4,035 research outputs found

    Wavelet—Artificial Neural Network Receiver for Indoor Optical Wireless Communications

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    The multipath induced intersymbol interference (ISI) and fluorescent light interference (FLI) are the two most important system impairments that affect the performance of indoor optical wireless communication (OWC) systems. The presence of either incurs a high optical power penalty (OPP) and hence the interferences should be mitigated with suitable techniques to ensure optimum system performance. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the artificial neural network (ANN) based receiver to mitigate the effect of FLI and ISI has been proposed in the previous study for the one-off keying (OOK) modulation scheme. It offers performance improvement compared to the traditional methods of employing a high pass filter (HPF) and a finite impulse response (FIR) equalizer. In this paper, the investigation of the DWT-ANN based receiver for baseband modulation techniques including OOK, pulse position modulation (PPM) and digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) are reported. The proposed system is implemented using digital signal processing (DSP) board and results are verified by comparison with simulation data

    Quantum Communication Uplink to a 3U CubeSat: Feasibility & Design

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    Satellites are the efficient way to achieve global scale quantum communication (Q.Com) because unavoidable losses restrict fiber based Q.Com to a few hundred kilometers. We demonstrate the feasibility of establishing a Q.Com uplink with a tiny 3U CubeSat (measuring just 10X10X32 cm^3 ) using commercial off-the-shelf components, the majority of which have space heritage. We demonstrate how to leverage the latest advancements in nano-satellite body-pointing to show that our 4kg CubeSat can provide performance comparable to much larger 600kg satellite missions. A comprehensive link budget and simulation was performed to calculate the secure key rates. We discuss design choices and trade-offs to maximize the key rate while minimizing the cost and development needed. Our detailed design and feasibility study can be readily used as a template for global scale Q.Com.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Fixed tables and figure

    Etude et réalisation d'un système de communications par lumière visible (VLC/LiFi). Application au domaine automobile.

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    The scientific problematic of this PhD is centered on the usage of Visible LightCommunications (VLC) in automotive applications. By enabling wireless communication amongvehicles and also with the traffic infrastructure, the safety and efficiency of the transportation canbe substantially increased. Considering the numerous advantages of the VLC technologyencouraged the study of its appropriateness for the envisioned automotive applications, as analternative and/or a complement for the traditional radio frequency based communications.In order to conduct this research, a low-cost VLC system for automotive application wasdeveloped. The proposed system aims to ensure a highly robust communication between a LEDbasedVLC emitter and an on-vehicle VLC receiver. For the study of vehicle to vehicle (V2V)communication, the emitter was developed based on a vehicle backlight whereas for the study ofinfrastructure to vehicle (I2V) communication, the emitter was developed based on a traffic light.Considering the VLC receiver, a central problem in this area is the design of a suitable sensorable to enhance the conditioning of the signal and to avoid disturbances due to the environmentalconditions, issues that are addressed in the thesis. The performances of a cooperative drivingsystem integrating the two components were evaluated as well.The experimental validation of the VLC system was performed in various conditions andscenarios. The results confirmed the performances of the proposed system and demonstrated thatVLC can be a viable technology for the considered applications. Furthermore, the results areencouraging towards the continuations of the work in this domain.La problématique scientifique de cette thèse est centrée sur le développement decommunications par lumière visible (Visible Light Communications - VLC) dans lesapplications automobiles. En permettant la communication sans fil entre les véhicules, ou entreles véhicules et l’infrastructure routière, la sécurité et l'efficacité du transport peuvent êtreconsidérablement améliorées. Compte tenu des nombreux avantages de la technologie VLC,cette solution se présente comme une excellente alternative ou un complément pour lescommunications actuelles plutôt basées sur les technologies radio-fréquences traditionnelles.Pour réaliser ces travaux de recherche, un système VLC à faible coût pour applicationautomobile a été développé. Le système proposé vise à assurer une communication très robusteentre un émetteur VLC à base de LED et un récepteur VLC monté sur un véhicule. Pour l'étudedes communications véhicule à véhicule (V2V), l'émetteur a été développé sur la base d’un pharearrière rouge de voiture, tandis que pour l'étude des communications de l'infrastructure auvéhicule (I2V), l'émetteur a été développé sur la base d'un feu de circulation. Considérant lerécepteur VLC, le problème principal réside autour d’un capteur approprié, en mesured'améliorer le conditionnement du signal et de limiter les perturbations dues des conditionsenvironnementales. Ces différents points sont abordés dans la thèse, d’un point de vue simulationmais également réalisation du prototype.La validation expérimentale du système VLC a été réalisée dans différentes conditions etscénarii. Les résultats démontrent que la VLC peut être une technologie viable pour lesapplications envisagées

    On real time optical wireless communication channel emulator design with FPGAs

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    This paper discusses the implementation details of a channel emulator suited for optical wireless communications (OWC) systems. The channel emulator comprises functional blocks able to model the transmitter, the receiver and the channel. It is in this sense a valuable tool for system performance evaluation. The proposed design uses field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) as supporting hardware platform, enabling flexible and expedite interconnection with other system blocks. The achieved design operates in real time, allowing timely and realistic assessment of the channel and terminal equipment impairments on the overall system. Achieved results demonstrate the feasibility to address channel emulation with 500ps time resolution, with negligible quantization errors when compared to the predefined channel coefficients.publishe

    Experimental demonstration of RGB LED-based optical camera communications

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    Red, green, and blue (RGB) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are widely used in everyday illumination, particularly where color-changing lighting is required. On the other hand, digital cameras with color filter arrays over image sensors have been also extensively integrated in smart devices. Therefore, optical camera communications (OCC) using RGB LEDs and color cameras is a promising candidate for cost-effective parallel visible light communications (VLC). In this paper, a single RGB LED-based OCC system utilizing a combination of undersampled phase-shift on off keying (UPSOOK), wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM), and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques is designed, which offers higher space efficiency (3 bits/Hz/LED), long-distance, and nonflickering VLC data transmission. A proof-of-concept test bed is developed to assess the bit-error-rate performance of the proposed OCC system. The experimental results show that the proposed system using a single commercially available RGB LED and a standard 50-frame/s camera is able to achieve a data rate of 150 bits/s over a range of up to 60 m

    FPGA Implementation of Kalman Filter for Visible Light

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    Visible Light (VL) has received significant attention due to its benefits in energy efficiency, wide bandwidth availability, and resistance to electromagnetic interference. This final project discusses VL utilizing the Kalman Filter (KF) to predict and estimate the position of related data. The development of the VL method is carried out using Xilinx FPGA Arty A7 hardware, and the KF implementation is carried out in a two-dimensional framework with the Linear KF approach. The main objective of this Final Project is to implement VL using Photodetectors (Photodiode and Photoresistor LM393) on FPGA. The use of Xilinx FPGA Arty A7 hardware and Xilinx SDK software provides the flexibility and reliability required for system implementation. The results indicate that the implementation of Xilinx FPGA Arty A7-35T with KF and the use of 16 LED and 8 LED configurations yield relatively accurate estimations. While the Photodiode LM393 (PD LM393) sensor does not exhibit superior results compared to the Photoresistor LM393 (PR LM393) sensor, this research effectively optimizes light measurements by utilizing the sensor and KF algorithm. The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) results show that for the system with 16 LEDs, KF with PR LM393 has an RMSE of approximately ). This RMSE value indicates that KF with PR LM393 can provide relatively more accurate estimations. Similarly, for the system with 8 LEDs, KF with PR LM393 has an RMSE of around ). In this case, KF with PR LM393 again provides relatively more accurate estimations. Meanwhile, the RMSE result for 2D KF in this system is approximately ), indicating that the KF estimation has a relatively small error value compared to the actual measurement value. This demonstrates that KF effectively reduces noise and measurement data fluctuations in the LM393 Photodetector system with 16 LEDs
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