5 research outputs found

    Deep learning in static, metric-based bug prediction

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    Our increasing reliance on software products and the amount of money we spend on creating and maintaining them makes it crucial to find bugs as early and as easily as possible. At the same time, it is not enough to know that we should be paying more attention to bugs; finding them must become a quick and seamless process in order to be actually used by developers. Our proposal is to revitalize static source code metrics – among the most easily calculable, while still meaningful predictors – and combine them with deep learning – among the most promising and generalizable prediction techniques – to flag suspicious code segments at the class level. In this paper, we show a detailed methodology of how we adapted deep neural networks to bug prediction, applied them to a large bug dataset (containing 8780 bugged and 38,838 not bugged Java classes), and compared them to multiple “traditional” algorithms. We demonstrate that deep learning with static metrics can indeed boost prediction accuracies. Our best model has an F-measure of 53.59%, which increases to 55.27% for the best ensemble model containing a deep learning component. Additionally, another experiment suggests that these values could improve even further with more data points. We also open-source our experimental Python framework to help other researchers replicate our findings

    Software Defect Prediction Using Neural Network Based SMOTE

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    Software defect prediction is a practical approach to improve the quality and efficiency of time and costs for software testing by focusing on defect modules. The defect prediction software dataset naturally has a class imbalance problem with very few defective modules compared to non-defective modules. Class imbalance can reduce performance from classification. In this study, we applied the Neural Networks Based Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) to overcome class imbalances in the six NASA datasets. Neural Network based on SMOTE is a combination of Neural Network and SMOTE with each hyperparameters that are optimized using random search. The results use a nested 5-cross validation show increases Bal by 25.48% and Recall by 45.99% compared to the original Neural Network. We also compare the performance of Neural Network based SMOTE with SMOTE + Traditional Machine Learning Algorithm. The Neural Network based SMOTE takes first place in the average rank

    An Assessment of Eclipse Bugs' Priority and Severity Prediction Using Machine Learning

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    The reliability and quality of software programs remains to be an important and challenging aspect of software design. Software developers and system operators spend huge time on assessing and overcoming expected and unexpected errors that might affect the users’ experience negatively. One of the major concerns in developing software problems is the bug reports, which contains the severity and priority of these defects. For a long time, this task was performed manually with huge effort and time consumptions by system operators. Therefore, in this paper, we present a novel automatic assessment tool using Machine Learning algorithms, for assessing bugs’ reports based on several features such as hardware, product, assignee, OS, component, target milestone, votes, and versions.  The aim is to build a tool that automatically classifies software bugs according to the severity and priority of the bugs and makes predictions based on the most representative features and bug report text. To perform this task, we used the Multi-Nominal Naive Bayes, Random Forests Classifier, Bagging, Ada Boosting, SVC, KNN, and Linear SVM Classifiers and Natural Language Processing techniques to analyze the Eclipse dataset. The approach shows promising results for software bugs’ detection and prediction

    A machine and deep learning analysis among SonarQube rules, product, and process metrics for fault prediction

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    Background: Developers spend more time fixing bugs refactoring the code to increase the maintainability than developing new features. Researchers investigated the code quality impact on fault-proneness, focusing on code smells and code metrics. Objective: We aim at advancing fault-inducing commit prediction using different variables, such as SonarQube rules, product, process metrics, and adopting different techniques. Method: We designed and conducted an empirical study among 29 Java projects analyzed with SonarQube and SZZ algorithm to identify fault-inducing and fault-fixing commits, computing different product and process metrics. Moreover, we investigated fault-proneness using different Machine and Deep Learning models. Results: We analyzed 58,125 commits containing 33,865 faults and infected by more than 174 SonarQube rules violated 1.8M times, on which 48 software product and process metrics were calculated. Results clearly identified a set of features that provided a highly accurate fault prediction (more than 95% AUC). Regarding the performance of the classifiers, Deep Learning provided a higher accuracy compared with Machine Learning models. Conclusion: Future works might investigate whether other static analysis tools, such as FindBugs or Checkstyle, can provide similar or different results. Moreover, researchers might consider the adoption of time series analysis and anomaly detection techniques.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Machine Learning for Software Fault Detection : Issues and Possible Solutions

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    Viime vuosina tekoälyn ja etenkin kone- ja syväoppimisen tutkimus on menestynyt osittain uusien teknologioiden ja laitteiston kehityksen vuoksi. Tutkimusalan uudelleen alkanut nousu on saanut monet tutkijat käyttämään kone- ja syväoppimismalleja sekä -tekniikoita ohjelmistotuotannon alalla, johon myös ohjelmiston laatu sisältyy. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan ohjelmistovirheiden tunnistukseen tarkoitettujen koneoppimismallien suorituskykyä kolmelta kannalta. Ensin pyritään määrittämään parhaiten ongelmaan soveltuvat mallit. Toiseksi käytetyistä malleista etsitään ohjelmistovirheiden tunnistusta heikentäviä yhtäläisyyksiä. Lopuksi ehdotetaan mahdollisia ratkaisuja löydettyihin ongelmiin. Koneoppimismallien suorituskyvyn analysointi paljasti kaksi pääongelmaa: datan epäsymmetrisyys ja aikariippuvuus. Näiden ratkaisemiseksi testattiin useita tekniikoita: ohjelmistovirheiden käsittely anomalioina, keinotekoisesti uusien näytteiden luominen datan epäsymmetrisyyden korjaamiseksi sekä jokaisen näytteen historian huomioivien syväoppimismallien kokeilu aikariippuvuusongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Ohjelmistovirheet havaittiin merkittävästi paremmin käyttämällä dataa tasapainottavia ylinäytteistämistekniikoita sekä aikasarjaluokitteluun tarkoitettuja syväoppimismalleja. Tulokset tuovat selvyyttä ohjelmistovirheiden ennustamiseen koneoppimismenetelmillä liittyviin ongelmiin. Ne osoittavat, että ohjelmistojen laadun tarkkailussa käytettävän datan aikariippuvuus tulisi ottaa huomioon, mikä vaatii etenkin tutkijoiden huomiota. Lisäksi ohjelmistovirheiden tarkempi havaitseminen voisi auttaa ammatinharjoittajia parantamaan ohjelmistojen laatua. Tulevaisuudessa tulisi tutkia kehittyneempien syväoppimismallien soveltamista. Tämä kattaa uusien metriikoiden sisällyttämisen ennustaviin malleihin, sekä kehittyneempien ja paremmin datan aikariippuvuuden huomioon ottavien aikasarjatyökalujen hyödyntämisen.Over the past years, thanks to the availability of new technologies and advanced hardware, the research on artificial intelligence, more specifically machine and deep learning, has flourished. This newly found interest has led many researchers to start applying machine and deep learning techniques also in the field of software engineering, including in the domain of software quality. In this thesis, we investigate the performance of machine learning models for the detection of software faults with a threefold purpose. First of all, we aim at establishing which are the most suitable models to use, secondly we aim at finding the common issues which prevent commonly used models from performing well in the detection of software faults. Finally, we propose possible solutions to these issues. The analysis of the performance of the machine learning models highlighted two main issues: the unbalanced data, and the time dependency within the data. To address these issues, we tested multiple techniques: treating the faults as anomalies and artificially generating more samples for solving the unbalanced data problem; the use of deep learning models that take into account the history of each data sample to solve the time dependency issue. We found that using oversampling techniques to balance the data, and using deep learning models specific for time series classification substantially improve the detection of software faults. The results shed some light on the issues related to machine learning for the prediction of software faults. These results indicate a need to consider the time dependency of the data used in software quality, which needs more attention from researchers. Also, improving the detection performance of software faults could help the practitioners to improve the quality of their software. In the future, more advanced deep learning models can be investigated. This includes the use of other metrics as predictors and the use of more advanced time series analysis tools for better taking into account the time dependency of the data