152 research outputs found

    Automatic Optimizations for Stream-based Monitoring Languages

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    Runtime monitors that are specified in a stream-based monitoring language tend to be easier to understand, maintain, and reuse than those written in a standard programming language. Because of their formal semantics, such specification languages are also a natural choice for safety-critical applications. Unlike for standard programming languages, there is, however, so far very little support for automatic code optimization. In this paper, we present the first collection of code transformations for the stream-based monitoring language RTLola. We show that classic compiler optimizations, such as Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation and Common Subexpression Elimination, can be adapted to monitoring specifications. We also develop new transformations -- Pacing Type Refinement and Filter Refinement -- which exploit the specific modular structure of RTLola as well as the implementation freedom afforded by a declarative specification language. We demonstrate the significant impact of the code transformations on benchmarks from the monitoring of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).Comment: 20th International Conference on Runtime Verification (2020

    Scalability Benchmarking of Cloud-Native Applications Applied to Event-Driven Microservices

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    Cloud-native applications constitute a recent trend for designing large-scale software systems. This thesis introduces the Theodolite benchmarking method, allowing researchers and practitioners to conduct empirical scalability evaluations of cloud-native applications, their frameworks, configurations, and deployments. The benchmarking method is applied to event-driven microservices, a specific type of cloud-native applications that employ distributed stream processing frameworks to scale with massive data volumes. Extensive experimental evaluations benchmark and compare the scalability of various stream processing frameworks under different configurations and deployments, including different public and private cloud environments. These experiments show that the presented benchmarking method provides statistically sound results in an adequate amount of time. In addition, three case studies demonstrate that the Theodolite benchmarking method can be applied to a wide range of applications beyond stream processing

    Generic windowing support for extensible stream processing systems

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Stream processing applications process high volume, continuous feeds from live data sources, employ data-in-motion analytics to analyze these feeds, and produce near real-time insights with low latency. One of the fundamental characteristics of such applications is the on-the-fly nature of the computation, which does not require access to disk resident data. Stream processing applications store the most recent history of streams in memory and use it to perform the necessary modeling and analysis tasks. This recent history is often managed using windows. All data stream management systems provide some form of windowing functionality. Windowing makes it possible to implement streaming versions of the traditionally blocking relational operators, such as streaming aggregations, joins, and sorts, as well as any other analytic operator that requires keeping the most recent tuples as state, such as time series analysis operators and signal processing operators. In this paper, we provide a categorization of different window types and policies employed in stream processing applications and give detailed operational semantics for various window configurations. We describe an extensibility mechanism that makes it possible to integrate windowing support into user-defined operators, enabling consistent syntax and semantics across system-provided and third-party toolkits of streaming operators. We describe the design and implementation of a runtime windowing library that significantly simplifies the construction of window-based operators by decoupling the handling of window policies and operator logic from each other. We present our experience using the windowing library to implement a relational operators toolkit and compare the efficacy of the solution to an earlier implementation that did not employ a common windowing library. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Statically-analyzed stream monitoring for cyber-physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems are digital systems interacting with the physical world. Even though this induces an inherent complexity, they are responsible for safety-critical tasks like governing nuclear power plants or controlling autonomous vehicles. To preserve trust into the safety of such systems, this thesis presents a runtime verification approach designed to generate trustworthy monitors from a formal specification. These monitors are responsible for observing the cyber-physical system during runtime and ensuring its safety. As underlying language, I present the asynchronous real-time specification language RTLola. It contains primitives for arithmetic properties and grants precise control over the timing of the monitor. With this, it enables specifiers to express properties relevant to cyber-physical systems. The thesis further presents a static analysis that identifies inconsistencies in the specification and provides insights into the dynamic behavior of the monitor. As a result, the resource consumption of the monitor becomes predictable. The generation of the monitor produces either a hardware description synthesizable onto programmable hardware, or Rust code with verification annotation. These annotations allow for proving the correctness of the monitor with respect to the semantics of RTLola. Last, I present the construction of a conservative hybrid model of the underlying system using information extracted from the specification. This model enables further verification steps.Cyber-physische Systeme sind digitale Systeme, die mit der physischen Welt interagieren. Obwohl das zu einer inhärenten Komplexität führt, sind sie verantwortlich für sicherheitskritische Aufgaben wie der Steuerung von Kernkraftwerken oder autonomen Fahrzeugen. Umdas Vertrauen in deren Sicherheit zu wahren, präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit einen Ansatz zur Laufzeitverifikation, konzipiert, um vertrauenswürdige Monitore aus einer formalen Spezifikation zu generieren. Diese Monitore sind dafür verantwortlich, das cyber-physische System zur Laufzeit zu überwachen und dessen Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Als zugrundeliegende Sprache präsentiere ich die asynchrone Echtzeit-Spezifikationssprache RTLola. Sie enthält Primitiven für arithmetische Eigenschaften und gewährt präzise Kontrolle über das Timing des Monitors. Damit wird es Spezifizierenden ermöglicht Eigenschaften auszudrücken, die für Cyber-physische Systeme relevant sind. Weiterhin präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit eine statische Analyse, die Unstimmigkeiten in der Spezifikation identifiziert und Einblicke in das dynamische Verhalten des Monitors liefert. Aufgrund dessen wird der Ressourcenverbrauch des Monitors vorhersehbar. Die Generierung des Monitors erzeugt entweder eine Hardwarebeschreibung, die auf programmierbarer Hardware synthetisiert werden kann, oder Rust Code mit Verifikationsannotationen. Diese Annotationen erlauben es, die Korrektheit des Monitors bezogen auf die Semantik von RTLola zu beweisen. Abschließend präsentiere ich die Konstruktion von einem konservativen hybriden Modell des zugrundeliegenden Systems anhand von Informationen, die aus der Spezifikation gewonnen wurden. Dieses Modell ermöglicht weitere Verifikationsschritte

    Data semantic enrichment for complex event processing over IoT Data Streams

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    This thesis generalizes techniques for processing IoT data streams, semantically enrich data with contextual information, as well as complex event processing in IoT applications. A case study for ECG anomaly detection and signal classification was conducted to validate the knowledge foundation

    RTLola Cleared for Take-Off: Monitoring Autonomous Aircraft

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    The autonomous control of unmanned aircraft is a highly safety-critical domain with great economic potential in a wide range of application areas, including logistics, agriculture, civil engineering, and disaster recovery. We report on the development of a dynamic monitoring framework for the DLR ARTIS (Autonomous Rotorcraft Testbed for Intelligent Systems) family of unmanned aircraft based on the formal specification language RTLola. RTLola is a stream-based specification language for real-time properties. An RTLola specification of hazardous situations and system failures is statically analyzed in terms of consistency and resource usage and then automatically translated into an FPGA-based monitor. Our approach leads to highly efficient, parallelized monitors with formal guarantees on the noninterference of the monitor with the normal operation of the autonomous system
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