251 research outputs found

    Novel miniaturised and highly versatile biomechatronic platforms for the characterisation of melanoma cancer cells

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    There has been an increasing demand to acquire highly sensitive devices that are able to detect and characterize cancer at a single cell level. Despite the moderate progress in this field, the majority of approaches failed to reach cell characterization with optimal sensitivity and specificity. Accordingly, in this study highly sensitive, miniaturized-biomechatronic platforms have been modeled, designed, optimized, microfabricated, and characterized, which can be used to detect and differentiate various stages of melanoma cancer cells. The melanoma cell has been chosen as a legitimate cancer model, where electrophysiological and analytical expression of cell-membrane potential have been derived, and cellular contractile force has been obtained through a correlation with micromechanical deflections of a miniaturized cantilever beam. The main objectives of this study are in fourfold: (1) to quantify cell-membrane potential, (2) correlate cellular biophysics to respective contractile force of a cell in association with various stages of the melanoma disease, (3) examine the morphology of each stage of melanoma, and (4) arrive at a relation that would interrelate stage of the disease, cellular contractile force, and cellular electrophysiology based on conducted in vitro experimental findings. Various well-characterized melanoma cancer cell lines, with varying degrees of genetic complexities have been utilized. In this study, two-miniaturized-versatile-biomechatronic platforms have been developed to extract the electrophysiology of cells, and cellular mechanics (mechanobiology). The former platform consists of a microfluidic module, and stimulating and recording array of electrodes patterned on a glass substrate, forming multi-electrode arrays (MEAs), whereas the latter system consists of a microcantilever-based biosensor with an embedded Wheatstone bridge, and a microfluidic module. Furthermore, in support of this work main objectives, dedicated microelectronics together with customized software have been attained to functionalize, and empower the two-biomechatronic platforms. The bio-mechatronic system performance has been tested throughout a sufficient number of in vitro experiments.Open Acces

    Design of a cybernetic hand for perception and action

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    Strong motivation for developing new prosthetic hand devices is provided by the fact that low functionality and controllability—in addition to poor cosmetic appearance—are the most important reasons why amputees do not regularly use their prosthetic hands. This paper presents the design of the CyberHand, a cybernetic anthropomorphic hand intended to provide amputees with functional hand replacement. Its design was bio-inspired in terms of its modular architecture, its physical appearance, kinematics, sensorization, and actuation, and its multilevel control system. Its underactuated mechanisms allow separate control of each digit as well as thumb–finger opposition and, accordingly, can generate a multitude of grasps. Its sensory system was designed to provide proprioceptive information as well as to emulate fundamental functional properties of human tactile mechanoreceptors of specific importance for grasp-and-hold tasks. The CyberHand control system presumes just a few efferent and afferent channels and was divided in two main layers: a high-level control that interprets the user’s intention (grasp selection and required force level) and can provide pertinent sensory feedback and a low-level control responsible for actuating specific grasps and applying the desired total force by taking advantage of the intelligent mechanics. The grasps made available by the high-level controller include those fundamental for activities of daily living: cylindrical, spherical, tridigital (tripod), and lateral grasps. The modular and flexible design of the CyberHand makes it suitable for incremental development of sensorization, interfacing, and control strategies and, as such, it will be a useful tool not only for clinical research but also for addressing neuroscientific hypotheses regarding sensorimotor control

    The interplay of biomimetics and biomechatronics

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    Biomechatronics is an engineering subject in which biomimetics as a method is one of its two supporting pillars: biology for engineering, or Bio4Eng. This is contrasted with biocompatible design, or Eng4Bio, examples of which are human-serving systems, such as exoskeletons, and biomedical engineering. The paper aims to illustrate that the research fields of biomimetics, biomechatronics, and biomedical engineering are not in competition but mutually supportive. The current attempts to place biomechatronics under the umbrella of biomimetics or biomedical engineering are therefore not expedient; they deprive the subject of its strength of combining Bio4Eng and Eng4Bio at any time in a task-related manner. In addition to research and development, however, the training of the specialists supporting the subjects must not be disregarded and is therefore described based on a proven design

    On the development of a cybernetic prosthetic hand

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    The human hand is the end organ of the upper limb, which in humans serves the important function of prehension, as well as being an important organ for sensation and communication. It is a marvellous example of how a complex mechanism can be implemented, capable of realizing very complex and useful tasks using a very effective combination of mechanisms, sensing, actuation and control functions. In this thesis, the road towards the realization of a cybernetic hand has been presented. After a detailed analysis of the model, the human hand, a deep review of the state of the art of artificial hands has been carried out. In particular, the performance of prosthetic hands used in clinical practice has been compared with the research prototypes, both for prosthetic and for robotic applications. By following a biomechatronic approach, i.e. by comparing the characteristics of these hands with the natural model, the human hand, the limitations of current artificial devices will be put in evidence, thus outlining the design goals for a new cybernetic device. Three hand prototypes with a high number of degrees of freedom have been realized and tested: the first one uses microactuators embedded inside the structure of the fingers, and the second and third prototypes exploit the concept of microactuation in order to increase the dexterity of the hand while maintaining the simplicity for the control. In particular, a framework for the definition and realization of the closed-loop electromyographic control of these devices has been presented and implemented. The results were quite promising, putting in evidence that, in the future, there could be two different approaches for the realization of artificial devices. On one side there could be the EMG-controlled hands, with compliant fingers but only one active degree of freedom. On the other side, more performing artificial hands could be directly interfaced with the peripheral nervous system, thus establishing a bi-directional communication with the human brain

    Inertial-Magnetic Sensors for Assessing Spatial Cognition in Infants

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    This paper describes a novel approach to the assessment of spatial cognition in children. In particular we present a wireless instrumented toy embedding magneto-inertial sensors for orientation tracking, specifically developed to assess the ability to insert objects into holes. To be used in naturalistic environments (e.g. daycares), we also describe an in-field calibration procedure based on a sequence of manual rotations, not relying on accurate motions or sophisticated equipment. The final accuracy of the proposed system, after the mentioned calibration procedure, is derived by direct comparison with a gold-standard motion tracking device. In particular, both systems are subjected to a sequence of ten single-axis rotations (approximately 90 deg, back and forth), about three different axes. The root-mean-square of the angular error between the two measurements (gold-standard vs. proposed systems) was evaluated for each trial. In particular, the average rms error is under 2 deg. This study indicates that a technological approach to ecological assessment of spatial cognition in infants is indeed feasible. As a consequence, prevention through screening of large number of infants is at reach

    Design and Control of a Hand Prosthesis

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    Práce předkládá metody a výsledky návrhu, výroby a výzkumu pětiprsté protézy ruky. Inspirace jdoucí z přírody a z toho vyvozený princip použitého mechanizmu je uveden. Základní koncept řídícího schéma založeného na procesingu a ohodnocení EMG je navrhnut a implementován. Části senzorického systému protézy jsou navrhnuty a zahrnuty do rídícího algoritmu a shématu. Velké množství inovací a návrhů pro budoucí práce a výzkum jsou prezentovány, stejně tak komplexní analýza a diskuse dosažených a možných budoucích výsledků.The text shows idea flow, methods and results in design, manufacture and research of five--fingered prosthetic hand. The inspiration of the nature and mechanical principle elicited is presented. Fundamental control scheme based on processing and evaluation of EMG is designed and implemented. The segments of sensory system are designed and involved into the overall controll scheme idea. Large innovations and suggestions for future work and research are given with complex discussion through reached and hopefully future results.

    Inverse Dynamics Modelling of Paralympic Wheelchair Curling

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    Accepted author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2017 (ahead of print) 1-19, http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jab.2016-0143. © Human Kinetics, Inc.Paralympic wheelchair curling is an adapted version of Olympic curling played by individuals with spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and lower extremity amputations. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there has been no experimental or computational research published regarding the biomechanics of wheelchair curling. Accordingly, the objective of this research was to quantify the angular joint kinematics and dynamics of a Paralympic wheelchair curler throughout the delivery. The angular joint kinematics of the upper extremity were experimentally measured using an inertial measurement unit system; the translational kinematics of the curling stone were additionally evaluated with optical motion capture. The experimental kinematics were optimized to satisfy the kinematic constraints of a subject-specific multibody biomechanical model. The optimized kinematics were subsequently used to compute the resultant joint moments via inverse dynamics analysis. The main biomechanical demands throughout the delivery (i.e., in terms of both kinematic and dynamic variables) were about the hip and shoulder joints, followed sequentially by the elbow and wrist. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to wheelchair curling delivery technique, musculoskeletal modelling, and forward dynamic simulations.This research was funded by Dr. John McPhee’s Tier I Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics

    Sensors for Robotic Hands: A Survey of State of the Art

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    Recent decades have seen significant progress in the field of artificial hands. Most of the surveys, which try to capture the latest developments in this field, focused on actuation and control systems of these devices. In this paper, our goal is to provide a comprehensive survey of the sensors for artificial hands. In order to present the evolution of the field, we cover five year periods starting at the turn of the millennium. At each period, we present the robot hands with a focus on their sensor systems dividing them into categories, such as prosthetics, research devices, and industrial end-effectors.We also cover the sensors developed for robot hand usage in each era. Finally, the period between 2010 and 2015 introduces the reader to the state of the art and also hints to the future directions in the sensor development for artificial hands

    Cognitive vision system for control of dexterous prosthetic hands: Experimental evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dexterous prosthetic hands that were developed recently, such as SmartHand and i-LIMB, are highly sophisticated; they have individually controllable fingers and the thumb that is able to abduct/adduct. This flexibility allows implementation of many different grasping strategies, but also requires new control algorithms that can exploit the many degrees of freedom available. The current study presents and tests the operation of a new control method for dexterous prosthetic hands.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The central component of the proposed method is an autonomous controller comprising a vision system with rule-based reasoning mounted on a dexterous hand (CyberHand). The controller, termed cognitive vision system (CVS), mimics biological control and generates commands for prehension. The CVS was integrated into a hierarchical control structure: 1) the user triggers the system and controls the orientation of the hand; 2) a high-level controller automatically selects the grasp type and size; and 3) an embedded hand controller implements the selected grasp using closed-loop position/force control. The operation of the control system was tested in 13 healthy subjects who used Cyberhand, attached to the forearm, to grasp and transport 18 objects placed at two different distances.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The system correctly estimated grasp type and size (nine commands in total) in about 84% of the trials. In an additional 6% of the trials, the grasp type and/or size were different from the optimal ones, but they were still good enough for the grasp to be successful. If the control task was simplified by decreasing the number of possible commands, the classification accuracy increased (e.g., 93% for guessing the grasp type only).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The original outcome of this research is a novel controller empowered by vision and reasoning and capable of high-level analysis (i.e., determining object properties) and autonomous decision making (i.e., selecting the grasp type and size). The automatic control eases the burden from the user and, as a result, the user can concentrate on what he/she does, not on how he/she should do it. The tests showed that the performance of the controller was satisfactory and that the users were able to operate the system with minimal prior training.</p