398 research outputs found

    Respiratory sound analysis as a diagnosis tool for breathing disorders

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    This paper provides an overview of respiratory sound analysis (RSA) and its functionality as a diagnostic tool for breathing disorders. A number of respiratory conditions and the techniques used to diagnose them, including sleep apnoea, lung sound analysis (LSA), wheeze detection and phase estimation are discussed. The technologies used, from multi-channel bespoke recording systems to using a smart phone application are explained. A new study that focusses on developing a non-invasive tool for the detection and characterisation of inducible laryngeal obstruction (ILO) is presented. ILO is a debilitating condition, caused by malfunctioning structures of the upper airway, commonly triggered by exertion, leaving children feeling out of breath and unable to exercise normally. In rare cases it can lead to critical laryngeal obstruction and admission to intensive care for endotracheal intubation. The current definitive method of diagnosis is by inserting a camera through the nose while the person is exercising. This approach is invasive, uncomfortable (in particular for young children) subjective and relies on the consultant's expertise. There are only a handful of consultants with the appropriate level of expertise in the UK to diagnose this condition

    Respiratory Sound Analysis for the Evidence of Lung Health

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    Significant changes have been made on audio-based technologies over years in several different fields along with healthcare industry. Analysis of Lung sounds is a potential source of noninvasive, quantitative information along with additional objective on the status of the pulmonary system. To do that medical professionals listen to sounds heard over the chest wall at different positions with a stethoscope which is known as auscultation and is important in diagnosing respiratory diseases. At times, possibility of inaccurate interpretation of respiratory sounds happens because of clinician’s lack of considerable expertise or sometimes trainees such as interns and residents misidentify respiratory sounds. We have built a tool to distinguish healthy respiratory sound from non-healthy ones that come from respiratory infection carrying patients. The audio clips were characterized using Linear Predictive Cepstral Coefficient (LPCC)-based features and the highest possible accuracy of 99.22% was obtained with a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)- based classifier on the publicly available ICBHI17 respiratory sounds dataset [1] of size 6800+ clips. The system also outperformed established works in literature and other machine learning techniques. In future we will try to use larger dataset with other acoustic techniques along with deep learning-based approaches and try to identify the nature and severity of infection using respiratory sounds


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    The motivation behind this work comes from the area of pervasive computing technologies for healthcare and wearable healthcare IT systems, an emerging field of research that brings in revolutionary paradigms for computing models in the 21st century. The aim of this thesis is focused on emerging personal health technologies and pattern recognition strategies for early diagnosis and personalized treatment and rehabilitation for individuals with cardiovascular and neurophysiological diseases. Attention was paid to the development of an intelligent system for the automatic classification of cardiac valve disease for screening purposes. Promising results were reported with the possibility to implement a new screening strategy for the diagnosis of cardiac valve disease in developing countries. A novel assistive architecture for the elderly able to non-invasively assess muscle fatigue by surface electromyography using wireless platform during exercise with an ergonomic platform was presented. Finally a wearable chest belt for ECG monitoring to investigate the psycho-physiological effects of the autonomic system and a wearable technology for monitoring of knee kinematics and recognition of ambulatory activities were characterized to evaluate the reliability for clinical purposes of collected data. The potential impact in the clinical arena of this research would be extremely important, since promising data show how such emerging personal technologies and methodologies are effective in several scenarios to early screening and discovery of novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers

    Digital signal processing for the analysis of fetal breathing movements

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    Klasifikasi Suara Paru Normal Dan Abnormal Menggunakan Deep Neural Network dan Support Vector Machine

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    Penyakit pernapasan masih menjadi pembunuh tertinggi setelah stroke dan penyakit jantung, hal ini disebabkan teknik diagnosis yang masih terbatas pada auskultasi. Melalui auskultasi ditemukan bahwa paru-paru memiliki suara yang berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan kondisi kesehatan seseorang. Oleh karena itu, dimulailah penelitian untuk mengklasifikasikan jenis suara paru. Berbagai metode telah digunakan untuk penelitian di bidang tersebut, tidak terkecuali deep learning. Diantara sekian banyak metode yang berkembang di bawah label deep learning, ternyata Autoencoder hanya digunakan sekali dalam sejarah penelitian klasifikasi data suara paru. Autoencoder (AE) merupakan salah satu arsitektur Deep Neural Network yang mampu merekonstruksi suatu data. Kemampuan ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai metode ekstraksi ciri sehingga classfier dapat mengklasifikasikan suatu data dengan lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, autoencoder diajukan sebagai metode ekstraksi ciri pada tugas akhir ini. Kemampuan Autoencoder sebagai metode ekstraksi ciri akan diuji oleh Support Vector Machine (SVM). Vektor ciri dipersiapkan dengan continouos wavelet transform (CWT) dan tiga pemrosesan lebih lanjut, lalu diinputkan ke dalam Autoencoder. Dari dua macam pengujian, sistem klasifikasi AE-SVM berhasil mencapai akurasi sebesar 82,38%

    Early Disease Detection by Extracting Features of Biomedical Signals

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    Elderly people face a lot of health problems in day to day life due to old age and so many reasons. Therefore a regular health check-up is needed for them which is much more expensive and cannot be afforded by many people. Again the diagnosis is much more complicated to understand and in many cases there is a chance of mistreatment. There is another chance of delay in the detection of disease and late treatment causing risk in their lives. So, the disease should be detected in the early stage for lower cost and lower risk in life. The present work is related to the different physiological parameters of a human being that are to be measured to accurately diagnose the related disease. Though there are numerous physiological parameters, this work emphasizes on some of the most common physiological parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate and ECG which are of primary importance to elderly people. Accurate measurement and analysis of these parameters can lead to diagnose of several lethal disease. In this work, the method of measurement and analysis of these physiological parameters are described. The simulation, processing and analyses of these signals are also done in the work. The prime objective of the research work is to analyze and extract the features of ECG signal and blood pressure signal for early diagnosis of life threatening diseases

    Noise reduction method for the heart sound records from digital stethoscope

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    In recent years, digital instruments have been widely used in the medical area with the rapid development of digital technology. The digital stethoscope, which converts the acoustic sound waves in to electrical signals and then amplifies them, is gradually replacing the conventional acoustic stethoscope with the advantage of additional usage such as restoring, replaying and processing the signals for optimal listening. As the sounds are transmitted in to electrical form, they can be recorded for further signal processing. One of the major problems with recording heart sounds is noise corruption. Although there are many solutions available to noise reduction problems, it was found that most of them are based on the assumption that the noise is an additive white noise [1]. More research is required to find different de-noising techniques based on the specific noise present. Therefore, this study is motivated to answer the research question: ‘How might the noise be reduced from the heart sound records collected from digital stethoscope with suitable noise reduction method’. This research question is divided into three sub-questions, including the identification of the noise spectrum, the design of noise reduction method and the assessment of the method. In the identification stage, five main kinds of noise were chosen and their characteristics and spectrums were discussed. Compared with different kinds of adaptive filters, the suitable noise reduction filter for this study was confirmed. To assess the effect of the method, 68 pieces of sound resources were collected for the experiment. These sounds were selected based on the noise they contain. A special noise reduction method was developed for the noise. This method was tested and assessed with those sound samples by two factors: the noise level and the noise kind. The results of the experiment showed the effect of the noise reduction method for each kind of noise. The outcomes indicated that this method was suitable for heart sound noise reduction. The findings of this study, including the analysis of noise level and noise kind, indicated and concluded that the chosen method for heart sound noise reduction performed well. This is perhaps the first attempt to understand and assess the noise reduction method with classified heart sound signals which are collected from the real healthcare environment. This noise reduction method may provide a de-noising solution for the specific noise present in heart sound

    Measurement and analysis of breath sounds

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    Existing breath sound measurement systems and possible new methods have been critically investigated. The frequency response of each part of the measurement system has been studied. Emphasis has been placed on frequency response of acoustic sensors; especially, a method to study a diaphragm type air-coupler in contact use has been proposed. Two new methods of breath sounds measurement have been studied: laser Doppler vibrometer and mobile phones. It has been shown that these two methods can find applications in breath sounds measurement, however there are some restrictions. A reliable automatic wheeze detection algorithm based on auditory modelling has been developed. That is the human’s auditory system is modelled as a bank of band pass filters, in which the bandwidths are frequency dependent. Wheezes are treated as signals additive to normal breath sounds (masker). Thus wheeze is detectable when it is above the masking threshold. This new algorithm has been validated using simulated and real data. It is superior to previous algorithms, being more reliable to detect wheezes and less prone to mistakes. Simulation of cardiorespiratory sounds and wheeze audibility tests have been developed. Simulated breath sounds can be used as a training tool, as well as an evaluation method. These simulations have shown that, under certain circumstance, there are wheezes but they are inaudible. It is postulated that this could also happen in real measurements. It has been shown that simulated sounds with predefined characteristics can be used as an objective method to evaluate automatic algorithms. Finally, the efficiency and necessity of heart sounds reduction procedures has been investigated. Based on wavelet decomposition and selective synthesis, heart sounds can be reduced with a cost of unnatural breath sounds. Heart sound reduction is shown not to be necessary if a time-frequency representation is used, as heart sounds have a fixed pattern in the time-frequency plane