7,604 research outputs found

    Engineering intelligent sensor networks with ASSL and DMF

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    Algorithms for advance bandwidth reservation in media production networks

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    Media production generally requires many geographically distributed actors (e.g., production houses, broadcasters, advertisers) to exchange huge amounts of raw video and audio data. Traditional distribution techniques, such as dedicated point-to-point optical links, are highly inefficient in terms of installation time and cost. To improve efficiency, shared media production networks that connect all involved actors over a large geographical area, are currently being deployed. The traffic in such networks is often predictable, as the timing and bandwidth requirements of data transfers are generally known hours or even days in advance. As such, the use of advance bandwidth reservation (AR) can greatly increase resource utilization and cost efficiency. In this paper, we propose an Integer Linear Programming formulation of the bandwidth scheduling problem, which takes into account the specific characteristics of media production networks, is presented. Two novel optimization algorithms based on this model are thoroughly evaluated and compared by means of in-depth simulation results

    Jahi McMath, um novo transtorno da consciência

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    In this paper, I review the case of Jahi McMath, who was diagnosed with brain death (BD). Nonetheless, ancillary tests performed nine months after the initial brain insult showed conservation of intracranial structures, EEG activity, and autonomic reactivity to the “Mother Talks” stimulus. She was clinically in an unarousable and unresponsive state, without evidence of self-awareness or awareness of the environment. However, the total absence of brainstem reflexes and partial responsiveness rejected the possibility of a coma. Jahi did not have uws because she was not in a wakefulness state and showed partial responsiveness. She could not be classified as a LIS patient either because LIS patients are wakeful and aware, and although quadriplegic, they fully or partially preserve brainstem reflexes, vertical eye movements or blinking, and respire on their own. She was not in an MCS because she did not preserve arousal and preserved awareness only partially. The CRS-R resulted in a very low score, incompatible with MCS patients. mcs patients fully or partially preserve brainstem reflexes and usually breathe on their own. MCS has always been described as a transitional state between a coma and UWS but never reported in a patient with all clinical BD findings. This case does not contradict the concept of BD but brings again the need to use ancillary tests in BD up for discussion. I concluded that Jahi represented a new disorder of consciousness, non-previously described, which I have termed “reponsive unawakefulness syndrome” (RUS).En este artículo, revisó el caso de Jahi McMath, quién fue diagnosticada con muerte encefálica (ME). No obstante, exámenes complementarios realizados nueve meses después de la lesión cerebral inicial mostraron conservación de las estructuras intracraneales, actividad en electroencefalografía EEG, y reactividad autonómica a estímulos llamados “Conversación de Madre”. Ella estaba clínicamente en un estado sin respuesta a los estímulos, sin evidencia de autoconciencia o conciencia del ambiente. Sin embargo, la ausencia total de reflejos del tronco encefálico y la capacidad de respuesta parcial rechazaron la posibilidad de un coma. Jahi no tenía síndrome de vigilia sin respuesta SVSR porque no estaba en un estado de vigilia y mostró una capacidad de respuesta parcial. Tampoco pudo ser clasificada como paciente LIS porque los pacientes LIS están despiertos y conscientes, y aunque tetrapléjicos, conservan total o parcialmente los reflejos del tronco encefálico, los movimientos oculares verticales u el parpadeo, y respiran por sí mismos. Ella no estaba en un EMC porque no preservaba la excitación y preservaba la conciencia solo parcialmente. La CRS-R dio una puntuación muy baja, incompatible con pacientes de EMC. Los pacientes de EMC preservan total o parcialmente los reflejos del tronco encefálico y, por lo general, respirar por sí solos. El EMC siempre se ha descrito como un estado de transición entre un coma y SVSR pero nunca se ha reportado en paciente con todos los hallazgos clínicos de ME. Este caso no contradice el concepto de ME pero vuelve a plantear la discusión acerca de la necesidad de utilizar exámenes complementarios en ME. Llegué a la conclusión de que Jahi representaba un nuevo trastorno de la conciencia, no descrito anteriormente, que he denominado "síndrome de no despertar con respuesta" (SNDR).Neste artigo, foi revisado o caso Jahi McMath, que foi diagnosticada com morte encefálica (ME). Contudo, exames complementares realizados nove meses depois da lesão cerebral inicial mostraram conservação das estruturas intracranianas, atividade em eletroencefalografia (EEG) e reatividade autonômica a estímulos chamados “Conversación de Madre”. Ela estava clinicamente em um estado sem resposta aos estímulos, sem evidência de autoconsciência ou consciência do ambiente. Contudo, a ausência total de reflexos do tronco encefálico e a capacidade de resposta parcial rejeitaram a possibilidade de um coma. Jahi não tinha síndrome de vigia sem resposta (SVSR), porque não estava em um estado de vigia e mostrou uma capacidade de resposta parcial. Também não pode ser classificada como paciente LIS, porque estes estão acordados e conscientes, e ainda que tetraplégicos, conservam total ou parcialmente os reflexos do tronco encefálicos, os movimentos oculares verticais ou cintilação, e respiram por si próprios. Ela não estava em um EMC porque não preservava a excitação e preservava a consciência somente parcialmente. A CRS-R deu uma pontuação muito baixa, incompatível com pacientes de EMC. Os pacientes de EMC preservam total ou parcialmente os reflexos do tronco encefálico e, em geral, respirar por si só. O EMC sempre foi descrito como um estado de transição entre coma e SVSR, mas nunca foi relatado em paciente com todos os achados clínicos de ME. Esse caso não contradiz o conceito de ME, mas volta a colocar a discussão sobre a necessidade de utilizar exames complementares em ME. Cheguei à conclusão de que Jahi representava um novo transtorno da consciência, não descrito anteriormente, que denominei “síndrome de resposta sem vigília” (SRSV)

    Emotional and Autonomic Responding to Auditory Stimuli

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    Much of the research examining emotion induction, regulation, and suppression considers solely the visual modality (e.g., pictures of faces) for emotion elicitation. In reality, emotions are cued, expressed, and interpreted through multiple modalities by employing the extensive use of auditory stimuli in addition to visual stimuli. There have been some recent efforts to offset this imbalance in modality preference by using emotional auditory stimuli alone or in addition to visual stimuli. This project aims to further investigate emotional and autonomic responding to auditory stimuli with the added component of examining differential responding across social (nonlinguistic vocal expression) and non-social auditory (music) emotional stimuli. We found mixed support indicating that our auditory stimuli induced physiological changes compared to a neutral condition. We also found that participants reported experiencing emotions congruent with those expressed by the stimuli. Most interestingly, increased autonomic activation was found in vocalizations compared to music possibly indicating more salient emotional responding to voices expressing nonverbal emotions compared to other types of less social emotional stimuli such as music. We discuss these findings through a lens that is not only interested in these potential differences as being driven by vocalizations, but also the unique nature of musical stimuli. This project presents a novel way to further our scientific understanding of the salience of auditory emotional information and the possible differences and similarities in processing more instinctive vocalizations and instrumental music

    Traffic and task allocation in networks and the cloud

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    Communication services such as telephony, broadband and TV are increasingly migrating into Internet Protocol(IP) based networks because of the consolidation of telephone and data networks. Meanwhile, the increasingly wide application of Cloud Computing enables the accommodation of tens of thousands of applications from the general public or enterprise users which make use of Cloud services on-demand through IP networks such as the Internet. Real-Time services over IP (RTIP) have also been increasingly significant due to the convergence of network services, and the real-time needs of the Internet of Things (IoT) will strengthen this trend. Such Real-Time applications have strict Quality of Service (QoS) constraints, posing a major challenge for IP networks. The Cognitive Packet Network (CPN) has been designed as a QoS-driven protocol that addresses user-oriented QoS demands by adaptively routing packets based on online sensing and measurement. Thus in this thesis we first describe our design for a novel ``Real-Time (RT) traffic over CPN'' protocol which uses QoS goals that match the needs of voice packet delivery in the presence of other background traffic under varied traffic conditions; we present its experimental evaluation via measurements of key QoS metrics such as packet delay, delay variation (jitter) and packet loss ratio. Pursuing our investigation of packet routing in the Internet, we then propose a novel Big Data and Machine Learning approach for real-time Internet scale Route Optimisation based on Quality-of-Service using an overlay network, and evaluate is performance. Based on the collection of data sampled each 22 minutes over a large number of source-destinations pairs, we observe that intercontinental Internet Protocol (IP) paths are far from optimal with respect to metrics such as end-to-end round-trip delay. On the other hand, our machine learning based overlay network routing scheme exploits large scale data collected from communicating node pairs to select overlay paths, while it uses IP between neighbouring overlay nodes. We report measurements over a week long experiment with several million data points shows substantially better end-to-end QoS than is observed with pure IP routing. Pursuing the machine learning approach, we then address the challenging problem of dispatching incoming tasks to servers in Cloud systems so as to offer the best QoS and reliable job execution; an experimental system (the Task Allocation Platform) that we have developed is presented and used to compare several task allocation schemes, including a model driven algorithm, a reinforcement learning based scheme, and a ``sensible’’ allocation algorithm that assigns tasks to sub-systems that are observed to provide lower response time. These schemes are compared via measurements both among themselves and against a standard round-robin scheduler, with two architectures (with homogenous and heterogenous hosts having different processing capacities) and the conditions under which the different schemes offer better QoS are discussed. Since Cloud systems include both locally based servers at user premises and remote servers and multiple Clouds that can be reached over the Internet, we also describe a smart distributed system that combines local and remote Cloud facilities, allocating tasks dynamically to the service that offers the best overall QoS, and it includes a routing overlay which minimizes network delay for data transfer between Clouds. Internet-scale experiments that we report exhibit the effectiveness of our approach in adaptively distributing workload across multiple Clouds.Open Acces

    Effects of noise upon human information processing

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    Studies of noise effects upon human information processing are described which investigated whether or not effects of noise upon performance are dependent upon specific characteristics of noise stimulation and their interaction with task conditions. The difficulty of predicting noise effects was emphasized. Arousal theory was considered to have explanatory value in interpreting the findings of all the studies. Performance under noise was found to involve a psychophysiological cost, measured by vasoconstriction response, with the degree of response cost being related to scores on a noise annoyance sensitivity scale. Noise sensitive subjects showed a greater autonomic response under noise stimulation

    Processing of nonverbal vocalisations in dementia

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    Nonverbal emotional vocalisations are fundamental communicative signals used to convey a diverse repertoire of social and emotional information. They transcend the boundaries of language and cultural specificity that hamper many neuropsychological tests, making them ideal candidates for understanding impaired socio-emotional signal processing in dementia. Symptoms related to changes in social behaviour and emotional responsiveness are poorly understood yet have significant impact on patients with dementia and those who care for them. In this thesis, I investigated processing of nonverbal emotional vocalisations in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a disease spectrum encompassing three canonical syndromes characterised by marked socio-emotional and communication difficulties - behavioural variant FTD (bvFTD), semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) and nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA). I demonstrated distinct profiles of impairment in identifying three salient vocalisations (laughter, crying and screaming) and the emotions they convey. All three FTD syndromes showed impairments, with the most marked deficits of emotion categorisation seen in the bvFTD group. Voxel-based morphometry was used to define critical brain substrates for processing vocalisations, identifying correlates of vocal sound processing with auditory perceptual regions (superior temporal sulcus and posterior insula) and emotion identification with limbic and medial frontal regions. The second half of this thesis focused on the more fine-grained distinction of laughter subtypes. I studied cognitive (labelling), affective (valence) and autonomic (pupillometric) processing of laughter subtypes representing dimensions of valence (mirthful versus hostile) and arousal (spontaneous versus posed). Again, FTD groups showed greatest impairment with profiles suggestive of primary perceptual deficits in nfvPPA, cognitive overgeneralisation in svPPA and disordered reward and hedonic valuation in bvFTD. Neuroanatomical correlates of explicit laughter identification included inferior frontal and cingulo-insular cortices whilst implicit processing (indexed as autonomic arousal) was particularly impaired in those conditions associated with insular compromise (nfvPPA and bvFTD). These findings demonstrate the potential of nonverbal emotional vocalisations as a probe of neural mechanisms underpinning socio-emotional dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases