150 research outputs found

    An Empirical Evaluation of the Inferential Capacity of Defeasible Argumentation, Non-monotonic Fuzzy Reasoning and Expert Systems

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    Several non-monotonic formalisms exist in the field of Artificial Intelligence for reasoning under uncertainty. Many of these are deductive and knowledge-driven, and also employ procedural and semi-declarative techniques for inferential purposes. Nonetheless, limited work exist for the comparison across distinct techniques and in particular the examination of their inferential capacity. Thus, this paper focuses on a comparison of three knowledge-driven approaches employed for non-monotonic reasoning, namely expert systems, fuzzy reasoning and defeasible argumentation. A knowledge-representation and reasoning problem has been selected: modelling and assessing mental workload. This is an ill-defined construct, and its formalisation can be seen as a reasoning activity under uncertainty. An experimental work was performed by exploiting three deductive knowledge bases produced with the aid of experts in the field. These were coded into models by employing the selected techniques and were subsequently elicited with data gathered from humans. The inferences produced by these models were in turn analysed according to common metrics of evaluation in the field of mental workload, in specific validity and sensitivity. Findings suggest that the variance of the inferences of expert systems and fuzzy reasoning models was higher, highlighting poor stability. Contrarily, that of argument-based models was lower, showing a superior stability of its inferences across knowledge bases and under different system configurations. The originality of this research lies in the quantification of the impact of defeasible argumentation. It contributes to the field of logic and non-monotonic reasoning by situating defeasible argumentation among similar approaches of non-monotonic reasoning under uncertainty through a novel empirical comparison

    Automatic Dispenser for Kitchen Robots

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    In the last years we have seen technology and human-machine-interaction exponentially evolve and having great developments. With these developments and the integration of technology in every day life, a natural change in quotidian life is expected, and a place where we can see these changes is in the kitchen. One of technology’s objectives is to ease a task or do it completely on its own, with the rising pace at which the society lives it became a necessity to reduce the wasted time in every way we can. This dissertation objective was to reduce the wasted time, by being integrated in the kitchen it will reduce the time the user needs to be present and therefore use the free time as he wishes. There are already some implemented solutions, however, those solutions still have some problems that end up limiting the possibility of user absence, the ones that permit total absence don’t permit any user input as to change any recipe information during its execution. As a solution for this, an automatic dispenser was developed as the objective of this dissertation, the goal of this dispenser is to deliver the required ingredients for a given recipe, this recipe will be given by the main machine where this dispenser is to connect and be a module of. The development of this work started with looking into some existing solutions and identify their major issues, and with those in mind define software and hardware architectures, to better answer the problems at hand and get to an improved solution which the user can rely on.Nos últimos anos a tecnologia e as interações humano-máquina têm sofrido uma evolução exponencial e com grandes desenvolvimentos. Com estes desenvolvimentos e integração dessas tecnologias no dia a dia vem uma mudança natural na vida quotidiana, uma zona onde podemos observar estas mudanças é na cozinha. Um dos objetivos da tecnologia é o de facilitar tarefas ou fazê-las por completo, com o ritmo cada vez mais acelerado com que a sociedade vive, tornou-se numa necessidade reduzir o tempo desperdiçado nas mais diversas áreas. Esta dissertação surge com o objetivo de reduzir esse tempo desperdiçado a cozinhar, sendo esta uma tarefa que necessita de algum tempo, tempo esse que poderia ser utilizado para lazer. Apesar de existirem já algumas soluções implementadas, existem ainda alguns problemas que acabam por limitar a possibilidade de uma ausência total do utilizador, as que permitem esta ausência, não permitem qualquer alteração por parte do utilizador na receita, após iniciar o processo. De forma a solucionar estas questões, foi desenvolvido um dispensador automático nesta dissertação, o objetivo deste dispensador é o de dispensar ingredientes para uma dada receita, esta receita é dada pela máquina principal à qual este dispensador deve ser conectado, e da qual deve ser um modulo. O desenvolvimento desta dissertação começou por analizar as soluções já existentes e identificar os seus maiores problemas, e a partindo destes, definir arquiteturas de software e hardware que respondem da melhor forma aos mesmos, de modo a obter uma melhor solução final em que o utilizador possa confiar

    Development of FPGA based Standalone Tunable Fuzzy Logic Controllers

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    Soft computing techniques differ from conventional (hard) computing, in that unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind and its ability to address day-to-day problems. The principal constituents of Soft Computing (SC) are Fuzzy Logic (FL), Evolutionary Computation (EC), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This thesis presents a generic hardware architecture for type-I and type-II standalone tunable Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLCs) in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The designed FLC system can be remotely configured or tuned according to expert operated knowledge and deployed in different applications to replace traditional Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers. This re-configurability is added as a feature to existing FLCs in literature. The FLC parameters which are needed for tuning purpose are mainly input range, output range, number of inputs, number of outputs, the parameters of the membership functions like slope and center points, and an If-Else rule base for the fuzzy inference process. Online tuning enables users to change these FLC parameters in real-time and eliminate repeated hardware programming whenever there is a need to change. Realization of these systems in real-time is difficult as the computational complexity increases exponentially with an increase in the number of inputs. Hence, the challenge lies in reducing the rule base significantly such that the inference time and the throughput time is perceivable for real-time applications. To achieve these objectives, Modified Rule Active 2 Overlap Membership Function (MRA2-OMF), Modified Rule Active 3 Overlap Membership Function (MRA3-OMF), Modified Rule Active 4 Overlap Membership Function (MRA4-OMF), and Genetic Algorithm (GA) base rule optimization methods are proposed and implemented. These methods reduce the effective rules without compromising system accuracy and improve the cycle time in terms of Fuzzy Logic Inferences Per Second (FLIPS). In the proposed system architecture, the FLC is segmented into three independent modules, fuzzifier, inference engine with rule base, and defuzzifier. Fuzzy systems employ fuzzifier to convert the real world crisp input into the fuzzy output. In type 2 fuzzy systems there are two fuzzifications happen simultaneously from upper and lower membership functions (UMF and LMF) with subtractions and divisions. Non-restoring, very high radix, and newton raphson approximation are most widely used division algorithms in hardware implementations. However, these prevalent methods have a cost of more latency. In order to overcome this problem, a successive approximation division algorithm based type 2 fuzzifier is introduced. It has been observed that successive approximation based fuzzifier computation is faster than the other type 2 fuzzifier. A hardware-software co-design is established on Virtex 5 LX110T FPGA board. The MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) acquires the fuzzy (type 1 or type 2) parameters from users and a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is dedicated to data communication between the hardware and the fuzzy toolbox. This GUI is provided to initiate control, input, rule transfer, and then to observe the crisp output on the computer. A proposed method which can support canonical fuzzy IF-THEN rules, which includes special cases of the fuzzy rule base is included in Digital Fuzzy Logic Controller (DFLC) architecture. For this purpose, a mealy state machine is incorporated into the design. The proposed FLCs are implemented on Xilinx Virtex-5 LX110T. DFLC peripheral integration with Micro-Blaze (MB) processor through Processor Logic Bus (PLB) is established for Intellectual Property (IP) core validation. The performance of the proposed systems are compared to Fuzzy Toolbox of MATLAB. Analysis of these designs is carried out by using Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) test to control various plant models in MATLAB/Simulink environments

    Fuzzy Logic Based Negotiation in E-Commerce

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    The evolution of multi-agent system (MAS) presents new challenges in computer science and software engineering. A particularly challenging problem is the design of various forms of interaction among agents. Interaction may be aimed at enabling agents to coordinate their activities, cooperate to reach common objectives, or exchange resources to better achieve their individual objectives. This thesis is dealing with negotiation in e-commerce: a process through which multiple self-interested agents can reach agreement over the exchange of scarce resources. In particular, we present a fuzzy logic-based negotiation approach to automate multi-issue bilateral negotiation in e-marketplaces. In such frameworks issues to negotiate on can be multiple, interrelated, and may not be fixed in advance. Therefore, we use fuzzy inference system to model relations among issues and to allow agents express their preferences on them. We focus on settings where agents have limited or uncertain information, ruling them out from making optimal decisions. Since agents make decisions based on particular underlying reasons, namely their interests, beliefs then applying logic (by using fuzzy logic) over these reasons can enable agents to refine their decisions and consequently reach better agreements. I refer to this form of negotiation as: Fuzzy logic based negotiation in e-commerce. The contributions of the thesis begin with the use of fuzzy logic to design a reasoning model through which negotiation tactics and strategy are expressed throughout the process of negotiation. Then, an exploration of the differences between this approach and the more traditional bargaining-based approaches is presented. Strategic issues are then explored and a methodology for designing negotiation strategies is developed. Finally, the applicability of the framework is simulated using MATLAB toolbox

    Ontology-based Chatbot to Support Monitoring of Server Performance and Security By Rule-base

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    The server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". Generally, server computers have many resources that can be used by one or more clients through the network with specific permissions and requirements. Therefore, the server needs a monitoring system that can monitor server activity and notify if problems occur. This research focuses on developing a notification and question and answer system to connect the network admin with the monitoring system via chatbot. The developed chatbot can send notifications to the admin if an error occurs and can answer questions about the server's condition. The question and answer system developed implements natural language processing for Indonesian. The process of understanding questions is by classifying each word (token) based on language knowledge stored in the ontology. Then the classification results are processed by rule-base to produce conclusions to take monitoring data and compiled into answers. The test results show that the developed system can auto-notify if any problem in a server, and can answer questions by accuracy 95%

    On Design and Implementation of Generic Fuzzy Logic Controllers

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    Soft computing techniques, unlike traditional deterministic logic based computing techniques, sometimes also called as hard computing, are tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, and approximation. The primary inspiration for soft computing is the human mind and its ability to address day-to-day problems. The primary constituents of soft computing techniques are Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic Systems, and Evolutionary Computing. This thesis presents design and implementation of a generic hardware architecture based Type-IMamdani fuzzy logic controller (FLC) implemented on a programmable device, which can be remotely configured in real-time over Ethernet. This reconfigurability is added as a feature to existing FLCs in literature. It enables users to change parameters (those drive the FLC systems) in real-time and eliminate repeated hardware programming whenever there is a need. Realization of these systems in real-time is difficult as the computational complexity increases exponentially with an increase in the number of inputs. Hence challenge lies in reducing the Rulebase significantly such that the inference time and the throughput time is perceivable for real-time applications. To achieve these objectives, a modified thresholded fired rules hypercube (MT-FRHC) algorithm for Rulebase reduction is proposed and implemented. MT-FRHC reduces the useful rules without compromising system accuracy and improves the cycle time in terms of fuzzy logic operations per second (FzLOPS). It is imperative to understand that there are over sixty reconfigurable parameters, and it becomes an arduous task for a user to manage them. Therefore, a genetic algorithm based parameter extraction technique is proposed. This will help to develop a course tuning and provide default parameters that can be later fine-tuned by the users remotely through the Web-based User Interface. A hardware software codesign architecture for FLC is developed on TI C6748 DSP hardware with Sys/BIOS RTOS and seamlessly integrated with a webbased user interface (WebUI) for reconfigurability. Fuzzy systems employ defuzzifier to convert the fuzzy output into the real world crisp output. Centroid of Area (CoA) method is most widely used defuzzification method for control applications. However, the prevalent method of CoA computation is based on the principle of Riemann sum which is computationally complex. A vertices based CoA (VBCoA) defuzzification method is introduced. It has been observed that the proposed VBCoA method for COA computation is faster than the Riemann sum based CoA computation. A code optimization technique, exclusive to TI DSPs, is implemented to achieve memory and machine cycle optimization. The WebUI is developed in accordance to a client–server model using ASP.NET. It acquires fuzzy parameters from users, and a server application is dedicated to handling data communication between the hardware and the server. Testing and analysis of this hardware G-FLCS has been carried out by using hardware-in-loop test to control various system models in Simulink environment which includes water level control in a two tank system, intelligent cruise control system, speed control of an armature controlled DC motor and anti-windup control. The performance of the proposed G-FLCS is compared to Fuzzy Inference System of Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and PID controller in terms of settling time, transient time and steady state error. This proposed MT-FRHC based G-FLCS with VBCoA defuzzification implemented on C6748 DSP was finally deployed to control the radial position of plasma in Aditya Tokamak fusion reactor. The proposed G-FLCS is observed to deliver a smooth and fast system response

    Cogitator : a parallel, fuzzy, database-driven expert system

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    The quest to build anthropomorphic machines has led researchers to focus on knowledge and the manipulation thereof. Recently, the expert system was proposed as a solution, working well in small, well understood domains. However these initial attempts highlighted the tedious process associated with building systems to display intelligence, the most notable being the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck. Attempts to circumvent this problem have led researchers to propose the use of machine learning databases as a source of knowledge. Attempts to utilise databases as sources of knowledge has led to the development Database-Driven Expert Systems. Furthermore, it has been ascertained that a requisite for intelligent systems is powerful computation. In response to these problems and proposals, a new type of database-driven expert system, Cogitator is proposed. It is shown to circumvent the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck and posess many other advantages over both traditional expert systems and connectionist systems, whilst having non-serious disadvantages.KMBT_22

    On the Role of Context and Subjectivity on Scientific Information Systems

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    The explicit representation of context and subjectivity enables an information system to support multiple interpretations of the data it records. This is a crucial aspect of learning and innovation within scientific information systems. We present an ontology-based framework for context and subjectivity that integrates two lines of research: data provenance and ontological foundations of the Semantic Web. Data provenance provides a set of constructs for representing data history. We extend the definition of these constructs in order to describe multiple viewpoints or interpretations held within a domain. The W7 model, the Toulmin model, and the Proof Markup Language (PML) provide the Interlingua for creating multiple viewpoints of data in a machine-readable and sharable form. Example use cases in space sciences are used to demonstrate the feasibility and value of our approach

    A heuristic information retrieval study : an investigation of methods for enhanced searching of distributed data objects exploiting bidirectional relevance feedback

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of LutonThe primary aim of this research is to investigate methods of improving the effectiveness of current information retrieval systems. This aim can be achieved by accomplishing numerous supporting objectives. A foundational objective is to introduce a novel bidirectional, symmetrical fuzzy logic theory which may prove valuable to information retrieval, including internet searches of distributed data objects. A further objective is to design, implement and apply the novel theory to an experimental information retrieval system called ANACALYPSE, which automatically computes the relevance of a large number of unseen documents from expert relevance feedback on a small number of documents read. A further objective is to define a methodology used in this work as an experimental information retrieval framework consisting of multiple tables including various formulae which anow a plethora of syntheses of similarity functions, ternl weights, relative term frequencies, document weights, bidirectional relevance feedback and history adjusted term weights. The evaluation of bidirectional relevance feedback reveals a better correspondence between system ranking of documents and users' preferences than feedback free system ranking. The assessment of similarity functions reveals that the Cosine and Jaccard functions perform significantly better than the DotProduct and Overlap functions. The evaluation of history tracking of the documents visited from a root page reveals better system ranking of documents than tracking free information retrieval. The assessment of stemming reveals that system information retrieval performance remains unaffected, while stop word removal does not appear to be beneficial and can sometimes be harmful. The overall evaluation of the experimental information retrieval system in comparison to a leading edge commercial information retrieval system and also in comparison to the expert's golden standard of judged relevance according to established statistical correlation methods reveal enhanced system information retrieval effectiveness