2,378 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 2nd Computer Science Student Workshop: Microsoft Istanbul, Turkey, April 9, 2011

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    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Proceedings of The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010)

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-627/allproceedings.pdfInternational audienceMALLOW-2010 is a third edition of a series initiated in 2007 in Durham, and pursued in 2009 in Turin. The objective, as initially stated, is to "provide a venue where: the cost of participation was minimum; participants were able to attend various workshops, so fostering collaboration and cross-fertilization; there was a friendly atmosphere and plenty of time for networking, by maximizing the time participants spent together"

    AFRANCI : multi-layer architecture for cognitive agents

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Anomaly Detection, Rule Adaptation and Rule Induction Methodologies in the Context of Automated Sports Video Annotation.

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    Automated video annotation is a topic of considerable interest in computer vision due to its applications in video search, object based video encoding and enhanced broadcast content. The domain of sport broadcasting is, in particular, the subject of current research attention due to its fixed, rule governed, content. This research work aims to develop, analyze and demonstrate novel methodologies that can be useful in the context of adaptive and automated video annotation systems. In this thesis, we present methodologies for addressing the problems of anomaly detection, rule adaptation and rule induction for court based sports such as tennis and badminton. We first introduce an HMM induction strategy for a court-model based method that uses the court structure in the form of a lattice for two related modalities of singles and doubles tennis to tackle the problems of anomaly detection and rectification. We also introduce another anomaly detection methodology that is based on the disparity between the low-level vision based classifiers and the high-level contextual classifier. Another approach to address the problem of rule adaptation is also proposed that employs Convex hulling of the anomalous states. We also investigate a number of novel hierarchical HMM generating methods for stochastic induction of game rules. These methodologies include, Cartesian product Label-based Hierarchical Bottom-up Clustering (CLHBC) that employs prior information within the label structures. A new constrained variant of the classical Chinese Restaurant Process (CRP) is also introduced that is relevant to sports games. We also propose two hybrid methodologies in this context and a comparative analysis is made against the flat Markov model. We also show that these methods are also generalizable to other rule based environments

    Belief-Desire-Intention in RoboCup

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    The Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model of a rational agent proposed by Bratman has strongly influenced the research of intelligent agents in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). Jennings extended Bratman’s concept of a single rational agent into MAS in the form of joint-intention and joint-responsibility. Kitano et al. initiated RoboCup Soccer Simulation as a standard problem in MAS analogous to the Blocks World problem in traditional AI. This has motivated many researchers from various areas of studies such as machine learning, planning, and intelligent agent research. The first RoboCup team to incorporate the BDI concept is ATHumboldt98 team by Burkhard et al. In this thesis we present a novel collaborative BDI architecture modeled for RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation called the TA09 team which is based on Bratman’s rational agent, influenced by Cohen and Levesque’s commitment, and incorporating Jennings’ joint-intention. The TA09 team features observation-based coordination, layered planning, and dynamic formation positioning

    A Contextual Approach To Learning Collaborative Behavior Via Observation

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    This dissertation describes a novel technique to creating a simulated team of agents through observation. Simulated human teamwork can be used for a number of purposes, such as expert examples, automated teammates for training purposes and realistic opponents in games and training simulation. Current teamwork simulations require the team member behaviors be programmed into the simulation, often requiring a great deal of time and effort. None are able to observe a team at work and replicate the teamwork behaviors. Machine learning techniques for learning by observation and learning by demonstration have proven successful at observing behavior of humans or other software agents and creating a behavior function for a single agent. The research described here combines current research in teamwork simulations and learning by observation to effectively train a multi-agent system in effective team behavior. The dissertation describes the background and work by others as well as a detailed description of the learning method. A prototype built to evaluate the developed approach as well as the extensive experimentation conducted is also described

    SAFEL - A Situation-aware Fear Learning Model

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    This thesis proposes a novel and robust online adaptation mechanism for threat prediction and prevention capable of taking into consideration complex contextual and temporal information in its internal learning processes. The proposed mechanism is a hybrid cognitive computational model named SAFEL (Situation-Aware FEar Learning), which integrates machine learning algorithms with concepts of situation-awareness from expert systems to simulate both the cued and contextual fear-conditioning phenomena. SAFEL is inspired by well-known neuroscience findings on the brain's mechanisms of fear learning and memory to provide autonomous robots with the ability to predict undesirable or threatening situations to themselves. SAFEL's ultimate goal is to allow autonomous robots to perceive intricate elements and relationships in their environment, learn with experience through autonomous environmental exploration, and adapt at execution time to environmental changes and threats. SAFEL consists of a hybrid architecture composed of three modules, each based on a different approach and inspired by a different region (or function) of the brain involved in fear learning. These modules are: the Amygdala Module (AM), the Hippocampus Module (HM) and the Working Memory Module (WMM). The AM learns and detects environmental threats while the HM makes sense of the robot's context. The WMM is responsible for combining and associating the two types of information processed by the AM and HM. More specifically, the AM simulates the cued conditioning phenomenon by creating associations between co-occurring aversive and neutral environmental stimuli. The AM represents the kernel of emotional appraisal and threat detection in SAFEL's architecture. The HM, in turn, handles environmental information at a higher level of abstraction and complexity than the AM, which depicts the robot's situation as a whole. The information managed by the HM embeds in a unified representation the temporal interactions of multiple stimuli in the environment. Finally, the WMM simulates the contextual conditioning phenomenon by creating associations between the contextual memory formed in the HM and the emotional memory formed in the AM, thus giving emotional meaning to the contextual information acquired in past experiences. Ultimately, any previously experienced pattern of contextual information triggers the retrieval of that stored contextual memory and its emotional meaning from the WMM, warning the robot that an undesirable situation is likely to happen in the near future. The main contribution of this work as compared to the state of the art is a domain-independent mechanism for online learning and adaptation that combines a fear-learning model with the concept of temporal context and is focused on real-world applications for autonomous robotics. SAFEL successfully integrates a symbolic rule-based paradigm for situation management with machine learning algorithms for memorizing and predicting environmental threats to the robot based on complex temporal context. SAFEL has been evaluated in several experiments, which analysed the performance of each module separately. Ultimately, we conducted a comprehensive case study in the robot soccer scenario to evaluate the collective work of all modules as a whole. This case study also analyses to which extent the emotional feedback of SAFEL can improve the intelligent behaviour of a robot in a practical real-world situation, where adaptive skills and fast/flexible decision-making are crucial

    Data-driven action-value functions for evaluating players in professional team sports

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    As more and larger event stream datasets for professional sports become available, there is growing interest in modeling the complex play dynamics to evaluate player performance. Among these models, a common player evaluation method is assigning values to player actions. Traditional action-values metrics, however, consider very limited game context and player information. Furthermore, they provide directly related to goals (e.g., shots), not all actions. Recent work has shown that reinforcement learning provided powerful methods for addressing quantifying the value of player actions in sports. This dissertation develops deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods for estimating action values in sports. We make several contributions to DRL for sports. First, we develop neural network architectures that learn an action-value Q-function from sports events logs to estimate each team\u27s expected success given the current match context. Specifically, our architecture models the game history with a recurrent network and predicts the probability that a team scores the next goal. From the learned Q-values, we derive a Goal Impact Metric (GIM) for evaluating a player\u27s performance over a game season. We show that the resulting player rankings are consistent with standard player metrics and temporally consistent within and across seasons. Second, we address the interpretability of the learned Q-values. While neural networks provided accurate estimates, the black-box structure prohibits understanding the influence of different game features on the action values. To interpret the Q-function and understand the influence of game features on action values, we design an interpretable mimic learning framework for the DRL. The framework is based on a Linear Model U-Tree (LMUT) as a transparent mimic model, which facilitates extracting the function rules and computing the feature importance for action values. Third, we incorporate information about specific players into the action values, by introducing a deep player representation framework. In this framework, each player is assigned a latent feature vector called an embedding, with the property that statistically similar players are mapped to nearby embeddings. To compute embeddings that summarize the statistical information about players, we implement a Variational Recurrent Ladder Agent Encoder (VaRLAE) to learn a contextualized representation for when and how players are likely to act. We learn and evaluate deep Q-functions from event data for both ice hockey and soccer. These are challenging continuous-flow games where game context and medium-term consequences are crucial for properly assessing the impact of a player\u27s actions
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