60 research outputs found

    Delaunay triangulation based image enhancement for echocardiography images

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    A novel image enhancement approach for automatic echocardiography image processing is proposed. The main steps include undecimated wavelet based speckle noise reduction, edge detection, followed by a regional enhancement process that employs Delaunay triangulation based thresholding. The edge detection is performed using a fuzzy logic based center point detection and a subsequent radial search based fuzzy multiscale edge detection. The edges obtained are used as the vertices for Delaunay triangulation for enhancement purposes. This method enhances the heart wall region in the echo image. This technique is applied to both synthetic and real image sets that were obtained from a local hospital

    Echocardiogram : left ventricle chamber detection using image processing

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    The left ventricle is one of the four chambers in the human heart. It receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium through the mitral valve and pumped into the aorta through the aorta valve. Heart valve failure could affect the productivity of the delivery of blood to other parts of the human body. The effect of this failure will lead to death. Echocardiogram is a diagnostic test to detect heart diseases. This study is based on the echocardiogram video taken from the Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). This video is a video taken of patients left ventricle valves. The study was done with the video processing to generation of static images. From the static image, the image has been carried out to obtain the size of the left ventricle of the heart. The objective of this study was to detect the properties of cardiac chamber echocardiogram images taken from patients. In this study, an analysis of the size of the heart valves has been committed. Image processing techniques used to detect the size or diameter of the left ventricular chamber. Results are expected is to develop a graphical user interface (GUI) with the ability to import and display parameters echocardiogram images using MA TLAB simulation

    Patient-specific design of the right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit via computational analysis

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    Cardiovascular prostheses are routinely used in surgical procedures to address congenital malformations, for example establishing a pathway from the right ventricle to the pulmonary arteries (RV-PA) in pulmonary atresia and truncus arteriosus. Currently available options are fixed size and have limited durability. Hence, multiple re-operations are required to match the patients’ growth and address structural deterioration of the conduit. Moreover, the pre-set shape of these implants increases the complexity of operation to accommodate patient specific anatomy. The goal of the research group is to address these limitations by 3D printing geometrically customised implants with growth capacity. In this study, patient-specific geometrical models of the heart were constructed by segmenting MRI data of patients using Mimics inPrint 2.0. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis was performed, using ANSYS CFX, to design customised geometries with better haemodynamic performance. CFD simulations showed that customisation of a replacement RV-PA conduit can improve its performance. For instance, mechanical energy dissipation and wall shear stress can be significantly reduced. Finite Element modelling also allowed prediction of the suitable thickness of a synthetic material to replicate the behaviour of pulmonary artery wall under arterial pressures. Hence, eliminating costly and time-consuming experiments based on trial-and-error. In conclusion, it is shown that patient-specific design is feasible, and these designs are likely to improve the flow dynamics of the RV-PA connection. Modelling also provides information for optimisation of biomaterial. In time, 3D printing a customised implant may simplify replacement procedures and potentially reduce the number of operations required over a life time, bringing substantial improvements in quality of life to the patient

    Flow pattern analysis for magnetic resonance velocity imaging

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    Blood flow in the heart is highly complex. Although blood flow patterns have been investigated by both computational modelling and invasive/non-invasive imaging techniques, their evolution and intrinsic connection with cardiovascular disease has yet to be explored. Magnetic resonance (MR) velocity imaging provides a comprehensive distribution of multi-directional in vivo flow distribution so that detailed quantitative analysis of flow patterns is now possible. However, direct visualisation or quantification of vector fields is of little clinical use, especially for inter-subject or serial comparison of changes in flow patterns due to the progression of the disease or in response to therapeutic measures. In order to achieve a comprehensive and integrated description of flow in health and disease, it is necessary to characterise and model both normal and abnormal flows and their effects. To accommodate the diversity of flow patterns in relation to morphological and functional changes, we have described in this thesis an approach of detecting salient topological features prior to analytical assessment of dynamical indices of the flow patterns. To improve the accuracy of quantitative analysis of the evolution of topological flow features, it is essential to restore the original flow fields so that critical points associated with salient flow features can be more reliably detected. We propose a novel framework for the restoration, abstraction, extraction and tracking of flow features such that their dynamic indices can be accurately tracked and quantified. The restoration method is formulated as a constrained optimisation problem to remove the effects of noise and to improve the consistency of the MR velocity data. A computational scheme is derived from the First Order Lagrangian Method for solving the optimisation problem. After restoration, flow abstraction is applied to partition the entire flow field into clusters, each of which is represented by a local linear expansion of its velocity components. This process not only greatly reduces the amount of data required to encode the velocity distribution but also permits an analytical representation of the flow field from which critical points associated with salient flow features can be accurately extracted. After the critical points are extracted, phase portrait theory can be applied to separate them into attracting/repelling focuses, attracting/repelling nodes, planar vortex, or saddle. In this thesis, we have focused on vortical flow features formed in diastole. To track the movement of the vortices within a cardiac cycle, a tracking algorithm based on relaxation labelling is employed. The constraints and parameters used in the tracking algorithm are designed using the characteristics of the vortices. The proposed framework is validated with both simulated and in vivo data acquired from patients with sequential MR examination following myocardial infarction. The main contribution of the thesis is in the new vector field restoration and flow feature abstraction method proposed. They allow the accurate tracking and quantification of dynamic indices associated with salient features so that inter- and intra-subject comparisons can be more easily made. This provides further insight into the evolution of blood flow patterns and permits the establishment of links between blood flow patterns and localised genesis and progression of cardiovascular disease.Open acces

    Prediction of Post-Ablation Outcome in Atrial Fibrillation Using Shape Parameterization and Partial Least Squares Regression

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    International audienceTo analyze left atrial remodeling may reveal shape features related to post-ablation outcome in atrial fibrillation, which helps in identifying suitable candidates before ablation. In this article, we propose an application of diffeomorphometry and partial least squares regression to address this problem. We computed a template of left atrial shape in control group and then encoded the shapes in atrial fibrillation with a large set of parameters representing their diffeomorphic deformation. We applied a two-step partial least squares regression. The first step eliminates the influence of atrial volume in shape parameters. The second step links deformations directly to post-ablation recurrence and derives a few principle modes of deformation, which are unrelated to volume change but are involved in post-ablation recurrence. These modes contain information on ablation success due to shape differences, resulting from remodeling or influencing ablation procedure. Some details are consistent with the most complex area of ablation in clinical practice. Finally, we compared our method against the left atrial volume index by quantifying the risk of post-ablation recurrence within six months. Our results show that we get better prediction capabilities (area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC = 0.73) than left atrial dilation (AUC = 0.47), which outperforms the current state of the art

    Intraoperative Navigation Systems for Image-Guided Surgery

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    Recent technological advancements in medical imaging equipment have resulted in a dramatic improvement of image accuracy, now capable of providing useful information previously not available to clinicians. In the surgical context, intraoperative imaging provides a crucial value for the success of the operation. Many nontrivial scientific and technical problems need to be addressed in order to efficiently exploit the different information sources nowadays available in advanced operating rooms. In particular, it is necessary to provide: (i) accurate tracking of surgical instruments, (ii) real-time matching of images from different modalities, and (iii) reliable guidance toward the surgical target. Satisfying all of these requisites is needed to realize effective intraoperative navigation systems for image-guided surgery. Various solutions have been proposed and successfully tested in the field of image navigation systems in the last ten years; nevertheless several problems still arise in most of the applications regarding precision, usability and capabilities of the existing systems. Identifying and solving these issues represents an urgent scientific challenge. This thesis investigates the current state of the art in the field of intraoperative navigation systems, focusing in particular on the challenges related to efficient and effective usage of ultrasound imaging during surgery. The main contribution of this thesis to the state of the art are related to: Techniques for automatic motion compensation and therapy monitoring applied to a novel ultrasound-guided surgical robotic platform in the context of abdominal tumor thermoablation. Novel image-fusion based navigation systems for ultrasound-guided neurosurgery in the context of brain tumor resection, highlighting their applicability as off-line surgical training instruments. The proposed systems, which were designed and developed in the framework of two international research projects, have been tested in real or simulated surgical scenarios, showing promising results toward their application in clinical practice

    Investigation of the Mathematical Relationship between the Aortic Valve and Aortic Root: Implications for Precise Guidance in Aortic Valve Repair

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    Background: The study was aimed at investigating the mathematical relationship between the aortic valve and aortic root through CTA imaging-based reconstruction. Methods: We selected 121 healthy participants and analyzed the measurements of aortic root dimensions, including the sinotubular junction (SJT), ventriculo-arterial junction (VAJ), maximum sinus diameter (SD), sinus height (SH), effective height (eH) and coaptation height (cH). We also reconstructed 3-D aortic valve cusps using CTA imaging to calculate the aortic cusp surface areas. Data were collected to analyze the ratios and the correlation between aortic valve and aortic root dimensions. Results: Among healthy participants, the STJ was approximately 10% larger than the VAJ, and the SD was 1.375 times larger than the VAJ. The average eH and cH were 8.94 mm and 3.62 mm, respectively. The aortic cusp surface areas were larger in men than women. Regardless of sex, the non-coronary cusp was found to be largest, and was followed by the right coronary cusp and the left coronary cusp. Although the aortic root dimensions were also significantly larger in in men than women, the STJ to VAJ, SD to VAJ, and SH to VAJ ratios did not significantly differ by sex. The mathematical relationship between the aortic cusp surface areas and VAJ orifice area was calculated as aortic cusp surface areas Conclusions: The aortic root has specific geometric ratios. The mathematical relationship between the aortic valve and aortic root might be used to guide aortic valve repair

    Quantifying atrial anatomy uncertainty from clinical data and its impact on electro-physiology simulation predictions

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    Patient-specific computational models of structure and function are increasingly being used to diagnose disease and predict how a patient will respond to therapy. Models of anatomy are often derived after segmentation of clinical images or from mapping systems which are affected by image artefacts, resolution and contrast. Quantifying the impact of uncertain anatomy on model predictions is important, as models are increasingly used in clinical practice where decisions need to be made regardless of image quality. We use a Bayesian probabilistic approach to estimate the anatomy and to quantify the uncertainty about the shape of the left atrium derived from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance images. We show that we can quantify uncertain shape, encode uncertainty about the left atrial shape due to imaging artefacts, and quantify the effect of uncertain shape on simulations of left atrial activation times

    Development of a Surgical Assistance System for Guiding Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

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    Development of image-guided interventional systems is growing up rapidly in the recent years. These new systems become an essential part of the modern minimally invasive surgical procedures, especially for the cardiac surgery. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a recently developed surgical technique to treat severe aortic valve stenosis in elderly and high-risk patients. The placement of stented aortic valve prosthesis is crucial and typically performed under live 2D fluoroscopy guidance. To assist the placement of the prosthesis during the surgical procedure, a new fluoroscopy-based TAVI assistance system has been developed. The developed assistance system integrates a 3D geometrical aortic mesh model and anatomical valve landmarks with live 2D fluoroscopic images. The 3D aortic mesh model and landmarks are reconstructed from interventional angiographic and fluoroscopic C-arm CT system, and a target area of valve implantation is automatically estimated using these aortic mesh models. Based on template-based tracking approach, the overlay of visualized 3D aortic mesh model, landmarks and target area of implantation onto fluoroscopic images is updated by approximating the aortic root motion from a pigtail catheter motion without contrast agent. A rigid intensity-based registration method is also used to track continuously the aortic root motion in the presence of contrast agent. Moreover, the aortic valve prosthesis is tracked in fluoroscopic images to guide the surgeon to perform the appropriate placement of prosthesis into the estimated target area of implantation. An interactive graphical user interface for the surgeon is developed to initialize the system algorithms, control the visualization view of the guidance results, and correct manually overlay errors if needed. Retrospective experiments were carried out on several patient datasets from the clinical routine of the TAVI in a hybrid operating room. The maximum displacement errors were small for both the dynamic overlay of aortic mesh models and tracking the prosthesis, and within the clinically accepted ranges. High success rates of the developed assistance system were obtained for all tested patient datasets. The results show that the developed surgical assistance system provides a helpful tool for the surgeon by automatically defining the desired placement position of the prosthesis during the surgical procedure of the TAVI.Die Entwicklung bildgeführter interventioneller Systeme wächst rasant in den letzten Jahren. Diese neuen Systeme werden zunehmend ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der technischen Ausstattung bei modernen minimal-invasiven chirurgischen Eingriffen. Diese Entwicklung gilt besonders für die Herzchirurgie. Transkatheter Aortenklappen-Implantation (TAKI) ist eine neue entwickelte Operationstechnik zur Behandlung der schweren Aortenklappen-Stenose bei alten und Hochrisiko-Patienten. Die Platzierung der Aortenklappenprothese ist entscheidend und wird in der Regel unter live-2D-fluoroskopischen Bildgebung durchgeführt. Zur Unterstützung der Platzierung der Prothese während des chirurgischen Eingriffs wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neues Fluoroskopie-basiertes TAKI Assistenzsystem entwickelt. Das entwickelte Assistenzsystem überlagert eine 3D-Geometrie des Aorten-Netzmodells und anatomischen Landmarken auf live-2D-fluoroskopische Bilder. Das 3D-Aorten-Netzmodell und die Landmarken werden auf Basis der interventionellen Angiographie und Fluoroskopie mittels eines C-Arm-CT-Systems rekonstruiert. Unter Verwendung dieser Aorten-Netzmodelle wird das Zielgebiet der Klappen-Implantation automatisch geschätzt. Mit Hilfe eines auf Template Matching basierenden Tracking-Ansatzes wird die Überlagerung des visualisierten 3D-Aorten-Netzmodells, der berechneten Landmarken und der Zielbereich der Implantation auf fluoroskopischen Bildern korrekt überlagert. Eine kompensation der Aortenwurzelbewegung erfolgt durch Bewegungsverfolgung eines Pigtail-Katheters in Bildsequenzen ohne Kontrastmittel. Eine starrere Intensitätsbasierte Registrierungsmethode wurde verwendet, um kontinuierlich die Aortenwurzelbewegung in Bildsequenzen mit Kontrastmittelgabe zu detektieren. Die Aortenklappenprothese wird in die fluoroskopischen Bilder eingeblendet und dient dem Chirurg als Leitfaden für die richtige Platzierung der realen Prothese. Eine interaktive Benutzerschnittstelle für den Chirurg wurde zur Initialisierung der Systemsalgorithmen, zur Steuerung der Visualisierung und für manuelle Korrektur eventueller Überlagerungsfehler entwickelt. Retrospektive Experimente wurden an mehreren Patienten-Datensätze aus der klinischen Routine der TAKI in einem Hybrid-OP durchgeführt. Hohe Erfolgsraten des entwickelten Assistenzsystems wurden für alle getesteten Patienten-Datensätze erzielt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das entwickelte chirurgische Assistenzsystem ein hilfreiches Werkzeug für den Chirurg bei der Platzierung Position der Prothese während des chirurgischen Eingriffs der TAKI bietet

    MRI methods for predicting response to cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) is a treatment option for heart failure patients with ventricular dyssynchrony. CRT corrects for dyssynchrony by electrically stimulating the septal and lateral walls of the left ventricle (LV), forcing synchronous con- traction and improving cardiac output. Current selection criteria for CRT rely upon the QRS duration, measured from a surface electrocardiogram, as a marker of electrical dyssynchrony. Unfortunately, 30-40% of patients undergoing CRT fail to benefit from the treatment. A multitude of studies have shown that presence of mechanical dyssynchrony in the LV is an important factor in determining if a patient will benefit from CRT. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that patient response can be improved by placing the LV pacing lead in the most dyssynchronous or latest contracting segment. The overall goal of this project was to develop methods that allow for accurate assessment and display of regional mechanical dyssynchrony throughout the LV and at the site of the LV pacing lead. To accomplish this goal, we developed a method for quantifying regional dyssynchrony from standard short-axis cine magnetic resonance (MR) images. To assess the effects of LV lead placement, we developed a registration method that allows us to project the LV lead location from dual-plane fluoroscopy onto MR measurements of cardiac function. By applying these techniques in patients undergoing CRT, we were able to investigate the relationship between regional dyssynchrony, LV pacing lead location, and CRT response.Ph.D
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