
Methods and Devices for Modifying Active Paths in a K-Delta-1-Sigma Modulator


The invention relates to an improved K-Delta-1-Sigma Modulators (KG1Ss) that achieve multi GHz sampling rates with 90 nm and 45 nm CMOS processes, and that provide the capability to balance performance with power in many applications. The improved KD1Ss activate all paths when high performance is needed (e.g. high bandwidth), and reduce the effective bandwidth by shutting down multiple paths when low performance is required. The improved KD1Ss can adjust the baseband filtering for lower bandwidth, and can provide large savings in power consumption while maintaining the communication link, which is a great advantage in space communications. The improved KD1Ss herein provides a receiver that adjusts to accommodate a higher rate when a packet is received at a low bandwidth, and at a initial lower rate, power is saved by turning off paths in the KD1S Analog to Digital Converter, and where when a higher rate is required, multiple paths are enabled in the KD1S to accommodate the higher band widths

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