105 research outputs found

    Linear Phase FIR Low Pass Filter Design Based on Firefly Algorithm

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    In this paper, a linear phase Low Pass FIR filter is designed and proposed based on Firefly algorithm. We exploit the exploitation and exploration mechanism with a local search routine to improve the convergence and get higher speed computation. The optimum FIR filters are designed based on the Firefly method for which the finite word length is used to represent coefficients. Furthermore, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution algorithm (DE) will be used to show the solution. The results will be compared with PSO and DE methods. Firefly algorithm and Parks–McClellan (PM) algorithm are also compared in this paper thoroughly. The design goal is successfully achieved in all design examples using the Firefly algorithm. They are compared with that obtained by using the PSO and the DE algorithm. For the problem at hand, the simulation results show that the Firefly algorithm outperforms the PSO and DE methods in some of the presented design examples. It also performs well in a portion of the exhibited design examples particularly in speed and quality

    FIR Digital Filter and Neural Network Design using Harmony Search Algorithm

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    Harmony Search (HS) is an emerging metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the improvisation process of jazz musicians. In the HS algorithm, each musician (= decision variable) plays (= generates) a note (= a value) for finding the best harmony (= global optimum) all together. This algorithm has been employed to cope with numerous tasks in the past decade. In this thesis, HS algorithm has been applied to design digital filters of orders 24 and 48 as well as the parameters of neural network problems. Both multiobjective and single objective optimization techniques were applied to design FIR digital filters. 2-dimensional digital filters can be used for image processing and neural networks can be used for medical image diagnosis. Digital filter design using Harmony Search Algorithm can achieve results close to Parks McClellan Algorithm which shows that the algorithm is capable of solving complex engineering problems. Harmony Search is able to optimize the parameter values of feedforward network problems and fuzzy inference neural networks. The performance of a designed neural network was tested by introducing various noise levels at the testing inputs and the output of the neural networks with noise was compared to that without noise. It was observed that, even if noise is being introduced to the testing input there was not much difference in the output. Design results were obtained within a reasonable amount of time using Harmony Search Algorithm

    Design of quadrature mirror filter banks with canonical signed digit coefficients using genetic algorithms.

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    This thesis is about the use of a genetic algorithm to design QMF bank with canonical signed digit coefficients. A filter bank has applications in areas like video and audio coding, data communication, etc. Filter bank design is a multiobjective optimization problem. The performance depends on the reconstruction error of the overall filter bank and the individual performance of the composing lowpass filter. In this thesis we have used reconstruction error of the overall filter bank as our main objective and passband error, stopband error, stopband and passband ripples and transition width of the individual lowpass filter as constraints. Therefore filter bank design can be formulated as single objective multiple constraint optimization problem. A unique genetic algorithm is developed to optimize filer bank coefficients such that the corresponding system\u27s response matches that of an ideal system with an additional constraint that all coefficients are in canonical signed digit (CSD) format. A special restoration technique is used to restore the CSD format of the coefficients after crossover and mutation operators in Genetic algorithm. The proposed restoration technique maintains the specified word length and the maximum number of nonzero digits in filter banks coefficients. Experimental results are presented at the end. It is demonstrated that the designed genetic algorithm is reliable, and efficient for designing QMF banks.Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .U67. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-05, page: 1785. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    The design of a class of perfect reconstruction two-channel FIR linear-phase filterbanks and wavelets bases using semidefinite programming

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    This paper proposes a new method for designing a class of two-channel perfect reconstruction (PR) linear-phase FIR filterbanks (FBs) and wavelets previously proposed by Phoong et al. By expressing the given K-regularity constraints as a set of linear equality constraints in the design variables, the design problem using the minimax error criterion can be solved using semidefinite programming (SDP). Design examples show that the proposed method is very effective and it yields equiripple stopband response while satisfying the given K-regularity condition.published_or_final_versio

    Design and multiplier-less implementation of a class of two-channel PR FIR filterbanks and wavelets with low system delay

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    In this paper, a new method for designing two-channel PR FIR filterbanks with low system delay is proposed. It is based on the generalization of the structure previously proposed by Phoong et al. Such structurally PR filterbanks are parameterized by two functions (β(z) and α(z)) that can be chosen as linear-phase FIR or allpass functions to construct FIR/IIR filterbanks with good frequency characteristics. The case of using identical β(z) and α(z) was considered by Phoong et al. with the delay parameter M chosen as 2N - 1. In this paper, the more general case of using different nonlinear-phase FIR functions for β(z) and α(z) is studied. As the linear-phase constraint is relaxed, the lengths of β(z) and α(z) are no longer restricted by the delay parameters of the filterbanks. Hence, higher stopband attenuation can still be achieved at low system delay. The design of the proposed low-delay filterbanks is formulated as a complex polynomial approximation problem, which can be solved by the Remez exchange algorithm or analytic formula with very low complexity. In addition, the orders and delay parameters can be estimated from the given filter specifications using a simple empirical formula. Therefore, low-delay two-channel PR filterbanks with flexible stopband attenuation and cutoff frequencies can be designed using existing filter design algorithms. The generalization of the present approach to the design of a class of wavelet bases associated with these low-delay filterbanks and its multiplier-less implementation using the sum of powers-of-two coefficients are also studied.published_or_final_versio


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    In this paper a new method for design of the first order differentiator is presented. The proposed differentiator consists of two parallel branches, i.e. direct path and IIR all-pass filter. The described design method allows one to obtain solution with minimum mean relative error at the desired region by controlling the ratio of phase response extremes. A small relative magnitude error, as well as a low phase error, at low frequencies is condition for good time domain behaviour. The obtained differentiator can be realized by means of only two multipliers, hence being a good choice for real time applications. The proposed solution provides a lower magnitude error than several known differentiators with similar phase error

    On the design and multiplierless realization of perfect reconstruction triplet-based FIR filter banks and wavelet bases

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    This paper proposes new methods for the efficient design and realization of perfect reconstruction (PR) two-channel finite-impulse response (FIR) triplet filter banks (FBs) and wavelet bases. It extends the linear-phase FIR triplet FBs of Ansari et al. to include FIR triplet FBs with lower system delay and a prescribed order of K regularity. The design problem using either the minimax error or least-squares criteria is formulated as a semidefinite programming problem, which is a very flexible framework to incorporate linear and convex quadratic constraints. The K regularity conditions are also expressed as a set of linear equality constraints in the variables to be optimized and they are structurally imposed into the design problem by eliminating the redundant variables. The design method is applicable to linear-phase as well as low-delay triplet FBs. Design examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Furthermore, it was found that the analysis and synthesis filters of the triplet FB have a more symmetric frequency responses. This property is exploited to construct a class of PR M-channel uniform FBs and wavelets with M = 2 L, where L is a positive integer, using a particular tree structure. The filter lengths of the two-channel FBs down the tree are approximately reduced by a factor of two at each level or stage, while the transition bandwidths are successively increased by the same factor. Because of the downsampling operations, the frequency responses of the final analysis filters closely resemble those in a uniform FB with identical transition bandwidth. This triplet-based uniform M-channel FB has very low design complexity and the PR condition and K regularity conditions are structurally imposed. Furthermore, it has considerably lower arithmetic complexity and system delay than conventional tree structure using identical FB at all levels. The multiplierless realization of these FBs using sum-of-power-of-two (SOPOT) coefficients and multiplier block is also studied. © 2004 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    An Efficient Hybrid SIMBO-GA Approach to Design FIR Low Pass Filter

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    In this paper a narrative approach for designing FIR low pass filter is presented by practicing hybrid technique of Swine Influenza Model based Optimization (SIMBO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). Premature convergence was the major difficulty faced by SIMBO algorithm individually in FIR filter design. To address this problem, a hybrid SIMBO-GA is proposed in this paper. GA is used to help SIMBO escape from local optima and prevent premature convergence. Results are presented and compared in term of magnitude response with Differential Evolution Particle Swarm Optimization (DEPSO), Genetic Lbest Particle Swarm Optimization with Dynamically Varying Neighbourhood (GLPSO DVN). A comparison of simulation results divulges that SIMBO-GA seems to be promising tool for FIR filter design. Keywords: FIR Filter, SIMBO-GA, DEPSO, LPSO, GLPSO DVN

    Power Estimation Technique for DSP Architectures.

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    The main goal of power estimation is to optimize the power consumption of a electronic design. Power is a strongly pattern dependent function. Input statistics greatly influence on average power. We solve the pattern dependence problem for intellectual property (IP) designs. In this paper, we present a power macro-modeling technique for digital signal processing (DSP) architectures in terms of the statistical knowledge of their primary inputs. During the power estimation procedure, the sequence of an input stream is generated by a genetic algorithm using input metrics. Then, a Monte Carlo zero delay simulation is performed and a power dissipation macro-model function is built from power dissipation results. From then on, this macro-model function can be used to estimate power dissipation of the system just by using the statistics of the macro-block’s primary in puts. In experiments with the DSP system, the average error is 26%