30 research outputs found

    Practical Non-Uniform Channelization for Multistandard Base Stations

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    A Multistandard software-defined radio base station must perform non-uniform channelization of multiplexed frequency bands. Non-uniform channelization accounts for a significant portion of the digital signal processing workload in the base station receiver and can be difficult to realize in a physical implementation. In non-uniform channelization methods based on generalized DFT filter banks, large prototype filter orders are a significant issue for implementation. In this paper, a multistage filter design is applied to two different non-uniform generalized DFT-based channelizers in order to reduce their filter orders. To evaluate the approach, a TETRA and TEDS base station is used. Experimental results show that the new multistage design reduces both the number of coefficients and operations and leads to a more feasible design and practical physical implementation

    Practical Non-Uniform Channelization for Multistandard Base Stations

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    A Multistandard software-defined radio base station must perform non-uniform channelization of multiplexed frequency bands. Non-uniform channelization accounts for a significant portion of the digital signal processing workload in the base station receiver and can be difficult to realize in a physical implementation. In non-uniform channelization methods based on generalized DFT filter banks, large prototype filter orders are a significant issue for implementation. In this paper, a multistage filter design is applied to two different non-uniform generalized DFT-based channelizers in order to reduce their filter orders. To evaluate the approach, a TETRA and TEDS base station is used. Experimental results show that the new multistage design reduces both the number of coefficients and operations and leads to a more feasible design and practical physical implementation

    Low-complexity filter for software-defined radio by modulated interpolated coefficient decimated filter in a hybrid farrow

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    Realising a low-complexity Farrow channelisation algorithm for multi-standard receivers in software-defined radio is a challenging task. A Farrow filter operates best at low frequencies while its performance degrades towards the Nyquist region. This makes wideband channelisation in software-defined radio a challenging task with high computational complexity. In this paper, a hybrid Farrow algorithm that combines a modulated Farrow filter with a frequency response interpolated coefficient decimated masking filter is proposed for the design of a novel filter with low computational complexity. A design example shows that the HFarrow filter bank achieved multiplier reduction of 50%, 70% and 64%, respectively, in comparison with non-uniform modulated discrete Fourier transform (NU MDFT FB), coefficient decimated filter bank (CD FB) and interpolated coefficient decimated (ICDM) filter algorithms. The HFarrow filter bank is able to provide the same number of sub-band channels as other algorithms such as non-uniform modulated discrete Fourier transform (NU MDFT FB), coefficient decimated filter bank (CD FB) and interpolated coefficient decimated (ICDM) filter algorithms, but with less computational complexity.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensorsam2023Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Subsampling receivers with applications to software defined radio systems

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    Este trabajo de tesis propone la utilizaci贸n sistemas basados en submuestreo como una alternativa para la implementaci贸n de la etapa de down-conversion de los receptores de radio frecuencia (RF) empleados para aplicaciones multi-est谩ndar y SDR (Software Defined Radio). El objetivo principal ser谩 el de optimizar el dise帽o en cuanto a flexibilidad y simplicidad, las cuales son propiedades inherentes en los sistemas basados en submuestreo. Por tanto, como reducir el n煤mero de componentes al m铆nimo es clave cuando un mismo receptor procesa diferentes est谩ndares de comunicaci贸n, las arquitecturas basadas en submuestreo han sido seleccionadas, donde la reusabilidad de los componentes empleados es posible, as铆 como la reducci贸n de los costes totales de los receptores de comunicaci贸n y de los equipos de certificaci贸n que emplean estas arquitecturas. Un motivo adicional por el que los sistemas basados en submuestreo han sido seleccionados es el concerniente a la topolog铆a del receptor. Como la idea de la tecnolog铆a SDR es implementar todas las funcionalidades del receptor (filtrado, amplificaci贸n) en el dominio digital, el convertidores anal贸gico-digital (ADC) deber谩 estar localizado en la cadena de recepci贸n lo m谩s cerca posible a la antena, siendo el objetivo final el convertir la se帽al directamente de RF a digital. Sin embargo, con los actuales ADC no es posible implementar esta idea debido al alto ancho de banda que necesitar铆an sin perder resoluci贸n para cubrir las especificaciones de los est谩ndares de comunicaciones inal谩mbricas. Por tanto, los sistemas basados en submuestreo se presentan como la opci贸n m谩s adecuada para implementar este tipo de sistemas debido a que pueden muestrear la se帽al de entrada por debajo de la tasa de Nyquist, si se cumplen ciertas restricciones en cuanto a la elecci贸n de la frecuencia de muestreo. De este modo, los requerimientos del ADC ser谩n relajados ya que, usando estas arquitecturas, este componente procesar谩 la se帽al a frecuencias intermedias. Una vez se han introducido los conceptos principales de las t茅cnicas de submuestreo, esta tesis doctoral presenta el dise帽o de una tarjeta de adquisici贸n de datos basada en submuestreo con la finalidad de ser implementada como un receptor de test y certificaci贸n de banda ancha. El sistema propuesto proporciona una alta resoluci贸n para un elevado ancho de banda, a partir del uso de un S&H de bajo jitter y de un convertidor anal贸gico digital ADC que trabaja a frecuencias intermedias. El sistema es implementado usando dispositivos comerciales en una placa de circuito impreso dise帽ada y fabricada, y cuya caracterizaci贸n experimental muestra una resoluci贸n de m谩s 8 bits para un ancho de banda anal贸gico de 20 MHz. Concretamente, la resoluci贸n medida ser谩 mayor de 9 bits hasta una frecuencia de entrada de 2.9 GHz y mayor de 8 bits para una frecuencia de entrada de hasta 6.5 GHz, lo cual resulta suficiente para cubrir los requerimientos de la mayor parte de los actuales est谩ndares de comunicaciones inal谩mbricas (GPS, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX). Sin embargo, los receptores basados en submuestreo presentan algunos importantes inconvenientes, como son adicionales fuentes de ruido (jitter y plegado de ruido t茅rmico) y una dificultad a帽adida para implementarlo en escenarios multi-banda y no lineales. Acerca del plegado de ruido en la banda de inter茅s, esta tesis propone el uso de una t茅cnica basada en una arquitectura de reloj m煤ltiple con el objetivo de aumentar la resoluci贸n y cubrir un n煤mero mayor de est谩ndares para su test y certificaci贸n. Empleando una frecuencia de muestreo mayor para el caso del S&H, se conseguir谩 reducir este efecto, aumentando la resoluci贸n en aproximadamente 0.5-1 bit respecto al caso de s贸lo usar una fuente de reloj. Las expresiones te贸ricas de esta mejora son desarrolladas y presentadas en esta tesis, siendo posteriormente corroboradas de modo experimental. Por otra parte, esta tesis tambi茅n propone novedosas t茅cnicas para la aplicaci贸n de estos sistemas de submuestreo en entornos multi-banda y no lineales, los cuales presentan desaf铆os adicionales por el hecho de existir la posibilidad de solapamiento entre la se帽al de inter茅s y los otros canales de comunicaci贸n, as铆 como de solapamiento con sus arm贸nicos. De este modo, esta tesis extiende el uso de los sistemas basados en submuestreo para este tipo de entornos, proponiendo t茅cnicas para la elecci贸n de la frecuencia 贸ptima de muestreo que evitan el solapamiento entre se帽ales, a la vez que consiguen incrementar la resoluci贸n del receptor. Finalmente, se presentar谩 la optimizaci贸n en cuanto a caracter铆sticas de ruido de un receptor concreto para aplicaciones de banda dual en entornos no lineales. Dicho receptor estar谩 basado en las t茅cnicas de reloj m煤ltiple presentadas anteriormente y en una estructura de multi-filtro entre el S&H y el ADC. El sistema dise帽ado podr谩 emplearse para diversas aplicaciones a ambos lados de la cadena de comunicaci贸n, tal como en receptores de detecci贸n de espectro para radio cognitiva, o implementando el bucle de realimentaci贸n de un transmisor para la linealizaci贸n de amplificadores de potencia. Por tanto, la presente tesis doctoral cuenta con tres contribuciones diferenciadas. La primera de ellas es la dedicada al dise帽o de un prototipo de recepci贸n multi-est谩ndar basado en submuestreo para aplicaciones de test y certificaci贸n. La segunda aportaci贸n es la dedicada a la optimizaci贸n de las especificaciones de ruido a partir de las t茅cnicas presentadas basadas en reloj m煤ltiple. Por 煤ltimo, la tercera contribuci贸n principal es la relacionada con la extensi贸n de este tipo de t茅cnicas a sistemas multi-banda en entornos no lineales. Todas estas contribuciones han sido estudiadas te贸ricamente y experimentalmente validadas

    Design and Implementation of an RF Front-End for Software Defined Radios

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    Software Defined Radios have brought a major reformation in the design standards for radios, in which a large portion of the functionality is implemented through pro颅 grammable signal processing devices, giving the radio the ability to change its op颅 erating parameters to accommodate new features and capabilities. A software radio approach reduces the content of radio frequency and other analog components of the traditional radios and emphasizes digital signal processing to enhance overall receiver flexibility. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) are a suitable technology for the hardware platform as they offer the potential of hardware-like performance coupled with software-like programmability. Software defined radio is a very broad field, encompassing the design of various technologies all the way from the antenna to RF, IF, and baseband digital design. The RF section primarily consists of analog hardware modules. The IF and baseband sections are primarily digital. It is the general process of the radio to convert the incoming signal from RF to IF and then IF to baseband for better signal processing system. In this thesis, some of major building blocks of a Software defined radio are de颅 signed and implemented using FPGAs. The design of a Digital front end, which provides the bridge between the baseband and analog RF portions of a wireless receiver, is synthesized. The Digital front end receiver consists of a digital down converter(DDC) which in turn comprises of a direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDFS), a phase accumulator and a low pass filter. The signal processing block of the DDFS is executed using Co-ordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) iii Abstract algorithm. Cascaded-Integrator-Comb filters (CIC) are implemented for changing the sample rate of the incoming data. Application of a DDC includes software ra颅 dios, multicarrier, multimode digital receivers, micro and pico cell systems,broadband data applications, instrumentation and test equipment and in-building wireless tele颅 phony. Also, in this thesis, interfaces for connecting Texas Instruments high speed and high resolution Analog-to-Digital converters (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog converters (DAC) with Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAs are also implemented and demonstrated

    Methods and Devices for Modifying Active Paths in a K-Delta-1-Sigma Modulator

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    The invention relates to an improved K-Delta-1-Sigma Modulators (KG1Ss) that achieve multi GHz sampling rates with 90 nm and 45 nm CMOS processes, and that provide the capability to balance performance with power in many applications. The improved KD1Ss activate all paths when high performance is needed (e.g. high bandwidth), and reduce the effective bandwidth by shutting down multiple paths when low performance is required. The improved KD1Ss can adjust the baseband filtering for lower bandwidth, and can provide large savings in power consumption while maintaining the communication link, which is a great advantage in space communications. The improved KD1Ss herein provides a receiver that adjusts to accommodate a higher rate when a packet is received at a low bandwidth, and at a initial lower rate, power is saved by turning off paths in the KD1S Analog to Digital Converter, and where when a higher rate is required, multiple paths are enabled in the KD1S to accommodate the higher band widths

    VLSI low-power digital signal processing

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    FPGA based Uniform Channelizer Implementation

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    Channelizers are widely used in modern digital communication systems. Advanced uniform multirate channelization have been theoretically proved to be capable of reducing the computational load, with a better performance. Therefore, in this thesis, we implement these designs on a FPGA board for the sake of the comprehensive evaluation of resource usage, performance and frequency response. The uniform filter-banks are one of the most essential unit in channelization. The Generalised Discrete Fourier Transform Modulated Filter Bank (GDFT-FB), as an important variant of basic a DFT-FB, has been implemented in FPGA and demonstrated with a better computational saving rather than traditional schemes. Moreover the oversampling version is demonstrated to have a better frequency response with an acceptable amount of extra resources. On the other hand, frequency response masking (FRM) techniques is able to reduce the number of coefficients. Therefore, the full FRM GDFT-FB and alternative narrowband FRM GDFT-FB are both implemented in FPGA platform, in order to achieve a better performance and hardware efficiency

    Portable Waveform Development for Software Defined Radios

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    This work focuses on the question: "How can we build waveforms that can be moved from one platform to another?\u27\u27 Therefore an approach based on the Model Driven Architecture was evaluated. Furthermore, a proof of concept is given with the port of a TETRA waveform from a USRP platform to an SFF SDR platform