6,647 research outputs found

    Demystifying supply chain visibility - a systematic literature review

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    Supply chain visibility (SCV) has been in trend after the millennium and raised interest of both academics and practitioners. However, there is still an ambiguity on the topic, which hinders a proper SCV application. This study aims to clarify the fuzziness of the area by conducting a systematic literature review. By reviewing 67 articles, we have identified a conceptual model that covers three main roles of information sharing for SCV and their impacts on the positive and negative constructs of SCV. This framework illuminates the inter-construct interactions and, also provides diagnostic insights for the implementation of SCV in the firms

    Influence of Supply Chain Integration, IT Practices and Visibility on Modular Design and Supply Chain Agility, supported Maritime and Tourism Business in Indonesia

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    Present study aims to examine the relationship between supply chain integration, and IT capability on the supply chain agility in the banking sector of Indonesia, support Maritime and Tourism Business. Moreover, impact of supply chain visibility is examined on supply chain modular design and supply chain agility. The current research aims to analyse the nature of relationships among latent variables; therefore, this study chose the latent analysis technique for investigating these relationships. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) were employed to describe the data and the relationship among variables, respectively. The p-values in the result show that all the under-study variables show significant results while the result of relationship between IT practices and supply chain agility is insignificant. The study provides a comprehensive framework in context of supply chain agility and supplier’s modular design. The literature fills the theoretical gap in existing literature and join the supply chain integration and IT practices with supply chain agility and connects supply chain visibility with supplier’s modular design. This study is helpful for the policy makers of the banking sector of Indonesia in strategizing the ways to impact the agility in their supply chain process

    Managing multi-tiered suppliers in the high-tech industry

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    Thesis (M. Eng. in Logistics)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-135).This thesis presents a roadmap for companies to follow as they manage multi-tiered suppliers in the high-tech industry. Our research covered a host of sources including interviews and publications from various companies, consulting companies, software companies, the computer industry, trade associations, and analyst firms among others. While our review found that many companies begin supplier relationship management after sourcing events, we show that managing suppliers should start as companies form their competitive strategy. Our five step roadmap provides a deliberate approach for companies as they build the foundation for effective and successful multi-tiered supplier relationship management.by Charles E. Frantz and Jimin Lee.M.Eng.in Logistic

    IT Leadership in Transition - The Impact of Digitalization on Finnish Organizations

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    Digitalization is transforming business models across industries. As information technology (IT) is becoming embedded in products and services, IT leadership has an increasingly dualistic role in supporting the organization and also serving its customers' changing needs. The ACIO research program studied how Finnish industry and public sector organizations utilize information technology in developing and managing critical business capabilities. The focus was on understanding and analyzing contemporary approaches to IT leadership. This research report summarizes some of the key research findings, providing scholars and practitioners with insights into and understanding of digitalization and changes in IT leadership in Finnish informationintensive organizations

    Disorders, Vulnerabilities and Resilience in the Supply Chain in Pandemic Times

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    The economic and social environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has brought additional pressure on supply chains because they now have more pressure to develop and adapt to a context of economic constraint. Delays in the supply chain can bring consequences such as the lack of food products by retailers, transporters and manufacturers. Thus, this study aims to examine the supply chain during the COVID-19 pandemic in small- and medium-sized food companies in the central region of Portugal, identifying potential problems and pointing out the respective solutions. For this purpose, the study uses a qualitative methodology through semi-structured interviews. It was found that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not have a codified supply chain and that generally, these companies have a minimal budget, which requires a constant search for new suppliers that represent a reduction in costs. Moreover, most of the companies surveyed faced unexpected challenges, such as a lack of alternative suppliers. The present paper is original because it studies the supply chain in SMEs in the food sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it allows the ascertainment of practical suggestions for these companies to improve, as well as contributing to the clarification of the literature on the supply chain in times of crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemicinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tracing the value of traceability : Identifying the value of traceability within textile and apparel value chains

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    In recent years, the global landscape of the textile and apparel industry has undergone a profound transformation, primarily driven by escalating environmental and social concerns related to prevalent fast fashion models, unsustainable consumption practices, and misleading green certifications. The industry faces exacerbated challenges due to excessive consumption and rapid production, leading to intensified social issues within complex and globally interconnected value chains. The lack of transparency in these complex networks has spurred various stakeholders, including consumers, suppliers, regulators, and policymakers, to advocate for heightened transparency and access to traceability data. Recognizing the need for greater value chain resilience in the face of an increasingly volatile business landscape, companies grapple with the urgency for traceability, which, despite being evident, faces a gap in widespread implementation This study centres on the theme of value creation through traceability within textile and apparel value chains, with a specific focus on discerning key drivers for traceability, understanding the intricate flow of traceability data, and establishing robust connections between traceability and business objectives. Understanding the facets that contribute value through traceability is crucial, as companies are unlikely to adopt complex practices unless provided with clear explanations of how they can enhance their ability to create value for the organization, specifying the unique value generated for their circumstances. The research employed qualitative methods, employing open-ended, semi-structured interviews with sixteen stakeholders representing companies operating within the textile and apparel value chain. The findings are consistent with existing literature, emphasizing regulatory drivers as primary in traceability implementation. European companies are noted for their advanced practices and sense of urgency in preparing for upcoming regulatory initiatives. Traceability emerges as a strategic tool to mitigate risks, offering visibility into external risks in supply chain management and enhancing understanding of social, environmental, and governmental impacts. It facilitates informed decision-making, supports growth, and unlocks new business opportunities. Additionally, traceability enables access to tax benefits, grants, and opportunities for adjusting the pricing of traced products. It serves as a tool for coherent and verified storytelling, meeting consumer demands for sustainability and circularity matters. The study's insights offer guidance for companies operating within textile and apparel value chains, aiding them in formulating a traceability strategy that focuses on engaging in traceability practices that generate value. Using the commissioning company as an illustrative example, the study provides valuable insights into key drivers for traceability and tools to facilitate effective traceability data flow, thereby enhancing value across stakeholders in the value chain.Maailman tekstiili- ja vaatetusteollisuus on kokenut merkittävää muutosta viime vuosina. Tähän ovat ajaneet kasvavat ympäristölliset ja sosiaaliset huolenaiheet, jotka liittyvät vallitseviin pikamuotimalleihin, kestämättömiin kulutustottumuksiin ja harhaanjohtaviin vihreisiin sertifikaatteihin. Teollisuus kohtaa entistä suurempia haasteita ylenmääräisen kulutuksen ja nopean tuotannon vuoksi, mikä on johtanut monimutkaisten ja globaalien arvoketjujen sisällä voimistuviin sosiaalisiin ongelmiin. Monimutkaisten verkostojen läpinäkyvyyden puute on kannustanut eri sidosryhmiä, mukaan lukien kuluttajia, toimittajia, sääntelijöitä ja päättäjiä, vahvistamaan läpinäkyvyyttä ja jäljitettävyyttä alalla. Jäljitettävyyden vahvistamisen ja käyttöönoton pyrkimyksissä on kuitenkin huomioitava, että sen toteuttamiseen liittyy haasteita. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy arvon luomisen teemaan, fokuksena jäljitettävyys tekstiili- ja vaatearvoketjuissa. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään erityisesti avainajureiden tunnistamiseen, jäljitettävyyden tietovirtojen fasilitoinnin jäsentelyyn sekä yhteyksien luomiseen jäljitettävyyden ja liiketoimintatavoitteiden välille. Jäljitettävyyden avulla lisäarvoa tuovien näkökohtien ymmärtäminen on ratkaisevan tärkeää, sillä yritykset eivät mitä todennäköisemmin ota käyttöön sellaisia monimutkaisia käytäntöjä, joiden avulla ei voida selittää organisaatiolle saatavaa merkityksellistä arvoa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin laadullisina menetelminä avoimia puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja, joissa oli mukana kuusitoista eri tekstiili- ja vaatetearvoketjussa toimivan yrityksen edustajia. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat linjassa olemassa olevan kirjallisuuden kanssa, korostaen regulaattorisia ajureita ensisijaisina kannustajina jäljitettävyyden toteuttamisessa. Eurooppalaiset yritykset saivat tunnustusta edistyneistä käytännöistään ja proaktiivisesta asenteesta valmistautua tuleviin sääntelytoimiin. Jäljitettävyys näyttäytyy strategisena työkaluna riskien lieventämisessä, tarjoten samalla näkyvyyttä ulkoisiin riskeihin toimitusketjun hallinnassa sekä lisäten ymmärrystä sosiaalisista, ympäristöllisistä ja hallinnollisista vaikutuksista. Jäljitettävyys helpottaa informoitujen päätösten tekemistä, tukee kasvua ja avaa uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia. Lisäksi jäljitettävyys mahdollistaa pääsyn verohyötyihin, avustuksiin ja mahdollisuuksiin säätää jäljitettyjen tuotteiden hintoja. Se toimii työkaluna johdonmukaiseen ja todennettuun tarinankerrontaan, vastaten kuluttajien vaatimuksiin kestävyyden ja kiertotalousajattelun toteutumisesta. Tutkimuksen löydökset tarjoavat ohjausta tekstiili- ja vaatearvoketjuissa toimiville yrityksille, auttaen niitä muotoilemaan jäljitettävyysstrategiaa, joka keskittyy osallistumaan jäljitettävyyteen arvoa tuottavilla tavoilla. Havainnollisena esimerkkinä käytetty toimeksiantajayritys tarjoaa arvokkaita oivalluksia jäljitettävyyden avainajureista sekä työkaluista, jotka helpottavat tehokasta jäljitettävyyden tietovirran kulkua, siten lisäten arvoa arvoketjun sidosryhmille

    Supply chain information visibility and its impact on decision-making : an integrated model in the pharmaceutical industry : a dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management at Massey University, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Supply chain information visibility (SCIV) has been largely recognized as a key issue in pharmaceutical supply chain management. In recent years, there has been growing concern regarding the exponential growth and ubiquity of supply chain information as the result of the application of advanced technologies. Thus, the topic of visibility of information flow across a supply chain has attracted interest in both practice and academia. Despite the existence of considerable literature on SCIV, the concept is still under-theorized. The lack of a clear understanding of the characteristics of SCIV has made it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of SCIV and, consequently, hinders the improvement of SCIV (McIntire, 2014). Second, recent research identifies the potential of SCIV for operational performance through supporting managerial decision-making but also points out challenges and risks. In addition, there is a dearth of behavioral empirical research on supply chain management topics with which to achieve an increase in theory-building research in the field. This research addresses these gaps in the literature and investigates how SCIV across the pharmaceutical supply chain is perceived by pharmaceutical supply chain practitioners who are involved in supply chain decision-making, and how the decision-makers make use of SCIV in their supply chain decision-making process. This study adopted an exploratory, and qualitative approach to address two research questions: “How do supply chain professionals perceive SCIV in the pharmaceutical supply chain?” and “How do supply chain professionals make informed supply chain decisions?” The constructivist grounded theory methodology was used to guide the data gathering and analysis. The data were mainly drawn from semi-structured interviews with supply chain practitioners in New Zealand-based pharmaceutical firms, working at different levels of the supply chain, including manufacturers and distributors. Based on the findings a theoretical model was developed, the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Information-based Decision-Making Model. The model explains the behavioral supply chain decision-making process in the pharmaceutical supply chain, based on the existence of a given level of SCIV. The empirical findings suggest that SCIV is achieved both within and outside of the pharmaceutical firms and that human relational factors tend to be more beneficial than technological factors in developing SCIV. The importance of this finding is that it addresses a frequently asked question in recent literature about what constitutes SCIV and how to successfully build information visibility in a supply chain. Moreover, this research contributes to the behavioural supply chain management research literature by introducing a theoretical model of pharmaceutical supply chain information-based decision-making, which is grounded in the field data. The model offers significant theoretical insight into information-based decision-making in the pharmaceutical supply chain context based on empirical data, which has been largely overlooked in the supply chain management discipline. The empirical findings suggest that supply chain practitioners make information-based decisions in which they conduct an informative engaging mechanism with technological tools, with relevant stakeholders, and with themselves. Thus, the decision-making process involves extensive data analysis along with the crucial support of experience-based intuition and relevant stakeholders’ engagement. Another key contribution of this study is the identification of the constructive aspect of political behaviour in the supply chain decision-making process in which relevant stakeholders when invited to engage in the process tend to positively contribute and buy into the decision. Finally, this thesis provides significant practical implications and suggest directions for future research. Supply chain practitioners may benefit from the study by utilizing the study’s results to develop supply chain information visibility in their firms. In addition, the theoretical model of the information-based decision-making process explicates a useful step-by-step approach for supply chain practitioners to follow in making effective supply chain operational decisions. Recommendations for further research are provided, especially the recommendations for further studies that are crucially needed to assist firms to counter the pharmaceutical supply chain disruption risks caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

    Supply chain resilience strategies: the case of pharmaceutical firms in Morocco

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    The current environment is featured by disruptions such as fluctuations in demand, risks of relations with suppliers,…. Accordingly, the company needs resilience to alleviate these risks and continue operating its activities through main strategies that are underlined broadly by recent researches such as flexibility, redundancy and agility. This research aims to minimize the dearth of empirical researches in the realm of supply chain resilience strategies by investigating empirically the proactive and reactive strategies that improve resilience in pharmaceutical firms. In this research, the supply chain resilience strategies are basically related to. An empirical study was conducted in 33 the pharmaceutical firms. Afterwards, the response rates of participants were calculated for each of the supply chain resilience strategies (in “very great extent”). Accordingly, the results demonstrated that most of the strategies related to supply flexibility, demand flexibility, redundancy and the supply chain risk management process are applied very frequently. However, the strategies formulating the production flexibility are applied frequently (very extent) but not very intensively (not in “very great extent”). On the other side, these strategies aim to achieve resilience through proactive or reactive ability. Then, the analysis of results demonstrates that a large part of supply chain resilience strategies used by pharmaceutical firms are proactive and appertain to all elements of supply chain resilience (supply flexibility, demand flexibility, ….)

    Scenarios for the development of smart grids in the UK: literature review

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    Smart grids are expected to play a central role in any transition to a low-carbon energy future, and much research is currently underway on practically every area of smart grids. However, it is evident that even basic aspects such as theoretical and operational definitions, are yet to be agreed upon and be clearly defined. Some aspects (efficient management of supply, including intermittent supply, two-way communication between the producer and user of electricity, use of IT technology to respond to and manage demand, and ensuring safe and secure electricity distribution) are more commonly accepted than others (such as smart meters) in defining what comprises a smart grid. It is clear that smart grid developments enjoy political and financial support both at UK and EU levels, and from the majority of related industries. The reasons for this vary and include the hope that smart grids will facilitate the achievement of carbon reduction targets, create new employment opportunities, and reduce costs relevant to energy generation (fewer power stations) and distribution (fewer losses and better stability). However, smart grid development depends on additional factors, beyond the energy industry. These relate to issues of public acceptability of relevant technologies and associated risks (e.g. data safety, privacy, cyber security), pricing, competition, and regulation; implying the involvement of a wide range of players such as the industry, regulators and consumers. The above constitute a complex set of variables and actors, and interactions between them. In order to best explore ways of possible deployment of smart grids, the use of scenarios is most adequate, as they can incorporate several parameters and variables into a coherent storyline. Scenarios have been previously used in the context of smart grids, but have traditionally focused on factors such as economic growth or policy evolution. Important additional socio-technical aspects of smart grids emerge from the literature review in this report and therefore need to be incorporated in our scenarios. These can be grouped into four (interlinked) main categories: supply side aspects, demand side aspects, policy and regulation, and technical aspects.
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