8 research outputs found

    Kinematic analysis of a single-loop reconfigurable 7R mechanism with multiple operation modes

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    This paper presents a novel one-degree-of-freedom (1-DOF) single-loop reconfigurable 7R mechanism with multiple operation modes (SLR7RMMOM), composed of seven revolute (R) joints, via adding a revolute joint to the overconstrained Sarrus linkage. The SLR7RMMOM can switch from one operation mode to another without disconnection and reassembly, and is a non-overconstrained mechanism. The algorithm for the inverse kinematics of the serial 6R mechanism using kinematic mapping is adopted to deal with the kinematic analysis of the SLR7RMMOM. First, a numerical method is applied and an example is given to show that there are 13 sets of solutions for the SLR7RMMOM, corresponding to each input angle. Among these solutions, nine sets are real solutions, which are verified using both a computer-aided design (CAD) model and a prototype of the mechanism. Then an algebraic approach is also used to analyse the mechanism and same results are obtained as the numerical one. It is shown from both numerical and algebraic approaches that the SLR7RMMOM has three operation modes: a translational mode and two 1-DOF planar modes. The transitional configurations among the three modes are also identified

    Tactical Requirements Enforcing Ability Analysis of Different WeaponManipulators for Military Unmanned Ground Vehicles

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    It is an important work to design a weapon manipulator to satisfy the tactical needs for the militaryunmanned ground vehicles (MUGV). In this work, the RRR and 6-SPS mechanisms are proposed to designa weapon manipulator. The design factors for the weapon manipulator to satisfy the tactical needs are alsodiscussed. According to the direct and inverse position analysis methods, the workspace analysis results showthat these two mechanisms have better performances in satisfying the tactical needs than the RR and RPRmechanisms. The gradability performance is also discussed to verify that the proposed mechanisms can achievea good performance. The analysis results can provide a reference resource for designers to design a weaponmanipulator for MUGV.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.664-677, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.169

    A Rapidly Reconfigurable Robotics Workcell and Its Applictions for Tissue Engineering

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    This article describes the development of a component-based technology robot system that can be rapidly configured to perform a specific manufacturing task. The system is conceived with standard and inter-operable components including actuator modules, rigid link connectors and tools that can be assembled into robots with arbitrary geometry and degrees of freedom. The reconfigurable "plug-and-play" robot kinematic and dynamic modeling algorithms are developed. These algorithms are the basis for the control and simulation of reconfigurable robots. The concept of robot configuration optimization is introduced for the effective use of the rapidly reconfigurable robots. Control and communications of the workcell components are facilitated by a workcell-wide TCP/IP network and device level CAN-bus networks. An object-oriented simulation and visualization software for the reconfigurable robot is developed based on Windows NT. Prototypes of the robot systems configured to perform 3D contour following task and the positioning task are constructed and demonstrated. Applications of such systems for biomedical tissue scaffold fabrication are considered.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Automatic Modeling for Modular Reconfigurable Robotic Systems: Theory and Practice

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    A modular reconfigurable robot consists of a collection of individual link and joint components that can be assembled into a number of different robot ge-ometries. Compared to a conventional industrial robot with fixed geometry, such a system can provide flexibility to the user to cope with a wide spectru

    Propuesta y análisis de manipulador paralelo reconfigurable

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    En este trabajo se propone y analiza un manipulador paralelo reconfigurable (MPR) concreto, que puede ser usado como mecanismo para la impresión 3D u operaciones de mecanizado. Un MPR es un tipo de robot que presenta una serie de ventajas, como mayor rigidez por ser paralelo y mayor flexibilidad al entorno de trabajo por ser reconfigurable. El análisis se realiza mediante un software cinemático llamado GIM, en el cual se pueden secuenciar movimientos y obtener datos cinemáticos de interés. El objetivo principal del trabajo es mostrar la movilidad y capacidad de reconfiguración del manipulador propuesto, de modo que queden bien definidas las características más importantes del mismo.Lan honetan mekanizatu operazioak eta 3D imprimagailu egiteko erabili ahal den manipuladore paralelo birkonfiguragarri (MPB) bat proposatzen eta aztertzen da. MPB abantail batzuk dituen robot mota bat da. Adibidez, zurruntasuna paralelo izateagatik edo ingurumen batera egokitzeko gaitasun gehiago birkonfiguragarri izateagatik. Manipuladorearen analisia GIM software zinematikoan egiten da. Software honetan mugimenduak sekuentziatu ahal dira eta datu zinematiko interesgarri lortu. Lanaren helburu nagusia MPBaren mugikortasun eta birkonfiguratzeko ahalmena frogatzea da. Modu honetan argi geratzen dira manipuladorearen ezaugarri garrantzitsuenak.In this work it is proposed and analyzed a parallel reconfigurable manipulator (PRM) which presents some advantages for certain op erations, such as 3D print or CNC machine tool. A PRM is a specific kind of robot, which presents some key advantajes, such as rigidity for being parallel and flexibility to the work environment for being reconfigurable. The analysis of the manipulator is done with a kinematic software called GIM, in which there can be sequenced movements and obtain kinematic data of interest. The main objective of the work is to show the mobility and reconfiguration capacity of the proposed manipulator. This way, the most important characteristics of the PRM will be well defined

    Synthèse géométrique de manipulateurs parallèles de topologie Star par algorithme génétique

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    Chaîne cinématique -- Manipulateur sériel et parallèle -- Degré de liberté -- Modèle géométrique -- Espace de travail -- Matrice jacobienne et singularité -- Topologie et paramètres géométriques -- Configuration -- Synthèse géométrique -- Mode d'assemblage -- Mode de fonctionnement -- Aspect -- Octree -- Modèle cinématique -- Topologie de la classe Star -- Paramètres géométriques -- Boucle cinématique -- Modèle géométrique inverse -- Modèle géométrique direct -- Matrice jacobienne -- Les octrees -- Modes d'assemblage -- Modes de fonctionnement -- Effets de la variation d'un paramètre géométrique sur l'espace de travail -- Synthèse géométrique de manipulateurs parallèles de topologie Star -- Comparaison de trois AGs -- Résultats de l'AG3 -- Comparaison des manipulateurs experts -- Analyse du mouvement

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein