11 research outputs found


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    The paper presents comprehensive study of applicability of Moodle virtual learning environment to the development of practical skills. The quantitative research involved faculty students and  lecturers of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design. Data analysis indicated that currently the most beneficial method to develop practical skills is blended method. This result, however, turned out to be more positive for students than for lecturers, the latter being less willing to employ technology alongside traditional classroom. The article also briefly describes data mining technologies that are often employed to plan study process, as well as depicts data flows and action sequence of the future survey. The study also puts forward recommendations for further research

    Changes in the methodology of medical teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic

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    ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the perceptions of students and teachers regarding remote teaching modality in comparison with the traditional face-to-face method. Methods In this observational, retrospective, comparative, single-center study, questionnaires containing three major assessment domains were sent to two groups: university professors and undergraduate and graduate students. The first domain collected demographic and general data on the platforms used. The second and third domains contained questions that compared the perception of the quality of information offered by the two systems. Results Between May and September 2020, 162 students and 71 teachers participated in the study. A greater proportion of students demonstrated previous contact with the online method, while professors had presented a greater number of courses. Most participants reported that their expectations regarding the remote teaching method were met (students, 80.3%; teachers, 94.4%). A significant number of students (83.3%) and teachers (88.7%) rated the classes as easier to attend and manage. Despite difficulties, such as concentration retention, most of the participants agree (at least partially) that the format should be maintained. Conclusion The remote teaching methodology, although still incipient in Brazil, has become a reality in light of current health restrictions. Our study demonstrated a high level of overall satisfaction and a high sense of learning from both students and faculty. However, new challenges associated with this system have been identified, such as retention of attention and interference from the external environment. Longitudinal comparative studies that incorporate various aspects of medical education in all cycles are necessary to corroborate the findings of this study. Design Retrospective comparative study, level III evidence

    Chunk Learning Media for Cognitive Load Optimization on Science Learning

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    The sudden shift in the education world due to the pandemic of Covid-19 bring both challenge and opportunity at the same time. Since decades ago, the understanding of the importance to manage cognitive load for effective learning had been applied in multiple methods. Having said that, only a few addresses the opportunity to combine it with the latest trend attractive for today's young learners to minimize more extraneous cognitive load. This research discusses the matter by proposing the adoption of the combination of chunk learning, animation, and super short video in social media platforms to convey learning materials on nervous system science, which has been stamped as a hard subject for high school students. The adaptation of super short video animation on nervous system science successfully helps students cope with the daunting pile of materials align with the cognitive load theory

    Associação entre o Perfil do Estudante e o Desempenho Acadêmico em um Curso de Especialização em Atenção Primária a Saúde EaD

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     The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the student’s profile and academic achievement, using data of the Family Health Specialization course at the UNA-SUS/UFCSPA (FHS). A total of 4,438 students enrolled in the course until 2018, and all that completed the activities (n = 4219) were considered in the analysis. The characterization of academic performance, the student’ status at the end of the course were considered, and the students were classified as: approved, reproved, evaded or unsubscribed; also the student's final grade was considered to characterize their academic achievement. A descriptive analysis and logistic regression models were constructed to verify an association between the student profiles and academic achievements. Most students were female (63.7%), Brazilian (63.9%), unmarried (66.9%), part of the Mais Médicos Program (54.5%),  have less than one year formed (32.0%), had never performed distance education activities (72.5%), had internet access at home (94.9%) and at work (64.5%), and used the computer at least six days a week (53.4%). Among the students, 2,643 (52.6%) approved and 1,576 (47,4%) reproved or did not finish the cours. Gender, course entry form, undergraduate course, age at the beginning of the course and region of professional activity were associated with the achievement in the course and grade in complex cases essay. Keywords: Academic achievement. Distance learning. e-larning. Primary health care.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a relação entre as características do aluno do curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família da UNA-SUS/UFCSPA (EspSF) e o desempenho acadêmico. O estudo tem caráter observacional transversal analítico. As análises foram realizadas a partir de dados do curso de EspSF, que é ofertado na modalidade a distância, para médicos, dentistas e enfermeiros. Um total de 4438 alunos realizaram matrícula no curso até 2018, sendo considerados nas análises todos os concluintes até 2018 (n=4219). Para caracterização do desempenho acadêmico no curso foram considerados o estado do aluno ao final do curso, sendo os alunos classificados em: aprovado, reprovado, evadido ou desligado; e a nota final do aluno na atividade de casos complexos. Após uma análise descritiva foram construídos modelos de regressão logística para verificar a associação entre as características dos alunos e o desempenho no curso. A maior parte dos alunos é do gênero feminino (63,7%), brasileiro (63,9%), não é casado (66,9%), faz parte do Programa Mais Médicos (54,5%), formado há menos de um ano (32,0%), nunca havia realizado atividades de educação a distância (72,5%), tem acesso à internet em casa (94,9%) e no trabalho (64,5%), e usa o computador ao menos seis dias da semana (53,4%). Dentre os alunos há 2643 (52,6%) aprovados e 1576 (47,4%) reprovaram ou não concluíram o curso. Gênero, forma de entrada no curso, curso de graduação, idade no início do curso e a região de atuação profissional estão associados ao aproveitamento no curso e nota na avaliação de casos complexos. Palavras-chave: Desempenho acadêmico. Educação a distância. Ensino online. Atenção primária à saúde

    An empirical study of neural network-based audience response technology in a human anatomy course for pharmacy students.

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    This paper presents an empirical study of a formative neural network-based assessment approach, by using mobile technology to provide pharmacy students with intelligent diagnostic feedback. An unsupervised learning algorithm was integrated with an audience response system called SIDRA, in order to generate states that collect some commonality in responses to questions and add diagnostic feedback for guided learning. A total of 89 pharmacy students enrolled on a Human Anatomy course were taught using two different teaching methods. Forty-four students employed intelligent SIDRA (i-SIDRA), whereas 45 students received the same training but without using i-SIDRA. A statistically significant difference was found between the experimental group (i-SIDRA) and the control group (traditional learning methodology), with T (87)=6.598, p < 0.001. In four MCQs tests, the difference between the number of correct answers in the first attempt and in the last attempt was also studied. A global effect size of 0.644 was achieved in the meta-analysis carried out. The students expressed satisfaction with the content provided by i-SIDRA and the methodology used during the process of learning anatomy (M=4.59). The new empirical contribution presented in this paper allows instructors to perform post hoc analyses of each particular student's progress to ensure appropriate training

    영상치의학 판독 교육을 위한 학습 관리 시스템의 개발 및 평가

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 치의학대학원 치의과학과, 2017. 8. 허민석.Purpose: Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a well-known and verified open-source learning management system(LMS) software. This study aimed to develop and evaluate an LMS for dental radiographic interpretation practice using Moodle. Materials and Methods: The last stable version of Moodle was installed on a server, and customized for dental radiology education, named e-OMFR. After the installation process, a new course was created and set according to the learning purpose and teaching situation. The e-OMFR was constructed with four parts: glossary, wiki, forum, and quiz. Among the functions of e-OMFR, the quiz function was used for radiographic interpretation practice. Third-year undergraduate students were divided into two groups. The experimental group utilized e-OMFR for dental radiographic interpretation practice. The control group completed the radiology practice session as usual, whereas for the experimental group, 10% of the interpretation practice time was replaced by online practice for dental caries diagnosis on panoramic radiographs using e-OMFR. The students in the experimental group practiced diagnosing caries in more than 100 panoramic radiographs through online quizzes. The effectiveness of e-OMFR was evaluated by comparing the final examination scores of the two groups. The e-OMFR was surveyed by administering a questionnaire to students in the experimental group. Results: The process of installing and customizing Moodle proved to be feasible and cost-effective. Moodle was suitable for developing an LMS for dental radiographic interpretation practice. The students in the experimental group achieved higher scores in their final examination than those in the control group on the 10 questions related to interpreting dental caries on panoramic radiographs (p<0.05). On the other hand, no significant difference was detected between the groups on the other 50 questions and on previous examinations. Among the members of the experimental group, 54% answered that they found the system inconvenient. The main reason for the inconvenience was that there was no image enlargement or control function. Nevertheless, 27% indicated that the online quizzes were helpful for dental caries interpretation practice. Conclusion: The incorporation of e-OMFR in current teaching was shown to improve student performance. The e-OMFR would be practically applied to radiographic interpretation practice if the function is improved. The e-OMFR could be extended to continuing education for dentists.I. Background 1 II. Introduction 7 III. Materials and Methods 12 IV. Results 25 V. Discussion 28 VI. Conclusion 33 VII. References 34 요약(국문초록) 40 부록(설문지) 43 Appendix(Questionnaire) 45Docto

    Impacto de um objeto virtual de aprendizagem no conhecimento teórico a respeito de lesões ulceradas em boca

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    Objetos Virtuais de Aprendizagem (O OVAs) são recursos digitais construídos para apoiar a aprendizagem que incorporam tipicamente recursos multimídia. Poucos estudos foram realizados avaliando o papel d os OVAs no processo ensino aprendizagem na odontologia. O objetivo do presente estudo fo i desenvolver, aplicar e avaliar um OVA para o ensino de estomatologia, mais especificamente sobre o raciocínio diagnóstico e terapêutico de lesões ulceradas em boca. Desenvolveu se um objeto virtual abordando escore s, processo diagnóstico, classificação e manejo clínico cirúrgico das principais lesões ulceradas da boca, bem como discussão de casos clínicos com simulação virtual. O referido OVA foi construído e submetido à validação por especialistas em es tomatologia. A avaliação da aprendizagem foi realiza da por meio de um ensaio clínico controlado e randomizado. Participaram 58 estudantes sendo 23 estudantes do 4º semestre e 35 do 10º semestre da mesma faculdade. O s estudantes foram divididos em dois grupos : grupo aula expositiva n=29) e grupo OVA (n= Todos os estudantes responderam a um questionário pré teste. O grupo intervenção foi submetido a interação com o OVA, e o grupo controle assistiu uma aula teórica convencional de mesmo conteúdo. Imediatamente após as atividades, todos os estudantes respon deram ao questionário pós teste , e participaram de uma simulação de casos clínicos . O grupo OVA ainda respondeu um questionário de avaliação específic a de objetos virtuais. Foram realizadas análises descritivas tanto quantitativas (média e desvio pa drão) q uanto qualitativas (frequ ências e porcentagens). Os resultados mostraram que o OVA foi considerado adequando com média ponderada de validação pelos especialistas de 0,90 e pelos estudantes de 0,87. O uso do OVA foi recomentado por 100% dos especialistas e 86,6% dos estudantes . Quando comparado ao grupo controle o grupo OVA apresentou aumento significativo no número de acertos no pós teste (p <0,0 1 )). Concluímos que o OVA desenvolvido mostrou ser uma ferramenta útil para o ensino da estomatologia contribuindo significante na melhora do conhecimento de lesões ulceradas em bocaVirtual Learning Object VLO) is digital resources designed and built to support learning that typically incorporate multimedia resources. Few studies have been conducted evaluating the role of VLO in the teaching learning process in dentistry. The objective of the present study was t o develop, apply and evaluate a VLO for the teaching of oral medic ine , specifically on the diagnostic and th erapeutic reasoning of oral ulcerative lesions. A virtual object was developed, approaching concepts, diagnostic process, classification and clinical surgical management of the main ulcerative lesions of the mouth, as well as a virtual case simulation. The VLO was constructed and submitted to validation by specialists in oral medicine . The assessment of learning was performed through a randomized controlled trial. Fifty eight students participated, being 23 students from the 4th semester and 35 from the 10th semester of the same college. The students were divided into two groups: expository class group (n =29) and VLO group (n= 29). All students answered a pre test questionnaire. The intervention group was submitted to interaction with VLO , and the control group attended a conventional theoretical class with the same content. Immediately after the activities, all the students answered the post test questionnaire, and participated in a simulation of clinical cases. The V LO group also answered a questionnaire evaluating specific virtual objects. Descriptive analyzes were performed both quantitative (mean and standard deviation) and qualitative (frequencies and percentages). The results showed that VLO was considered adequa te with a weighted average of validation by the experts of 0.90 and by the students of 0.87. The use of VLO was recommended by 100% of the specialists and 86.6% of the students. When compared to the control group, the VLO group presented a significant incr ease in the number of correc t answers in the post test (p<0.01 ). We conclude that the VLO developed proved to be a useful tool for of oral medicine teaching activities leading to a significant improveme nt in the knowledge of oral ulcerative lesion

    Delivery Of A Urology Online Course Using Moodle Versus Didactic Lectures Methods

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    Purpose: To subjectively and objectively compare an accessible interactive electronic library using Moodle with lectures for urology teaching of medical students. Methods: Forty consecutive fourth-year medical students and one urology teacher were exposed to two teaching methods (4 weeks each) in the form of problem-based learning: - lectures and - student-centered group discussion based on Moodle (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) full time online delivered (24/7) with video surgeries, electronic urology cases and additional basic principles of the disease process. Results: All 40 students completed the study. While 30% were moderately dissatisfied with their current knowledge base, online learning course delivery using Moodle was considered superior to the lectures by 86% of the students. The study found the following observations: (1) the increment in learning grades ranged from 7.0 to 9.7 for students in the online Moodle course compared to 4.0-9.6 to didactic lectures; (2) the self-reported student involvement in the online course was characterized as large by over 60%; (3) the teacher-student interaction was described as very frequent (50%) and moderately frequent (50%); and (4) more inquiries and requisitions by students as well as peer assisting were observed from the students using the Moodle platform. Conclusions: The Moodle platform is feasible and effective, enthusing medical students to learn, improving immersion in the urology clinical rotation and encouraging the spontaneous peer assisted learning. Future studies should expand objective evaluations of knowledge acquisition and retention

    New Cyber Charter Teachers’ Perceptions of their Induction Program in Preparing them for Online Instruction: A Mixed Methods Study

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    Those who teach online are often concerned with preservice or in‐service teacher development, specifically the lack of specialized opportunities focusing on online instructional practices. Online educators have acknowledged that this focus is limited and that the induction years of beginning teachers are an important component of teacher development. This mixed-method sequential explanatory study focused on the induction years of cyber charter teachers. It examined their perceptions of their induction program with the intention of adding to the literature in this under-examined area (Creswell, 2013). Twenty new online teachers shared the perceptions of the induction program through Likert scale items on a questionnaire. The researcher utilized a series of ANOVAs for each of the dependent variables of interest, which were scored on the survey\u27s different subscales. The qualitative phase involved a semi-structured focus group interview and journal entries designed to understand teachers\u27 perceptions of their induction program (Creswell, 2013). The results suggested that the induction program\u27s practical focus effectively prepares and builds confidence in new cyber charter teachers. Additionally, respondents indicated that same subject peers and mentor support as well as access to sandbox courses or practice courses contributed to their effective asynchronous lesson development preparation and synchronous lesson delivery