90,945 research outputs found

    Vital Sign Ontology

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    We introduce the Vital Sign Ontology (VSO), an extension of the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS) that covers the consensus human vital signs: blood pressure, body temperature, respiratory rate, and pulse rate. VSO provides a controlled structured vocabulary for describing vital sign measurement data, the processes of measuring vital signs, and the anatomical entities participating in such measurements. VSO is implemented in OWL-DL and follows OBO Foundry guidelines and best practices. If properly developed and extended, we believe the VSO will find applications for the EMR, clinical informatics, and medical device communities

    An ontology to semantically declare and describe functions

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    Applications built on top of the Semantic Web are emerging as a novel solution in different areas, such as decision making and route planning. However, to connect results of these solutions -i.e., the semantically annotated data - with real-world applications, this semantic data needs to be connected to actionable events. A lot of work has been done (both semantically as non-semantically) to describe and define Web services, but there is still a gap on a more abstract level, i.e., describing interfaces independent of the technology used. In this paper, we present a data model, specification, and ontology to semantically declare and describe functions independently of the used technology. This way, we can declare and use actionable events in semantic applications, without restricting ourselves to programming language-dependent implementations. The ontology allows for extensions, and is proposed as a possible solution for semantic applications in various domains

    Enriching the Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) Ontology for digital manufacturing

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    Functionally graded materials (FGMs) have been used in many different kinds of applications in recent years and have attracted significant research attention. However, we do not yet have a commonly accepted way of representing the various aspects of FGMs. Lack of standardised vocabulary creates obstacles to the extraction of useful information relating to pertinent aspects of different applications. A standard resource is needed for describing various elements of FGMs, including existing applications, manufacturing techniques, and material characteristics. This motivated the creation of the FGM Ontology (FGMO) in 2016. Here, we present a revised and expanded version of the FGM Ontology, which includes enrichments along four dimensions: (1) documenting recent FGMs applications; (2) reorganising the framework to incorporate an updated representation of types of manufacturing processes; (3) enriching the axioms of the ontology; and (4) importing mid-level ontologies from the Common Core Ontologies (CCO) and Product Life Cycle (PLC) Ontologies. The work is being carried out within the framework of the Industry Ontology Foundry (IOF), and the ontology is conformant to Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)

    Uncertainty in Ontologies: Dempster-Shafer Theory for Data Fusion Applications

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    Nowadays ontologies present a growing interest in Data Fusion applications. As a matter of fact, the ontologies are seen as a semantic tool for describing and reasoning about sensor data, objects, relations and general domain theories. In addition, uncertainty is perhaps one of the most important characteristics of the data and information handled by Data Fusion. However, the fundamental nature of ontologies implies that ontologies describe only asserted and veracious facts of the world. Different probabilistic, fuzzy and evidential approaches already exist to fill this gap; this paper recaps the most popular tools. However none of the tools meets exactly our purposes. Therefore, we constructed a Dempster-Shafer ontology that can be imported into any specific domain ontology and that enables us to instantiate it in an uncertain manner. We also developed a Java application that enables reasoning about these uncertain ontological instances.Comment: Workshop on Theory of Belief Functions, Brest: France (2010

    ChImp:Visualizing Ontology Changes and their Impact in Protégé

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    Today, ontologies are an established part of many applications and research. However, ontologies evolve over time, and ontology editors---engineers and domain experts---need to be aware of the consequences of changes while editing. Ontology editors might not be fully aware of how they are influencing consistency, quality, or the structure of the ontology, possibly causing applications to fail. To support editors and increase their sensitivity towards the consequences of their actions, we conducted a user survey to elicit preferences for representing changes, e.g., with ontology metrics such as number of classes and properties. Based on the survey, we developed ChImp---a Protégé plug-in to display information about the impact of changes in real-time. During editing of the ontology, ChImp lists the applied changes, checks and displays the consistency status, and reports measures describing the effect on the structure of the ontology. Akin to software IDEs and integrated testing approaches, we hope that displaying such metrics will help to improve ontology evolution processes in the long run

    Ontological Engineering: What are Ontologies and How Can We Build Them?

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    Ontologies are formal, explicit specifications of shared conceptualizations. There is much literature on what they are, how they can be engineered and where they can be used inside applications. All these literature can be grouped under the term “Ontological Engineering,” which is defined as the set of activities that concern the ontology development process, the ontology lifecycle, the principles, methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them. In this chapter we provide an overview of Ontological Engineering, describing the current trends, issues and problem

    Client service capability matching

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    In order to tailor web-content to the requirements of a device, it is necessary to access information about the attributes of both the device and the web content Profiles containing such information from heterogeneous sources may use many different terms to represent the same concept (eg Resolution/Screen_Res/Res). This can present problems for applications which try to interpret the semantics of these terms In this thesis, we present an architecture which, when given profiles describing a device and web service, can identify terms that are present in an ontology of recognised terms in the domain of device capabilities and web service requirements The architecture can semi-automatically identify unknown terms by combining the results of several schemamatching applications. The ontology can be expanded based on end-user’s interaction with the semi-automatic matchers and thus over time the application’s ontology will grow to include previously unknown terms

    Interchanging lexical resources on the Semantic Web

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    Lexica and terminology databases play a vital role in many NLP applications, but currently most such resources are published in application-specific formats, or with custom access interfaces, leading to the problem that much of this data is in ‘‘data silos’’ and hence difficult to access. The Semantic Web and in particular the Linked Data initiative provide effective solutions to this problem, as well as possibilities for data reuse by inter-lexicon linking, and incorporation of data categories by dereferencable URIs. The Semantic Web focuses on the use of ontologies to describe semantics on the Web, but currently there is no standard for providing complex lexical information for such ontologies and for describing the relationship between the lexicon and the ontology. We present our model, lemon, which aims to address these gap

    Semantic reasoning for intelligent emergency response applications

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    Emergency response applications require the processing of large amounts of data, generated by a diverse set of sensors and devices, in order to provide for an accurate and concise view of the situation at hand. The adoption of semantic technologies allows for the definition of a formal domain model and intelligent data processing and reasoning on this model based on generated device and sensor measurements. This paper presents a novel approach to emergency response applications, such as fire fighting, integrating a formal semantic domain model into an event-based decision support system, which supports reasoning on this model. The developed model consists of several generic ontologies describing concepts and properties which can be applied to diverse context-aware applications. These are extended with emergency response specific ontologies. Additionally, inference on the model performed by a reasoning engine is dynamically synchronized with the rest of the architectural components. This allows to automatically trigger events based on predefined conditions. The proposed ontology and developed reasoning methodology is validated on two scenarios, i.e. (i) the construction of an emergency response incident and corresponding scenario and (ii) monitoring of the state of a fire fighter during an emergency response
