10 research outputs found


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    Proses pembelajaran merupakan aktivitas utama pada pendidikan. Sejak awal tahun 2020 terjadi perubahan drastis dari tatap muka menjadi pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pembelajaran jarak jauh memerlukan sebuah sistem untuk berkomunikasi antara siswa dengan guru. Belum adanya suatu sistem yang dapat membantu guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran jarak jauh di SMK Maarif NU 2 Ajibarang berdampak pada sulitnya para guru atau tenaga pengajar dalam hal memantau maupun mengelola aktifitas siswa pada saat diberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pembelajaran jarak jauh dapat dilakukan dalam jaringan (daring) dan dikelola dengan baik jika menggunakan Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle merupakan LMS yang dapat digunakan dan dikelola sendiri secara gratis oleh sekolah. Sehingga untuk mempermudah pengelolaan pembelajaran jarak jauh dilakukan pelatihan penggunaan LMS berbasis Moodle. Metode yang dilakukan adalah mempersiapkan LMS dan modul pelatihan, membuat course pelatihan, melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan, serta melakukan evaluasi dan refleksi diri. Melalui pelatihan ini guru memperoleh edukasi mengenai praktek baik pengelolaan LMS sebagai guru atau siswa secara mudah dan efektif. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan melalui tatap muka dengan 40 orang guru yang menghasilkan kelas pembelajaran jarak jauh didalam LMS yang terdiri dari aktifitas pengelolaan presensi, chat, tatap muka daring, materi pembelajaran, blog, dan pengumpulan tugas. Kata Kunci: LMS, Moodle, Pelatihan LMS, Pembelajaran jarak jauh, Sistem manajemen pembelajaran ABSTRACT The learning process is the main activity in education. Since the beginning of 2020, there has been a drastic change from face-to-face to distance learning. Distance learning requires a system to communicate between students and teachers; without a system that can help teachers manage distance learning at SMK Maarif NU 2, Ajibarang. The teachers' difficulty or teaching staff impacts monitoring and managing student activities when distance learning occurs. Distance learning can be done in a network (online) and well managed using a Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle is an LMS that schools can use and manage independently. So that to facilitate the management of distance learning, training on the use of Moodle-based LMS is carried out. The method used is to prepare LMS and training modules, create training courses, carry out training activities, and conduct self-evaluation and reflection. Through this training, teachers get an education about acceptable practices in managing LMS as a teacher or student efficiently and effectively. Training activities are carried out face-to-face with 40 teachers who produce distance learning classes within the LMS, consisting of attendance management activities, chat, face to face online, learning materials, blogs, and assignment collection. Keywords: Distance learning, Learning management system, LMS, LMS training, Moodl


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    Kurikulum Merdeka yang tengah diimplementasikan di Indonesia menandai transformasi fundamental dalam paradigma pendidikan, dengan fokus utama pada pembelajaran mandiri atau Self-Directed Learning bagi siswa. Inisiatif ini mencerminkan tekad untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, mendorong siswa untuk aktif terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran. Meskipun demikian, tantangan muncul seiring dengan perluasan penggunaan teknologi, mengharuskan adaptasi yang cermat dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran dan sumber daya untuk memaksimalkan efektivitas pembelajaran siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang dan mengimplementasikan E-Learning berbasis Website dengan model pembelajaran Self-Directed Learning, khususnya untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kognitif siswa pada materi Sistem Komputer. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah Pre-Experimental Design dengan bentuk One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X Teknik Elektronika Industri (TEI) 1 SMK Negeri 8 Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa E-Learning berbasis Website ini dinilai baik dan layak digunakan, dengan persentase positif dari ahli media sebesar 85% dan ahli materi sebesar 90%, kategorisasi "Sangat Baik". Penggunaan multimedia dalam pembelajaran terbukti efektif, tercermin dari peningkatan rata-rata nilai posttest yang mencapai 73,43 dari nilai rata-rata pretest sebesar 34,86. Selain itu berdasarkan hasil pretest dan posttest, diperoleh rata-rata n-gain sebesar 0,59 dengan kriteria efektivitas "Sedang". Siswa memberikan tanggapan dengan nilai persentase sebesar 86,06% yang dikategorikan "Sangat Baik"

    Desain Pembelajaran Proyek Kolaborasi Menggunakan Model SECI untuk Bidang Studi IPS

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    The development of collaborative project learning designs using the SECI model is carried out to produce learning designs that are practical, attractive, and valid. Development is carried out to overcome problems in project-based learning, namely problem formulation, group management difficulties, and challenges in developing ideas. The research uses the Dick and Carey model. The instructional model uses a project-based learning model integrated with the SECI model. The SECI model transfers knowledge consisting of socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. Developing this instructional design produces a syntax that will become the basis for implementing learning. Instructional design expert and material expert do formative evaluations related to product validation. External parties also performed trials as part of a formative evaluation. Trials on students and trials on the implementation of learning designs were carried out to test the practicality and attractiveness of learning designs. In the learning design tested on students, students showed good participation in each syntax stage to achieve learning objectives. Students also write learning reflections which state that learning designs enable them to develop ideas and practice collaboration skills. The results of development showed that the instructional design is valid, practical, and attractive, making it feasible to use in learning. AbstrakPengembangan desain pembelajaran proyek kolaborasi dengan model SECI dilakukan untuk menghasilkan desain pembelajaran yang praktis, menarik, dan valid. Pengembangan dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah dalam pembelajaran berbasis proyek yaitu kesulitan perumusan masalah, kesulitan pengaturan kelompok, dan tantangan dalam pengembangan ide. Pengembangan desain pembelajaran ini menggunakan model Dick and Carey. Model pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek yang diintegrasikan dengan model SECI. Model SECI merupakan model untuk mentransfer pengetahuan yang terdiri dari socialization, externalization, combination, dan internalization. Pengembangan desain pembelajaran ini menghasilkan sintaks pembelajaran yang akan menjadi dasar pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Evaluasi formatif terkait validasi produk dilakukan oleh ahli desain pembelajaran dan ahli materi. Uji coba implementasi desain pembelajaran juga dilakukan pihak eksternal sebagai bagian dari evaluasi formatif. Uji coba kepada siswa dan uji coba implementasi desain pembelajaran dilakukan untuk menguji kepraktisan dan kemenarikan desain pembelajaran. Dalam desain pembelajaran yang diuji kepada siswa, siswa menunjukkan partisipasi dalam tiap tahapan sintaks dengan baik sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Siswa juga menuliskan refleksi pembelajaran yang menyatakan bahwa desain pembelajaran memampukan untuk mengembangkan ide dan melatih keterampilan kolaborasi. Hasil validasi dan uji coba yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa desain pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid, praktis, dan menarik sehingga layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran

    A Systematic Brainstorming Ideation Method for Novice Designers based on SECI Theory

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    Design ideation is a critical early step in any design process and especially challenging for novice designers. This paper introduces the “Systematic Brainstorming Ideation (SBI)” method that, as part of a wider design ideation process, improves the range and number of design concepts generated by novice designers. In this paper we give a brief introduction to the design ideation method to set a context for SBI and then introduce SBI in more detail. Evaluation experiments with 101 novice designers, based in UK and South Korea, are reported. Results indicate a 30% improvement in the number of design concepts generated

    Guided inquiry with Moodle to improve students’ science process skills and conceptual understanding

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    This study aims to improve and describe science process skills (SPS) and conceptual understanding (CU) college students through guided inquiry learning with Moodle (GI-Moodle). This quasi-experimental study used a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. College students taking general biology courses at Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (FSTT), Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA) participated in this study. They were divided into three classes: the experiment, control 1, and control 2. Their SPS was measured using an essay test instrument containing 18 items, while the CU was examined using 50 items multiple choice test and 5 items essay test. The obtained data were analyzed using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) test. The analysis results identified different average students’ SPS and CU before and after they attended the learning processes using GI-Moodle, guided inquiry with WhatsApp group (GI-WAG), and structured inquiry with WhatsApp group (SI-WAG). The experiment class attended learning using GI-Moodle presented a more significant increase of SPS and CU than the students attending the other two learning with GI-WAG and SI-WAG. Therefore, the GI with Moodle learning can be used to improve students’ SPS and CU during post COVID-19 pandemic. Besides, further studies are suggested to use a more number and broader participants and identify the influence of GI-Moodle on other variables

    Development of Pictorial Anecdotal Text Materials as an Alternative Language Learning

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    This research was based on literacy recommendations in schools by the ministry as well as the attachment to the Minister of National Education Regulation Number 16 of 2007 concerning Academic and Competency Qualification Standards regarding expectations about the writing of teaching materials. In this regard, this study aims to produce pictorial anecdotal text material. Furthermore, Research and Developmentwas used as a research method. To collect data, researchers used several instruments such as observation, interviews, and documentation. Besides that, quantitative and qualitative approaches ware employed to analyze the data. In the development process, several stages were conducted, namely identifying learning objectives, analyzing learning, analyzing learners and contexts, formulating performance goals or specific learning objectives, developing assessment instruments, developing learning strategies, developing and selecting materials for learning, designing and implementing formative evaluations, learning revisions,designing and carrying out summative evaluations. Then, the feasibility test of media experts and material was carried out on the learning material developed. Based on these data appropriate teaching materials are used withcategoriesexcellent as a learning material in anecdotal text. In other words, the results of this study in the form of illustrated anecdotal text materials can be used the learningof anecdotal text

    Designing gamification for case and project-based online learning: A study in higher education

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    The emergence of online learning has become important during the COVID -19 pandemic due to the advent of internet technology. The unpreparedness of planning and implementing online learning has caused many problems during the pandemic such as limited or monotonous academic materials as well as difficulty in organizing activities and student involvement. Online learning is also more stressful because students are stuck in private academic processes in the absence of challenging and fun activities leading to knowledge development difficulties. Therefore, this study aims to develop and analyze the feasibility of a gamification model for case and project-based online learning in universities. This analysis used the research and development (R&D) method with the experimental procedure containing model development as well as product validation and testing. In the validation process, two learning design and media experts as well as 76 students participated with a descriptive statistical analysis used to analyze the data. The results of the learning design experts’ assessment showed a score of 4.35, learning media experts’ assessment showed a score of 4.90 and the average score of the students' assessment was 4.33. Based on the results, the developed learning model was feasible to use in university academic processes

    A Survey on Data-Driven Evaluation of Competencies and Capabilities Across Multimedia Environments

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    The rapid evolution of technology directly impacts the skills and jobs needed in the next decade. Users can, intentionally or unintentionally, develop different skills by creating, interacting with, and consuming the content from online environments and portals where informal learning can emerge. These environments generate large amounts of data; therefore, big data can have a significant impact on education. Moreover, the educational landscape has been shifting from a focus on contents to a focus on competencies and capabilities that will prepare our society for an unknown future during the 21st century. Therefore, the main goal of this literature survey is to examine diverse technology-mediated environments that can generate rich data sets through the users’ interaction and where data can be used to explicitly or implicitly perform a data-driven evaluation of different competencies and capabilities. We thoroughly and comprehensively surveyed the state of the art to identify and analyse digital environments, the data they are producing and the capabilities they can measure and/or develop. Our survey revealed four key multimedia environments that include sites for content sharing & consumption, video games, online learning and social networks that fulfilled our goal. Moreover, different methods were used to measure a large array of diverse capabilities such as expertise, language proficiency and soft skills. Our results prove the potential of the data from diverse digital environments to support the development of lifelong and lifewide 21st-century capabilities for the future society

    Design and Development of SECI and Moodle Online Learning Systems to Enhance Thinking and Innovation Skills for Higher Education Learners

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    This study aimed to design and develop an online learning system to enhance thinking and innovation skills for higher education learners. The objectives were to (1) design a system diagram, system architecture and functional structure for online learning framed by the SECI process (Socialization, Externalization, Combination and Internalization) and Moodle, (2) develop an online learning management system (LMS) with a new plug-in using Moodle, and (3) evaluate system suitability for the development of students’ thinking and innovation skills. The research methodology was developed using a literature review to identify core components, focus group interviews to verify the process, software development by Moodle LMS, and assessments to measure learning outcome. Research instruments consisted of interview questions, Moodle LMS, and a self-assessment questionnaire. Assessment data was evaluated through pre-test and post-test analysis. Results revealed a statistically significant difference between pre- and post-test scores in both thinking and innovation skills, with the post-test score higher than pre-test score at a 0.01 level of significance. Findings revealed that online learning systems had a positive influence on students’ thinking and innovation skills

    A design ideation method for novice designers

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    Design ideation is a core stage in the design process that begins with a design brief and results in a range of design concepts from which solutions can be selected. The success of design ideation relies upon designers’ creativity and ingenuity. In current practice, design ideation tends to be an ad hoc process which combines the designer’s experience with techniques such as sketching, brainstorming, and mock-up to develop creative solutions in response to the brief. There are notable differences in ideation performance between novice and expert designers in that experts tend to follow a more systematic process, and have more experience and knowledge of previous designs to draw on. Design ideation is more challenging for novice designers who have limited experience on which to draw and no systematic process to follow. This thesis provides a method that enhances the design ideation performance of novice designers by providing a systematic design ideation process for them to follow, and a database and associated visualisation method that gives them access to previous designs. The method was assessed through empirical evaluation experiments conducted with 101 students in the UK and South Korea. This confirmed that the method improves novice designers’ generation of creative solution concepts in response to a design brief. The research makes four contributions. The method, Knowledge-Enabled Design Ideation Method (KEDIM), provides a systematic design ideation process that includes three steps. The first step draws on a Database of Design Cases (DOS) that is supported by a database schema. DOS is a part of the research contribution that provides a structure to capture case data. DOS was validated through population with 540 design cases, and through use in the second stage of KEDIM, Perceptual Mapping Generation Software (PMGS). The core contribution of PMGS is its visualisation method that brings together selected design cases from the database and presents them in a way that enhances novice designers’ abilities to draw analogies. The final contribution is Systematic Brainstorming (SBI), where these analogies are developed through a set of specific ideation themes alongside solution concepts. KEDIM, through these three tools, improves the effectiveness of novice designers ideation by increasing the number of solution concepts generated when compared with students not using KEDIM responding to the same brief