3,142 research outputs found

    Supply chain planning in the food industry : empirical studies on the adoption of advanced planning systems

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    Supply chain management in the food industry is challenging due to multiple factors such as the limited shelf life of food products. Supply chain planning (SCP) is required to balance the demand with the supply of products. Advanced planning systems (APS) constitute the technological means for sophisticated methods of SCP. APS can contribute to improved decision-making and enhanced efficiency along food supply chains. However, studies reveal limited implementation of APS in practice. This thesis investigates the level of APS implementation in the food industry and factors affecting the adoption of APS by means of mixed methods research comprising a survey among food producers and expert interviews. The study confirms the limited use of specialised software for SCP. Many food companies perform SCP tasks by basic functions of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Lack of human resources and costs associated with implementation projects inhibit companies to adopt APS. Supply chain complexity induces food companies to adopt APS. Besides enhanced planning accuracy, the usability of APS is regarded as particularly important by companies. Based on the findings an adapted technology acceptance model (TAM) for the context of APS is established. In addition, the research provides practical advice how implementation projects can be facilitated. Companies need to ensure the availability of skilled employees, highlight process requirements, and prioritise data quality. Management support for the software implementation should be maintained throughout the project. Furthermore, companies should strategically reflect on SCP practices together with company goals to ensure proper software selection. The analysis of quantitative and qualitative data reveals a comprehensive view on APS implementation in the food industry. This is reinforced by the triangulation of different perspectives through interviews with food producers, software vendors and consultants. Limitations of this research and suggestions for future research are outlined in the concluding chapter of this thesis.Supply chain management in the food industry is challenging due to multiple factors such as the limited shelf life of food products. Supply chain planning (SCP) is required to balance the demand with the supply of products. Advanced planning systems (APS) constitute the technological means for sophisticated methods of SCP. APS can contribute to improved decision-making and enhanced efficiency along food supply chains. However, studies reveal limited implementation of APS in practice. This thesis investigates the level of APS implementation in the food industry and factors affecting the adoption of APS by means of mixed methods research comprising a survey among food producers and expert interviews. The study confirms the limited use of specialised software for SCP. Many food companies perform SCP tasks by basic functions of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Lack of human resources and costs associated with implementation projects inhibit companies to adopt APS. Supply chain complexity induces food companies to adopt APS. Besides enhanced planning accuracy, the usability of APS is regarded as particularly important by companies. Based on the findings an adapted technology acceptance model (TAM) for the context of APS is established. In addition, the research provides practical advice how implementation projects can be facilitated. Companies need to ensure the availability of skilled employees, highlight process requirements, and prioritise data quality. Management support for the software implementation should be maintained throughout the project. Furthermore, companies should strategically reflect on SCP practices together with company goals to ensure proper software selection. The analysis of quantitative and qualitative data reveals a comprehensive view on APS implementation in the food industry. This is reinforced by the triangulation of different perspectives through interviews with food producers, software vendors and consultants. Limitations of this research and suggestions for future research are outlined in the concluding chapter of this thesis

    ERP LN implementation in an industrial context at ID6-Consultoria e Gestão

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Sales & operations planning in complex business-to-business planning environments

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    Abstract. Sales & operations planning (S&OP) is a tactical planning process to balance company’s demand and supply. Increasing demand volatility has made S&OP very topical. Business-to-business (B2B) manufacturing with high product variation sets high requirements for S&OP processes and tools. Digitalization has created lots of hype around integrated business planning, which might have raised unjustified benefit expectations for S&OP deployment. In order to deploy S&OP process, it is important to recognize its core purpose and its plausible benefits, to avoid deployment failures caused by the lack of knowledge. This thesis aims to provide S&OP knowledge for complex business to business manufacturing. The qualitative research conducts literature review, and investigates tactical planning processes of three case companies, and current S&OP tool offering of five vendors through semi-structured interviews. From the aim of this thesis, three research questions were conducted: RQ1: What are the desired outcomes of S&OP? RQ2: What aspects of business are expected to be improved by S&OP process and tool deployment according to case companies? RQ3: How do the identified S&OP process models and tools compare with the case companies’ expectations? Following answers to research questions were found: RQ1:S&OP can be defined as a systematic tactical planning process to enhance collaborative target setting, vertical and horizontal integration, visibility creation, and performance management. By combining the different outcomes in different situations, the ultimate desired outcome seems to be the ability to consider all necessary factors in tactical planning. Answer to this research question is derived from the literature review, and it reflects to other research questions. RQ2: Visibility creation, demand forecasting, supply planning, financial planning, scenario planning, internal collaboration, external collaboration, product portfolio management and after sales services were high level requirements derived from the case companies’ specific expectations in the empirical study. RQ3: Identified S&OP process and tools support the major parts of case company expectations, although when having a closer look of some of the case companies’ specific external collaboration, and supply planning aspects, case companies have some unplausible expectations for S&OP tools. Managerial implications: In the early phases of S&OP deployment, companies should mainly focus on designing the process, rather than tool consideration. Only after the suitable process is established, companies should utilize advanced planning tools. The tactical planning tool vendors might emphasize high customizability or high optimization capabilities. These aspects might be trade-offs which companies should be aware. Platform flexibility allows non-standard process designs, and industry specific S&OP practices enables optimization to maximize results by S&OP specific tools. Scientific implications: This study investigates companies operating in B2B business that are utilizing make-to-order production strategy’s variants. Study provides insights of companies planning environments requirements and their desired outcomes of S&OP deployments. Study pointed out the conflicts between S&OP methods and quick response make-to-order strategies in high product variety environments, which indicates that besides evaluating S&OP’s design for planning environments at deployment, evaluation of S&OP methods’ suitability to company specific strategies should be highly considered.Sales & operations planning vaativissa yritykseltä-yritykselle-markkinan valmistusympäristöissä. Tiivistelmä. Sales & operations planning (S&OP) on taktisen suunnittelun prosessi yrityksen kysynnän ja tarjonnan tasapainottamiseksi. Kasvanut kysynnän vaihtelu on tehnyt S&OP:sta erittäin ajankohtaisen. Vaatimukset S&OP prosesseille ja työkaluille ovat korkeat, kun yritys valmistaa useita erilaisia tuotteita yritysmyyntiin. Digitalisaatio on kasvattanut kiinnostusta integroitua liiketoimintasuunnittelua kohtaan, minkä vuoksi S&OP:ta kohtaan on voinut syntyä katteettomia hyötyodotuksia. S&OP-prosessin käyttöönotossa on tärkeää tunnistaa sen päätarkoitus ja mahdolliset hyödyt, jottei implementointi epäonnistuisi tiedonpuutteen vuoksi. Tämän työn tarkoitus on tuoda tietoa S&OP:sta vaativissa yritykseltä-yritykselle-markkinan valmistusympäristöissä. Tässä kvalitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa koostetaan kirjallisuuskatsaus, tutkitaan kolmen case-yrityksen taktista suunnittelutoimintaa, sekä tutkitaan nykyistä S&OP-työkalutarjoamaa viiden järjestelmätoimittajan avulla. Case-yritykset ja järjestelmätoimittajat haastatellaan puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla. Tutkimuksen tueksi on koostettu kolme tutkimuskysymystä: TK1: Mitä ovat S&OP-prosessin odotetut hyödyt? TK2: Mitä osa-alueita case-yritykset odottavat S&OP-prosessin ja työkalujen parantavan? TK3: Kuinka tunnistetut S&OP-mallit ja työkalut tukevat case-yritysten parannusodotuksia? Tutkimuskysymyksiin löydettiin seuraavat vastaukset: TK1: S&OP voidaan määritellä systemaattiseksi taktisen suunnittelun prosessiksi, joka vahvistaa yhteistä tavoitteiden asettamista, vertikaalista ja horisontaalista integraatiota, näkyvyyden luomista ja suorituskyvynjohtamista. Yhdistämällä erilaisia mahdollisia hyötyjä erilaisissa tilanteissa, suurin tavoiteltava hyöty olisi kyky ottaa huomioon kaikki tärkeimmät lopputulokseen vaikuttavat osatekijät taktisessa suunnittelussa. TK2: Näkyvyyden luominen, kysynnän ennustaminen, tuotannon- ja hankinnansuunnittelu, finanssisuunnittelu, skenaariosuunnittelu, sisäinen yhteistyö, ulkoinen yhteistyö, tuoteportfolion hallinta ja jälkimarkkinointi — palvelut ovat tunnistettuja ylätason osa-alueita, joita yritykset odottavat S&OP-prosessin ja työkalujen parantavan. TK3: S&OP prosessit ja työkalut tukevat pääosin yritysten odotuksia, mutta yrityksillä on eräitä spesifisiä ulkoisen yhteistyön ja toimitusketjun suunnittelutoiminnan odotuksia, joita ne eivät tue. Käytännön implikaatiot: S&OP-prosessien käyttöönottovaiheessa yritysten kannattaa ennemmin keskittyä prosessin suunnittelun, kuin työkalujen hankkimiseen. Vasta kun yrityksellä on vakiintunut S&OP-prosessi, yrityksen kannattaa pohtia kehittyneempien suunnittelujärjestelmien hankkimista. Suunnittelutyökalujen järjestelmäntoimittajat saattavat korostaa tuotteidensa räätälöityvyyttä tai optimointikyvykkyyttä. Välttämättä näiden molempien ominaisuuksien tuomia hyötyjä ei voida saavuttaa samassa järjestelmässä. Järjestelmän joustavuus sallii joustavamman rakenteen taktiseen suunnitteluprosessiin, kun taas optimointikyvykkäät järjestelmät nojautuvat toimialan suositeltuihin S&OP-prosessimalleihin. Tieteelliset implikaatiot: Tutkimus esittelee kompleksisissa ympäristöissä toimivien yritysten tarpeita S&OP-prosessille. Tutkimuksessa todettiin ristiriita nopean asiakasvasteen strategian, ja S&OP-metodien välillä, kun yrityksen tuotetarjoama on erittäin suuri, ja kaikki valmistettavat tuotteet ovat asiakasspesifisiä. Tämä viittaisi siihen, että toimivaan S&OP-prosessin rakenteeseen ei vaikuta voimakkaasti vain suunnitteluympäristö, vaan myös yrityksen strategia

    Requirement Engineering Analysis Based on Risk Assessment (Development of Management Information System for Domestic Wastewater in Gresik District)

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    Public services and the provision of proper and sustainable sanitation infrastructure is one of the basic needs of the community, according to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG's) and the 2015-2019 Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the Government of Indonesia has determined that by 2019 achieving 100% Universal Access in the sanitation sub-sector service in order to accelerate infrastructure development to encourage economic growth and equity. This emphasizes the importance of optimizing water supply and sanitation services and especially the domestic wastewater sector. In the implementation of these services the operator operators often experience obstacles in integrating all business processes due to the limitations of the management system they have. The purpose of this study was to analyze the requirements engineering process with risk analysis and then integrate the system with the concept of enterprise resource planning with a case study of the development of a domestic wastewater management information system in the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Gresik Regency. This study uses the stages of preparing Requirements Engineering documents in accordance with ISO / IEC / IEEE 29148-2011 standards and Risk Assessment Analysis with ISO 31000 standards. Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) are then used as a reference in developing systems with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) approach. The results of this study produced 20 risk variables that are relevant with 5 variables included in the high category, 6 variables included in the medium category and the remaining 9 variables included in the low category. Lack of stability, availability, scalability, usability, security, extensibility is one of the risk variables that are categorized as high. Ensuring the merger of all SRS modules to function properly is an action that can be carried out from the results of risk mitigation and becomes a consideration in the incorporation of 9 SRS modules using the Enterprise Resource Planning metho