55 research outputs found

    Microwave Metamaterial Applications using Complementary Split Ring Resonators and High Gain Rectifying Reflectarray for Wireless Power Transmission

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    In the past decade, artificial materials have attracted considerable attention as potential solutions to meet the demands of modern microwave technology for simultaneously achieving component minimization and higher performance in mobile communications, medical, and optoelectronics applications. To realize this potential, more research on metamaterials is needed. In this dissertation, new bandpass filter and diplexer as microwave metamaterial applications have been developed. Unlike the conventional complementary split ring (CSRR) filters, coupled lines are used to provide larger coupling capacitance, resulting in better bandpass characteristics with two CSRRs only. The modified bandpass filters are used to deisgn a compact diplexer. A new CSRR antenna fed by coplanar waveguide has also been developed as another metamaterial application. The rectangular shape CSRRs antenna achieves dual band frequency properties without any special matching network. The higher resonant frequency is dominantly determined by the outer slot ring, while the lower resonant frequency is generated by the coupling between two CSRRs. The proposed antenna achieves about 35 percent size reduction, compared with the conventional slot antennas at the low resonant frequencies. As a future alternative energy solution, space solar power transmission and wireless power transmission have received much attention. The design of efficient rectifying antennas called rectennas is very critical in the wireless power transmission system. The conventional method to obtain long distance range and high output power is to use a large antenna array in rectenna design. However, the use of array antennas has several problems: the relatively high loss of the array feed networks, difficultiy in feeding network design, and antenna radiator coupling that degrades rectenna array performance. In this dissertation, to overcome the above problems, a reflectarray is used to build a rectenna system. The spatial feeding method of the reflectarray eliminates the energy loss and design complexity of a feeding network. A high gain rectifying antenna has been developed and located at the focal point of the reflectarray to receive the reflected RF singals and genterate DC power. The technologies are very useful for high power wireless power transmission applications

    Experimental Demonstration of Coexistence of Microwave Wireless Communication and Power Transfer Technologies for Battery-Free Sensor Network Systems

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    This paper describes experimental demonstrations of a wireless power transfer system equipped with a microwave band communication function. Battery charging using the system is described to evaluate the possibility of the coexistence of both wireless power transfer and communication functions in the C-band. A battery-free wireless sensor network system is demonstrated, and a high-power rectifier for the system is also designed and evaluated in the S-band. We have confirmed that microwave wireless power transfer can coexist with communication function

    RF Circuits and Systems Design and Technologies Enabling IoT Applications

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is the paradigm used nowadays to summarize what is expected form the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) that is the connectivity of a huge number of “smart” objects disseminated in dissimilar scenarios. This concept is foreseen for practically any possible application domain: from home to transportation, from industry plants to health care, and for space monitoring. Long-term and self-sustainability of these smart thinks (people, objects, tools, etc.) becomes the most relevant aspect for the implementation of such a complex vision. In this framework, my PhD activities have been concentrated. The common goal is to investigate advanced solutions for energy-aware systems and circuits cooperating to enable the IoT paradigm. In particular, I have studied, designed and experimentally demonstrated quite a few novel solutions able to overcome some of the energy limitations existing in IoT. The first project I have developed is an energy-autonomous power relay node at 2.45 GHz that is able to harvest energy from ambient-available or from dedicated RF sources and either use it for operating the node or for supplying power to other nodes. Both a hybrid and a monolithic implementation of the relay system have been implemented. Then I was dedicated to the design of a system enabling Wake-Up Radio (WuR) operation at ultra-low power. The ambitious goal of WuR radios is to reduce the communication power consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and IoT. With this scope in mind, I have proposed and implemented a multi-band WuR architecture. The flexibility of using frequency diversity in WuR enables a more reliable and robust communication channel. From the source side, analytical and experimental studies have been carried out to define the optimum Power Optimized Waveform (POW) excitation to push the WuR sensitivity down to power as low as -65 dBm

    Sistemas eficientes de transmissão de energia sem-fios e identificação por radiofrequência

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaIn the IoT context, where billions of connected objects are expected to be ubiquitously deployed worldwide, the frequent battery maintenance of ubiquitous wireless nodes is undesirable or even impossible. In these scenarios, passive-backscatter radios will certainly play a crucial role due to their low cost, low complexity and battery-free operation. However, as passive-backscatter devices are chiefly limited by the WPT link, its efficiency optimization has been a major research concern over the years, gaining even more emphasis in the IoT context. Wireless power transfer has traditionally been carried out using CW signals, and the efficiency improvement has commonly been achieved through circuit design optimization. This thesis explores a fundamentally different approach, in which the optimization is focused on the powering waveforms, rather than the circuits. It is demonstrated through theoretical analysis, simulations and measurements that, given their greater ability to overcome the built-in voltage of rectifying devices, high PAPR multi-sine (MS) signals are capable of more efficiently exciting energy harvesting circuits when compared to CWs. By using optimal MS signals to excite rectifying devices, remarkable RF-DC conversion efficiency gains of up to 15 dB with respect to CW signals were obtained. In order to show the effectiveness of this approach to improve the communication range of passive-backscatter systems, a MS front-end was integrated in a commercial RFID reader and a significant range extension of 25% was observed. Furthermore, a software-defined radio RFID reader, compliant with ISO18000-6C standard and with MS capability, was constructed from scratch. By interrogating passive RFID transponders with MS waveforms, a transponder sensitivity improvement higher than 3 dB was obtained for optimal MS signals. Since the amplification and transmission of high PAPR signals is critical, this work also proposes efficient MS transmitting architectures based on space power combining techniques. This thesis also addresses other not less important issues, namely self-jamming in passive RFID readers, which is the second limiting factor of passive-backscatter systems. A suitable self-jamming suppression scheme was first used for CW signals and then extended to MS signals, yielding a CW isolation up to 50 dB and a MS isolation up 60 dB. Finally, a battery-less remote control system was developed and integrated in a commercial TV device with the purpose of demonstrating a practical application of wireless power transfer and passive-backscatter concepts. This allowed battery-free control of four basic functionalities of the TV (CH+,CH-,VOL+,VOL-).No contexto da internet das coisas (IoT), onde são esperados bilhões de objetos conectados espalhados pelo planeta de forma ubíqua, torna-se impraticável uma frequente manutenção e troca de baterias dos dispositivos sem fios ubíquos. Nestes cenários, os sistemas radio backscatter passivos terão um papel preponderante dado o seu baixo custo, baixa complexidade e não necessidade de baterias nos nós móveis. Uma vez que a transmissão de energia sem fios é o principal aspeto limitativo nestes sistemas, a sua otimização tem sido um tema central de investigação, ganhando ainda mais ênfase no contexto IoT. Tradicionalmente, a transferência de energia sem-fios é feita através de sinais CW e a maximização da eficiência é conseguida através da otimização dos circuitos recetores. Neste trabalho explora-se uma abordagem fundamentalmente diferente, em que a otimização foca-se nas formas de onda em vez dos circuitos. Demonstra-se, teoricamente e através de simulações e medidas que, devido à sua maior capacidade em superar a barreira de potencial intrínseca dos dispositivos retificadores, os sinais multi-seno (MS) de elevado PAPR são capazes de excitar os circuitos de colheita de energia de forma mais eficiente quando comparados com o sinal CW tradicional. Usando sinais MS ótimos em circuitos retificadores, foram verificadas experimentalmente melhorias de eficiência de conversão RF-DC notáveis de até 15 dB relativamente ao sinal CW. A fim de mostrar a eficácia desta abordagem na melhoria da distância de comunicação de sistemas backscatter passivos, integrou-se um front-end MS num leitor RFID comercial e observou-se um aumento significativo de 25% na distância de leitura. Além disso, desenvolveu-se de raiz um leitor RFID baseado em software rádio, compatível com o protocolo ISO18000-6C e capaz de gerar sinais MS, com os quais interrogou-se transponders passivos, obtendo-se ganhos de sensibilidade dos transponders maiores que 3 dB. Uma vez que a amplificação de sinais de elevado PAPR é uma operação crítica, propôs-se também novas arquiteturas eficientes de transmissão baseadas na combinação de sinais em espaço livre. Esta tese aborda também outros aspetos não menos importantes, como o self-jamming em leitores RFID passivos, tido como o segundo fator limitativo neste tipo de sistemas. Estudou-se técnicas de cancelamento de self-jamming CW e estendeu-se o conceito a sinais MS, tendo-se obtido isolamentos entre o transmissor e o recetor de até 50 dB no primeiro caso e de até 60 dB no segundo. Finalmente, com o objetivo de demonstrar uma aplicação prática dos conceitos de transmissão de energia sem fios e comunicação backscatter, desenvolveu-se um sistema de controlo remoto sem pilhas, cujo protótipo foi integrado num televisor comercial a fim de controlar quatro funcionalidades básicas (CH+,CH-,VOL+,VOL-)

    High Efficiency and High Sensitivity Wireless Power Transfer and Wireless Power Harvesting Systems.

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    In this dissertation, several approaches to improve the efficiency and sensitivity of wireless power transfer and wireless power harvesting systems, and to enhance their performance in fluctuant and unpredictable circumstances are described. Firstly, a nonlinear resonance circuit described by second-order differential equation with cubic-order nonlinearities (the Duffing equation) is developed. The Duffing nonlinear resonance circuit has significantly wider bandwidth as compared to conventional linear resonators, while achieving a similar level of amplitude. The Duffing resonator is successfully applied to the design of WPT systems to improve their tolerance to coupling factor variations stemming from changes of transmission distance and alignment of coupled coils. Subsequently, a high sensitivity wireless power harvester which collects RF energy from AM broadcast stations for powering the wireless sensors in structural health monitoring systems is introduced. The harvester demonstrates the capability of providing net RF power within 6 miles away from a local 50 kW AM station. The aforementioned Duffing resonator is also used in the design of WPH systems to improve their tolerance to frequency misalignment resulting from component aging, coupling to surrounding objects or variations of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.). At last, a rectifier array circuit with an adaptive power distribution method for wide dynamic range operation is developed. Adaptive power distribution is achieved through impedance transformation of the rectifiers’ nonlinear impedance with a passive network. The rectifier array achieves high RF-to-DC efficiency within a wide range of input power levels, and is useful in both WPT and WPH applications where levels of the RF power collected by the receiver are subject to unpredictable fluctuations.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133338/1/tinyfish_1.pd

    Applications of Machine Learning Strategy for Wireless Power Transfer and Identification

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    The objective of my research is to propose and demonstrate Machine Learning (ML) applications of wireless power transfer and identification technology. Several works describe the implementation of a ML strategy based on 1) the use of Neural Networks (NN) for real-time range-adaptive automatic impedance matching of Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) applications, 2) the Naive Bayes algorithm for the prediction of the drone’s position, thus enhancing the WPT efficiency, and 3) the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification strategy for read/interrogation enhancement in chipless RFID applications. The ML approach for the effective prediction of the optimal parameters of the tunable matching network, and classification range-adaptive transmitter coils (Tx) is introduced, aiming to achieve an effective automatic impedance matching over a wide range of relative distances. A novel WPT system consisting of a tunable matching circuit and 3 Tx coils which have different radius controlled by trained NN models is characterized. A proof-ofconcept WPT platform which allows the accurate prediction of the drone’s position based on the flight data utilizing ML classification using the Naive Bayes algorithm is also given. A ML-based approach for classification and of detection tag IDs has been presented, which can perform effective transponder readings for a wide variety of ranges and contexts, while providing high tag-ID detection accuracy. A SVM algorithm was trained using measurement data, and its accuracy was tested and characterized as a function of the included training data. In summary, this research sets a precedent, opening the door to a rich and wide area of research for the implementation of ML methods for the enhancement of WPT and chipless RFID applications.Ph.D

    Efficient rectenna circuits for microwave wireless power transmission

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    Miniaturisation has been the holy grail of mobile technology. The ability to move around with our gadgets, especially the ones for communication and entertainment, has been what semiconductor scientists have battled over the past decades. Miniaturisation brings about reduced consumption in power and ease of mobility. However, the main impediment to untethered mobility of our gadgets has been the lack of unlimited power supply. The battery had filled this gap for some time, but due to the increased functionalities of these mobile gadgets, increasing the battery capacity would increase the weight of the device considerably that it would eventually become too heavy to carry around. Moreover, the fact that these batteries need to be recharged means we are still not completely free of power cords. The advent of low powered micro-controllers and sensors has created a huge industry for more powerful devices that consume a lot less power. These devices have encouraged hardware designers to reduce the power consumption of the gadgets. This has encouraged the idea of wireless power transmission on another level. With lots of radio frequency energy all around us, from our cordless phones to the numerous mobile cell sites there has not been a better time to delve more into research on WPT. This study looks at the feasibilities of WPT in small device applications where very low power is consumed to carry out some important functionality. The work done here compared two rectifying circuits’ efficiencies and ways to improve on the overall efficiencies. The results obtained show that the full wave rectifier would be the better option when designing a WPT system as more power can be drawn from the rectenna. The load also had a great role as this determined the amount of power drawn from the circuitry

    Sensores passivos alimentados por transmissão de energia sem fios para aplicações de Internet das coisas

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    Nowadays, the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) depend on the battery duration of the sensors and there is a renewed interest in creating a passive sensor network scheme in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) and space oriented WSN systems. The challenges for the future of radio communications have a twofold evolution, one being the low power consumption and, another, the adaptability and intelligent use of the available resources. Specially designed radios should be used to reduce power consumption, and adapt to the environment in a smart and e cient way. This thesis will focus on the development of passive sensors based on low power communication (backscatter) with Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) capabilities used in IoT applications. In that sense, several high order modulations for the communication will be explored and proposed in order to increase the data rate. Moreover, the sensors need to be small and cost e ective in order to be embedded in other technologies or devices. Consequently, the RF front-end of the sensors will be designed and implemented in Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC).Atualmente, as redes de sensores sem fios dependem da duração da bateria e,deste modo, existe um interesse renovado em criar um esquema de rede de sensores passivos na área de internet das coisas e sistemas de redes de sensores sem fios relacionados com o espaço. Os desafios do futuro das comunicações de rádio têm uma dupla evolução, sendo um o baixo consumo de energia e, outro, a adaptação e o uso inteligente dos recursos disponíveis. Rádios diferentes dos convencionais devem ser usados para reduzir o consumo de energia e devem adaptar-se ao ambiente de forma inteligente e eficiente, de modo a que este use a menor quantidade de energia possível para estabelecer a comunicação. Esta tese incide sobre o desenvolvimento de sensores passivos baseados em comunicação de baixo consumo energético (backscatter) com recurso a transmissão de energia sem fios de modo a que possam ser usados em diferentes aplicações inseridas na internet das coisas. Nesse sentido, várias modulações de alta ordem para a comunicação backscatter serão exploradas e propostas com o objectivo de aumentar a taxa de transmissão de dados. Além disso, os sensores precisam de ser reduzidos em tamanho e económicos de modo a serem incorporados em outras tecnologias ou dispositivos. Consequentemente, o front-end de rádio frequência dos sensores será projetado e implementado em circuito integrado de microondas monolítico.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Multi-frequency microwave energy harvesting receivers: theory and applications

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEmissions across the electromagnetic spectrum are not only used for communications, but they can also be used for powering electronic devices. This resource has been made more and more abundant in the last years thanks to the recent deployment of 4G and 5G, and the popularization of broadband wireless networks such as WiFi, including traditional services such as TV and radio broadcasting. In order to take advantage of the energy (currently wasted), rectennas (a rectifier integrated with an antenna) are used. This thesis has the objective of studying these rectifying elements, to reduce or eliminate the use of batteries that are employed in millions of low-power devices and sensor networks planned for deployment in the near future. To do this, a self-supply system in situ is required. This could be achieved with photovoltaics or piezoelectrics, but they require the presence of light or vibration. However, the electromagnetic energy produced by mobile communications, TV base stations and radar is noticeable inside a large coverage area, 24 hours a day. This includes difficult access areas where it is nearly impossible to provide appropriate maintenance to replace batteries. As explained through the thesis, energy harvesting applications have a severe limitation on the available levels of power density to scavenge, constraining the RF-DC power conversion effciencies. Therefore, the amount of DC power to feed a sensor is limited and some techniques must be applied to improve the performance. This thesis proposes an alternative for improving the RF-DC power conversion efficiency based on the multiple-tone scenario (the electromagnetic spectrum). Previous studies have been published about an empirical improvement in the power efficiency when working with high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) multiple-tone signals, compared to a CW signal with the same average power, although the theoretical proof was not accurate enough. A mathematical model that predicts the expected DC current of the diode when excited with multiple tones is proposed along the thesis, having good agreement with simulations and measurements, demonstrating the good performance of the theoretical model. With this mathematical approach, convergence problems in simulation software can be avoided. This document comprises six chapters and it is organized as follows: In the first chapter a brief introduction on the evolution of wireless power transfer is presented, including all the different approaches that compose it, emphasizing the far-filed non-directional powering or harvesting, which is the topic of this thesis. In addition, an analysis of the state of the art is presented with the most signifficant values of conversion effciency, as well as the main characteristics of various designs. In the second chapter, the performance of the diode is explored theoretically. For very low incident power densities (those present in the environment), the diode works in a non-linear region, where a power effciency improvement is obtained when using high PAPR multiple-tone signal instead of a single tone with the same average power. This fact has been empirically tested but an accurate theoretical model has not been accomplished. Therefore, this chapter deals with this issue, showing a novel mathematical analysis of the diode operation in that region for multiple input tones, varying their relative amplitude and frequency. In Chapter 3, the theoretical analysis is compared with simulations and experiments for multiple input tones with a large resulting PAPR using three different rectifier circuits. To properly compare the results, it is necessary to use an accurate Spice diode model (including parasitics) and an appropriate measurement setup. Otherwise, results will differ due to an inadequate characterization of the non-linear device. This chapter addresses those issues. The analysis shows that the relative frequency and amplitude of multiple simultaneous signals impacts the amount of efficiency improvement. Once the recti er element is studied, Chapter 4 deals with the antenna design, which is part of the rectenna deployment. It is seen that different design criteria must be used when working with a WPT directive beaming application or a non-directive harvesting one, as happens in this thesis. The integration between the antenna and the recti er is analyzed, showing possible alternatives. Finally, a rectenna design is built and tested through indoor and outdoor measurements. An analysis of the electromagnetic spectrum is included to demonstrate the feasibility of the rectenna model. In Chapter 5 a wearable rectenna application is shown, with a broadband 2 to 5 GHz rectenna array, implemented on a cotton shirt. This application allows to collect enough energy to power energy-efficient devices. Different rectenna array sizes were tested at different power densities. The single element is a self-complementary tightly-coupled bow-tie. Simulations and measurements were performed over a phantom and over body tissues taking into account the electrical properties of the torso. The thickness of each layer was varied analyzing its influence in the antenna performance, to check what happens under different body compositions (people with more adipose tissue or on the contrary more brous). Finally, Chapter 6 collects the conclusions of the work shown in this thesis and ideas for future work. Some ideas are proposed about Chapter 2 to reduce the error of the mathematical approach when working in the non-linear region. Also, some possible improvements to the printed antenna of Chapter 5 are included such as adding a dual linear polarization.Las emisiones a lo largo de todo el espectro electromagnético no sólo se pueden utilizar para las comunicaciones, sino que también pueden emplearse para la alimentación de dispositivos electr onicos. Este recurso se ha hecho cada vez más abundante en los ultimos años gracias a los recientes despliegues en telefonía móvil de 4G y 5G y a la popularización de las redes inalámbricas de banda ancha (WiFi), sin olvidar las comunicaciones de difusión ya existentes como la radio o televisión. Para poder aprovechar este recurso (actualmente desaprovechado), se utilizan las llamadas rectenas, que son antenas con un elemento rectificador integrado. Esta tesis tiene por objetivo el estudio de estos elementos rectificadores, para desarrollar aplicaciones capaces de reducir o eliminar el uso de baterías en los millones de dispositivos y redes de sensores de bajo consumo existentes hoy día, mediante el autoabastecimiento de energía. Este proceso podría llevarse a cabo con paneles fotovoltaicos o sistemas piezoeléctricos, pero estos requieren de la presencia continua de la fuente que los origina (vibraciones, horas de sol). Sin embargo, la energía electromagnética producida por las estaciones base, de telefonía o televisión, está presente bajo su zona de cobertura las 24 horas del día, lo cual incluye zonas de difícil acceso, en las que es complicado el recambio o mantenimiento de las baterías. Además, estas emisiones tienen como principal limitación la baja densidad de potencia, obteniéndose valores de eficiencia de conversión RF-DC muy bajos. Esto conlleva que los valores de corriente DC para alimentar al sensor sean muy pequeños, de nA o uA, y por tanto, deben emplearse técnicas para la mejora del rendimiento. Esta tesis propone una alternativa para mejorar la eficiencia de conversión, basada en la probada mejora de eficiencia cuando se trabaja con señales con un Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) grande. Esto se da en escenarios multitonales como puede ser el espectro electromagnético. Esta mejora no ha sido abordada teóricamente con resultados precisos en trabajos previos, por lo que en esta tesis se desarrolla un modelo matemático que predice la componente DC de la corriente del diodo, cuando se excita con múltiples tonos. Los resultados obtenidos han sido validados en el laboratorio, demostrándose la mejora en la eficiencia de conversión y el buen comportamiento del modelo teórico. De esta forma, se pueden agilizar los cálculos cuando no se tiene un software de simulación disponible, o cuando este arroja problemas de convergencia. Esta tesis consta de seis capítulos y está organizada de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se expone una breve introducción sobre la evolución de la transferencia inalámbrica de potencia y sobre las diferentes tecnologías que la componen, haciéndose hincapié en la transferencia de potencia no directiva en campo lejano, puesto que se corresponde a la recolección de la energía electromagnética ambiental. Además, se incluye un análisis del estado del arte con los valores más significativos de eficiencia de conversión, así como las principales características de varios diseños (como por ejemplo la potencia o las bandas de trabajo empleadas). En el segundo capítulo se explora el comportamiento del diodo desde el punto de vista matemático. Bajo densidades de potencia pequeñas, como las presentes en este entorno, el diodo opera en su región no lineal, produciendo un incremento de eficiencia cuando se trabaja con señales con gran PAPR, respecto a un tono con la misma potencia media. Este hecho ha sido probado empíricamente pero ningún modelo teórico preciso ha sido realizado. En este capítulo se incluye un novedoso análisis matemático del funcionamiento del diodo en esa región para múltiples tonos de entrada, variando la amplitud y frecuencia de estos. En el capítulo 3 se muestra la comparativa entre el modelo teórico, las simulaciones y las medidas en el laboratorio, usando múltiples tonos entrada en tres rectificadores. Para comparar adecuadamente todos los resultados, es necesario utilizar un modelo Spice del diodo preciso (incluyendo los parásitos del encapsulado) y un correcto setup de medida. De lo contrario, existiría un error en los resultados debido a una caracterización inadecuada del dispositivo no lineal. Este capítulo aborda esos problemas. El análisis muestra que la frecuencia y amplitud relativa de múltiples señales simultáneas afectan a la eficiencia. Una vez estudiado el rectificador, el capítulo 4 de la tesis aborda el diseño de la antena. Para ello, se analizan los diferentes criterios de diseño que deben emplearse cuando se trabaja con una transmisión de potencia inalámbrica directiva o no directiva, como es en caso bajo estudio, así como las técnicas de integración entre rectificador y antena. Para concluir, se diseña y mide una rectena tanto en laboratorio como en espacio abierto, usando la energía ambiental, previamente caracterizada con medidas espectrales. Los resultados demuestran que es posible recolectar y rectificar la energía ambiental. En el capítulo 5 se muestra una posible aplicación al integrarse una rectena impresa en una camiseta para alimentar sensores biológicos o \wearable". Se trata de un diseño de banda ancha que opera en el rango de 2 a 5 GHz, que permite recolectar suficiente energía para alimentar sensores de bajo consumo. Se analiza el funcionamiento de dos tamaños distintos de arrays con diferentes densidades de potencia. Al ser un diseño \wearable", la aplicación ha sido diseñada y probada sobre un maniquí y un cuerpo humano, analizándose el comportamiento de la antena impresa sobre distintas composiciones corporales (personas con más tejido adiposo o por el contrario más fibrosas). Finalmente, el capítulo 6 recopila las conclusiones del trabajo que se muestra en esta tesis e ideas para trabajos futuros, proponiéndose desde enfoques para reducir más el error en la aproximación del comportamiento no lineal del diodo en el capítulo 2, a posibles mejoras en la antena impresa del capítulo 5, incluyendo la doble polarización lineal.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Carlos Martín Pascual.- Secretario: Simon Jacques Hemour.- Vocal: Nuno Miguel G. Borges De Carvalh