176 research outputs found

    Bounding the Impact of Unbounded Attacks in Stabilization

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    Self-stabilization is a versatile approach to fault-tolerance since it permits a distributed system to recover from any transient fault that arbitrarily corrupts the contents of all memories in the system. Byzantine tolerance is an attractive feature of distributed systems that permits to cope with arbitrary malicious behaviors. Combining these two properties proved difficult: it is impossible to contain the spatial impact of Byzantine nodes in a self-stabilizing context for global tasks such as tree orientation and tree construction. We present and illustrate a new concept of Byzantine containment in stabilization. Our property, called Strong Stabilization enables to contain the impact of Byzantine nodes if they actually perform too many Byzantine actions. We derive impossibility results for strong stabilization and present strongly stabilizing protocols for tree orientation and tree construction that are optimal with respect to the number of Byzantine nodes that can be tolerated in a self-stabilizing context

    Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Resilient Topology Discovery and Message Delivery

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    Traditional Byzantine resilient algorithms use 2f+12f + 1 vertex disjoint paths to ensure message delivery in the presence of up to f Byzantine nodes. The question of how these paths are identified is related to the fundamental problem of topology discovery. Distributed algorithms for topology discovery cope with a never ending task, dealing with frequent changes in the network topology and unpredictable transient faults. Therefore, algorithms for topology discovery should be self-stabilizing to ensure convergence of the topology information following any such unpredictable sequence of events. We present the first such algorithm that can cope with Byzantine nodes. Starting in an arbitrary global state, and in the presence of f Byzantine nodes, each node is eventually aware of all the other non-Byzantine nodes and their connecting communication links. Using the topology information, nodes can, for example, route messages across the network and deliver messages from one end user to another. We present the first deterministic, cryptographic-assumptions-free, self-stabilizing, Byzantine-resilient algorithms for network topology discovery and end-to-end message delivery. We also consider the task of r-neighborhood discovery for the case in which rr and the degree of nodes are bounded by constants. The use of r-neighborhood discovery facilitates polynomial time, communication and space solutions for the above tasks. The obtained algorithms can be used to authenticate parties, in particular during the establishment of private secrets, thus forming public key schemes that are resistant to man-in-the-middle attacks of the compromised Byzantine nodes. A polynomial and efficient end-to-end algorithm that is based on the established private secrets can be employed in between periodical re-establishments of the secrets


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    Consider a complete communication network of n nodes, where the nodes receive a common clock pulse. We study the synchronous c-counting problem: given any starting state and up to f faulty nodes with arbitrary behavior, the task is to eventually have all correct nodes labeling the pulses with increasing values modulo c in agreement. Thus, we are considering algorithms that are self-stabilizing despite Byzantine failures. In this work, we give new algorithms for the synchronous counting problem that (1) are deterministic, (2) have optimal resilience, (3) have a linear stabilization time in f (asymptotically optimal), (4) use a small number of states, and, consequently, (5) communicate a small number of bits per round. Prior algorithms either resort to randomization, use a large number of states and need high communication bandwidth, or have suboptimal resilience. In particular, we achieve an exponential improvement in both state complexity and message size for deterministic algorithms. Moreover, we present two complementary approaches for reducing the number of bits communicated during and after stabilization.Peer reviewe


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    Consider a fully-connected synchronous distributed system consisting of n nodes, where up to f nodes may be faulty and every node starts in an arbitrary initial state. In the synchronous C-counting problem, all nodes need to eventually agree on a counter that is increased by one modulo C in each round for given C>1. In the self-stabilising firing squad problem, the task is to eventually guarantee that all non-faulty nodes have simultaneous responses to external inputs: if a subset of the correct nodes receive an external “go” signal as input, then all correct nodes should agree on a round (in the not-too-distant future) in which to jointly output a “fire” signal. Moreover, no node should generate a “fire” signal without some correct node having previously received a “go” signal as input. We present a framework reducing both tasks to binary consensus at very small cost. For example, we obtain a deterministic algorithm for self-stabilising Byzantine firing squads with optimal resilience f<n/3, asymptotically optimal stabilisation and response time O(f), and message size O(log f). As our framework does not restrict the type of consensus routines used, we also obtain efficient randomised solutions

    Parameterizable Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks

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    We consider the problem of reliably broadcasting information in a multihop asynchronous network, despite the presence of Byzantine failures: some nodes are malicious and behave arbitrarly. We focus on non-cryptographic solutions. Most existing approaches give conditions for perfect reliable broadcast (all correct nodes deliver the good information), but require a highly connected network. A probabilistic approach was recently proposed for loosely connected networks: the Byzantine failures are randomly distributed, and the correct nodes deliver the good information with high probability. A first solution require the nodes to initially know their position on the network, which may be difficult or impossible in self-organizing or dynamic networks. A second solution relaxed this hypothesis but has much weaker Byzantine tolerance guarantees. In this paper, we propose a parameterizable broadcast protocol that does not require nodes to have any knowledge about the network. We give a deterministic technique to compute a set of nodes that always deliver authentic information, for a given set of Byzantine failures. Then, we use this technique to experimentally evaluate our protocol, and show that it significantely outperforms previous solutions with the same hypotheses. Important disclaimer: these results have NOT yet been published in an international conference or journal. This is just a technical report presenting intermediary and incomplete results. A generalized version of these results may be under submission

    Self-stabilising Byzantine Clock Synchronisation is Almost as Easy as Consensus

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    We give fault-tolerant algorithms for establishing synchrony in distributed systems in which each of the nn nodes has its own clock. Our algorithms operate in a very strong fault model: we require self-stabilisation, i.e., the initial state of the system may be arbitrary, and there can be up to f<n/3f<n/3 ongoing Byzantine faults, i.e., nodes that deviate from the protocol in an arbitrary manner. Furthermore, we assume that the local clocks of the nodes may progress at different speeds (clock drift) and communication has bounded delay. In this model, we study the pulse synchronisation problem, where the task is to guarantee that eventually all correct nodes generate well-separated local pulse events (i.e., unlabelled logical clock ticks) in a synchronised manner. Compared to prior work, we achieve exponential improvements in stabilisation time and the number of communicated bits, and give the first sublinear-time algorithm for the problem: - In the deterministic setting, the state-of-the-art solutions stabilise in time Θ(f)\Theta(f) and have each node broadcast Θ(flogf)\Theta(f \log f) bits per time unit. We exponentially reduce the number of bits broadcasted per time unit to Θ(logf)\Theta(\log f) while retaining the same stabilisation time. - In the randomised setting, the state-of-the-art solutions stabilise in time Θ(f)\Theta(f) and have each node broadcast O(1)O(1) bits per time unit. We exponentially reduce the stabilisation time to logO(1)f\log^{O(1)} f while each node broadcasts logO(1)f\log^{O(1)} f bits per time unit. These results are obtained by means of a recursive approach reducing the above task of self-stabilising pulse synchronisation in the bounded-delay model to non-self-stabilising binary consensus in the synchronous model. In general, our approach introduces at most logarithmic overheads in terms of stabilisation time and broadcasted bits over the underlying consensus routine.Comment: 54 pages. To appear in JACM, preliminary version of this work has appeared in DISC 201

    Near-optimal self-stabilising counting and firing squads

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    Consider a fully-connected synchronous distributed system consisting of n nodes, where up to f nodes may be faulty and every node starts in an arbitrary initial state. In the synchronous C-counting problem, all nodes need to eventually agree on a counter that is increased by one modulo C in each round for given C&gt;1. In the self-stabilising firing squad problem, the task is to eventually guarantee that all non-faulty nodes have simultaneous responses to external inputs: if a subset of the correct nodes receive an external “go” signal as input, then all correct nodes should agree on a round (in the not-too-distant future) in which to jointly output a “fire” signal. Moreover, no node should generate a “fire” signal without some correct node having previously received a “go” signal as input. We present a framework reducing both tasks to binary consensus at very small cost. For example, we obtain a deterministic algorithm for self-stabilising Byzantine firing squads with optimal resilience f&lt;n/3, asymptotically optimal stabilisation and response time O(f), and message size O(log f). As our framework does not restrict the type of consensus routines used, we also obtain efficient randomised solutions

    Optimal byzantine resilient convergence in oblivious robot networks

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    Given a set of robots with arbitrary initial location and no agreement on a global coordinate system, convergence requires that all robots asymptotically approach the exact same, but unknown beforehand, location. Robots are oblivious-- they do not recall the past computations -- and are allowed to move in a one-dimensional space. Additionally, robots cannot communicate directly, instead they obtain system related information only via visual sensors. We draw a connection between the convergence problem in robot networks, and the distributed \emph{approximate agreement} problem (that requires correct processes to decide, for some constant ϵ\epsilon, values distance ϵ\epsilon apart and within the range of initial proposed values). Surprisingly, even though specifications are similar, the convergence implementation in robot networks requires specific assumptions about synchrony and Byzantine resilience. In more details, we prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of mobile robots despite a subset of them being Byzantine (i.e. they can exhibit arbitrary behavior). Additionally, we propose a deterministic convergence algorithm for robot networks and analyze its correctness and complexity in various synchrony settings. The proposed algorithm tolerates f Byzantine robots for (2f+1)-sized robot networks in fully synchronous networks, (3f+1)-sized in semi-synchronous networks. These bounds are optimal for the class of cautious algorithms, which guarantee that correct robots always move inside the range of positions of the correct robots