8 research outputs found

    Safe use of information: an analysis of the SCOPUS database

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    O acesso à informação através da internet ganha a cada dia mais espaço em nossa sociedade, inclusive entre crianças e adolescentes. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar tendências de pesquisas sobre o uso seguro da informação on line por crianças e adolescentes relacionadas à competência informacional. Foi realizado um levantamento na base de dados SCOPUS e após refinamento dos resultados obteve-se 71 referências. Como os resultados observou-se que os Estados Unidos e o Reino Unido são os países que mais publicam sobre a temática e que 52.9 % das produções se tratam de artigos científicos. Verificou-se que os documentos analisados ressaltam a importância de que orientações sobre o tema ocorram na escola, com destaque para o papel da biblioteca escolar, visto que na escola pública este é o local em que os estudantes mais acessam a internet. Verificou-se também que o tema uso seguro da informação abrange muitos outros subtemas: exposição de dados, abuso sexual, cyberbullying. Concluiu-se que a pesquisa sobre uso seguro da informação em ambientes online é complexa e que a área carece de pesquisas sobre a temática, em particular no Brasil, visando obter mais subsídios que permitam conhecer melhor esta questão e tendo a escola como espaço de aplicação, discussão e orientação que possibilite o desenvolvimento de habilidades para uma navegação mais segura por adolescentes.Access the information using the internet is gaining more and more space in our society, including among children and adolescents. The study aimed to identify research trends related to the safe use of online information and the development of information literacy. A survey was performed in the SCOPUS database and after refining the results, 71 references were obtained. As a result it is observed that the United States and the United Kingdom are the largest producers of content on the subject, 52.9% of the productions are through scientific articles. It was found that the documents underscore the importance of guidance on the subject in the school, especially the school library in this process, being in public school, the place that students most access the internet. It has also been found that the safe use of information theme covers many other subthemes: data exposure, sexual abuse, cyberbullying. It was concluded that the research on secure use of information in online environments is complex and that the area lacks research on the subject aiming to obtain more subsidies to better understand this issue and having the school as a space for application, discussion and guidance that enable the development of skills for safer browsing by teenagers.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Strategies to Reduce Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in Government Agencies

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    Despite regulatory efforts of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 104 cases of nonfatal occupational illnesses and injuries (OIIs) per 10,000 full-time workers required time away from work in 2015. Although OII rates in private and public sectors are high, the rates among state and local government agencies were over 50% higher than private sector rates in 2015, especially in the healthcare industry. OIIs can lead to reduced organizational productivity and performance. Guided by the leader member exchange theory (LMXT) and risk homeostasis theory (RHT), the purpose of this single case study was to explore effective strategies that supervisors in a government agency in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States use to reduce OIIs. Data were collected from face-to-face semistructured interviews with 8 purposefully selected supervisors who had reduced OIIs and the review of company documents. Data were analyzed using inductive coding of phrases, word frequency searches, and theme identification. Four themes emerged: managing employee risk-taking behaviors reduced OIIs, communicating the importance of safety with employees decreased OIIs, having high-quality relationships with employees reduced and mitigated OIIs, and continuous education and training reduced OIIs. Both the LMXT and RHT were essential in exploring the role that education and training played in reducing OIIs. Findings may provide government agencies with valuable information that may lead to a healthier and safer work environment, increased productivity and profitability, and healthier lifestyles inside and outside of the workplace

    Three Essays on Effective Social Media Marketing: Overcoming Challenges and Maximizing Opportunities in Today's Business Environment

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    The current dissertation is a collection of three essays in the context of social media challenges. As social media (SM) has become an essential tool for businesses, it has also brought new possibilities for marketers to connect with their customers. Social media marketing (SMM) has gained increasing importance in recent years, but it also poses several challenges for individuals and organizations. Essay 1 presents a comprehensive review of the challenges of SMM by examining more than 80 publications from 2007 to 2021, categorizing them based on different metrics, and extracting a theoretical framework of common SMM challenges. This research highlights the need for decision-makers to identify and assess these challenges to better allocate resources and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of SMM. Essay 2 focuses on the beauty industry in Iran and identifies the main SMM challenges faced by companies in this sector. Drawing on the theoretical framework developed in essay one, this study uses a Delphi survey to gather data from eight marketing and SMM managers and practitioners from various Iranian beauty companies. The findings highlight the most challenging aspects of SMM in this industry, including coordination across different company functions engaged in SMM, maintaining security and privacy of company channels and customer data, and limited IT resources of some companies in adopting SMM. The results of this study provide practical implications for beauty industry practitioners and contribute to the academic domain of SMM and business marketing practice in the beauty industry. Essay 3 focuses on the key factors influencing the selection of social media influencers (SMIs) for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study uses interviews and survey methodology to identify and evaluate the key factors influencing the selection of desired SMIs for SMEs. The findings indicate that engagement, SMI traits, content relevance, compensation, and SMI workstyle are the most significant factors that positively influence SMEs' choice of SMI. This study provides a framework for future work to assess, compare, and select the most influential SMIs in different organizational contexts and helps marketers choose SMIs who resonate well with designated customers to enhance poFsitive brand association and increase product sales

    “Access denied”? Barriers for staff accessing, using and sharing published information online within the National Health Service (NHS) in England: technology, risk, culture, policy and practice

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    The overall aim of the study was to investigate barriers to online professional information seeking, use and sharing occurring within the NHS in England, their possible effects (upon education, working practices, working lives and clinical and organisational effectiveness), and possible explanatory or causative factors. The investigation adopted a qualitative case study approach, using semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis as its methods, with three NHS Trusts of different types (acute - district general hospital, mental health / community, acute – teaching) as the nested sites of data collection. It aimed to be both exploratory and explanatory. A stratified sample of participants, including representatives of professions whose perspectives were deemed to be relevant, and clinicians with educational or staff development responsibilities, was recruited for each Trust. Three non-Trust specialists (the product manager of a secure web gateway vendor, an academic e-learning specialist, and the senior manager at NICE responsible for the NHS Evidence electronic content and web platform) were also interviewed. Policy documents, statistics, strategies, reports and quality accounts for the Trusts were obtained via public websites, from participants or via Freedom of Information requests. Thematic analysis following the approach of Braun and Clarke (2006) was adopted as the analytic method for both interviews and documents. The key themes of the results that emerged are presented: barriers to accessing and using information, education and training, professional cultures and norms, information governance and security, and communications policy. The findings are discussed under three main headings: power, culture, trust and risk in information security; use and regulation of Web 2.0 and social media, and the system of professions. It became evident that the roots of problems with access to and use of such information lay deep within the culture and organisational characteristics of the NHS and its use of IT. A possible model is presented to explain the interaction of the various technical and organisational factors that were identified as relevant. A number of policy recommendations are put forward to improve access to published information at Trust level, as well as recommendations for further research