15 research outputs found

    Comparing Typical Opening Move Choices Made by Humans and Chess Engines

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    The opening book is an important component of a chess engine, and thus computer chess programmers have been developing automated methods to improve the quality of their books. For chess, which has a very rich opening theory, large databases of high-quality games can be used as the basis of an opening book, from which statistics relating to move choices from given positions can be collected. In order to find out whether the opening books used by modern chess engines in machine versus machine competitions are ``comparable'' to those used by chess players in human versus human competitions, we carried out analysis on 26 test positions using statistics from two opening books one compiled from humans' games and the other from machines' games. Our analysis using several nonparametric measures, shows that, overall, there is a strong association between humans' and machines' choices of opening moves when using a book to guide their choices.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 6 table

    Designing and Developing an Intelligent Congkak

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    Congkak is the nation's traditional game which could soon be forgotten if no serious attention is given to it, but literature survey has not yet found any research publication that mentioned the use of neural network algorithm (NN) on Congkak. Therefore the project want to try to rectify this issue by trying to develop an Intelligent Congkak System that also implemented NN and try answer research question such as this: “What is the best Congkak evaluation function for training NN for game playing?” and “Can Min-Max algorithm (MM) be speeded up by using NN as a forward-pruning method?”. This issues can solved by programming the Congkak system based on previous work on Mancala and NN system, and then recording the performance of the related algorithm. As a result: the project had created a Congkak system that had featured 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) agent, and discovered that the combination of NN and MM is slower than MM alone

    Grid Computing for Artificial Intelligence

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    Sosyal hizmette füturizm: Transhümanizm, insan hayatının oyunlaştırılması, homo roboticus ve bakım

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    Bu çalışmada sanatsal bir akım olarak ortaya çıkıp toplumsal ve teknolojik bir boyut kazanan fütürizm hareketinin temelleri üzerinden sosyal çalışma disiplinine ve mesleğine yönelik bir değerlendirme yapılması amaçlanmaktadır. Böylece sosyal çalışma disiplininin ve mesleğinin gelecek yıllardaki olası ajandasına yönelik öngörülerin açıklanması planlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada fütürizm ile sosyal hizmet arasındaki ilişki insan hakları, sosyal adalet, eşitlik, toplumsal refah, bireyin onuru ve saygınlığı gibi evrensel değerler üzerine kurulmuş olan sosyal hizmet uygulamalarının nasıl bir geleceğe doğru yol aldığını ortaya koyma çabasıyla kurulmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, yeni bir felsefi hareket olarak ortaya çıkan transhümanizm kavramı sosyal hizmetin geleceği ile ilgili olarak ele alınmaktadır. Daha sonra insan hayatının oyunlaştırılması, homo roboticus ve bakım gibi konular tartışılmaktadır. Bu konular son birkaç yıldır sosyal bilimlerin gündemindedir. Bu makalenin sosyal hizmet alanında bu konularla ilgili olarak hazırlanan ilk çalışmalardan biri olması nedeniyle bir başlangıç çalışması olarak kabul edilmesi ve gelecekteki çalışmalarla desteklenmesi beklenmektedir.This study aims at making an assessment of the social work discipline and profession on the basis of the futurism movement, which emerged as an artistic movement and gained social and technological dimensions. Therefore, predictions for a possible agenda of the future social work discipline and profession are discussed. In this study, the relationship between futurism and social work is established in an effort to reveal how social work practices, based on universal values such as human rights, social justice, equality, social prosperity and the dignity of the individual, are moving forward. In this context, the future of social work is discussed under the following three topics: (1) transhumanism, (2) gamification of human life, (3) homo roboticus and care. In fact, all these topics have been on the agenda of social sciences for the last few years. Despite this interest, to the best of the researcher’s knowledge, this article is one of the first studies on these issues in the field of social work and has raised many questions in need of further studies

    A nyelvi nativizmus határai

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    Zwischen Realität und Realismus: Zum kritischen Umgang mit digitalen Technologien in der Demokratietheorie

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    Die digitale Transformation schreitet unaufhaltsam voran. Im Spannungsverhältnis von kritischer Reflexion und technologischer Aktualität haben auch demokratietheoretische Debatten ihre deterministischen Tendenzen und technologischen Engführungen hinter sich gelassen. Während damit einerseits den Ambivalenzen und Affordanzen des Digitalen größere Beachtung geschenkt werden, drängen andererseits pragmatische Zugänge darauf, die Potentiale des Digitalen zur Lösung einer Krise der Demokratie in experimentellen Umgebungen zu erproben. Letztere betreiben die Transformation der Demokratie jedoch vorwiegend in reformatorischer Absicht und damit im Kielwasser machtvoller Erzählungen vor digitaler Demokratiemodelle. Sie orientieren sich weniger an der tatsächlichen Funktionalität des Digitalen als an eigenen Deutungen für die digitale Verwirklichung vordigitaler Versprechen. Gegenüber Vorstellungen einer digitalisierten Demokratie stellt der Beitrag daher die Bedeutung der Gemachtheit von digitaler Technik und Realität für eine realistische demokratische Theoriebildung ins Zentrum. Im Sinne eines normativen Maßstabes muss diese digital-demokratische Strukturen stärker dahingehend bewerten, ob sie tatsächlich zur Ermöglichung von Autonomie und Authentizität beitragen oder Teil einer Verschleierung von Macht und Deutung sind.The digital transformation is progressing incessantly. In the tension between critical reflection and technological actuality, democratic theory too has left behind its deterministic tendencies and technological narrowness. While, on the one hand, greater attention is being paid to ambivalences and affordances of the digital, on the other hand, pragmatic approaches are pushing to experimentally explore its potentials for a crisis of democracy. The latter, however, pursue the transformation of democracy primarily with reformatory intentions and consequently following powerful narratives of pre-digital models of democracy. They are less oriented to the actual functionality of the digital than to their own interpretations towards the digital realization of pre-digital promises. In contrast to notions of a digitized democracy, the article therefore focuses on the importance of the constructed nature of digital technology and reality for realistic democratic theorizing. For the purpose of a normative benchmark, theory needs to evaluate digital democratic structures more in terms of whether they contribute to enabling autonomy and authenticity or if they are part of a concealment of power and interpretation

    The Value of Diagnostic Software and Doctors\u27 Decision Making

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    The prevalence of medical misdiagnosis has remained high despite the adoption of diagnostic software. This ongoing controversy about the role of technology in mitigating the problem of misdiagnosis centers on the question of whether diagnostic software does reduce the incidence of misdiagnosis if properly relied upon by physicians. The purpose of this quantitative, cross-sectional study based on planned behavior theory was to measure doctors\u27 opinions of diagnostic technology\u27s medical utility. Recruitment e-mails were sent to 3,100 AMA-accredited physicians through their database that yielded a sample of 99 physicians for the study. One-sample t tests and, where appropriate because of non-normal data, one-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were conducted on the data to address the following key research questions on whether diagnostic software decreases misdiagnosis in healthcare versus unassisted human diagnostic method, if physicians use diagnostic software frequently enough to decrease misdiagnosis in healthcare, and if liability concerns prevent physicians from using diagnostic software. It was found that in the opinion of those surveyed (a) diagnostic software was likely to result in fewer misdiagnoses in healthcare than unassisted human diagnostic methods, (b) when speaking for themselves, physicians thought they used diagnostic software frequently enough to decrease misdiagnoses, and (c) physicians agreed they were not prevented from using diagnostic software because of liability concerns. The study\u27s social significance is the affirmation of diagnostic software\u27s usefulness: Policy and technology stakeholders can use this finding to speed the adoption of diagnostic software, leading to a reduction in the socially costly problem of misdiagnosis

    Mind over machine : what Deep Blue taught us about chess, artificial intelligence, and the human spirit

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    Thesis (S.M. in Science Writing)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Humanities, Graduate Program in Science Writing, 2007."September 2007."Includes bibliographical references (leaves 44-49).On May 11th 1997, the world watched as IBM's chess-playing computer Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a six-game match. The reverberations of that contest touched people, and computers, around the world. At the time, it was difficult to assess the historical significance of the moment, but ten years after the fact, we can take a fresh look at the meaning of the computer's victory. With hindsight, we can see how Deep Blue impacted the chess community and influenced the fields of philosophy, artificial intelligence, and computer science in the long run. For the average person, Deep Blue embodied many of our misgivings about computers becoming our new partners in the information age. For researchers in the field it was emblematic of the growing pains experienced by the evolving field of AI over the previous half century. In the end, what might have seemed like a definitive, earth-shattering event was really the next step in our on-going journey toward understanding mind and machine. While Deep Blue was a milestone - the end of a long struggle to build a masterful chess machine - it was also a jumping off point for other lines of inquiry from new supercomputing projects to the further development of programs that play other games, such as Go. Ultimately, the lesson of Deep Blue's victory is that we will continue to accomplish technological feats we thought impossible just a few decades before. And as we reach each new goalpost, we will acclimate to our new position, recognize the next set of challenges before us, and push on toward the next target.by Barbara Christine Hoekenga.S.M.in Science Writin

    Creation of Chatbot in Selected Company

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je tvorba chatovacího robota, který umožňuje rychlejší, levnější a pohodlnější komunikaci se zákazníky. Práce je rozdělena do sedmi kapitol, kde se v prvních třech kapitolách věnuji definici cíle, užitých metod a analýze problematiky. Čtvrtá kapitola je věnována základním pojmům z oblasti umělé inteligence, statistiky a vícekriteriálního rozhodování. Následuje kapitola s vlastním návrhem řešení, kde jsou aplikované konkrétní metody. Zásadní poznatky nutné k implementaci jsou uvedeny v kapitole šesté a budou dále využity společností. Celkové zhodnocení a shrnutí výsledků je v kapitole sedmé.The subject of this thesis is the creation of a chatbot, which allows faster, cheaper and more comfortable communication with customers. Thesis is divided into seven chapters. First three chapters are focused on a goal definition, used methods and analysis of existing problem. Fourth chapter is dedicated to basic terms from fields of artificial intelligence, statistics and multiple criteria decision making. Following chapter contains suggestions of solution where specific methods are used. The crucial knowledge required for implementation is part of sixth chapter. The final chapter evaluates and summarizes achieved results

    A Generic Agent Architecture for Cooperative Multi-Agent Games

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    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura genérica de alto nível para o desenvolvimento de agentes capazes deeficientemente jogar jogos com um misto de competição e cooperação. Técnicas tradicionais utilizadas no contexto dos jogos incluem estratégias depesquisa como o Branch & Bound assim como abordagens de Monte-Carlo. Contudo estas técnicas são difíceis de aplicar a esta categoria de jogos, devidoaos frequentemente grandes espaços de pesquisa e à dificuldade em calcular os valores das posições e movimentos dos jogadores.Neste trabalho propômos uma arquitetura de agentes genérica que aborda os temas da negociação, confiança e modelação de oponentes, simplificando odesenvolvimento de agentes capazes de jogar estes jogos eficientemente. Esta arquitetura está dividida em quatro módulos independentes, inspirando-sena estrutura de uma nação em tempo de guerra, o Presidente, o Departamento Estratégico, o Departamento de Relações Externas e o Departamento deInteligência.Demonstramos as aplicações desta arquitetura instanciando-a usando dois jogos diferentes, o Diplomacy e o Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, e testando osagentes obtidos numa variedade de cenários contra agentes existentes. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a arquitetura é genérica o suficiente para seraplicada numa grande variedade de jogos, e a inclusão de negociação, confiança e modelação de oponentes permite obter agentes mais eficazes.The goal of this dissertation is to develop a high level generic architecture for the development of agents able to effectively play gameswith strong social components and a mix of competition and cooperation. Traditional techniques used in the context of games include searchingstrategies like Branch & Bound as well as Monte-Carlo approaches, however, these techniques are difficult to apply to this category of games,due to the often enormous search trees and the difficulty in calculating the value of a player's position or move.We propose a generic agent architecture that tackles the subjects of negotiation, trust and opponent modelling, simplifying the development ofagents capable of playing these games effectively. This architecture is split into four independent modules, taking inspiration from thestructure of a wartime nation, the President, the Strategic Office, the Foreign Office and the Intelligence Office.We demonstrate the applications of this architecture by instantiating it using two different games, Diplomacy and Werewolves of Miller's Hollow,and testing the obtained agents in a variety of scenarios against existing agents. The results obtained show that the architecture is genericenough to be applied in a wide variety of games, and the inclusion of negotiation, trust and opponent modelling allows for more effective agents