765 research outputs found

    Device to evaluate cleanliness of fiber optic connectors using image processing and neural networks

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    This work proposes a portable, handheld electronic device, which measures the cleanliness in fiber optic connectors via digital image processing and artificial neural networks. Its purpose is to reduce the evaluation subjectivity in visual inspection done by human experts. Although devices with this purpose already exist, they tend to be cost-prohibitive and do not take advantage of neither image processing nor artificial intelligence to improve their results. The device consists of an optical microscope for fiber optic connector analysis, a digital camera adapter, a reduced-board computer, an image processing algorithm, a neural network algorithm and an LCD screen for equipment operation and results visualization. The image processing algorithm applies grayscale histogram equalization, Gaussian filtering, Canny filtering, Hough transform, region of interest segmentation and obtaining radiometric descriptors as inputs to the neural network. Validation consisted of comparing the results by the proposed device with those obtained by agreeing human experts via visual inspection. Results yield an average Cohen's Kappa of 0.926, which implies a very satisfactory performance by the proposed device

    Development of high-speed fibre-optical laser scanning system for defect recogntion

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    High-speed fibre-optic laser scanning systems are being used in automated industrial manufacturing environments to determine surface defects. Recent methods of surface defect detection involve the use of fibre-optic light emitting and detection assemblies. This thesis deals with the design and development o f a new high-speed photoelectronic system. In this work, two sources of emitting diode were examined, LED (light emitting diode) and laser diode. A line of five emitting diodes and five receiving photodiodes were used as light sources and detectors respectively. These arrays of emitting diodes and photodectectors were positioned opposite each other. Data capture was controlled and analysed by PC using Labview software. The system was used to measure the dimensions of the surface defects, such as holes (1 mm), blind holes (2 mm) and notches in different materials. The achieved results show that even though this system was used mainly for 2-D scanning, it may also be operated as a limited 3-D vision inspection system. This system furthermore showed that all the metal materials examined were able to reflect a signal of the infrared wavelength. A newly developed technique o f using an angled array o f fibres allows an adjustable resolution to be obtained with the system, with a maximum system resolution of approximately 1 0 0 |im (the diameter o f the collecting fibre core). This system was successfully used to measure various materials surface profile, surface roughness, thickness, and reflectivity. Aluminum, stainless steel, brass, copper, tufnol, and polycarbonate materials were all capable of being examined with the system. The advantages of this new system may be seen as faster detection, lower cost, less bulky, greater resolution and flexibility

    The Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto

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    This book presents the collectively authored Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto and accompanying materials.The Internet and the media landscape are broken. The dominant commercial Internet platforms endanger democracy. They have created a communications landscape overwhelmed by surveillance, advertising, fake news, hate speech, conspiracy theories, and algorithmic politics. Commercial Internet platforms have harmed citizens, users, everyday life, and society. Democracy and digital democracy require Public Service Media. A democracy-enhancing Internet requires Public Service Media becoming Public Service Internet platforms – an Internet of the public, by the public, and for the public; an Internet that advances instead of threatens democracy and the public sphere. The Public Service Internet is based on Internet platforms operated by a variety of Public Service Media, taking the public service remit into the digital age. The Public Service Internet provides opportunities for public debate, participation, and the advancement of social cohesion. Accompanying the Manifesto are materials that informed its creation: Christian Fuchs’ report of the results of the Public Service Media/Internet Survey, the written version of Graham Murdock’s online talk on public service media today, and a summary of an ecomitee.com discussion of the Manifesto’s foundations

    Structural health monitoring damage detection systems for aerospace

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    Structural Health Monitoring Damage Detection Systems for Aerospace

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    This open access book presents established methods of structural health monitoring (SHM) and discusses their technological merit in the current aerospace environment. While the aerospace industry aims for weight reduction to improve fuel efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and to decrease maintenance time and operating costs, aircraft structures are often designed and built heavier than required in order to accommodate unpredictable failure. A way to overcome this approach is the use of SHM systems to detect the presence of defects. This book covers all major contemporary aerospace-relevant SHM methods, from the basics of each method to the various defect types that SHM is required to detect to discussion of signal processing developments alongside considerations of aerospace safety requirements. It will be of interest to professionals in industry and academic researchers alike, as well as engineering students. This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18203 (ODIN - http://odin-cost.com/), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation

    Optical fiber sensors based on microstructured optical fibers to detect gases and volatile organic compounds-A review

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    Since the first publications related to microstructured optical fibers (MOFs), the development of optical fiber sensors (OFS) based on them has attracted the interest of many research groups because of the market niches that can take advantage of their specific features. Due to their unique structure based on a certain distribution of air holes, MOFs are especially useful for sensing applications: on one hand, the increased coupling of guided modes into the cladding or the holes enhances significantly the interaction with sensing films deposited there; on the other hand, MOF air holes enhance the direct interaction between the light and the analytes that get into in these cavities. Consequently, the sensitivity when detecting liquids, gasses or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is significantly improved. This paper is focused on the reported sensors that have been developed with MOFs which are applied to detection of gases and VOCs, highlighting the advantages that this type of fiber offers.This work was carried out with the financial support of MINECO (Spain) through TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) as well as Public University of Navarre PhD grants program.This work was carried out with the financial support of MINECO (Spain) through TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    NASA patent abstracts bibliography: A continuing bibliography. Section 1: Abstracts (supplement 43)

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    Abstracts are provided for 128 patents and patent applications entered into the NASA scientific and technical information system during the period Jan. 1993 through Jun. 1993. Each entry consists of a citation, an abstract, and in most cases, a key illustration selected from the patent or patent application

    Analysis of systems hardware flown on LDEF. Results of the systems special investigation group

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    The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) was retrieved after spending 69 months in low Earth orbit (LEO). LDEF carried a remarkable variety of mechanical, electrical, thermal, and optical systems, subsystems, and components. The Systems Special Investigation Group (Systems SIG) was formed to investigate the effects of the long duration exposure to LEO on systems related hardware and to coordinate and collate all systems analysis of LDEF hardware. Discussed here is the status of the LDEF Systems SIG investigation through the end of 1991

    Manufacturing and characterisation of a fibre optic acoustic emission sensor

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    The value of Remote Condition Monitoring for the real-time evaluation of the structural integrity of critical components is undeniable. Fibre-reinforced polymer composites are a class of materials which offer significant advantages over conventional metal alloys used for manufacturing load bearing structures in cases where weight and/or energy consumption need to be kept to a minimum, for example automotive and aerospace applications. This is due to the excellent strength to weight ratio that FRPCs exhibit. However, their strongly anisotropic microstructure of poses significant challenges for Non-Destructive Evaluation of the actual structural health of components made from such materials. Acoustic Emission is a passive condition monitoring technique based on the detection of elastic stress waves emitted when damage evolves in a structure. Conventional piezoelectric AE sensors need to be surface-mounted as their embedding in FRPCs is impractical. Fibre Optic Acoustic Emission Sensors (FOAES) offer a distinct advantage since they are light weight, have small size and can be effectively embedded in composite laminates. Moreover, they can be multiplexed with the entire structure being monitored more effectively. This study has focused in the evaluation of the manufacturing process and characterisation of FOAES. Comparison of their performance with conventional commercial sensors was carried out
