1,438 research outputs found

    Sensor fusion for flexible human-portable building-scale mapping

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    This paper describes a system enabling rapid multi-floor indoor map building using a body-worn sensor system fusing information from RGB-D cameras, LIDAR, inertial, and barometric sensors. Our work is motivated by rapid response missions by emergency personnel, in which the capability for one or more people to rapidly map a complex indoor environment is essential for public safety. Human-portable mapping raises a number of challenges not encountered in typical robotic mapping applications including complex 6-DOF motion and the traversal of challenging trajectories including stairs or elevators. Our system achieves robust performance in these situations by exploiting state-of-the-art techniques for robust pose graph optimization and loop closure detection. It achieves real-time performance in indoor environments of moderate scale. Experimental results are demonstrated for human-portable mapping of several floors of a university building, demonstrating the system's ability to handle motion up and down stairs and to organize initially disconnected sets of submaps in a complex environment.Lincoln LaboratoryUnited States. Air Force (Contract FA8721-05-C-0002)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-10-1-0936)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-11-1-0688)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-12-10020

    Propagation Networks for Model-Based Control Under Partial Observation

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    There has been an increasing interest in learning dynamics simulators for model-based control. Compared with off-the-shelf physics engines, a learnable simulator can quickly adapt to unseen objects, scenes, and tasks. However, existing models like interaction networks only work for fully observable systems; they also only consider pairwise interactions within a single time step, both restricting their use in practical systems. We introduce Propagation Networks (PropNet), a differentiable, learnable dynamics model that handles partially observable scenarios and enables instantaneous propagation of signals beyond pairwise interactions. Experiments show that our propagation networks not only outperform current learnable physics engines in forward simulation, but also achieve superior performance on various control tasks. Compared with existing model-free deep reinforcement learning algorithms, model-based control with propagation networks is more accurate, efficient, and generalizable to new, partially observable scenes and tasks.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 2019. Project Page: http://propnet.csail.mit.edu Video: https://youtu.be/ZAxHXegkz4

    Monocular slam for deformable scenarios.

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    El problema de localizar la posición de un sensor en un mapa incierto que se estima simultáneamente se conoce como Localización y Mapeo Simultáneo --SLAM--. Es un problema desafiante comparable al paradigma del huevo y la gallina. Para ubicar el sensor necesitamos conocer el mapa, pero para construir el mapa, necesitamos la posición del sensor. Cuando se utiliza un sensor visual, por ejemplo, una cámara, se denomina Visual SLAM o VSLAM. Los sensores visuales para SLAM se dividen entre los que proporcionan información de profundidad (por ejemplo, cámaras RGB-D o equipos estéreo) y los que no (por ejemplo, cámaras monoculares o cámaras de eventos). En esta tesis hemos centrado nuestra investigación en SLAM con cámaras monoculares.Debido a la falta de percepción de profundidad, el SLAM monocular es intrínsecamente más duro en comparación con el SLAM con sensores de profundidad. Los trabajos estado del arte en VSLAM monocular han asumido normalmente que la escena permanece rígida durante toda la secuencia, lo que es una suposición factible para entornos industriales y urbanos. El supuesto de rigidez aporta las restricciones suficientes al problema y permite reconstruir un mapa fiable tras procesar varias imágenes. En los últimos años, el interés por el SLAM ha llegado a las áreas médicas donde los algoritmos SLAM podrían ayudar a orientar al cirujano o localizar la posición de un robot. Sin embargo, a diferencia de los escenarios industriales o urbanos, en secuencias dentro del cuerpo, todo puede deformarse eventualmente y la suposición de rigidez acaba siendo inválida en la práctica, y por extensión, también los algoritmos de SLAM monoculares. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo es ampliar los límites de los algoritmos de SLAM y concebir el primer sistema SLAM monocular capaz de hacer frente a la deformación de la escena.Los sistemas de SLAM actuales calculan la posición de la cámara y la estructura del mapa en dos subprocesos concurrentes: la localización y el mapeo. La localización se encarga de procesar cada imagen para ubicar el sensor de forma continua, en cambio el mapeo se encarga de construir el mapa de la escena. Nosotros hemos adoptado esta estructura y concebimos tanto la localización deformable como el mapeo deformable ahora capaces de recuperar la escena incluso con deformación.Nuestra primera contribución es la localización deformable. La localización deformable utiliza la estructura del mapa para recuperar la pose de la cámara con una única imagen. Simultáneamente, a medida que el mapa se deforma durante la secuencia, también recupera la deformación del mapa para cada fotograma. Hemos propuesto dos familias de localización deformable. En el primer algoritmo de localización deformable, asumimos que todos los puntos están embebidos en una superficie denominada plantilla. Podemos recuperar la deformación de la superficie gracias a un modelo de deformación global que permite estimar la deformación más probable del objeto. Con nuestro segundo algoritmo de localización deformable, demostramos que es posible recuperar la deformación del mapa sin un modelo de deformación global, representando el mapa como surfels individuales. Nuestros resultados experimentales mostraron que, recuperando la deformación del mapa, ambos métodos superan tanto en robustez como en precisión a los métodos rígidos.Nuestra segunda contribución es la concepción del mapeo deformable. Es el back-end del algoritmo SLAM y procesa un lote de imágenes para recuperar la estructura del mapa para todas las imágenes y hacer crecer el mapa ensamblando las observaciones parciales del mismo. Tanto la localización deformable como el mapeo que se ejecutan en paralelo y juntos ensamblan el primer SLAM monocular deformable: \emph{DefSLAM}. Una evaluación ampliada de nuestro método demostró, tanto en secuencias controladas por laboratorio como en secuencias médicas, que nuestro método procesa con éxito secuencias en las que falla el sistema monocular SLAM actual.Nuestra tercera contribución son dos métodos para explotar la información fotométrica en SLAM monocular deformable. Por un lado, SD-DefSLAM que aprovecha el emparejamiento semi-directo para obtener un emparejamiento mucho más fiable de los puntos del mapa en las nuevas imágenes, como consecuencia, se demostró que es más robusto y estable en secuencias médicas. Por otro lado, proponemos un método de Localización Deformable Directa y Dispersa en el que usamos un error fotométrico directo para rastrear la deformación de un mapa modelado como un conjunto de surfels 3D desconectados. Podemos recuperar la deformación de múltiples superficies desconectadas, deformaciones no isométricas o superficies con una topología cambiante.<br /

    Boosted Random ferns for object detection

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper we introduce the Boosted Random Ferns (BRFs) to rapidly build discriminative classifiers for learning and detecting object categories. At the core of our approach we use standard random ferns, but we introduce four main innovations that let us bring ferns from an instance to a category level, and still retain efficiency. First, we define binary features on the histogram of oriented gradients-domain (as opposed to intensity-), allowing for a better representation of intra-class variability. Second, both the positions where ferns are evaluated within the sliding window, and the location of the binary features for each fern are not chosen completely at random, but instead we use a boosting strategy to pick the most discriminative combination of them. This is further enhanced by our third contribution, that is to adapt the boosting strategy to enable sharing of binary features among different ferns, yielding high recognition rates at a low computational cost. And finally, we show that training can be performed online, for sequentially arriving images. Overall, the resulting classifier can be very efficiently trained, densely evaluated for all image locations in about 0.1 seconds, and provides detection rates similar to competing approaches that require expensive and significantly slower processing times. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by thorough experimentation in publicly available datasets in which we compare against state-of-the-art, and for tasks of both 2D detection and 3D multi-view estimation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Efficient Dense Registration, Segmentation, and Modeling Methods for RGB-D Environment Perception

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    One perspective for artificial intelligence research is to build machines that perform tasks autonomously in our complex everyday environments. This setting poses challenges to the development of perception skills: A robot should be able to perceive its location and objects in its surrounding, while the objects and the robot itself could also be moving. Objects may not only be composed of rigid parts, but could be non-rigidly deformable or appear in a variety of similar shapes. Furthermore, it could be relevant to the task to observe object semantics. For a robot acting fluently and immediately, these perception challenges demand efficient methods. This theses presents novel approaches to robot perception with RGB-D sensors. It develops efficient registration, segmentation, and modeling methods for scene and object perception. We propose multi-resolution surfel maps as a concise representation for RGB-D measurements. We develop probabilistic registration methods that handle rigid scenes, scenes with multiple rigid parts that move differently, and scenes that undergo non-rigid deformations. We use these methods to learn and perceive 3D models of scenes and objects in both static and dynamic environments. For learning models of static scenes, we propose a real-time capable simultaneous localization and mapping approach. It aligns key views in RGB-D video using our rigid registration method and optimizes the pose graph of the key views. The acquired models are then perceived in live images through detection and tracking within a Bayesian filtering framework. An assumption frequently made for environment mapping is that the observed scene remains static during the mapping process. Through rigid multi-body registration, we take advantage of releasing this assumption: Our registration method segments views into parts that move independently between the views and simultaneously estimates their motion. Within simultaneous motion segmentation, localization, and mapping, we separate scenes into objects by their motion. Our approach acquires 3D models of objects and concurrently infers hierarchical part relations between them using probabilistic reasoning. It can be applied for interactive learning of objects and their part decomposition. Endowing robots with manipulation skills for a large variety of objects is a tedious endeavor if the skill is programmed for every instance of an object class. Furthermore, slight deformations of an instance could not be handled by an inflexible program. Deformable registration is useful to perceive such shape variations, e.g., between specific instances of a tool. We develop an efficient deformable registration method and apply it for the transfer of robot manipulation skills between varying object instances. On the object-class level, we segment images using random decision forest classifiers in real-time. The probabilistic labelings of individual images are fused in 3D semantic maps within a Bayesian framework. We combine our object-class segmentation method with simultaneous localization and mapping to achieve online semantic mapping in real-time. The methods developed in this thesis are evaluated in experiments on publicly available benchmark datasets and novel own datasets. We publicly demonstrate several of our perception approaches within integrated robot systems in the mobile manipulation context.Effiziente Dichte Registrierungs-, Segmentierungs- und Modellierungsmethoden für die RGB-D Umgebungswahrnehmung In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit Herausforderungen der visuellen Wahrnehmung für intelligente Roboter in Alltagsumgebungen. Solche Roboter sollen sich selbst in ihrer Umgebung zurechtfinden, und Wissen über den Verbleib von Objekten erwerben können. Die Schwierigkeit dieser Aufgaben erhöht sich in dynamischen Umgebungen, in denen ein Roboter die Bewegung einzelner Teile differenzieren und auch wahrnehmen muss, wie sich diese Teile bewegen. Bewegt sich ein Roboter selbständig in dieser Umgebung, muss er auch seine eigene Bewegung von der Veränderung der Umgebung unterscheiden. Szenen können sich aber nicht nur durch die Bewegung starrer Teile verändern. Auch die Teile selbst können ihre Form in nicht-rigider Weise ändern. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt die semantische Interpretation von Szenengeometrie und -aussehen dar. Damit intelligente Roboter unmittelbar und flüssig handeln können, sind effiziente Algorithmen für diese Wahrnehmungsprobleme erforderlich. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir effiziente Methoden zur Repräsentation und Registrierung von RGB-D Messungen. Zunächst stellen wir Multi-Resolutions-Oberflächenelement-Karten (engl. multi-resolution surfel maps, MRSMaps) als eine kompakte Repräsentation von RGB-D Messungen vor, die unseren effizienten Registrierungsmethoden zugrunde liegt. Bilder können effizient in dieser Repräsentation aggregiert werde, wobei auch mehrere Bilder aus verschiedenen Blickpunkten integriert werden können, um Modelle von Szenen und Objekte aus vielfältigen Ansichten darzustellen. Für die effiziente, robuste und genaue Registrierung von MRSMaps wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Rigidheit der betrachteten Szene voraussetzt. Die Registrierung schätzt die Kamerabewegung zwischen den Bildern und gewinnt ihre Effizienz durch die Ausnutzung der kompakten multi-resolutionalen Darstellung der Karten. Die Registrierungsmethode erzielt hohe Bildverarbeitungsraten auf einer CPU. Wir demonstrieren hohe Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Robustheit unserer Methode im Vergleich zum bisherigen Stand der Forschung auf Vergleichsdatensätzen. In einem weiteren Registrierungsansatz lösen wir uns von der Annahme, dass die betrachtete Szene zwischen Bildern statisch ist. Wir erlauben nun, dass sich rigide Teile der Szene bewegen dürfen, und erweitern unser rigides Registrierungsverfahren auf diesen Fall. Unser Ansatz segmentiert das Bild in Bereiche einzelner Teile, die sich unterschiedlich zwischen Bildern bewegen. Wir demonstrieren hohe Segmentierungsgenauigkeit und Genauigkeit in der Bewegungsschätzung unter Echtzeitbedingungen für die Verarbeitung. Schließlich entwickeln wir ein Verfahren für die Wahrnehmung von nicht-rigiden Deformationen zwischen zwei MRSMaps. Auch hier nutzen wir die multi-resolutionale Struktur in den Karten für ein effizientes Registrieren von grob zu fein. Wir schlagen Methoden vor, um aus den geschätzten Deformationen die lokale Bewegung zwischen den Bildern zu berechnen. Wir evaluieren Genauigkeit und Effizienz des Registrierungsverfahrens. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Verwendung unserer Kartenrepräsentation und Registrierungsmethoden für die Wahrnehmung von Szenen und Objekten. Wir verwenden MRSMaps und unsere rigide Registrierungsmethode, um dichte 3D Modelle von Szenen und Objekten zu lernen. Die räumlichen Beziehungen zwischen Schlüsselansichten, die wir durch Registrierung schätzen, werden in einem Simultanen Lokalisierungs- und Kartierungsverfahren (engl. simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM) gegeneinander abgewogen, um die Blickposen der Schlüsselansichten zu schätzen. Für das Verfolgen der Kamerapose bezüglich der Modelle in Echtzeit, kombinieren wir die Genauigkeit unserer Registrierung mit der Robustheit von Partikelfiltern. Zu Beginn der Posenverfolgung, oder wenn das Objekt aufgrund von Verdeckungen oder extremen Bewegungen nicht weiter verfolgt werden konnte, initialisieren wir das Filter durch Objektdetektion. Anschließend wenden wir unsere erweiterten Registrierungsverfahren für die Wahrnehmung in nicht-rigiden Szenen und für die Übertragung von Objekthandhabungsfähigkeiten von Robotern an. Wir erweitern unseren rigiden Kartierungsansatz auf dynamische Szenen, in denen sich rigide Teile bewegen. Die Bewegungssegmente in Schlüsselansichten werden zueinander in Bezug gesetzt, um Äquivalenz- und Teilebeziehungen von Objekten probabilistisch zu inferieren, denen die Segmente entsprechen. Auch hier liefert unsere Registrierungsmethode die Bewegung der Kamera bezüglich der Objekte, die wir in einem SLAM Verfahren optimieren. Aus diesen Blickposen wiederum können wir die Bewegungssegmente in dichten Objektmodellen vereinen. Objekte einer Klasse teilen oft eine gemeinsame Topologie von funktionalen Elementen, die durch Formkorrespondenzen ermittelt werden kann. Wir verwenden unsere deformierbare Registrierung, um solche Korrespondenzen zu finden und die Handhabung eines Objektes durch einen Roboter auf neue Objektinstanzen derselben Klasse zu übertragen. Schließlich entwickeln wir einen echtzeitfähigen Ansatz, der Kategorien von Objekten in RGB-D Bildern erkennt und segmentiert. Die Segmentierung basiert auf Ensemblen randomisierter Entscheidungsbäume, die Geometrie- und Texturmerkmale zur Klassifikation verwenden. Wir fusionieren Segmentierungen von Einzelbildern einer Szene aus mehreren Ansichten in einer semantischen Objektklassenkarte mit Hilfe unseres SLAM-Verfahrens. Die vorgestellten Methoden werden auf öffentlich verfügbaren Vergleichsdatensätzen und eigenen Datensätzen evaluiert. Einige unserer Ansätze wurden auch in integrierten Robotersystemen für mobile Objekthantierungsaufgaben öffentlich demonstriert. Sie waren ein wichtiger Bestandteil für das Gewinnen der RoboCup-Roboterwettbewerbe in der RoboCup@Home Liga in den Jahren 2011, 2012 und 2013

    3D ShapeNets: A Deep Representation for Volumetric Shapes

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    3D shape is a crucial but heavily underutilized cue in today's computer vision systems, mostly due to the lack of a good generic shape representation. With the recent availability of inexpensive 2.5D depth sensors (e.g. Microsoft Kinect), it is becoming increasingly important to have a powerful 3D shape representation in the loop. Apart from category recognition, recovering full 3D shapes from view-based 2.5D depth maps is also a critical part of visual understanding. To this end, we propose to represent a geometric 3D shape as a probability distribution of binary variables on a 3D voxel grid, using a Convolutional Deep Belief Network. Our model, 3D ShapeNets, learns the distribution of complex 3D shapes across different object categories and arbitrary poses from raw CAD data, and discovers hierarchical compositional part representations automatically. It naturally supports joint object recognition and shape completion from 2.5D depth maps, and it enables active object recognition through view planning. To train our 3D deep learning model, we construct ModelNet -- a large-scale 3D CAD model dataset. Extensive experiments show that our 3D deep representation enables significant performance improvement over the-state-of-the-arts in a variety of tasks.Comment: to be appeared in CVPR 201

    Active Information Acquisition With Mobile Robots

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    The recent proliferation of sensors and robots has potential to transform fields as diverse as environmental monitoring, security and surveillance, localization and mapping, and structure inspection. One of the great technical challenges in these scenarios is to control the sensors and robots in order to extract accurate information about various physical phenomena autonomously. The goal of this dissertation is to provide a unified approach for active information acquisition with a team of sensing robots. We formulate a decision problem for maximizing relevant information measures, constrained by the motion capabilities and sensing modalities of the robots, and focus on the design of a scalable control strategy for the robot team. The first part of the dissertation studies the active information acquisition problem in the special case of linear Gaussian sensing and mobility models. We show that the classical principle of separation between estimation and control holds in this case. It enables us to reduce the original stochastic optimal control problem to a deterministic version and to provide an optimal centralized solution. Unfortunately, the complexity of obtaining the optimal solution scales exponentially with the length of the planning horizon and the number of robots. We develop approximation algorithms to manage the complexity in both of these factors and provide theoretical performance guarantees. Applications in gas concentration mapping, joint localization and vehicle tracking in sensor networks, and active multi-robot localization and mapping are presented. Coupled with linearization and model predictive control, our algorithms can even generate adaptive control policies for nonlinear sensing and mobility models. Linear Gaussian information seeking, however, cannot be applied directly in the presence of sensing nuisances such as missed detections, false alarms, and ambiguous data association or when some sensor observations are discrete (e.g., object classes, medical alarms) or, even worse, when the sensing and target models are entirely unknown. The second part of the dissertation considers these complications in the context of two applications: active localization from semantic observations (e.g, recognized objects) and radio signal source seeking. The complexity of the target inference problem forces us to resort to greedy planning of the sensor trajectories. Non-greedy closed-loop information acquisition with general discrete models is achieved in the final part of the dissertation via dynamic programming and Monte Carlo tree search algorithms. Applications in active object recognition and pose estimation are presented. The techniques developed in this thesis offer an effective and scalable approach for controlled information acquisition with multiple sensing robots and have broad applications to environmental monitoring, search and rescue, security and surveillance, localization and mapping, precision agriculture, and structure inspection

    Visual Perception For Robotic Spatial Understanding

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    Humans understand the world through vision without much effort. We perceive the structure, objects, and people in the environment and pay little direct attention to most of it, until it becomes useful. Intelligent systems, especially mobile robots, have no such biologically engineered vision mechanism to take for granted. In contrast, we must devise algorithmic methods of taking raw sensor data and converting it to something useful very quickly. Vision is such a necessary part of building a robot or any intelligent system that is meant to interact with the world that it is somewhat surprising we don\u27t have off-the-shelf libraries for this capability. Why is this? The simple answer is that the problem is extremely difficult. There has been progress, but the current state of the art is impressive and depressing at the same time. We now have neural networks that can recognize many objects in 2D images, in some cases performing better than a human. Some algorithms can also provide bounding boxes or pixel-level masks to localize the object. We have visual odometry and mapping algorithms that can build reasonably detailed maps over long distances with the right hardware and conditions. On the other hand, we have robots with many sensors and no efficient way to compute their relative extrinsic poses for integrating the data in a single frame. The same networks that produce good object segmentations and labels in a controlled benchmark still miss obvious objects in the real world and have no mechanism for learning on the fly while the robot is exploring. Finally, while we can detect pose for very specific objects, we don\u27t yet have a mechanism that detects pose that generalizes well over categories or that can describe new objects efficiently. We contribute algorithms in four of the areas mentioned above. First, we describe a practical and effective system for calibrating many sensors on a robot with up to 3 different modalities. Second, we present our approach to visual odometry and mapping that exploits the unique capabilities of RGB-D sensors to efficiently build detailed representations of an environment. Third, we describe a 3-D over-segmentation technique that utilizes the models and ego-motion output in the previous step to generate temporally consistent segmentations with camera motion. Finally, we develop a synthesized dataset of chair objects with part labels and investigate the influence of parts on RGB-D based object pose recognition using a novel network architecture we call PartNet