598 research outputs found

    The New Multipoint Relays Selection in OLSR using Particle Swarm Optimization

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    The standard optimized link state routing (OLSR) introduces an interesting concept, the multipoint relays (MPRs), to mitigate message overhead during the flooding process. This paper propose a new algorithm for MPRs selection to enhance the performance of OLSR using particle swarm optimization sigmoid increasing inertia weight (PSOSIIW). The sigmoid increasing inertia weight has significance improve the particle swarm optimization (PSO) in terms of simplicity and quick convergence towards optimum solution. The new fitness function of PSOSIIW, packet delay of each node and degree of willingness are introduced to support MPRs selection in OLSR. The throughput, packet loss and end-to-end delay of the proposed method are examined using network simulator 2 (ns2).  Overall results indicate that OLSR-PSOSIIW has shown good performance compared to the standard OLSR and OLSR-PSO, particularly for the throughput and end-to-end delay. Generally the proposed OLSR-PSOSIIW shows advantage of using PSO for optimizing routing paths in the MPRs selection algorithm

    Heuristics for Network Coding in Wireless Networks

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    Multicast is a central challenge for emerging multi-hop wireless architectures such as wireless mesh networks, because of its substantial cost in terms of bandwidth. In this report, we study one specific case of multicast: broadcasting, sending data from one source to all nodes, in a multi-hop wireless network. The broadcast we focus on is based on network coding, a promising avenue for reducing cost; previous work of ours showed that the performance of network coding with simple heuristics is asymptotically optimal: each transmission is beneficial to nearly every receiver. This is for homogenous and large networks of the plan. But for small, sparse or for inhomogeneous networks, some additional heuristics are required. This report proposes such additional new heuristics (for selecting rates) for broadcasting with network coding. Our heuristics are intended to use only simple local topology information. We detail the logic of the heuristics, and with experimental results, we illustrate the behavior of the heuristics, and demonstrate their excellent performance

    Performance Evaluation of Broadcasting Protocols for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks.

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    In ad hoc and sensor networks, the simplest and most widely used approach to broadcast is blind flooding, which lets every node in the network to rebroadcast a receiving packet to all its neighbors. This causes redundancy of broadcast packets and results in unnecessary collision and bandwidth waste. To overcome these problems, a number of research groups have proposed more efficient broadcasting schemes with the goal of minimizing the re-transmissions, while still guaranteeing that a broadcast packet is delivered to all the nodes in the network. Multipoint relay (MPR) and dominating set (DS) based broadcasting schemes can effectively improve the broadcasting efficiency while providing reliable broadcasting. The neighbor elimination scheme (NES) can improve any broadcasting protocol as an added feature. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of MPR (source dependent), MPR-DS (source-independent MPR), and DS based broadcasting protocols. We add NES to these three schemes separately and evaluate the performance of the resulted protocols. In our experiments, we use the random unit graphs to model the ad hoc and sensor networks. Each of the studied protocols has scenarios under which it has the best performance. Our experiments demonstrate that, without applying neighbor elimination scheme, MPR based protocol requires fewest retransmissions (however, each retransmission is with a longer message including list of forwarding neighbors). DS and MP-RDS schemes benefit significantly from the neighbor elimination technique in terms of the ratio of re-broadcasting nodes and the message redundancy on both transmitting and non-transmitting nodes, while MPR benefits marginally. After adding the neighbor elimination scheme, three new protocols behave almost equally well in terms of rebroadcast message counts. MPR-NES method is narrowly the best when the message that is broadcasted is very large one, and the network is dynamic. MPR-DS-NES is narrowly the best when the broadcast message is not very large, and the network is stable (this method requires the third round of preprocessing HELLO messages). Overall, DS-NES appears to be the most robust, taking all measurements and parameters into acount, because it remains competitive under all scenarios, and has significant advantages over MPR-DS-NES in dynamic scenarios, and significant advantages over MPR-NES when the broadcast message is not very large, because MPR has overhead in packet lengths

    Connectivity, Coverage and Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless communication between sensors allows the formation of flexible sensor networks, which can be deployed rapidly over wide or inaccessible areas. However, the need to gather data from all sensors in the network imposes constraints on the distances between sensors. This survey describes the state of the art in techniques for determining the minimum density and optimal locations of relay nodes and ordinary sensors to ensure connectivity, subject to various degrees of uncertainty in the locations of the nodes

    MPR+SP: Towards a Unified MPR-based MANET Extension for OSPF

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    International audienceHeterogeneous networks and wireless components - fixed routers as well as mobile routers - emerge as wireless mesh networks are being deployed. Such heterogeneity is bound to become more and more present in the near future as mobile ad hoc networking becomes a reality. While it is possible to cope with heterogeneity by employing different routing protocols for the fixed / wired part and for the wireless / ad hoc part of the network, this may lead to sub-optimal performance, e.g. by way of longer routing paths due to these routing protocols sharing prefixes and "connecting" the network only at distinct gateways between the two routing domains. Thus, the establishment of a single unified routing domain, and the use of a single routing protocol, for such heterogeneous networks is desired. OSPF is a natural candidate for this task, due to its wide deployment, its modularity and its similarity with the popular ad hoc routing protocol OLSR. Multiple OSPF extensions for MANETs have therefore been specified by the IETF. This paper introduces a novel OSPF extension for operation on ad hoc networks, MPR+SP, and compares it with the existing OSPF extensions via simulations, which show that MPR+SP outperforms prior art

    MPR+SP: Towards a Unified MPR-based MANET Extension of OSPF

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    Heterogeneous networks combining both wired and wireless components -- fixed routers as well as mobile routers -- emerge as wireless mesh networks are being deployed. Such heterogeneity is bound to become more and more present in the near future as mobile ad hoc networking becomes a reality. While it is possible to cope with heterogeneity by employing different routing protocols for the fixed / wired part and for the wireless / ad hoc part of the network, this may lead to sub-optimal performance, \eg by way of longer routing paths due to these routing protocols sharing prefixes and "connecting" the network only at distinct gateways between the two routing domains. Thus, the establishment of a single unified routing domain, and the use of a single routing protocol, for such heterogeneous networks is desired. OSPF is a natural candidate for this task, due to its wide deployment, its modularity and its similarity with the popular ad hoc routing protocol OLSR. Multiple OSPF extensions for MANETs have therefore been specified by the IETF. This memorandum introduces a novel OSPF extension for operation on ad hoc networks, MPRSP, and compares it with the existing OSPF extensions via simulations, which show that MPR+SP outperforms prior art.Les réseaux hétérogènes combinant des parties filaires et des parties sans-fils -- des routeurs mobiles ainsi que des routeurs fixes -- sont déployés de nos jours sous forme de réseaux mesh. Dans le futur, les réseaux hétérogènes sont amenés à devenir de plus en plus présents, au fur et à mesure que les réseaux ad hoc deviendront réalité. Il est possible de gérer l'hétérogénéité de tels réseaux en utilisant plusieurs protocoles de routages à la fois, un pour la partie fixe / filaire, et un autre pour la partie mobile / sans-fil. Cependant, l'utilisation simultanée de plusieurs protocoles dans ce contexte mène souvent à des performances sous-optimales (par exemple en forçant les routes à passer par certaines passerelles). C'est pourquoi il est préférable d'utiliser un protocole de routage unifié, couvrant un réseau hétérogène dans sa globalité. OSPF est le candidat naturel pour accomplir cette tâche, dû à son usage répandu, à la modularité de son design et à sa ressemblance avec le protocole de routage ad hoc OLSR. Plusieurs extensions d'OSPF pour MANET ont donc été récemment normalisées par l'IETF. Ce rapport présente une nouvelle extension d'OSPF pour les réseaux ad hoc, nommée MPR+SP, et la compare aux extensions existantes au moyen de simulations, qui montrent que MPR+SP offre une meilleure performance que l'état de l'art