1,565 research outputs found

    Secure data sharing and processing in heterogeneous clouds

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    The extensive cloud adoption among the European Public Sector Players empowered them to own and operate a range of cloud infrastructures. These deployments vary both in the size and capabilities, as well as in the range of employed technologies and processes. The public sector, however, lacks the necessary technology to enable effective, interoperable and secure integration of a multitude of its computing clouds and services. In this work we focus on the federation of private clouds and the approaches that enable secure data sharing and processing among the collaborating infrastructures and services of public entities. We investigate the aspects of access control, data and security policy languages, as well as cryptographic approaches that enable fine-grained security and data processing in semi-trusted environments. We identify the main challenges and frame the future work that serve as an enabler of interoperability among heterogeneous infrastructures and services. Our goal is to enable both security and legal conformance as well as to facilitate transparency, privacy and effectivity of private cloud federations for the public sector needs. © 2015 The Authors

    Development of grid frameworks for clinical trials and epidemiological studies

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    E-Health initiatives such as electronic clinical trials and epidemiological studies require access to and usage of a range of both clinical and other data sets. Such data sets are typically only available over many heterogeneous domains where a plethora of often legacy based or in-house/bespoke IT solutions exist. Considerable efforts and investments are being made across the UK to upgrade the IT infrastructures across the National Health Service (NHS) such as the National Program for IT in the NHS (NPFIT) [1]. However, it is the case that currently independent and largely non-interoperable IT solutions exist across hospitals, trusts, disease registries and GP practices – this includes security as well as more general compute and data infrastructures. Grid technology allows issues of distribution and heterogeneity to be overcome, however the clinical trials domain places special demands on security and data which hitherto the Grid community have not satisfactorily addressed. These challenges are often common across many studies and trials hence the development of a re-usable framework for creation and subsequent management of such infrastructures is highly desirable. In this paper we present the challenges in developing such a framework and outline initial scenarios and prototypes developed within the MRC funded Virtual Organisations for Trials and Epidemiological Studies (VOTES) project [2]

    Shibboleth-based access to and usage of grid resources

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    Security underpins grids and e-research. Without a robust, reliable and simple grid security infrastructure combined with commonly accepted security practices, large portions of the research community and wider industry will not engage. The predominant way in which security is currently addressed in the grid community is through public key infrastructures (PKI) based upon X.509 certificates to support authentication. Whilst PKIs address user identity issues, authentication does not provide fine grained control over what users are allowed to do on remote resources (authorization). In this paper we outline how we have successfully combined Shibboleth and advanced authorization technologies to provide simplified (from the user perspective) but fine grained security for access to and usage of grid resources. We demonstrate this approach through different security focused e-science projects being conducted at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) at the University of Glasgow. We believe that this model is widely applicable and encourage the further uptake of e-science by non-IT specialists in the research communitie

    Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations

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    This white-paper expresses common requirements of Research Communities seeking to leverage Identity Federation for Authentication and Authorisation. Recommendations are made to Stakeholders to guide the future evolution of Federated Identity Management in a direction that better satisfies research use cases. The authors represent research communities, Research Services, Infrastructures, Identity Federations and Interfederations, with a joint motivation to ease collaboration for distributed researchers. The content has been edited collaboratively by the Federated Identity Management for Research (FIM4R) Community, with input sought at conferences and meetings in Europe, Asia and North America

    Creating a Worldwide Network For the Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) and Related Experimental Environments

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    Many important societal activities are global in scope, and as these activities continually expand world-wide, they are increasingly based on a foundation of advanced communication services and underlying innovative network architecture, technology, and core infrastructure. To continue progress in these areas, research activities cannot be limited to campus labs and small local testbeds or even to national testbeds. Researchers must be able to explore concepts at scale—to conduct experiments on world-wide testbeds that approximate the attributes of the real world. Today, it is possible to take advantage of several macro information technology trends, especially virtualization and capabilities for programming technology resources at a highly granulated level, to design, implement and operate network research environments at a global scale. GENI is developing such an environment, as are research communities in a number of other countries. Recently, these communities have not only been investigating techniques for federating these research environments across multiple domains, but they have also been demonstration prototypes of such federations. This chapter provides an overview of key topics and experimental activities related to GENI international networking and to related projects throughout the world

    Common challenges and requirements

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    Research infrastructures available for researchers in environmental and Earth science are diverse and highly distributed; dedicated research infrastructures exist for atmospheric science, marine science, solid Earth science, biodiversity research, and more. These infrastructures aggregate and curate key research datasets and provide consolidated data services for a target research community, but they also often overlap in scope and ambition, sharing data sources, sometimes even sites, using similar standards, and ultimately all contributing data that will be essential to addressing the societal challenges that face environmental research today. Thus, while their diversity poses a problem for open science and multidisciplinary research, their commonalities mean that they often face similar technical problems and consequently have common requirements when addressing the implementation of best practices in curation, cataloguing, identification and citation, and other related core topics for data science. In this chapter, we review the requirements gathering performed in the context of the cluster of European environmental and Earth science research infrastructures participating in the ENVRI community, and survey the common challenges identified from that requirements gathering process

    E-infrastructures fostering multi-centre collaborative research into the intensive care management of patients with brain injury

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    Clinical research is becoming ever more collaborative with multi-centre trials now a common practice. With this in mind, never has it been more important to have secure access to data and, in so doing, tackle the challenges of inter-organisational data access and usage. This is especially the case for research conducted within the brain injury domain due to the complicated multi-trauma nature of the disease with its associated complex collation of time-series data of varying resolution and quality. It is now widely accepted that advances in treatment within this group of patients will only be delivered if the technical infrastructures underpinning the collection and validation of multi-centre research data for clinical trials is improved. In recognition of this need, IT-based multi-centre e-Infrastructures such as the Brain Monitoring with Information Technology group (BrainIT - www.brainit.org) and Cooperative Study on Brain Injury Depolarisations (COSBID - www.cosbid.de) have been formed. A serious impediment to the effective implementation of these networks is access to the know-how and experience needed to install, deploy and manage security-oriented middleware systems that provide secure access to distributed hospital based datasets and especially the linkage of these data sets across sites. The recently funded EU framework VII ICT project Advanced Arterial Hypotension Adverse Event prediction through a Novel Bayesian Neural Network (AVERT-IT) is focused upon tackling these challenges. This chapter describes the problems inherent to data collection within the brain injury medical domain, the current IT-based solutions designed to address these problems and how they perform in practice. We outline how the authors have collaborated towards developing Grid solutions to address the major technical issues. Towards this end we describe a prototype solution which ultimately formed the basis for the AVERT-IT project. We describe the design of the underlying Grid infrastructure for AVERT-IT and how it will be used to produce novel approaches to data collection, data validation and clinical trial design is also presented

    Grid infrastructures for the electronics domain: requirements and early prototypes from an EPSRC pilot project

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    The fundamental challenges facing future electronics design is to address the decreasing – atomistic - scale of transistor devices and to understand and predict the impact and statistical variability these have on design of circuits and systems. The EPSRC pilot project “Meeting the Design Challenges of nanoCMOS Electronics” (nanoCMOS) which began in October 2006 has been funded to explore this space. This paper outlines the key requirements that need to be addressed for Grid technology to support the various research strands in this domain, and shows early prototypes demonstrating how these requirements are being addressed

    Collaborative Intrusion Detection in Federated Cloud Environments using Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence

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    Moving services to the Cloud environment is a trend that has been increasing in recent years, with a constant increase in sophistication and complexity of such services. Today, even critical infrastructure operators are considering moving their services and data to the Cloud. As Cloud computing grows in popularity, new models are deployed to further the associated benefits. Federated Clouds are one such concept, which are an alternative for companies reluctant to move their data out of house to a Cloud Service Providers (CSP) due to security and confidentiality concerns. Lack of collaboration among different components within a Cloud federation, or among CSPs, for detection or prevention of attacks is an issue. For protecting these services and data, as Cloud environments and Cloud federations are large scale, it is essential that any potential solution should scale alongside the environment adapt to the underlying infrastructure without any issues or performance implications. This thesis presents a novel architecture for collaborative intrusion detection specifically for CSPs within a Cloud federation. Our approach offers a proactive model for Cloud intrusion detection based on the distribution of responsibilities, whereby the responsibility for managing the elements of the Cloud is distributed among several monitoring nodes and brokering, utilising our Service-based collaborative intrusion detection – “Security as a Service” methodology. For collaborative intrusion detection, the Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence is applied, executing as a fusion node with the role of collecting and fusing the information provided by the monitoring entities, taking the final decision regarding a possible attack. This type of detection and prevention helps increase resilience to attacks in the Cloud. The main novel contribution of this project is that it provides the means by which DDoS attacks are detected within a Cloud federation, so as to enable an early propagated response to block the attack. This inter-domain cooperation will offer holistic security, and add to the defence in depth. However, while the utilisation of D-S seems promising, there is an issue regarding conflicting evidences which is addressed with an extended two stage D-S fusion process. The evidence from the research strongly suggests that fusion algorithms can play a key role in autonomous decision making schemes, however our experimentation highlights areas upon which improvements are needed before fully applying to federated environments