49 research outputs found

    Neuroengineering of Clustering Algorithms

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    Cluster analysis can be broadly divided into multivariate data visualization, clustering algorithms, and cluster validation. This dissertation contributes neural network-based techniques to perform all three unsupervised learning tasks. Particularly, the first paper provides a comprehensive review on adaptive resonance theory (ART) models for engineering applications and provides context for the four subsequent papers. These papers are devoted to enhancements of ART-based clustering algorithms from (a) a practical perspective by exploiting the visual assessment of cluster tendency (VAT) sorting algorithm as a preprocessor for ART offline training, thus mitigating ordering effects; and (b) an engineering perspective by designing a family of multi-criteria ART models: dual vigilance fuzzy ART and distributed dual vigilance fuzzy ART (both of which are capable of detecting complex cluster structures), merge ART (aggregates partitions and lessens ordering effects in online learning), and cluster validity index vigilance in fuzzy ART (features a robust vigilance parameter selection and alleviates ordering effects in offline learning). The sixth paper consists of enhancements to data visualization using self-organizing maps (SOMs) by depicting in the reduced dimension and topology-preserving SOM grid information-theoretic similarity measures between neighboring neurons. This visualization\u27s parameters are estimated using samples selected via a single-linkage procedure, thereby generating heatmaps that portray more homogeneous within-cluster similarities and crisper between-cluster boundaries. The seventh paper presents incremental cluster validity indices (iCVIs) realized by (a) incorporating existing formulations of online computations for clusters\u27 descriptors, or (b) modifying an existing ART-based model and incrementally updating local density counts between prototypes. Moreover, this last paper provides the first comprehensive comparison of iCVIs in the computational intelligence literature --Abstract, page iv

    Visual analytics for relationships in scientific data

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    Domain scientists hope to address grand scientific challenges by exploring the abundance of data generated and made available through modern high-throughput techniques. Typical scientific investigations can make use of novel visualization tools that enable dynamic formulation and fine-tuning of hypotheses to aid the process of evaluating sensitivity of key parameters. These general tools should be applicable to many disciplines: allowing biologists to develop an intuitive understanding of the structure of coexpression networks and discover genes that reside in critical positions of biological pathways, intelligence analysts to decompose social networks, and climate scientists to model extrapolate future climate conditions. By using a graph as a universal data representation of correlation, our novel visualization tool employs several techniques that when used in an integrated manner provide innovative analytical capabilities. Our tool integrates techniques such as graph layout, qualitative subgraph extraction through a novel 2D user interface, quantitative subgraph extraction using graph-theoretic algorithms or by querying an optimized B-tree, dynamic level-of-detail graph abstraction, and template-based fuzzy classification using neural networks. We demonstrate our system using real-world workflows from several large-scale studies. Parallel coordinates has proven to be a scalable visualization and navigation framework for multivariate data. However, when data with thousands of variables are at hand, we do not have a comprehensive solution to select the right set of variables and order them to uncover important or potentially insightful patterns. We present algorithms to rank axes based upon the importance of bivariate relationships among the variables and showcase the efficacy of the proposed system by demonstrating autonomous detection of patterns in a modern large-scale dataset of time-varying climate simulation

    Abordando la medición automática de la experiencia de la audiencia en línea

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado del Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Matemáticas, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2020/2021The availability of automatic and personalized feedback is a large advantage when facing an audience. An effective way to give such feedback is to analyze the audience experience, which provides valuable information about the quality of a speech or performance. In this document, we present the design and implementation of a computer vision system to automatically measure audience experience. This includes the definition of a theoretical and practical framework grounded on the theatrical perspective to quantify this concept, the development of an artificial intelligence system which serves as a proof-of-concept of our approach, and the creation of a dataset to train our system. To facilitate the data collection step, we have also created a custom video conferencing tool. Additionally, we present the evaluation of our artificial intelligence system and the final conclusions.La disponibilidad de feedback automático y personalizado supone una gran ventaja a la hora de enfrentarse a un público. Una forma efectiva de dar este tipo de feedback es analizar la experiencia de la audiencia, que proporciona información fundamental sobre la calidad de una ponencia o actuación. En este documento exponemos el diseño e implementación de un sistema automático de medición de la experiencia de la audiencia basado en la visión por computador. Esto incluye la definición de un marco teórico y práctico fundamentado en la perspectiva del mundo del teatro para cuantificar el concepto de experiencia de la audiencia, el desarrollo de un sistema basado en inteligencia artificial que sirve como prototipo de nuestra aproximación y la recopilación un conjunto de datos para entrenar el sistema. Para facilitar este último paso hemos desarrolado una aplicación de videoconferencias personalizada. Además, en este trabajo presentamos la evaluación de nuestro sistema de inteligencia artificial y las conclusiones extraídas.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Intelligent data mining using artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms : techniques and applications

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    Data Mining (DM) refers to the analysis of observational datasets to find relationships and to summarize the data in ways that are both understandable and useful. Many DM techniques exist. Compared with other DM techniques, Intelligent Systems (ISs) based approaches, which include Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), fuzzy set theory, approximate reasoning, and derivative-free optimization methods such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs), are tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. They provide flexible information processing capability for handling real-life situations. This thesis is concerned with the ideas behind design, implementation, testing and application of a novel ISs based DM technique. The unique contribution of this thesis is in the implementation of a hybrid IS DM technique (Genetic Neural Mathematical Method, GNMM) for solving novel practical problems, the detailed description of this technique, and the illustrations of several applications solved by this novel technique. GNMM consists of three steps: (1) GA-based input variable selection, (2) Multi- Layer Perceptron (MLP) modelling, and (3) mathematical programming based rule extraction. In the first step, GAs are used to evolve an optimal set of MLP inputs. An adaptive method based on the average fitness of successive generations is used to adjust the mutation rate, and hence the exploration/exploitation balance. In addition, GNMM uses the elite group and appearance percentage to minimize the randomness associated with GAs. In the second step, MLP modelling serves as the core DM engine in performing classification/prediction tasks. An Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based weight initialization algorithm is used to determine optimal weights before the commencement of training algorithms. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm is used to achieve a second-order speedup compared to conventional Back-Propagation (BP) training. In the third step, mathematical programming based rule extraction is not only used to identify the premises of multivariate polynomial rules, but also to explore features from the extracted rules based on data samples associated with each rule. Therefore, the methodology can provide regression rules and features not only in the polyhedrons with data instances, but also in the polyhedrons without data instances. A total of six datasets from environmental and medical disciplines were used as case study applications. These datasets involve the prediction of longitudinal dispersion coefficient, classification of electrocorticography (ECoG)/Electroencephalogram (EEG) data, eye bacteria Multisensor Data Fusion (MDF), and diabetes classification (denoted by Data I through to Data VI). GNMM was applied to all these six datasets to explore its effectiveness, but the emphasis is different for different datasets. For example, the emphasis of Data I and II was to give a detailed illustration of how GNMM works; Data III and IV aimed to show how to deal with difficult classification problems; the aim of Data V was to illustrate the averaging effect of GNMM; and finally Data VI was concerned with the GA parameter selection and benchmarking GNMM with other IS DM techniques such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN), Fuzzy ARTMAP, and Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP). In addition, datasets obtained from published works (i.e. Data II & III) or public domains (i.e. Data VI) where previous results were present in the literature were also used to benchmark GNMM’s effectiveness. As a closely integrated system GNMM has the merit that it needs little human interaction. With some predefined parameters, such as GA’s crossover probability and the shape of ANNs’ activation functions, GNMM is able to process raw data until some human-interpretable rules being extracted. This is an important feature in terms of practice as quite often users of a DM system have little or no need to fully understand the internal components of such a system. Through case study applications, it has been shown that the GA-based variable selection stage is capable of: filtering out irrelevant and noisy variables, improving the accuracy of the model; making the ANN structure less complex and easier to understand; and reducing the computational complexity and memory requirements. Furthermore, rule extraction ensures that the MLP training results are easily understandable and transferrable

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Multi-authored monograph

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles. Perspectives. Management. Power supply : Multi-authored monograph / V. V. Holovenskiy, T. F. Shmelova,Y. M. Shmelev and oth.; Science Editor DSc. (Engineering), T. F. Shmelova. – Warsaw, 2019. – 100 p. - ISBN 978-83-66216-10-5.У монографії аналізуються можливі варіанти енергопостачання та управління безпілотними літальними апаратами. Також розглядається питання прийняття рішення оператором безпілотного літального апарату при управлінні у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Рекомендується для фахівців, аспірантів і студентів за спеціальностями 141 - «Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка», 173 - «Авіоніка» та інших суміжних спеціальностей.The monograph analyzes the possible options for energy supply and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, the issue of decision-making by the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the management of emergencies is considered.