13 research outputs found

    Operationalization and Automation for Urban Management of Large Cities: Proposed Model and Case Study of the Operationalization Center in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

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    The cities require new elements to its management. The broad use of new information technology and communication (ICTs) are an alternative for improving the management of cities. The objective of this paper is to propose a model of operationalization center and urban automation for large cities to optimize the management of the city. The proposed model combines an operationalization Center, for managing the day to day of large cities, supported by technological and informational resources, combined with automation of urban equipments. The case study was conducted in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), mainly using the technique of semi-structured interview combined with documental research. As a result of this research, it is emphasized that the operationalization center contributes to the optimization of day to day management of the city, mainly by the integration of actions of various organizations involved in the management of the city studied

    Design, development, and usability evaluation of a system for adding and editing social media banners in the immersive street-level 3D virtual city

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    Abstract In this paper, we present design and implementation of a system for adding and visualizing social media content in an immersive street-level 3D virtual city environment. The system enables its users to add banners anywhere in the virtual 3D environment, typically on building façades, walls, or on the ground. The banner’s owner is then able to edit the banner and select the social media platform to load the content from, thereby creating a social media content banner with a specific ID. The system supports four social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Flickr. Users can also customize banners’ position, rotation, and the visual elements such as text, images and colors. To evaluate our system’s usability, we conducted an iterative usability evaluation with 12 participants. Each evaluation round with three participants indicated improvements to the system, which were implemented before next evaluation round. Finally, after the last modifications, system was found to be easy to use by average users and only a little help was needed for non-experienced users. We believe this system could provide added value for the business owners and users by enabling social media content to be add on the 3D virtual city and use it as a marketing platform

    Information and telecommunications project for a digital city: a brazilian case study

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    Making information and telecommunications available is a permanent challenge for cities concerned to their social, urban and local planning and development, focused on life quality of their citizens and on the effectiveness of public management. Such a challenge requires the involvement of everyone in the city. The objective is to describe the information and telecommunications project from the planning of a digital city carried out in Vinhedo-SP, Brazil. It was built as a telecommunications infrastructure of the kind of "open access metropolitan area networks" which enables the integration of citizens in a single telecommunications environment. The research methodology was emphasized by a case study which turned to be a research-action, comprising the municipal administration and its local units. The results achieved describe, by means of a methodology, the phases, sub-phases, activities, approval points and resulting products, and formalize their respective challenges and difficulties. The contributions have to do with the practical feasibility of the project and execution of its methodology. The conclusion reiterates the importance of the project, collectively implemented and accepted, as a tool to help the management of cities, in the implementation of Strategic Digital City Projects, in the decisions of public administration managers, and in the quality of life of their citizens3119811

    Sustainable–Smart–Resilient–Low Carbon–Eco–Knowledge Cities; Making sense of a multitude of concepts promoting sustainable urbanization

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    Over the last couple of decades, metropolitan areas around the world have been engaged in a multitude of initiatives aimed at upgrading urban infrastructure and services, with a view to creating better environmental, social and economic conditions and enhancing cities' attractiveness and competitiveness. Reflecting these developments, many new categories of 'cities' have entered the policy discourse: 'sustainable cities'; 'green cities'; 'digital cities'; 'smart cities'; intelligent cities'; 'information cities'; 'knowledge cities'; 'resilient cities'; 'eco-cities'; 'low carbon cities'; 'liveable cities'; and even combinations, such as 'low carbon eco-cities' and 'ubiquitous eco-cities’. In practice, these terms often appear to be used interchangeably by policy makers, planners and developers. However, the question arises whether these categories nevertheless each embody distinct conceptual perspectives, which would have implications for how they are understood theoretically and applied in policy. In response, this article investigates, through a comprehensive bibliometric analysis, how the twelve most frequent city categories are conceptualised individually and in relation to one another in the academic literature. We hypothesize that, notwithstanding some degree of overlap and cross-fertilization, in their essence the observed categories each harbour particular conceptual perspectives that render them distinctive. This is borne out by the findings, which demonstrate robustly for the first time the conceptual differences and interrelationships among twelve dominant city categories. The 'sustainable city' is the most frequently occurring category and, in a map of keyword co-occurrences, by far the largest and most interconnected node, linked closely to the 'eco-city' and 'green city' concepts. Recently, the more narrow concepts of 'low carbon city' and 'smart city' have been on the rise, judging by their frequency of occurrence in academic journals; the latter in particular appears to have become an increasingly dominant category of urban modernization policy. On their part, ‘resilient city’ and ‘knowledge city’ represent distinct concepts, albeit with comparatively low frequency. Overall, the findings point to the need for rigor and nuance in the use of these terms, not least if one wishes to comprehend their implications for urban development and regeneration policy and practice

    Contribuições da CONSOCIAL em projetos de cidade digital estratégica

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    This study aims to identify social priorities in the National Conference on Transparency and Social Control (CONSOCIAL), relating to the control of public accounts, for purposes of supporting the planning of the digital city strategic. Under the method of content analysis, proposals were evaluated, with the support of Atlas ti software. The results show that the code "disclosure" is mentioned in 34.54% of the proposals and "control" in 30.53%. The "transparency" is invoked in 27.11%, while "accounts", "reports" and "financial" appearing in 35% of the proposals. Other expressions were "advice", "education", "health" and "corruption". Participants of CONSOCIAL indicate how priority the disclosure and transparency, besides solutions that provide access to tools of systematic social control directed at the content of public accounts, allowing adequate monitoring by the citizen. Therefore, emerges the search for solutions that keep the guidelines consistent in benefit of population.Este estudo objetiva identificar prioridades sociais nas propostas da Conferência Nacional sobre Transparência e Controle Social (CONSOCIAL), relacionadas ao controle das contas públicas, para fins de subsidiar o planejamento da cidade digital estratégica. Sob o método de análise de conteúdo, foram avaliadas as propostas, com apoio do software Atlas ti. Os resultados demonstram que o código “divulgação” é mencionado em 34,54% das propostas e “controle” em 30,53 %. A “transparência” é invocada em 27,11%, enquanto que “contas”, “relatórios” e “financeiros” figuram em 35% das propostas. Outros códigos propostos foram “conselho”, “educação”, “saúde” e “corrupção”. Os participantes da CONSOCIAL indicaram como prioritárias a divulgação e a transparência, além de soluções que viabilizem o acesso a ferramentas, além de sistemáticas de controle social voltadas aos conteúdos das contas públicas, permitindo o acompanhamento adequado por parte do cidadão. Neste sentido, desponta a busca por soluções que guardem consonância com as diretrizes populacionais

    Planejamento Participativo da Paisagem na Cidade Digital: Análise de Potencialidades Em Curitiba, Paraná

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    The technologies and services applied in a virtual environment offer alternative inclusion of citizens in the urban scenes qualification process, it is therefore desirable for the prevention of lack of articulation of landscape theme in the public administration sphere. Given these assumptions, the central question of the research focused on the interpretation of the incorporation possibilities real theme and factual participation of the population in municipal management through technological information resources. In this context, the main research objective is to analyze the potential of participatory planning of the landscape in the digital city. Thus, it is supported by documentary study on the reality of Curitiba, State of Parana. The observation unit covered the intervening legislation in green areas composition, defined as relevant clippings of landscape components of the urban area. Legal standards were associated with both qualitative and quantitative parameters of morphological and compositional elements as the interface with the community perspectives. The results demonstrate the lack of effective integration of urban dwellers in the current planning processes of these spaces in Curitiba. Notwithstanding the procedures adopted limitations, the conclusion indicates existence of capacity expansion in this connection within the digital city. This fact diagnosed by identifying enhancement opportunities of citizen’s virtual involvement and technological diversity options for this purpose.As tecnologias e serviços aplicados em ambiente virtual oferecem alternativas de inclusão dos cidadãos no processo de qualificação de cenas urbanas, sendo, portanto, oportunos para a prevenção da falta de articulação da temática paisagística na esfera da administração pública. Diante desses pressupostos, a questão central da pesquisa é voltada à interpretação das reais possibilidades de incorporação do tema e da factual participação da população na gestão municipal por meio de recursos tecnológicos de informação. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral da investigação é analisar o potencial do planejamento participativo da paisagem na cidade digital. Assim, é apoiada em estudo documental sobre a realidade de Curitiba, Paraná. A unidade de observação abrangeu a legislação interveniente na composição das áreas verdes, definidas como recortes relevantes dos componentes paisagísticos da malha urbanizada. As normas legais foram associadas tanto a parâmetros qualiquantitativos de elementos morfológicos e compositivos, quanto a perspectivas de interface com a comunidade. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a insuficiência de efetiva integração dos citadinos nos atuais processos de ordenamento desses espaços na capital paranaense. Não obstante as limitações dos procedimentos adotados, conclui-se pela existência de capacidade de ampliação dessa conexão no âmbito da cidade digital. Este fato é diagnosticado pela identificação de oportunidades de intensificação do envolvimento virtual dos munícipes e de diversidades de opções tecnológicas para esta finalidade

    Avaliação do impacto socioambiental da adoção do carro elétrico no Brasil

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ensino. Curso.Este trabalho realiza uma avaliação do impacto socioambiental da adoção do carro elétrico no Brasil e Santa Catarina por meio de um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o assunto. Nos últimos anos, meios de transporte menos poluentes tem ganhado notória atenção junto da necessidade de preservação ambiental. Para adotar veículos com essas tecnologias massivamente no país, é necessário avaliar qual o possível impacto e consumo adicional na matriz energética brasileira, bem como os desafios de sua implantação a nível social. Os resultados obtidos sugerem um aumento gradual no consumo de energia elétrica no país, derivando em um aumento de consumo que exigirá a criação de fontes de geração de energia e uma avaliação da rede de distribuição, principalmente em locais afastados dos grandes centros. Empresas e profissionais deverão se adaptar a essa nova realidade caso queiram continuar atuando no mercado. Além disso, a diminuição da emissão de gases prejudiciais ao meio ambiente que essa mudança pode propiciar foi considerável, porém a falta de incentivos para adoção destes veículos, suas diferenças técnicas em relação aos veículos convencionais e uma possível resistência do consumidor para alterar conceitos já fixados podem se tornar grandes barreiras para essa evolução dentro da infraestrutura de transporte brasileiro

    Ψηφιακή πόλη : ρεαλισμοί και φαντασιώσεις του σύγχρονου αστικού χώρου

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    Οι πόλεις διασχίζουν το χρόνο μέσα από το διάλογο της υλικής και άυλή τους υπόστασης σχηματίζοντας τον αστικό πολιτισμό. Υπό την πίεση ιστορικών και πολιτικών εξελίξεων, της εποχής από τη βιομηχανική επανάσταση μέχρι την βαθιά ενεργειακή κρίση του 1973, επιταχύνεται η συγκλονιστική ανάπτυξη των νέων τεχνολογιών πληροφορίας και επικοινωνιών και η γέννηση της ψηφιακής εποχής: μια νέα διάσταση της σύγχρονης πραγματικότητας με τεράστιο αντίκτυπο στη θεώρησή της και την ανάπτυξη των πόλεων χαρακτηριστικά της οποίας είναι η ταχύτατη διάδοση της πληροφορίας και η κυριαρχία της εικόνας. Οι σύγχρονες πόλεις καλούνται, πλέον, από το διεθνή αστικό ανταγωνισμό να αποκτήσουν παρουσία στο Διαδίκτυο και τον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό ως ψηφιακές πόλεις, φαινόμενο με περισσότερες επιπτώσεις από την τεχνολογική ανάπτυξη της εφαρμογής αυτής. Ο αστικός σχεδιασμός ακόμα δεν έχει συγχρονιστεί με τις τεχνολογικοκοινωνικές εξελίξεις ενώ οι τοπικές κοινωνίες οφείλουν να αντιμετωπίσουν ζητήματα διεκδίκησης του αστικού και ψηφιακού, δημόσιου και ιδιωτικού χώρου

    Innovation in the Irish digital media industry between 1999 and 2002: an emergent new 'content' industry

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    During the period of this study, digital media comprised an increasingly pervasive but still emergent medium in society. Most formal academic, industrial and governmental research into the emergence of digital media industries and innovations focused on technological and software artefacts, to the neglect o f content. Such studies subscribed to a distinctly determinist conception o f emergence and innovation, regarding them as essentially linear, closed processes, with digital media emerging under an autonomous momentum and causing dramatic changes to society and people's lives. The studies were, in the main, conducted at macro and meso-Ievel, based largely on statistical analysis, and they measured the value of scientific and technical knowledge to innovation. This thesis argues that such approaches are unsuited to the study o f the content industry, which remains a distinct domain within the overall digital media sector. Content innovation is marked by important qualitative differences compared to technological innovation, e.g. it is dependent on competencies less tangible than scientific and technical knowledge. A conceptual framework sensitive to such differences is required to form a deeper understanding o f the emergence o f the digital content industry and the development dynamics o f the innovation processes shaping its development. In response to conceptions o f closed, linear emergence o f both industries and innovations, this thesis argues that emergence and innovation have been multidimensional, multi-directional processes, influenced by many factors (social, economic, organisational, technical) at many levels. The conceptual framework for this study draws on theories and concepts from a number o f disciplinary fields. It draws on those traditionally applied to the study of technological innovation within mature industries, and adapted them to the study o f content innovation within an early emerging industry. The study seeks to draw on and integrate insights drawn from: a) recent systems o f innovation literature, b) science/technology and society studies field (e.g., debates over social shaping and technological determinist theories), as well as c) those drawn from the more familiar communication and media studies field. The empirical aspects o f the research have aimed to monitor, describe and analyse rapidly changing developments in this emergent industry since the late 1990s. The study addresses the key trends in the emerging industry at macro, meso and microlevels. Part o f the study involves an industrial-level analysis in an attempt to better map and understand the unfolding strategies and trends with particular attention to the Irish context. This research project also comprised detailed case studies o f the dynamics o f innovation within a number of individual digital media companies