391 research outputs found

    MEMS Gyroscopes for Consumers and Industrial Applications

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    none2mixedAntonello, Riccardo; Oboe, RobertoAntonello, Riccardo; Oboe, Robert

    Degree-per-hour mode-matched micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscopes

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    The objective of this research dissertation is to design and implement two novel micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscopes, which attempt to incorporate all the necessary attributes of sub-deg/hr noise performance requirements in a single framework: large resonant mass, high drive-mode oscillation amplitudes, large device capacitance (coupled with optimized electronics), and high-Q resonant mode-matched operation. Mode-matching leverages the high-Q (mechanical gain) of the operating modes of the gyroscope and offers significant improvements in mechanical and electronic noise floor, sensitivity, and bias stability. The first micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscope presented in this work is the resonating star gyroscope (RSG): a novel Class-II shell-type structure which utilizes degenerate flexural modes. After an iterative cycle of design optimization, an RSG prototype was implemented using a multiple-shell approach on (111) SOI substrate. Experimental data indicates sub-5 deg/hr Allan deviation bias instability operating under a mode-matched operating Q of 30,000 at 23ºC (in vacuum). The second micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscope presented in this work is the mode-matched tuning fork gyroscope (M2-TFG): a novel Class-I tuning fork structure which utilizes in-plane non-degenerate resonant flexural modes. Operated under vacuum, the M2-TFG represents the first reported high-Q perfectly mode-matched operation in Class-I vibratory microgyroscope. Experimental results of device implemented on (100) SOI substrate demonstrates sub-deg/hr Allan deviation bias instability operating under a mode-matched operating Q of 50,000 at 23ºC. In an effort to increase capacitive aspect ratio, a new fabrication technology was developed that involved the selective deposition of doped-polysilicon inside the capacitive sensing gaps (SPD Process). By preserving the structural composition integrity of the flexural springs, it is possible to accurately predict the operating-mode frequencies while maintaining high-Q operation. Preliminary characterization of vacuum-packaged prototypes was performed. Initial results demonstrated high-Q mode-matched operation, excellent thermal stability, and sub-deg/hr Allan variance bias instability.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Farrokh Ayazi; Committee Member: Dr. Mark G. Allen; Committee Member: Dr. Oliver Brand; Committee Member: Dr. Paul A. Kohl; Committee Member: Dr. Thomas E. Michael

    Vers des centrales inertielles compactes basées sur des nanojauges piezorésistives : problématique de co-intégration

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    This thesis was carried out in an industrial context of strong competition in connection with miniature silicon sensors for the huge so-called “consumer” market, where the “Smartphone” is the killer application; its increasing functionality creates a need for the so-called ‘10-axis' inertial multi-sensors (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis magnetometer, 3-axis gyro sensor and pressure). Similarly to integrated circuits, cost constraints on such sensors translate into a requirement in terms of integration density. The M & NEMS (Micro- & Nano- Electro-Mechanical-Systems) technology has been developed to meet this expectation. It is based on the integration of nanoscale (~ 250 nm) strain gauges together with micrometric electromechanical structures, which ensure unrivaled compactness, paving the way for the co-integration of multiple inertial sensors on the same silicon chip. However, the different nature of the physical quantities to be measured imposes additional constraints, sometimes conflicting, which leads to a difficult co-integration. Based on this observation, we have explored and developed solutions to allow operation under the same ambient pressure, of accelerometers together with Coriolis force based gyroscopes. This issue of co-integration extends beyond the accelerometer-gyroscope couple. Issues inherent to the pressure sensor and to the 3-axis accelerometer measurements, are also addressed in this thesisCette thèse a été effectuée dans un contexte industriel de forte concurrence en lien avec les capteurs miniatures en silicium, destinés au gigantesque marché dit "consumer", dont l'application phare est le "Smartphone", pour laquelle les fonctionnalités accrues engendrent un besoin en matière de multi-capteurs inertiels dits 10-axes (accéléromètre 3-axes, magnétomètre 3-axes, gyromètre 3-axes et capteur de pression). Tout comme les circuits intégrés, les contraintes de coût de tels capteurs se traduisent par une exigence en termes de densité d'intégration. La technologie M&NEMS (Micro- & Nano- Electro Mechanical Systems) a été développée pour répondre à cette attente. Elle repose sur l'intégration de jauges de contraintes de dimensions nanométriques (~250 nm) avec des structures électromécaniques micrométriques, ce qui prodigue une compacité hors-pair des capteurs, ouvrant la voie à la co-intégration de multi-capteurs sur la même puce de silicium. Toutefois, la nature différente des grandeurs physiques à mesurer impose des contraintes supplémentaires, parfois opposées, ce qui rend leur co-intégration difficile. Partant de ce constat, nous avons exploré et développé, des solutions devant permettre le fonctionnement sous une même pression environnante, d'accéléromètres et de gyromètres à force de Coriolis. Cette problématique de co-intégration, s'étend au-delà du couple accéléromètre-gyromètre. Des questions inhérentes au capteur de pression ainsi qu'aux 3 axes de mesure d'un accéléromètre, sont également traitées dans cette thès

    Design and Implementation of a Z-Axis MEMS Gyroscope with a Symmetric Multiple-Mass Mechanical Structure

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    This thesis presents a z-axis MEMS gyroscope with a symmetric mechanical structure. The multiple-mass design prioritizes the sense-mode Quality Factor (Q) and thus improves its scale factor. The proposed mechanically coupled, dynamically balanced anti-phase sense-mode design minimizes energy dissipation through the substrate in order to maximize the Q. Numerical simulation is implemented in a finite element analysis software, COMSOL, to identify the two operation modes of the gyroscope: drive-mode and sense-mode. The multiple-mass gyroscope design is further fabricated using a one-mask process. Experimental characterization of frequency response in both drive-mode and sense-mode of the device are conducted, proving the design concept for improving the Q in the sense-mode

    Low-cost inertial measurement unit.

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    High performance 3-folded symmetric decoupled MEMS gyroscopes

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    This thesis reports, for the first time, on a novel design and architecture for realizing inertial grade gyroscope based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. The proposed device is suitable for high-precision Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). The new design has been investigated analytically and numerically by means of Finite Element Modeling (FEM) of the shapes, resonance frequencies and decoupling of the natural drive and sense modes of the various implementations. Also, famous phenomena known as spring softening and spring hardening are studied. Their effect on the gyroscope operation is modeled numerically in Matlab/Simulink platform. This latter model is used to predict the drive/sense mode matching capability of the proposed designs. Based on the comparison with the best recently reported performance towards inertial grade operation, it is expected that the novel architecture further lowers the dominant Brownian (thermo-mechanical) noise level by more than an order of magnitude (down to 0.08º/hr). Moreover, the gyroscope\u27s figure of merit, such as output sensitivity (150 mV/º/s), is expected to be improved by more than two orders of magnitude. This necessarily results in a signal to noise ratio (SNR) which is up to three orders of magnitude higher (up to 1,900mV/ º/hr). Furthermore, the novel concept introduced in this work for building MEMS gyroscopes allows reducing the sense parasitic capacitance by up to an order of magnitude. This in turn reduces the drive mode coupling or quadrature errors in the sensor\u27s output signal. The new approach employs Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) substrates that allows the realization of large mass (\u3e1.6mg), large sense capacitance (\u3e2.2pF), high quality factors (\u3e21,000), large drive amplitude (~2-4 µm) and low resonance frequency (~3-4 KHz) as well as the consequently suppressed noise floor and reduced support losses for high-performance vacuum operation. Several challenges were encountered during fabrication that required developing high aspect ratio (up to 1:20) etching process for deep trenches (up to 500 µm). Frequency Response measurement platform was built for devices characterization. The measurements were performed at atmospheric pressures causing huge drop of the devices performance. Therefore, various MEMS gyroscope packaging technologies are studied. Wafer Level Packaging (WLP) is selected to encapsulate the fabricated devices under vacuum by utilizing wafer bonding. Through Silicon Via (TSV) technology was developed (as connections) to transfer the electrical signals (of the fabricated devices) outside the cap wafers

    Energy efficient control of electrostatically actuated MEMS

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    Plenty of Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices are actuated using electrostatic forces, and specially, parallel-plate actuators are extensively used, due to the simplicity of their design. Nevertheless, parallel-plate actuators have some limitations due to the nonlinearity of the generated force. The dissertation analyzes the dynamics of the lumped electrostatically actuated nonlinear system, in order to obtain insight on its characteristics, define desired performance goals and implement a controller for energy efficient robustly stable actuation of MEMS resonators. In the first part of the dissertation, the modeling of the electromechanical lumped system is developed. From a complete distributed parameters model for MEMS devices which rely on electrostatic actuation, a concentrated parameters simplification is derived to be used for analysis and control design. Based on the model, energy analysis of the pull-in instability is performed. The classic approach is revisited to extend the results to models with a nonlinear springs. Analysis of the effect of dynamics is studied as an important factor for the stability of the system. From this study, the Resonant Pull-in Condition for parallel-plate electrostatically actuated MEMS resonators is defined and experimentally validated. Given the importance of the nonlinear dynamics and its richness in behaviors, Harmonic Balance is chosen as a tool to characterize the steady-state oscillation of the resonators. This characterization leads to the understanding of the key factors for large and stable oscillation of resonators. An important conclusion is reached, Harmonic Balance predicts that any oscillation amplitude is possible for any desired frequency if the appropriate voltage is applied to the resonator. And the energy consumption is dependent on this chosen oscillation frequency. Based on Harmonic Balance results, four main goals are defined for the control strategy: Stable oscillation with large amplitudes of motion; Robust oscillation independently of MEMS imperfections; Pure sinus-like oscillation for high-grade sensing; and Low energy consumption. The second part of the dissertation deals with the controller selection, design and verification. A survey of prior work on MEMS control confirms that existing control approaches cannot provide the desired performance. Consequently, a new three-stage controller is proposed to obtain the desired oscillation with the expected stability and energy efficiency. The controller has three different control loops. The first control loop includes a Robust controller designed using on µ-synthesis, to deal with MEMS resonators uncertainties. The second control loop includes an Internal-Model-Principle Resonant controller, to generate the desired control action to obtain the desired oscillation. And the third control loop handles the energy consumption minimization through an Extremum Seeking Controller, which selects the most efficient working frequency for the desired oscillation. The proposed controller is able to automatically generate the needed control voltage, as predicted by the Harmonic Balance analysis, to operate the parallel-plate electrostatically actuated MEMS resonator at the desired oscillation. Performance verification of stability, robustness, sinus-like oscillation and energy efficiency is carried out through simulation. Finally, the needed steps for a real implementation are analyzed. Independent two-sided actuation for full-range amplitude oscillation is introduced to overcome the limitations of one-sided actuation. And a modification of standard Electromechanical Amplitude Modulation is analyzed and validated for position feedback implementation. With these improvements, a MEMS resonator with the desired specifications for testing the proposed control is designed for fabrication. Based on this design, testing procedure is discussed as future work.Molts microsistemes (MEMS) són actuats amb forces electrostàtiques, i especialment, els actuadors electrostàtics de plaques paral.leles són molt usats, degut a la simplicitat del seu disseny. Tot i això, aquests actuadors tenen limitacions degut a la no-linealitat de les forces generades. La tesi analitza el sistema mecànic no-lineal actuat electrostàticament que forma el MEMS, per tal d'entendre'n les característiques, definir objectius de control de l'oscil.lació, i implementar un controlador robust, estable i eficient energèticament. A la primera part de la tesi es desenvolupa el modelat del sistema electromecànic complert. A partir de la formulació de paràmetres distribuïts aplicada a dispositius MEMS amb actuació electrostàtica, es deriva una formulació de paràmetres concentrats per a l'anàlisi i el disseny del control. Basat en aquest model, s'analitza energèticament la inestabilitat anomenada Pull-in, ampliant els resultats de l'enfocament clàssic al model amb motlles no-lineals. Dins de l'anàlisi, l'evolució dinàmica s'estudia per ser un factor important per a l'estabilitat. D'aquest estudi, la Resonant Pull-in Condition per a actuadors electrostàtics de plaques paral.leles es defineix i es valida experimentalment. Donada la importància de la dinàmica no-lineal del sistema i la seva riquesa de comportaments, s'utilitza Balanç d'Harmònics per tal de caracteritzar les oscil.lacions en estacionari. Aquesta caracterització permet entendre els factors claus per a obtenir oscil.lacions estables i d'amplitud elevada. El Balanç d'Harmònics dóna una conclusió important: qualsevol amplitud d'oscil.lació és possible per a qualsevol freqüència desitjada si s'aplica el voltatge adequat al ressonador. I el consum energètic associat a aquesta oscil.lació depèn de la freqüència triada. Llavors, basat en aquests resultats, quatre objectius es plantegen per a l'estratègia de control: oscil.lació estable amb amplituds elevades; robustesa de l'oscil.lació independentment de les imperfeccions dels MEMS; oscil.lació sinusoïdal sense harmònics per a aplicacions d'alta precisió; i baix consum energètic. La segona part de la tesi tracta la selecció, disseny i verificació dun controlador adequat per a aquests objectius. La revisió dels treballs existents en control de MEMS confirma que cap dels enfocaments actuals permet obtenir els objectius desitjats. En conseqüència, es proposa el disseny d'un nou controlador amb tres etapes per tal d'obtenir l'oscil.lació desitjada amb estabilitat i eficiència energètica. El controlador té tres llaços de control. Al primer llaç, un controlador robust dissenyat amb µ-síntesis gestiona les incertes es dels MEMS. El segon llaç inclou un controlador Ressonant, basat en el Principi del Model Intern, per a generar l'acció de control necessària per a obtenir l'oscil.lació desitjada. I el tercer llaç de control gestiona la minimització de l'energia consumida mitjançant un controlador basat en Extremum Seeking, el qual selecciona la freqüència de treball més eficient energèticament per a l'oscil.lació triada. El controlador proposat és capaç de generar automàticament el voltatge necessari, igual al previst pel Balanç d'Harmònics, per tal d'operar electrostàticament amb plaques paral.leles els ressonadors MEMS. Mitjançant simulació se'n verifica l'estabilitat, robustesa, inexistència d'harmònics i eficiència energètica de l'oscil.lació. Finalment, la implementació real és analitzada. En primer lloc, un nou esquema d'actuació per dos costats amb voltatges independents es proposa per aconseguir l'oscil.lació del ressonador en tot el rang d'amplituds. I en segon lloc, una modificació del sensat amb Modulació d'Amplitud Electromecànica s'utilitza per tancar el llaç de control de posició. Amb aquestes millores, un ressonador MEMS es dissenya per a ser fabricat i validar el control. Basat en aquest disseny, es proposa un procediment de test plantejat com a treball futur.Postprint (published version

    Enhancements of MEMS design flow for Automotive and Optoelectronic applications

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    In the latest years we have been witnesses of a very rapidly and amazing grown of MicroElectroMechanical systems (MEMS) which nowadays represent the outstanding state-of-the art in a wide variety of applications from automotive to commercial, biomedical and optical (MicroOptoElectroMechanicalSystems). The increasing success of MEMS is found in their high miniaturization capability, thus allowing an easy integration with electronic circuits, their low manufacturing costs (that comes directly from low unit pricing and indirectly from cutting service and maintaining costs) and low power consumption. With the always growing interest around MEMS devices the necessity arises for MEMS designers to define a MEMS design flow. Indeed it is widely accepted that in any complex engineering design process, a well defined and documented design flow or procedure is vital. The top-level goal of a MEMS/MOEMS design flow is to enable complex engineering design in the shortest time and with the lowest number of fabrication iterations, preferably only one. These two characteristics are the measures of a good flow, because they translate directly to the industry-desirable reductions of the metrics “time to market” and “costs”. Like most engineering flows, the MEMS design flow begins with the product definition that generally involves a feasibility study and the elaboration of the device specifications. Once the MEMS specifications are set, a Finite Element Method (FEM) model is developed in order to study its physical behaviour and to extract the characteristic device parameters. These latter are used to develop a high level MEMS model which is necessary to the design of the sensor read out electronics. Once the MEMS geometry is completely defined and matches the device specifications, the device layout must be generated, and finally the MEMS sensor is fabricated. In order to have a MEMS sensor working according to specifications at first production run is essential that the MEMS design flow is as close as possible to the optimum design flow. The key factors in the MEMS design flow are the development of a sensor model as close as possible to the real device and the layout realization. This research work addresses these two aspects by developing optimized custom tools (a tool for layout check (LVS) and a tool for parasitic capacitances extraction) and new methodologies (a methodology for post layout simulations) which support the designer during the crucial steps of the design process as well as by presenting the models of two cases studies belonging to leading MEMS applications (a micromirror for laser projection system and a control loop for the shock immunity enhancement in gyroscopes for automotive applications)

    Sensing Movement: Microsensors for Body Motion Measurement

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    Recognition of body posture and motion is an important physiological function that can keep the body in balance. Man-made motion sensors have also been widely applied for a broad array of biomedical applications including diagnosis of balance disorders and evaluation of energy expenditure. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art sensing components utilized for body motion measurement. The anatomy and working principles of a natural body motion sensor, the human vestibular system, are first described. Various man-made inertial sensors are then elaborated based on their distinctive sensing mechanisms. In particular, both the conventional solid-state motion sensors and the emerging non solid-state motion sensors are depicted. With their lower cost and increased intelligence, man-made motion sensors are expected to play an increasingly important role in biomedical systems for basic research as well as clinical diagnostics

    Advanced interface systems for readout, control, and self-calibration of MEMS resonant gyroscopes

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    MEMS gyroscopes have become an essential component in consumer, industrial and automotive applications, owing to their small form factor and low production cost. However, their poor stability, also known as drift, has hindered their penetration into high-end tactical and navigation applications, where highly stable bias and scale factor are required over long period of time to avoid significant positioning error. Improving the long-term stability of MEMS gyroscopes has created new challenges in both the physical sensor design and fabrication, as well as the system architecture used for interfacing with the physical sensor. The objective of this research is to develop interface circuits and systems for in-situ control and self-calibration of MEMS resonators and resonant gyroscopes to enhance the stability of bias and scale factor without the need for any mechanical rotary stage, or expensive bulky lab characterization equipment. The self-calibration techniques developed in this work provide 1-2 orders of magnitude improvement in the drift of bias and scale factor of a resonant gyroscope over temperature and time.Ph.D