118,688 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Green Integral Online Shopping System

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    摘要 随着互联网以及移动互联网的逐步普及,人类的日常生活和思维方式已深刻改变,尤其是当前网络购物极大地冲击了实体消费,彻底颠覆了人们传统的消费价值观,带来了巨大的便利。在新兴的电子商务获得了巨大发展的同时,其商业模式也在逐渐改变着实体经济各个领域的发展格局,电子商务的发展逐步呈现出与各个行业以及传统商业的融合趋势,线上与线下相结合的趋势越来越明显。 对于人类生产和生活垃圾的处理的摸索一直都没有停止过,国内外对于人类日常生活垃圾的处理大多停留在政府行为或者法律道德约束的阶段,没有真正形成有效地可持续发展的循环商业模式,作为人类日常生活中的最重要的服务之一,与当前的O2O商业模式相结合,形成可...Abstract With the gradual popularization of the Internet and mobile Internet, the Internet has profoundly changed people's life style and thinking mode, especially the current network shopping greatly impact the real consumption, in bringing people convenience, but also completely subvert the traditional consumer values. In the new electronic commerce, the business model is gradually changing the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323106

    Participant Observation in a Case Study on Web Design Process of E-retail Website

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    Studies on developing models for e-retail implementation for consumer co-operative business are very scarce. Co-operative businesses appear to be anxious about going into online retailing since Malaysian Internet shopping is still new, customers are not very familiar and skeptical towards online shopping. Consequently a case study (participant observation) will be undertaken in this study to accomplish main aim in implementation Content Management System (CMS) in developing design process of consumer co-operative website. Web design process model by Kiatruangkrai et al. (2010) and Goi(2007a) have been the foundation guideline in designing the website. Package selection web based application has been used in design stage which can easily help non professional web developer to design their online shopping website. As a conceptual paper, this research is limited to literature and prior research. It offers the benefit to new direction for further research on web design process model. This paper provides researcher with a proposed model of web design process. The proposed model should also be tested in relation with e retail business

    Design and Implementation of the Online Shopping System Based on PHP & MySQL

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    网上购物系统是指在网络上建立一个虚拟的购物商场,使购物过程变得轻松、快捷、方便,很适合现代人快节奏的生活;同时又能有效的控制“商场”运营的成本,开辟了一个新的销售渠道。本文利用PHP+MySQL进行程序设计和数据库设计,使用Apache平台,完成网上购物系统的设计与实现。通过搭建该购物平台,学习和掌握电子商务的网上购物系统是如何通过在本系统中完成注册后直接在线进行物品的买卖,可以提高物品的流通和购物的效率,为用户节约了往返于门市之间的时间,同时因为是在网络虚拟环境下进行的,也为网上购物系统的需求方节约了人力物力,真正做到省时高效。 该系统主体部分包括前台功能模块和后台功能模块。前台功能主要包...Online shopping system is an application of network for convenient shopping, making shopping an exciting and direct experience in an easy and fast way to cope with quick-paced lifestyle. It works efficiently to control business cost and exploits a new sales channel. This dissertation is to explain the work on setting up an online shopping system based on the Apache platform, by designing the relev...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823010

    Participant observation in a case study on web design process of e-retail website

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    Studies on developing models for e-retail implementation for consumer co-operative business are very scarce.Co-operative businesses appear to be anxious about going into online retailing since Malaysian Internet shopping is still new, customers are not very familiar and skeptical towards online shopping.Consequently a case study (participant observation) will be undertaken in this study to accomplish main aim in implementation Content Management System (CMS)in developing design process of consumer co-operative website.Web design process model by Kiatruangkrai et al.(2010) and Goi(2007a) have been the foundation guideline in designing the website.Package selection web based application has been used in design stage which can easily help non professional web developer to design their online shopping website.As a conceptual paper, this research is limited to literature and prior research.It offers the benefit to new direction for further research on web design process model.This paper provides researcher with a proposed model of web design process.The proposed model should also be tested in relation with e retail business

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Jual Beli Online dengan Pendeteksi Produk Pakaian Menggunakan Scan QR Code

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    Lullabyworks is a clothing manufacturer located on Jalan Pusponjolo Selatan Semarang. Lullabyworks produces and sells various clothes ranging from t-shirt, jacket, sweater, hoodie etc. Lullabyworks entrusts its products to one of the distros in Semarang and uses COD (Cash on Delivery) system to market its products. In the current sales system there are two disadvantages that customers have difficulty knowing the stock of goods, and difficulty in ordering goods, especially for customers who are outside the city of Semarang. This reasearch aims to develop an online shopping system with the detection of clothing products using QR Code scans. This system has features to order goods, QR Code scan to check the product, and can record the sale and stock of goods. The research method is the waterfall methodology, in this methodology every step of the final task is done in sequence, starting from design, analysis, design, implementation, to treatment. The result show that all existing features and menus have run in accordance with its function and no errors occured. The results of the questionnaire satisfaction rate of prospective customers and admin shows that the satisfaction level of 79.6% which means feeling very satisfied. From the results of system evaluation conducted the system is able to produce a system with features for ordering goods, searching goods using QR Code scan and display records sales and stock of goods.Keywords : Online shopping, QR Cod

    Cake-Hut: A Novel E-Commerce Platform for Booking and Purchasing Cakes Online

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    This research paper proposes an e-commerce cake shopping system: ‘Cake-Hut’ which will enable customers and cake bakery owners to handle their regular online selling and buying activities. Cake Hut is a Web Application where people can purchase customized cakes online from their favorite cake bakery according to their preferred designs or else, they can choose pre-defined cake designs from set of designs which were uploaded by sellers. The system is developed to replace the existing cake purchasing and order management methods, making it more effective and efficient while also addressing user needs. Agile software development methodology approach has been used to develop and test the system in a systematic manner, which includes the development phases of planning, design, and testing and implementation. This system is developed using React JS for frontend development and Express JS for backend development, MongoDB database, and runs on Node JS runtime environment

    CINDI book bag system : design and implementation

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    This report describes the design and implementation issues of a book bag shopping system for the CINDI virtual library. There are a number of book bag systems, most of which are developed using Cgi/Perl, Java, Active Server Page (ASP) and ColdFusion. In the design and implementation of the CINDI book bag system, we use the PHP as a scripting language, MySQL as a database server, and Apache as a Web server under Debian Linux. This system environment can meet the requirements of the CINDI virtual library. It is a good combination for developing the CINDI book bag system. For introduction and easy understanding of the book bag system, the shopping bag system of the online Chapters.ca bookstore is reviewed. Some important issues for book bag system are discussed, like maintaining persistent information on the stateless web, user authentication, security, and the principles of web GUI design. What we applied in the system is also stated. The components of the book bag system and its implementation are given. Some screens of the GUI interface pages and some related code are also presented. Finally, the integration of the book bag system in CINDI virtual library system and further works for the system are depicted

    The Effects on Saturated Fat Purchases of Providing Internet Shoppers with Purchase- Specific Dietary Advice: A Randomised Trial

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    OBJECTIVES: The supermarket industry now services many customers through online food shopping over the Internet. The Internet shopping process offers a novel opportunity for the modification of dietary patterns. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on consumers' purchases of saturated fat of a fully automated computerised system that provided real-time advice tailored to the consumers' specific purchases recommending foods lower in saturated fat. DESIGN: This study was a blinded, randomised controlled trial. SETTING: The study was conducted in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: The participants were consumers using a commercial online Internet shopping site between February and June 2004. INTERVENTIONS: Individuals assigned to intervention received fully automated advice that recommended specific switches from selected products higher in saturated fat to alternate similar products lower in saturated fat. Participants assigned to control received general non-specific advice about how to eat a diet lower in saturated fat. OUTCOME MEASURES: The outcome measure was the difference in saturated fat (grams per 100 g of food) in shopping baskets between the intervention and control groups. RESULTS: There were 497 randomised participants, mean age 40 y, each shopping for an average of about three people. The amount of saturated fat in the foods purchased by the intervention group was 0.66% lower (95% confidence interval 0.48–0.84, p < 0.001) than in the control group. The effects of the intervention were sustained over consecutive shopping episodes, and there was no difference in the average cost of the food bought by each group. CONCLUSIONS: Fully automated, purchase-specific dietary advice offered to customers during Internet shopping can bring about changes in food purchasing habits that are likely to have significant public health implications. Because implementation is simple to initiate and maintain, this strategy would likely be highly cost-effective

    LionBarat App: Augmented Reality-Based Fashion Shopping Application

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    The purpose of this study is to design a mobile-based application that serves to help potential buyers to easily find fashion according to the wishes of potential buyers accurately. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the application development process uses an object-oriented approach with the System Development Life Cycle Prototyping. The results of the research method on the LionBarat application are expected to provide convenience in shopping for fashion without fear that the clothes that will be purchased are not suitable because of the greatness or are different from those in the application user interface. The main concept of this application is a way to make it easier for potential buyers to find the right and accurate fashion according to what the LionBarat application displays. This idea was created from the unrest of online shopping application users who buy clothes such as clothes, pants or shoes due to the lack of accurate images and descriptions of existing products. In addition, this application has features that are integrated with Google Lens and Lidar so that application users can search and buy the desired fashion by inputting/scanning images into the search field. The conclusion of designing this application can be concluded that fashion sales on the application can be even better if it can take advantage of the implementation of Google Lens and Augmented Reality (AR)technology as an online fashion shopping feature. This research is expected to help fashion sellers in getting more potential consumers who can indirectly increase new innovations in online shopping

    Concordia online shopping assistant : an intelligent user interface for distributed database computing

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    This project demonstrates a prototype for an intelligent user interface for an Online Shopping Assistant coded using Visual Basic 6, Oracle, and MS SAPI SDK on Windows NT environment. The purpose of this project is to explore state of the art technology to build a simple, functionally elegant, intelligent user interface to make software easy to use. This project has some unique features which differentiate it from other online shopping tools. The speech enabled GUI can response to user action accordingly and can give comments and recommendations to the user about a particular product. It has three language versions, English, French, and Chinese. Speech is only in English because the Microsoft speech engine has only an English version. It supports heterogeneous databases and has hyperlink features to link the image catalogue to a particular web site. The goal of this project is make the catalogue style online shopping enjoyable and retain the attention of potential consumers. This report presents the architectural design of the COSA system, the, design and implementation of client part GUI and server part databases. The success of most software is determined by its GUI, COSA system is no exemption. When designing and implementing COSA, a great deal of effort is focused on its usability and usability testing. Finally, future work related to COSA is presented