66 research outputs found

    Robust Poisson Surface Reconstruction

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    Abstract. We propose a method to reconstruct surfaces from oriented point clouds with non-uniform sampling and noise by formulating the problem as a convex minimization that reconstructs the indicator func-tion of the surface’s interior. Compared to previous models, our recon-struction is robust to noise and outliers because it substitutes the least-squares fidelity term by a robust Huber penalty; this allows to recover sharp corners and avoids the shrinking bias of least squares. We choose an implicit parametrization to reconstruct surfaces of unknown topology and close large gaps in the point cloud. For an efficient representation, we approximate the implicit function by a hierarchy of locally supported basis elements adapted to the geometry of the surface. Unlike ad-hoc bases over an octree, our hierarchical B-splines from isogeometric analysis locally adapt the mesh and degree of the splines during reconstruction. The hi-erarchical structure of the basis speeds-up the minimization and efficiently represents clustered data. We also advocate for convex optimization, in-stead isogeometric finite-element techniques, to efficiently solve the min-imization and allow for non-differentiable functionals. Experiments show state-of-the-art performance within a more flexible framework.

    Variational Level-Set Detection of Local Isosurfaces from Unstructured Point-based Volume Data

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    A standard approach for visualizing scalar volume data is the extraction of isosurfaces. The most efficient methods for surface extraction operate on regular grids. When data is given on unstructured point-based samples, regularization can be applied but may introduce interpolation errors. We propose a method for smooth isosurface visualization that operates directly on unstructured point-based volume data avoiding any resampling. We derive a variational formulation for smooth local isosurface extraction using an implicit surface representation in form of a level-set approach, deploying Moving Least Squares (MLS) approximation, and operating on a kd-tree. The locality of our approach has two aspects: first, our algorithm extracts only those components of the isosurface, which intersect a subdomain of interest; second, the action of the main term in the governing equation is concentrated near the current isosurface position. Both aspects reduce the computation times per level-set iteration. As for most level-set methods a reinitialization procedure is needed, but we also consider a modified algorithm where this step is eliminated. The final isosurface is extracted in form of a point cloud representation. We present a novel point completion scheme that allows us to handle highly adaptive point sample distributions. Subsequently, splat-based or mere (shaded) point rendering is applied. We apply our method to several synthetic and real-world data sets to demonstrate its validity and efficiency

    Robust Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising Based on Consistent Sub-Neighborhoods

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    Data-driven quasi-interpolant spline surfaces for point cloud approximation

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    In this paper we investigate a local surface approximation, the Weighted Quasi Interpolant Spline Approximation (wQISA), specifically designed for large and noisy point clouds. We briefly describe the properties of the wQISA representation and introduce a novel data-driven implementation, which combines prediction capability and complexity efficiency. We provide an extended comparative analysis with other continuous approximations on real data, including different types of surfaces and levels of noise, such as 3D models, terrain data and digital environmental data

    Generalized intrinsic symmetry detection

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    In this paper, we address the problem of detecting partial symmetries in 3D objects. In contrast to previous work, our algorithm is able to match deformed symmetric parts: We first develop an algorithm for the case of approximately isometric deformations, based on matching graphs of surface feature lines that are annotated with intrinsic geometric properties. The sensitivity to non-isometry is controlled by tolerance parameters for each such annotation. Using large tolerance values for some of these annotations and a robust matching of the graph topology yields a more general symmetry detection algorithm that can detect similarities in structures that have undergone strong deformations. This approach for the first time allows for detecting partial intrinsic as well as more general, non-isometric symmetries. We evaluate the recognition performance of our technique for a number synthetic and real-world scanner data sets
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