95 research outputs found

    Frequency Multipliers in SiGe BiCMOS for Local Oscillator Generation in D-band Wireless Transceivers

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    Communications at millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) have drawn a lot of attention in recent years due to the wide available bandwidth which translates directly to higher data transmission capacity. Generation of the transceivers local oscillation (LO) is critical because many contrasting requirements, i.e. tuning range (TR), phase noise (PN), output power, and level of spurious tones, affect the system performance. Differently from what is commonly pursued at Radio Frequency, LO generation with a PLL embedding a VCO at the desired output frequency is not viable at mm-wave. A more promising approach consists of a PLL in the 10-20GHz range, where silicon VCOs feature the best figure of merit, followed by a frequency multiplier. In this thesis, a frequency multiplication chain is investigated to up-convert an LO signal from X-band to D-band by a multiplication factor of 12. The multiplication is done in steps of 3, 2, and 2. A sextupler chip comprises the tripler and the first doubler and the last doubler stage which upconverts the LO signal from E- to D-band is realized in a separate chip, all in a 55nm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The frequency tripler circuit is based on a novel circuit topology which yields a remarkable improvement on the suppression of the driving signal frequency at the output, compared to conventional designs exploiting transistors in class-C. The active core of the circuit approximates the transfer characteristic of a third-order polynomial that ideally produces only a third-harmonic of the input signal. Implemented in a separate break-out chip and consuming 23mW of DC power, the tripler demonstrates ~40dB suppression of the input signal and its 5th harmonic over 16% fractional bandwidth and robustness to power variation of the driving signal over a 15dB range. Including the E-band doubler, the sextupler chip achieves a peak output power of 1.7dBm at 74.4GHz and remains within 2dB variation from 70GHz to 82GHz, corresponding to 16% fractional BW. In this frequency range, the leakages of all harmonics are suppressed by more than 40dBc. The design of the D-band doubler was aimed at delivering high output power with high efficiency and high conversion gain. Toward this end, the efficiency of a push-push pair was improved by a stacked Colpitts oscillator to boost the power conversion gain by 10dB. Moreover, the common-collector configuration keeps separate the oscillator tank from the load, allowing independent optimization of the harmonic conversion efficiency and the load impedance for maximum power delivery. The measured performance of the test chip demonstrated Pout up to 8dBm at 130GHz with 13dB conversion gain and 6.3% Power Added Efficiency

    Frequency Synthesizers and Oscillator Architectures Based on Multi-Order Harmonic Generation

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    Frequency synthesizers are essential components for modern wireless and wireline communication systems as they provide the local oscillator signal required to transmit and receive data at very high rates. They are also vital for computing devices and microcontrollers as they generate the clocks required to run all the digital circuitry responsible for the high speed computations. Data rates and clocking speeds are continuously increasing to accommodate for the ever growing demand on data and computational power. This places stringent requirements on the performance metrics of frequency synthesizers. They are required to run at higher speeds, cover a wide range of frequencies, provide a low jitter/phase noise output and consume minimum power and area. In this work, we present new techniques and architectures for implementing high speed frequency synthesizers which fulfill the aforementioned requirements. We propose a new architecture and design approach for the realization of wideband millimeter-wave frequency synthesizers. This architecture uses two-step multi-order harmonic generation of a low frequency phase-locked signal to generate wideband mm-wave frequencies. A prototype of the proposed system is designed and fabricated in 90nm Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Measurement results demonstrated that a very wide tuning range of 5 to 32 GHz can be achieved, which is costly to implement using conventional techniques. Moreover the power consumption per octave resembles that of state-of-the art reports. Next, we propose the N-Push cyclic coupled ring oscillator (CCRO) architecture to implement two high performance oscillators: (1) a wideband N-Push/M-Push CCRO operating from 3.16-12.8GHz implemented by two harmonic generation operations using the availability of different phases from the CCRO, and (2) a 13-25GHz millimeter-wave N-Push CCRO with a low phase noise performance of -118dBc/Hz at 10MHz. The proposed oscillators achieve low phase noise with higher FOM than state of the art work. Finally, we present some improvement techniques applied to the performance of phase locked loops (PLLs). We present an adaptive low pass filtering technique which can reduce the reference spur of integer-N charge-pump based PLLs by around 20dB while maintaining the settling time of the original PLL. Another PLL is presented, which features very low power consumption targeting the Medical Implantable Communication Standard. It operates at 402-405 MHz while consuming 600microW from a 1V supply

    Integration of broadband direct-conversion quadrature modulators

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    To increase spectral efficiency, transmitters usually send only one of the information carrying sidebands centered around a single radio-frequency carrier. The close-lying mirror, or image, sideband will be eliminated either by the filtering method or by the phasing method. Since filter Q-values rise in direct relation to the transmitted frequencies, the filtering method is generally not feasible for integrated microwave transmitters. A quadrature modulator realizes the phasing method by combining signals phased at quadrature (i.e. at 90° offsets) to produce a single-sideband (SSB) output. In this way output filtering can be removed or its specifications greatly relieved so as to produce an economical microwave transmitter. The proliferation of integrated circuit (IC) technologies since the 1980s has further boosted the popularity of quadrature modulator as an IC realization makes possible the economical production of two closely matched doubly balanced mixers, which suppress carrier and even-order spurious leakage to circuit output. Another strength of IC is its ability to perform microwave quadrature generation accurately on-chip, and thereby to avoid most of the interconnect parasitics which could ruin high-frequency quadrature signaling. Nevertheless, all quadrature modulator implementations are sensitive to phasing and amplitude errors, which are born as a result of mismatches, from the use of inaccurate differential signaling, and from inadequacies in the phasing circuitry itself. A 2° phase error is easily produced, and it reduces the image-rejection ratio (IRR) to −30 dBc. Therefore, as baseband signals synthesized by digital signal processing (DSP) are sufficiently accurate, this thesis concentrates on analyzing and producing the microwave signal path of a direct-conversion quadrature modulator with special emphasis on broadband, multimode radio-compatible operation. A model of the direct-conversion quadrature modulator operation has been developed, which reveals the effect the circuit non-linearities and mismatch-related offsets have on available performance. Further, theoretical proof is given of the well-known property of improving differential signal balance that cascaded differential pairs exhibit. Among the practical results, a current reuse mixer has been developed, which improves the transmitted signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) by 3 dB, with a maximum measured dynamic range of +158 dB. The complementary bipolar process was further used to extend the bipolar push-pull stage bandwidth to 9.5 GHz. At the core of this work is the parallel switchable polyphase (PP) filter quadrature generator that was developed, since it makes possible accurate broadband IQ generation without the high loss that usually results from the application of PP filtering. Two IQ modulator prototypes were realized to test simulated and theoretically derived data: the 0.8 ”m SiGe IC achieves an IRR better than −40 dBc over 0.75-3.6 GHz, while the 0.13 ”m digital bulk CMOS IC achieves better than −37 dBc over 0.56-4.76 GHz. For this IRR performance the SiGe prototype boasts the inexpensive solution of integrated baluns, while the CMOS one utilizes a coil-transmission line hybrid transformer at its LO input to drive the switchable PP filters.Taajuuksien kĂ€ytön tehostamiseksi lĂ€hettimet lĂ€hettĂ€vĂ€t yleensĂ€ vain toisen informaatiota sisĂ€ltĂ€vistĂ€ sivukaistoistaan yhdelle radiotaajuuksiselle kantoaallolle keskitettynĂ€. Viereinen peilitaajuus eli sivukaista vaimennetaan joko suodattamalla tai vaiheistamalla signalointia sopivasti. Koska suodattimen hyvyysluvut nousevat suorassa suhteessa kĂ€ytettyyn taajuuteen, ei suodatusmenetelmĂ€ ole yleensĂ€ mahdollinen mikroaaltotaajuusalueen lĂ€hettimissĂ€. Kvadratuurimodulaattori toteuttaa vaiheistusmenetelmĂ€n yhdistĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ 90-asteen vaihesiirroksin vaiheistetut signaalit yksisivukaistaisen lĂ€hetteen tuottamiseksi. NĂ€in voidaan korvata lĂ€hdön suodatus joko kokonaan tai lieventĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ vaadittavia suoritusarvoja, jolloin mikroaaltoalueen lĂ€hetin voidaan tuottaa taloudellisesti. Integroitujen piiriratkaisujen yleistyminen 1980-luvulta lĂ€htien on edesauttanut kvadratuurimodulaattorin suosiota, koska integroidulle piirille voidaan taloudellisesti tuottaa kaksi hyvin ominaisuuksiltaan toisiaan vastaavaa kaksoisbalansoitua sekoitinta, ja nĂ€mĂ€ tunnetusti vaimentavat kantoaaltovuotoa ja parillisia harmoonisia piirin lĂ€hdössĂ€. Toinen integroitujen piirien vahvuus on kyky tarkkaan mikroaaltoalueen kvadratuurisignalointiin samalla piirillĂ€, jolloin vĂ€ltetÀÀn suurin osa kytkentöjen parasiittisista jotka muutoin voisivat tuhota korkeataajuuksisen 90-asteen vaiheistuksen. Kaikki kvadratuurimodulaattorit ovat joka tapauksessa herkkiĂ€ vaiheistus- ja amplitudieroille, joita syntyy komponenttiarvojen satunnaishajonnasta, epĂ€tarkan differentiaalisen signaloinnin kĂ€ytöstĂ€, ja itse vaiheistuspiiristön puutteellisuuksista. Kahden asteen vaihevirhe syntyy helposti, ja tĂ€llöin sivukaistavaimennus heikkenee -30 dBc:n tasolle. TĂ€mĂ€nvuoksi, ja olettaen ettĂ€ digitaalisella signaaliprosessorilla luotu kantataajuuksinen signalointi on riittĂ€vĂ€n tarkkaa, tĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja keskittyy kvadratuurimodulaattorin mikroaaltotaajuuksisen signaalipolun analysointiin ja tuottamiseen painottaen erityisesti laajakaistaista, monisovellusradioiden kanssa yhteensopivaa toimivuutta. Kvadratuurimodulaattorin toimintamallia on kehitetty siten, ettĂ€ mallissa huomioidaan epĂ€lineaarisuuksien ja piirielementtien satunnaishajontojen vaikutus saavutettavalle suorituskyvylle. LisĂ€ksi on teoreettisesti todistettu sinĂ€nsĂ€ hyvin tunnettu perĂ€kkĂ€in kytkettyjen vahvistinasteiden differentiaalisen signaloinnin symmetrisyyttĂ€ parantava vaikutus. KĂ€ytĂ€nnön tuloksista voidaan mainita kehitetty virtaakierrĂ€ttĂ€vĂ€ sekoitin, joka parantaa signaali-kohinasuhdetta +3 dB, suurimman mitatun dynaamisen alueen ollessa +158 dB. Samaa komplementaarista bipolaariprosessia kĂ€ytettiin edelleen bipolaarisen vuorovaihe-asteen kaistan levittĂ€misessĂ€ 9.5 GHz:iin. YhtenĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€n työn tĂ€rkeimmistĂ€ tuloksista on kehitetty kytkimin valittavista rinnakkaisista monivaihesuodattimista koostuva kvadratuurigeneraattori, jolla on mahdollista tuottaa laajakaistaista IQ-signalointia ilman suurta hĂ€viötĂ€ joka yleensĂ€ liittyy monivaihesuodattimien kĂ€yttöön. Kaksi IQ-modulaattoriprototyyppiĂ€ toteutettiin simuloitujen ja teoreettisesti mallinnettujen tulosten testaamiseksi: 0.8 ”m SiGe integroitu piiri saavuttaa paremman sivukaistavaimennuksen kuin -40 dBc yli 0.75-3.6 GHz, kun taas 0.13 ”m digitaalipiirien tuottamiseen tarkoitetulla CMOS prosessilla toteutettu integroitu piiri saavuttaa paremman sivukaistavaimennuksen kuin -37 dBc taajuusalueella 0.56-4.76 GHz. NĂ€ihin sivukaistavaimennuksiin SiGe prototyyppi pÀÀsee edullisesti integroiduin symmetrointimuuntajin, kun taas CMOS piirillĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn kela-siirtojohto-tyyppistĂ€ yhdistelmĂ€muuntajaa LO-sisÀÀntulossa josta ajetaan erikseen kytkettĂ€viĂ€ monivaihesuodattimia.reviewe

    High Tolerance of Charge Pump Leakage Current in Integer-N PLL Frequency Synthesizer for 5G Networks

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    One of the most promising solutions for the future fifth generation communication systems is to utilize millimeter wave (mm-W) radio frequencies. There is, however, little works about Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer designed for mm-W band frequency for 5G applications. This article discusses integer PLL architecture for frequency synthesis; it targets the highest range of 5G mmW [81-86] GHz using ultra-wide channel spacing of 1GHz. This work investigates the design of a third passive loop filter for frequency synthesizer using a Phase Frequency Detector and a current switch Charge Pump such as analog devices ADF4155. The critical performance for the Charge Pump depends on the leakage current produced by the technology of its transistors. This undesirable current can have a high impact on the loop stability. However, by optimizing PLL filter parameters, the synthesizer was able to tolerate up to 117 nA. With such a high leakage current, a high performance of the system was achieved. As a result, less than −71 dBc reference spur level at 50 MHz offset frequency was ensured and 3.23 ”s settling time for a hopping frequency of 5 GHz was achieved

    Phase Noise Analyses and Measurements in the Hybrid Memristor-CMOS Phase-Locked Loop Design and Devices Beyond Bulk CMOS

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    Phase-locked loop (PLLs) has been widely used in analog or mixed-signal integrated circuits. Since there is an increasing market for low noise and high speed devices, PLLs are being employed in communications. In this dissertation, we investigated phase noise, tuning range, jitter, and power performances in different architectures of PLL designs. More energy efficient devices such as memristor, graphene, transition metal di-chalcogenide (TMDC) materials and their respective transistors are introduced in the design phase-locked loop. Subsequently, we modeled phase noise of a CMOS phase-locked loop from the superposition of noises from its building blocks which comprises of a voltage-controlled oscillator, loop filter, frequency divider, phase-frequency detector, and the auxiliary input reference clock. Similarly, a linear time-invariant model that has additive noise sources in frequency domain is used to analyze the phase noise. The modeled phase noise results are further compared with the corresponding phase-locked loop designs in different n-well CMOS processes. With the scaling of CMOS technology and the increase of the electrical field, the problem of short channel effects (SCE) has become dominant, which causes decay in subthreshold slope (SS) and positive and negative shifts in the threshold voltages of nMOS and pMOS transistors, respectively. Various devices are proposed to continue extending Moore\u27s law and the roadmap in semiconductor industry. We employed tunnel field effect transistor owing to its better performance in terms of SS, leakage current, power consumption etc. Applying an appropriate bias voltage to the gate-source region of TFET causes the valence band to align with the conduction band and injecting the charge carriers. Similarly, under reverse bias, the two bands are misaligned and there is no injection of carriers. We implemented graphene TFET and MoS2 in PLL design and the results show improvements in phase noise, jitter, tuning range, and frequency of operation. In addition, the power consumption is greatly reduced due to the low supply voltage of tunnel field effect transistor

    Design of Frequency divider with voltage vontrolled oscillator for 60 GHz low power phase-locked loops in 65 nm RF CMOS

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    Increasing memory capacity in mobile devices, is driving the need of high-data rates equipment. The 7 GHz band around 60 GHz provides the opportunity for multi-gigabit/sec wireless communication. It is a real opportunity for developing next generation of High-Definition (HD) devices. In the last two decades there was a great proliferation of Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) and Frequency Divider (FD) topologies in RF ICs on silicon, but reaching high performance VCOs and FDs operating at 60 GHz is in today's technology a great challenge. A key reason is the inaccuracy of CMOS active and passive device models at mm-W. Three critical issues still constitute research objectives at 60 GHz in CMOS: generation of the Local Oscillator (LO) signal (1), division of the LO signal for the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) closed loop (2) and distribution of the LO signal (3). In this Thesis, all those three critical issues are addressed and experimentally faced-up: a divide-by-2 FD for a PLL of a direct-conversion transceiver operating at mm-W frequencies in 65 nm RF CMOS technology has been designed. Critical issues such as Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations, Electromagnetic (EM) simulations and power consumption are addressed to select and design a FD with high frequency dividing range. A 60 GHz VCO is co-designed and integrated in the same die, in order to provide the FD with mm-W input signal. VCOs and FDs play critical roles in the PLL. Both of them constitute the PLL core components and they would need co-design, having a big impact in the overall performance especially because they work at the highest frequency in the PLL. Injection Locking FD (ILFD) has been chosen as the optimum FD topology to be inserted in the control loop of mm-W PLL for direct-conversion transceiver, due to the high speed requirements and the power consumption constraint. The drawback of such topology is the limited bandwidth, resulting in narrow Locking Range (LR) for WirelessHDTM applications considering the impact of PVT variations. A simulation methodology is presented in order to analyze the ILFD locking state, proposing a first divide-by-2 ILFD design with continuous tuning. In order to design a wide LR, low power consumption ILFD, the impacts of various alternatives of low/high Q tank and injection scheme are deeply analysed, since the ILFD locking range depends on the Q of the tank and injection efficiency. The proposed 3-bit dual-mixing 60 GHz divide-by-2 LC-ILFD is designed with an accumulation of switching varactors binary scaled to compensate PVT variations. It is integrated in the same die with a 4-bit 60 GHz LC-VCO. The overall circuit is designed to allow measurements of the singles blocks stand-alone and working together. The co-layout is carried on with the EM modelling process of passives devices, parasitics and transmission lines extracted from the layout. The inductors models provided by the foundry are qualified up to 40 GHz, therefore the EM analysis is a must for post-layout simulation. The PVT variations have been simulated before manufacturing and, based on the results achieved, a PLL scheme PVT robust, considering frequency calibration, has been patented. The test chip has been measured in the CEA-Leti (Grenoble) during a stay of one week. The operation principle and the optimization trade-offs among power consumption, and locking ranges of the final selected ILFD topology have been demonstrated. Even if the experimental results are not completely in agreement with the simulations, due to modelling error and inaccuracy, the proposed technique has been validated with post-measurement simulations. As demonstrated, the locking range of a low-power, discrete tuned divide-by-2 ILFD can be enhanced by increasing the injection efficiency, without the drawbacks of higher power consumption and chip area. A 4-bits wide tuning range LC-VCO for mm-W applications has been co-designed using the selected 65 nm CMOS process.Postprint (published version

    Advanced Microwave Circuits and Systems

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    Low Power Circuit Design in Sustainable Self Powered Systems for IoT Applications

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) network is being vigorously pushed forward from many fronts in diverse research communities. Many problems are still there to be solved, and challenges are found among its many levels of abstraction. In this thesis we give an overview of recent developments in circuit design for ultra-low power transceivers and energy harvesting management units for the IoT. The first part of the dissertation conducts a study of energy harvesting interfaces and optimizing power extraction, followed by power management for energy storage and supply regulation. we give an overview of the recent developments in circuit design for ultra-low power management units, focusing mainly in the architectures and techniques required for energy harvesting from multiple heterogeneous sources. Three projects are presented in this area to reach a solution that provides reliable continuous operation for IoT sensor nodes in the presence of one or more natural energy sources to harvest from. The second part focuses on wireless transmission, To reduce the power consumption and boost the Tx energy efficiency, a novel delay cell exploiting current reuse is used in a ring-oscillator employed as the local oscillator generator scheme. In combination with an edge-combiner power amplifier, the Tx showed a measured energy efficiency of 0.2 nJ=bit and a normalized energy efficiency of 3.1 nJ=bit:mW when operating at output power levels up to -10 dBm and data rates of 3 Mbps
