165 research outputs found

    Unbiased phishing detection using domain name based features

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Internet users are coming under a barrage of phishing attacks of increasing frequency and sophistication. While these attacks have been remarkably resilient against the vast range of defenses proposed by academia, industry, and research organizations, machine learning approaches appear to be a promising one in distinguishing between phishing and legitimate websites. There are three main concerns with existing machine learning approaches for phishing detection. The first concern is there is neither a framework, preferably open-source, for extracting feature and keeping the dataset updated nor an updated dataset of phishing and legitimate website. The second concern is the large number of features used and the lack of validating arguments for the choice of the features selected to train the machine learning classifier. The last concern relates to the type of datasets used in the literature that seems to be inadvertently biased with respect to the features based on URL or content. In this thesis, we describe the implementation of our open-source and extensible framework to extract features and create up-to-date phishing dataset. With having this framework, named Fresh-Phish, we implemented 29 different features that we used to detect whether a given website is legitimate or phishing. We used 26 features that were reported in related work and added 3 new features and created a dataset of 6,000 websites with these features of which 3,000 were malicious and 3,000 were genuine and tested our approach. Using 6 different classifiers we achieved the accuracy of 93% which is a reasonable high in this field. To address the second and third concerns, we put forward the intuition that the domain name of phishing websites is the tell-tale sign of phishing and holds the key to successful phishing detection. We focus on this aspect of phishing websites and design features that explore the relationship of the domain name to the key elements of the website. Our work differs from existing state-of-the-art as our feature set ensures that there is minimal or no bias with respect to a dataset. Our learning model trains with only seven features and achieves a true positive rate of 98% and a classification accuracy of 97%, on sample dataset. Compared to the state-of-the-art work, our per data instance processing and classification is 4 times faster for legitimate websites and 10 times faster for phishing websites. Importantly, we demonstrate the shortcomings of using features based on URLs as they are likely to be biased towards dataset collection and usage. We show the robustness of our learning algorithm by testing our classifiers on unknown live phishing URLs and achieve a higher detection accuracy of 99.7% compared to the earlier known best result of 95% detection rate

    Phishing in email and instant messaging

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    Abstract. Phishing is a constantly evolving threat in the world of information security that affects everyone, no matter if you’re a retail worker or the head of IT in a large organisation. Because of this, this thesis aims to give the reader a good overview of what phishing is, and due to its prevalence in email and instant messaging, focuses on educating the reader on common signs and techniques used in phishing in the aforementioned forms of communication. The chosen research method is literature review, as it is the ideal choice for presenting an overview of a larger subject. As a result of the research, many common phishing signs and techniques in both email and instant messaging are presented. Some of these signs include strange senders, fake domain names and spellings mistakes. With this thesis, anyone looking to improve their understanding about phishing can do so in a way that is easy to understand. Some suggestions for future research are also presented based on this thesis’ shortcomings, namely the lack of studies on phishing in instant messaging

    Towards an Assessment of Judgment Errors in Social Engineering Attacks Due to Environment and Device Type

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    Phishing continues to be a significant invasive threat to computer and mobile device users. Cybercriminals continuously develop new phishing schemes using email, and malicious search engine links to gather personal information of unsuspecting users. This information is used for financial gains through identity theft schemes or draining financial accounts of victims. Users are often distracted and fail to fully process the phishing attacks then unknowingly fall victim to the scam until much later. Users operating mobile phones and computers are likely to make judgment errors when making decisions in distracting environments due to cognitive overload. Distracted users can fail to correctly distinguish the differences between legitimate and malicious emails or search engine results. Mobile phone users can have even a harder time identifying malicious content due to the smaller screen size and the limited security features in mobile phone applications. Thus, the main goal of this work-in-progress research study is to design, develop, and validate a set of field experiments to assess users judgment when exposed to two types of simulated social engineering attacks (phishing & possibly malicious search engine results (PMSER)), based on the interaction of the kind of environment (distracting vs. non-distracting) and type of device used (mobile vs. computer). In this paper, we outlines the Delphi methodology phase that this study will take using an expert panel to validate the proposed experimental procedures and recommend further steps for the empirical testing. The conclusions, study limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed. Keywords: Cybersecurity, social engineering, judgment error in cybersecurity, phishing email mitigation, distracting environment


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    Distracted users can fail to correctly distinguish the differences between legitimate and malicious emails or search engine results. Mobile phone users can have a more challenging time identifying malicious content due to the smaller screen size and the limited security features in mobile phone applications. Thus, the main goal of this research study was to design, develop, and validate a set of field experiments to assess user’s judgment when exposed to two types of simulated social engineering attacks: phishing and Potentially Malicious Search Engine Results (PMSER), based on the interaction of the environment (distracting vs. non-distracting) and type of device used (mobile vs. computer). In this paper, we provide the results from the Delphi methodology research we conducted using an expert panel consisting of 28 cybersecurity Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who participated, out of 60 cybersecurity experts invited. Half of the SMEs were with over 10 years of experience in cybersecurity, the rest around five years. SMEs were asked to validate two sets of experimental tasks (phishing & PMSER) as specified in RQ1. The SMEs were then asked to identify physical and Audio/Visual (A/V) environmental factors for distracting and non-distracting environments. About 50% of the SMEs found that an airport was the most distracting environment for mobile phone and computer users. About 35.7% of the SMEs also found that a home environment was the least distracting environment for users, with an office setting coming into a close second place. About 67.9% of the SMEs chose “all” for the most distracting A/V distraction level, which included continuous background noise, visual distractions, and distracting/loud music. About 46.4% of the SMEs chose “all” for the least distracting A/V level, including a quiet environment, relaxing background music, and no visual distractions. The SMEs were then asked to evaluate a randomization table. This was important for RQ2 to set up the eight experimental protocols to maintain the validity of the proposed experiment. About 89.3% indicated a strong consensus that we should keep the randomization as it is. The SMEs were also asked whether we should keep, revise, or replace the number of questions for each mini-IQ test to three questions each. About 75% of the SMEs responded that we should keep the number of mini-IQ questions to three. Finally, the SMEs were asked to evaluate the proposed procedures for the pilot testing and experimental research phases conducted in the future. About 96.4% of the SMEs selected to keep the first pilot testing procedure. For second and third pilot testing procedures, the SMEs responded with an 89.3% strong consensus to keep the procedures. For the first experimental procedure, a strong consensus of 92.9% of the SMEs recommended keeping the procedure. Finally, for the third experimental procedure, there was an 85.7% majority to keep the procedure. The expert panel was used to validate the proposed experimental procedures and recommended adjustments. The conclusions, study limitations, and recommendations for future research are discussed

    Experimental Study to Assess the Role of Environment and Device Type on the Success of Social Engineering Attacks: The Case of Judgment Errors

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    Phishing continues to be an invasive threat to computer and mobile device users. Cybercriminals continuously develop new phishing schemes using e-mail and malicious search engine links to gather the personal information of unsuspecting users. This information is used for financial gains through identity theft schemes or draining victims\u27 financial accounts. Many users of varying demographic backgrounds fall victim to phishing schemes at one time or another. Users are often distracted and fail to process the phishing attempts fully, then unknowingly fall victim to the scam until much later. Users operating mobile phones and computers are likely to make judgment errors when making decisions in distracting environments due to cognitive overload. Distracted users cannot distinguish between legitimate and malicious emails or search engine results correctly. Mobile phone users can have a harder time distinguishing malicious content due to the smaller screen size and the limited security features in mobile phone applications. The main goal of this research study was to design, develop, and validate experimental settings to empirically test if there are significant mean differences in users’ judgment when: exposed to two types of simulated social engineering attacks (phishing & Potentially Malicious Search Engine Results (PMSER)), based on the interaction of the kind of environment (distracting vs. non-distracting) and type of device used (mobile vs. computer). This research used field experiments to test whether users are more likely to fall for phishing schemes in a distracting environment while using mobile phones or desktop/laptop computers. The second phase included a pilot test with 10 participants testing the Subject Matter Experts (SME) validated tasks and measures. The third phase included the delivery of the validated tasks and measures that were revised through the pilot testing phase with 68 participants. The results of the first phase have SME validated two sets of experimental tasks and eight experimental protocols to assess the measures of users’ judgment when exposed to two types of simulated social engineering attacks (phishing & PMSER) in two kinds of environments (distracting vs. non-distracting) and two types of devices (mobile phone vs. computer). The second phase results, the phishing mini-IQ test results, do not follow what was initially indicated in prior literature. Specifically, it was surprising to learn that the non-distracting environment results for the Phishing IQ tests were overall lower than those of distracting environment, which is counter to what was envisioned. These Phishing IQ test results may be assumed to be because, during the distracting environment, the participants were monitored over zoom to enable the distracting sound file. In contrast, in the non-distracting environment, they have marked the selections independently and may have rushed to identify the phishing samples. In contrast, PMSER detection on a computer outperformed mobile devices. It is suspected that these results are more accurate as individuals’ familiarity with PMSER is much lower. Their habituation to such messages is more deficient, causing them to pay closer attention and be more precise in their detections. A two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted on the results. While it appears that some variations do exist, none of the comparisons were significant for Phishing IQ tests by environment (F=3.714, p=0.061) or device type (F=0.380, p=0.541), and PMSER IQ tests by environment (F=1.383, p=0.247) or device type (F=0.228, p=0.636). The results for the final phase showed there were no significant differences among both groups for Phishing and PMSER (F=0.985, p=0.322) and PMSER (F=3.692, p=0.056) using a two-way ANOVA. The two-way ANOVA results also showed significant differences among both groups for Phishing and PMSER vs. Device Type and Environment, Phishing (F=3.685, p=0.013), PMSER (F=1.629, p=0.183). A two-way ANOVA was evaluated for significant differences between groups. The results of the two-way ANOVA showed there were significant differences among both groups for Phishing and PMSER vs. Device Type and Environment. Phishing (F=3.685, p=0.013), PMSER (F=1.629, p=0.183). The p-values of the F-test for the Phishing IQ vs. Device Type and Environment were lower than the .05 level of significance. The two-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) results showed significant differences between Phishing vs. Environment and Device Type plus PMSER vs. Environment and Device Type. Specifically, the Education covariate for Table 32(F=3.930, p=0.048), Table 33(F=3.951, p=0.048), Table 34(F=10.429, p=0.001), and Table 35(F=10.329, p=0.001) was lower than the .05 level of significance

    An Analysis of Phishing Susceptibility Through the Lens of Protection Motivation Theory

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    Users of communication tools are vulnerable to a cyberattack called phishing which aims to trick a recipient into giving away information or access that the attacker should not have. There is a great need to protect the recipient from becoming a victim of phishing. Protection can be done a multitude of ways; however, the human will be last barrier of entry when all digital protection fails. This is why anti-phishing training is used to enable email users to see the difference between real email and phishing attacks. This research explores the use of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to analyse phishing susceptibility by interviewing ten employees in a large financial company. The analysis spanned all aspects of the original Protection Motivation Theory and sought to answer the research question: “How do employees in a company protect themselves against phishing attacks?”. Furthermore, the study investigated the relationship between the experiences of the participants and what the theory suggested would increase protection motivation. The analysis resulted in findings that were consistent with PMT on the positive effects of rewards for employees to increase protection motivation. Furthermore, a low response cost led to a positive effect where employees had the freedom to properly examine the emails they received and handle them accordingly. Last finding that was consistent with PMT was the positive effect of high efficacy which led to the enabling of employees to make their own decisions based on their experience and knowledge. Surprisingly, findings also contradicted some core aspects of PMT. These include the perception of vulnerability and severity in combination with fear appeal. Although the perception of vulnerability and severity was high, the fear appeal was very low. This is inconsistent with PMT as high perception of vulnerability and severity should lead to high fear appeal. Most importantly, these findings suggest that fear appeal is not as necessary as research has proposed and that protective behaviour in the absence of fear appeal can be replaced by a protective mindset. These findings point to important implications both in theory and in practice. The theoretical implications include the support of rewards and response cost positively affecting protection motivation if rewards are high and response cost is low. Another implication is that fear appeal contrary to peer-reviewed research might not be as important if the company itself focus on security and promote a healthy method of dealing with phishing attacks. The final theoretical implication is the protection behaviour that is a protective mindset. The concept correlates with multiple different behaviours that promote secure behaviour; however, it does so by analysing the need of fear appeal and promote research which investigates protective behaviours without the need for PMT’s version of fear appeal. The practical implication of this study includes the promotion of a healthy protective mindset which can be achieved by anti-phishing training, phishing simulations, and voluntary high awareness when looking at emails. Furthermore, findings show that the financial company studied in this thesis provide a great understanding of secure behaviour and the requirements to achieve it. However, this is done by forcing training whilst experiencing organisational support and incentives to do well. Although it could seem harsh, this has worked well, and should continue to work well

    Cross Domain IW Threats to SOF Maritime Missions: Implications for U.S. SOF

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    As cyber vulnerabilities proliferate with the expansion of connected devices, wherein security is often forsaken for ease of use, Special Operations Forces (SOF) cannot escape the obvious, massive risk that they are assuming by incorporating emerging technologies into their toolkits. This is especially true in the maritime sector where SOF operates nearshore in littoral zones. As SOF—in support to the U.S. Navy— increasingly operate in these contested maritime environments, they will gradually encounter more hostile actors looking to exploit digital vulnerabilities. As such, this monograph comes at a perfect time as the world becomes more interconnected but also more vulnerable

    Cyber Defense Planning in Tabletop Exercises and Consideration of a Fractured Flaw Theory for Security Applications

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    Cybersecurity threats endanger every part of American life. Security and emergency preparedness professionals plan and prevent cyber-attacks using tabletop exercises. The tabletop exercises establish the risks and protection strategies for multiagency threats, thus, various agencies and industrial partners must work together in these training events. The purpose of this grounded study will be to develop criteria for selecting tabletop participants and explore the risks of participation. An additional consideration is the impact of the sponsoring agencies\u27 agenda on the value of the outcome for the participants. There is sufficient evidence to justify the investigation of these issues. Failing to include the correct participants has led to significant data breaches in the last few years. Participants may also place themselves in more significant harm through participation. The publication of the outcomes of tabletop exercises, including security gaps, causes grave concerns. The primary theory guiding security concepts is Walodi Weibull\u27s ‘weakest link theory;’ however, the flawed fracture theory may be invaluable as an alternative to the weakest link theory. The study design will qualitatively evaluate recent critical infrastructure exercises. Historical literature reviews and current qualitative efforts (ongoing exercises, action items, interviews, and surveys) provide the basis for improvement. A survey with 39 participants, four in-depth interviews across multiple business sizes, and one federal employee yielded findings related to noncompliance, tabletop baggage, and cascading events. Not having the correct participants leads to weaknesses across tabletop events. Having a missing organization or participant causes complications in response and leads to unrealistic responses. The current consequence of participating in a tabletop exercise was that although participation improved responsiveness and security, smaller partners may face a disproportionate increase in risk. Finally, the agenda, goals, and objectives are all impacted by the tabletop exercise’s sponsor. The prevalence of organizational noncompliance was unexpected. Theoretically, expanding from the weakest link model to the fractured flaw model will significantly improve how security professionals manage risk and survivability. Improving tabletop exercises will enhance the nation\u27s emergency preparedness and potential resiliency

    Successful Operational Cyber Security Strategies for Small Businesses

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    Cybercriminals threaten strategic and efficient use of the Internet within the business environment. Each year, cybercrimes in the United States cost business leaders approximately 6billion,andglobally,6 billion, and globally, 445 billion. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the operational strategies chief information security officers of high-technology companies used to protect their businesses from cyberattacks. Organizational learning theory was the conceptual framework for the study. The population of the study was 3 high-technology business owners operating in Florida who have Internet expertise and successfully protected their businesses from cyberattacks. Member checking and methodological triangulation were used to valid the data gathered through semistructured interviews, a review of company websites, and social media pages. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, which supported the identification of 4 themes: effective leadership, cybersecurity awareness, reliance on third-party vendors, and cybersecurity training. The implications of this study for positive social change include a safe and secure environment for conducting electronic transactions, which may result in increased business and consumer confidence strengthened by the protection of personal and confidential information. The creation and sustainability of a safe Internet environment may lead to increased usage and trust in online business activities, leading to greater online business through consumer confidence and communication
