at low power

    Development of an FPGA and MCU based Stack-able Processing platform incorporated with on-board compute module for Real-time processing applications

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    The focus of this thesis is to develop an FPGA and MCU-based stackable processing platform incorporated with an on-board computer module for real-time processing applications. The goal is to deliver a compact-sized hardware platform with extensible capabilities to provide high-speed, parallel computing with low power consumption. This hardware platform is named ioNeurons and consists of three module types: processing modules, sensing modules, and interface modules. The ioNeurons ecosystem design is based on combining individual strengths into highly adaptable and powerful solutions. The processing modules are stackable in no particular order, allowing the ability to match multiple modules’ individual capabilities to the project’s needs. Developers can assign tasks to multiple processing modules according to the different real-time requirements. The implementation of a small-scale quadrotor helicopter is introduced as an application of this hardware platform