24 research outputs found

    EC-IoT : an easy configuration framework for constrained IoT devices

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    Connected devices offer tremendous opportunities. However, their configuration and control remains a major challenge in order to reach widespread adoption by less technically skilled people. Over the past few years, a lot of attention has been given to improve the configuration process of constrained devices with limited resources, such as available memory and absence of a user interface. Still, a major deficiency is the lack of a streamlined, standardized configuration process. In this paper we propose EC-IoT, a novel configuration framework for constrained IoT devices. The proposed framework makes use of open standards, leveraging upon the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), an application protocol that enables HTTP-like RESTful interactions with constrained devices. To validate the proposed approach, we present a prototype implementation of the EC-IoT framework and assess its scalability.The research from DEWI project (www.dewi-project.eu) leading to these results has received funding from the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking under grant agreement n 621353 and from the agency for Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO). The research from the ITEA2 FUSE-IT project (13023) leading to these results has re- ceived funding from the agency for Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)

    NFV Based Gateways for Virtualized Wireless Sensors Networks: A Case Study

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    Virtualization enables the sharing of a same wireless sensor network (WSN) by multiple applications. However, in heterogeneous environments, virtualized wireless sensor networks (VWSN) raises new challenges such as the need for on-the-fly, dynamic, elastic and scalable provisioning of gateways. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is an emerging paradigm that can certainly aid in tackling these new challenges. It leverages standard virtualization technology to consolidate special-purpose network elements on top of commodity hardware. This article presents a case study on NFV based gateways for VWSNs. In the study, a VWSN gateway provider, operates and manages an NFV based infrastructure. We use two different brands of wireless sensors. The NFV infrastructure makes possible the dynamic, elastic and scalable deployment of gateway modules in this heterogeneous VWSN environment. The prototype built with Openstack as platform is described

    Design and implementation of an IoT gateway to create smart environments

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    The paper presents a proposal of a practical implementation for an IoT gateway dedicated to real-time monitoring and remote control of a swimming pool. Based on a Raspberry Pi, the gateway allows bidirectional communication and data exchange between the user and the sensor network implemented on the environment using an Arduino.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bridging IoT infrastructure and cloud application using cellular-based internet gateway device

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    An Internet of Things (IoT) middleware can solve interoperability problem among “things” in IoT infrastructure by collecting data. However, the sensor nodes’ data that is collected by the middleware cannot be directly delivered to cloud applications since the sensor nodes and the middleware are located in intranet. A solution to this problem is an Internet Gateway Device (IGD) that retrieves data from the middleware in intranet then forwards them to cloud applications in the internet. In this study, an IGD based on cellular network is proposed to provide wide-coverage internet connectivity. Two test scenarios were conducted to measure delay and throughput between the IGD and the cloud application; using data from DHT22 sensor and image sensor respectively. The results of the first test scenario using DHT22 sensor show that the average delay is under 5 seconds and the maximum throughput is 120 bps, while the second one using image sensor concludes that the average delay is 595 seconds and the maximum throughput is 909 bps

    EC-IoT: An easy configuration framework for constrained IoT devices

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    Connected devices offer tremendous opportunities. However, their configuration and control remains a major challenge in order to reach widespread adoption by less technically skilled people. Over the past few years, a lot of attention has been given to improve the configuration process of constrained devices with limited resources, such as available memory and absence of a user interface. Still, a major deficiency is the lack of a streamlined, standardized configuration process. In this paper we propose EC-IoT, a novel configuration framework for constrained IoT devices. The proposed framework makes use of open standards, leveraging upon the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), an application protocol that enables HTTP-like RESTful interactions with constrained devices. To validate the proposed approach, we present a prototype implementation of the EC-IoT framework and assess its scalability.The research from DEWI project (www.dewi-project.eu) leading to these results has received funding from the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking under grant agreement n 621353 and from the agency for Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO). The research from the ITEA2 FUSE-IT project (13023) leading to these results has re- ceived funding from the agency for Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)

    Portable Fog Gateways for Resilient Sensors Data Aggregation in Internet-less Environment

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    Fog computing is gaining attention due to the potential of aggregating and processing time-sensitive data at the nearby intelligent gateways. It reduces the latency of sensors data aggregation and response time therefore, improve real-time action which is beneficial in environmental monitoring and early warning systems. However, deploying edge computing in Internet-less environment seems unpractical and the mobility of gateways is less focused in current literature. In this paper, we present a practical design of a portable gateways scheme for sensors data aggregation and processing in Internet-less environment. The proposed gateways can locate their geographical locations which can be automatically converted into location names at the central gateway. The proposed portable Fog Gateways are developed by using open-source hardware and integrated with Cloud database for data storage. Data processing techniques such as data parsing and Reverse Geocoding are conducted for reliable data transmission by using GSM/GPRS technology and geographical location name detection respectively. Finally, a case study has been conducted to evaluate the feasibility of our proposed Fog Gateways scheme in real-time application

    Smart IoT Gateway For Heterogeneous Devices Interoperability

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    "(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works."The Internet of things (IoT) will interconnect a huge amount of devices, leading to a new way of interaction in the physical and virtual world, inspired by the idea of ubiquity, where all the objects around us, such as: sensors, automobiles, refrigerators, thermostats, industrial robots, tablets, smartphones, etc. could be connected anytime and anywhere. However, one of the main challenges that faces IoT is the high degree of heterogeneity in terms of communication capabilities of the devices, protocols, technologies or hardware. We focus on the implementation of a new Smart IoT Gateway designed to allow interconnection and interoperability between heterogeneous devices in the IoT. The proposed gateway offers significant advantages: (i) it enables connectivity of different protocols and traditional communication technologies (Ethernet) and wireless (ZigBee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi); (ii) it uses a flexible protocol that translates all the data obtained from the different sensors into a uniform format, performing the analysis of the data obtained from the environment-based-rules related to the different types of sensors; (iii) it uses a lightweight and optimal protocol on the use of devices with limited resources for delivering information environment; and (iv) it provides local data storage for later use and analysis. Our proof of concept demonstrates the performance and capacity of the proposed Smart IoT Gateway is related with Active and Healthy Aging (AHA).Yacchirema-Vargas, DC.; Palau Salvador, CE. (2016). Smart IoT Gateway For Heterogeneous Devices Interoperability. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 14(8):3900-3906. https://doi.org/10.1109/TLA.2016.7786378S3900390614

    Optimization of A Smart IOT Gateway

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    In recent years, the Internet of Things (IOT) has attracted many attentions. It allows a number of objects that have been embedded with wired or wireless communication interfaces to automatically communicate and interact with each other. The IOT is a system, combination of embedded controllers, sensors, software’s and network. After internet and mobile communication, IOT is regarded as the third wave of information because of its huge market prospects. The development of IOT can support a variety of applications including Intelligent Art, Intelligent Logistics, Intelligent Medicine & Healthcare, Intelligent Transportation, Intelligent Power, Smart Life etc. IOT Gateway plays an important role in IOT applications since it bridges between wireless sensor networks with traditional communication networks or internet. This paper includes an IOT Gateway system based on Zigbee and Wi-Fi protocols according to the presented data transmission between wireless sensor networks and mobile communication networks, typical IOT application scenarios and requirements from telecom operators, protocol conversion of different sensor network protocols, and control functionalities for sensor networks, and an implementation of prototyping system and system validation is given