754 research outputs found

    Split and Shift Methodology: Overcoming Hardware Limitations on Cellular Processor Arrays for Image Processing

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    Na era multimedia, o procesado de imaxe converteuse nun elemento de singular importancia nos dispositivos electrónicos. Dende as comunicacións (p.e. telemedicina), a seguranza (p.e. recoñecemento retiniano) ou control de calidade e de procesos industriais (p.e. orientación de brazos articulados, detección de defectos do produto), pasando pola investigación (p.e. seguimento de partículas elementais) e diagnose médica (p.e. detección de células estrañas, identificaciónn de veas retinianas), hai un sinfín de aplicacións onde o tratamento e interpretación automáticas de imaxe e fundamental. O obxectivo último será o deseño de sistemas de visión con capacidade de decisión. As tendencias actuais requiren, ademais, a combinación destas capacidades en dispositivos pequenos e portátiles con resposta en tempo real. Isto propón novos desafíos tanto no deseño hardware como software para o procesado de imaxe, buscando novas estruturas ou arquitecturas coa menor area e consumo de enerxía posibles sen comprometer a funcionalidade e o rendemento

    Neuro-memristive Circuits for Edge Computing: A review

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    The volume, veracity, variability, and velocity of data produced from the ever-increasing network of sensors connected to Internet pose challenges for power management, scalability, and sustainability of cloud computing infrastructure. Increasing the data processing capability of edge computing devices at lower power requirements can reduce several overheads for cloud computing solutions. This paper provides the review of neuromorphic CMOS-memristive architectures that can be integrated into edge computing devices. We discuss why the neuromorphic architectures are useful for edge devices and show the advantages, drawbacks and open problems in the field of neuro-memristive circuits for edge computing

    Memristive Computing

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    Memristive computing refers to the utilization of the memristor, the fourth fundamental passive circuit element, in computational tasks. The existence of the memristor was theoretically predicted in 1971 by Leon O. Chua, but experimentally validated only in 2008 by HP Labs. A memristor is essentially a nonvolatile nanoscale programmable resistor — indeed, memory resistor — whose resistance, or memristance to be precise, is changed by applying a voltage across, or current through, the device. Memristive computing is a new area of research, and many of its fundamental questions still remain open. For example, it is yet unclear which applications would benefit the most from the inherent nonlinear dynamics of memristors. In any case, these dynamics should be exploited to allow memristors to perform computation in a natural way instead of attempting to emulate existing technologies such as CMOS logic. Examples of such methods of computation presented in this thesis are memristive stateful logic operations, memristive multiplication based on the translinear principle, and the exploitation of nonlinear dynamics to construct chaotic memristive circuits. This thesis considers memristive computing at various levels of abstraction. The first part of the thesis analyses the physical properties and the current-voltage behaviour of a single device. The middle part presents memristor programming methods, and describes microcircuits for logic and analog operations. The final chapters discuss memristive computing in largescale applications. In particular, cellular neural networks, and associative memory architectures are proposed as applications that significantly benefit from memristive implementation. The work presents several new results on memristor modeling and programming, memristive logic, analog arithmetic operations on memristors, and applications of memristors. The main conclusion of this thesis is that memristive computing will be advantageous in large-scale, highly parallel mixed-mode processing architectures. This can be justified by the following two arguments. First, since processing can be performed directly within memristive memory architectures, the required circuitry, processing time, and possibly also power consumption can be reduced compared to a conventional CMOS implementation. Second, intrachip communication can be naturally implemented by a memristive crossbar structure.Siirretty Doriast

    Optical computing by injection-locked lasers

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    A programmable optical computer has remained an elusive concept. To construct a practical computing primitive equivalent to an electronic Boolean logic, one should find a nonlinear phenomenon that overcomes weaknesses present in many optical processing schemes. Ideally, the nonlinearity should provide a functionally complete set of logic operations, enable ultrafast all-optical programmability, and allow cascaded operations without a change in the operating wavelength or in the signal encoding format. Here we demonstrate a programmable logic gate using an injection-locked Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL). The gate program is switched between the AND and the OR operations at the rate of 1 GHz with Bit Error Ratio (BER) of 10e-6 without changes in the wavelength or in the signal encoding format. The scheme is based on nonlinearity of normalization operations, which can be used to construct any continuous complex function or operation, Boolean or otherwise.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figures in total, 2 tables. Intended for submission to Nature Physics within the next two week

    Dense implementations of binary cellular nonlinear networks : from CMOS to nanotechnology

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    This thesis deals with the design and hardware realization of the cellular neural/nonlinear network (CNN)-type processors operating on data in the form of black and white (B/W) images. The ultimate goal is to achieve a very compact yet versatile cell structure that would allow for building a network with a very large spatial resolution. It is very important to be able to implement an array with a great number of cells on a single die. Not only it improves the computational power of the processor, but it might be the enabling factor for new applications as well. Larger resolution can be achieved in two ways. First, the cell functionality and operating principles can be tailored to improve the layout compactness. The other option is to use more advanced fabrication technology – either a newer, further downscaled CMOS process or one of the emerging nanotechnologies. It can be beneficial to realize an array processor as two separate parts – one dedicated for gray-scale and the other for B/W image processing, as their designs can be optimized. For instance, an implementation of a CNN dedicated for B/W image processing can be significantly simplified. When working with binary images only, all coefficients in the template matrix can also be reduced to binary values. In this thesis, such a binary programming scheme is presented as a means to reduce the cell size as well as to provide the circuits composed of emerging nanodevices with an efficient programmability. Digital programming can be very fast and robust, and leads to very compact coefficient circuits. A test structure of a binary-programmable CNN has been designed and implemented with standard 0.18 µm CMOS technology. A single cell occupies only 155 µm2, which corresponds to a cell density of 6451 cells per square millimeter. A variety of templates have been tested and the measured chip performance is discussed. Since the minimum feature size of modern CMOS devices has already entered the nanometer scale, and the limitations of further scaling are projected to be reached within the next decade or so, more and more interest and research activity is attracted by nanotechnology. Investigation of the quantum physics phenomena and development of new devices and circuit concepts, which would allow to overcome the CMOS limitations, is becoming an increasingly important science. A single-electron tunneling (SET) transistor is one of the most attractive nanodevices. While relying on the Coulomb interactions, these devices can be connected directly with a wire or through a coupling capacitance. To develop suitable structures for implementing the binary programming scheme with capacitive couplings, the CNN cell based on the floating gate MOSFET (FG-MOSFET) has been designed. This approach can be considered as a step towards a programmable cell implementation with nanodevices. Capacitively coupled CNN has been simulated and the presented results confirm the proper operation. Therefore, the same circuit strategies have also been applied to the CNN cell designed for SET technology. The cell has been simulated to work well with the binary programming scheme applied. This versatile structure can be implemented either as a pure SET design or as a SET-FET hybrid. In addition to the designs mentioned above, a number of promising nanodevices and emerging circuit architectures are introduced.reviewe

    Cellular Nonlinear Networks: optimized implementation on FPGA and applications to robotics

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi consisteix a estudiar la factibilitat d'implementar un sensor càmera CNN amb plena funcionalitat basat en FPGA de baix cost adequat per a aplicacions en robots mòbils. L'estudi dels fonaments de les xarxes cel•lulars no lineals (CNNs) i la seva aplicació eficaç en matrius de portes programables (FPGAs) s'ha complementat, d'una banda amb el paral•lelisme que s'estableix entre arquitectura multi-nucli de les CNNs i els eixams de robots mòbils, i per l'altre banda amb la correlació dinàmica de CNNs i arquitectures memristive. A més, els memristors es consideren els substituts dels futurs dispositius de memòria flash per la seva capacitat d'integració d'alta densitat i el seu consum d'energia prop de zero. En el nostre cas, hem estat interessats en el desenvolupament d’FPGAs que han deixat de ser simples dispositius per a la creació ràpida de prototips ASIC per esdevenir complets dispositius reconfigurables amb integració de la memòria i els elements de processament general. En particular, s'han explorat com les arquitectures implementades CNN en FPGAs poden ser optimitzades en termes d’àrea ocupada en el dispositiu i el seu consum de potència. El nostre objectiu final ens ah portat a implementar de manera eficient una CNN-UM amb complet funcionament a un baix cost i baix consum sobre una FPGA amb tecnología flash. Per tant, futurs estudis sobre l’arquitectura eficient de la CNN sobre la FPGA i la interconnexió amb els robots comercials disponibles és un dels objectius d'aquesta tesi que se seguiran en les línies de futur exposades en aquest treball.El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en estudiar la factibilidad de implementar un sensor cámara CNN con plena funcionalidad basado en FPGA de bajo coste adecuado para aplicaciones en robots móviles. El estudio de los fundamentos de las redes celulares no lineales (CNNs) y su aplicación eficaz en matrices de puertas programables (FPGAs) se ha complementado, por un lado con el paralelismo que se establece entre arquitectura multi -núcleo de las CNNs y los enjambres de robots móviles, y por el otro lado con la correlación dinámica de CNNs y arquitecturas memristive. Además, los memristors se consideran los sustitutos de los futuros dispositivos de memoria flash por su capacidad de integración de alta densidad y su consumo de energía cerca de cero. En nuestro caso, hemos estado interesados en el desarrollo de FPGAs que han dejado de ser simples dispositivos para la creación rápida de prototipos ASIC para convertirse en completos dispositivos reconfigurables con integración de la memoria y los elementos de procesamiento general. En particular, se han explorado como las arquitecturas implementadas CNN en FPGAs pueden ser optimizadas en términos de área ocupada en el dispositivo y su consumo de potencia. Nuestro objetivo final nos ah llevado a implementar de manera eficiente una CNN-UM con completo funcionamiento a un bajo coste y bajo consumo sobre una FPGA con tecnología flash. Por lo tanto, futuros estudios sobre la arquitectura eficiente de la CNN sobre la FPGA y la interconexión con los robots comerciales disponibles es uno de los objetivos de esta tesis que se seguirán en las líneas de futuro expuestas en este trabajo.The main goal of this thesis consists in studying the feasibility to implement a full-functionality CNN camera sensor based on low-cost FPGA device suitable for mobile robotic applications. The study of Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNNs) fundamentals and its efficient implementation on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has been complemented, on one side with the parallelism established between multi-core CNN architecture and swarm of mobile robots, and on the other side with the dynamics correlation of CNNs and memristive architectures. Furthermore, memristors are considered the future substitutes of flash memory devices because of its capability of high density integration and its close to zero power consumption. In our case, we have been interested in the development of FPGAs that have ceased to be simple devices for ASIC fast prototyping to become complete reconfigurable devices embedding memory and processing elements. In particular, we have explored how the CNN architectures implemented on FPGAs can be optimized in terms of area occupied on the device or power consumption. Our final accomplishment has been implementing efficiently a fully functional reconfigurable CNN-UM on a low-cost low-power FPGA based on flash technology. Therefore, further studies on an efficient CNN architecture on FPGA and interfacing it with commercially-available robots is one of the objectives of this thesis that will be followed in the future directions exposed in this work