8 research outputs found

    Verifying Real-Time Systems using Explicit-time Description Methods

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    Timed model checking has been extensively researched in recent years. Many new formalisms with time extensions and tools based on them have been presented. On the other hand, Explicit-Time Description Methods aim to verify real-time systems with general untimed model checkers. Lamport presented an explicit-time description method using a clock-ticking process (Tick) to simulate the passage of time together with a group of global variables for time requirements. This paper proposes a new explicit-time description method with no reliance on global variables. Instead, it uses rendezvous synchronization steps between the Tick process and each system process to simulate time. This new method achieves better modularity and facilitates usage of more complex timing constraints. The two explicit-time description methods are implemented in DIVINE, a well-known distributed-memory model checker. Preliminary experiment results show that our new method, with better modularity, is comparable to Lamport's method with respect to time and memory efficiency

    Safe CCSL Specifications and Marked Graphs

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    International audienceThe Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL) proposes a rich polychronous time model dedicated to the specification of constraints on logical clocks: i.e., sequences of event occurrences. A priori independent clocks are progressively constrained through a set of clock operators that define when an event may occur or not. These operators can be described as labeled transition systems that can potentially have an infinite number of states. A CCSL specification can be scheduled by performing the synchronized product of the transition systems for each operator. Even when some of the composed transition systems are infinite, the number of reachable states in the product may still be finite: the specification is safe. The purpose of this paper is to propose a sufficient condition to detect that the product is actually safe. This is done by abstracting each CCSL constraint (relation and expression) as a marked graph. Detecting that some specific places, called counters, in the resulting marked graph are safe is sufficient to guarantee that the composition is safe

    О корректности моделирования модульных вычислительных систем реального времени с помощью сетей временных автоматов

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    In this paper, we consider a schedulability analysis problem for real-time modular computer systems (RT MCS). A system configuration is called schedulable if all the jobs finish within their deadlines. The authors propose a stopwatch automata-based general model of RT MCS operation. A model instance for a given RT MCS configuration is a network of stopwatch automata (NSA) and it can be built automatically using the general model. A system operation trace, which is necessary for checking the schedulability criterion, can be obtained from the corresponding NSA trace. The paper substantiates the correctness of the proposed approach. A set of correctness requirements to models of system components and to the whole system model were derived from RT MCS specifications. The authors proved that if all models of system components satisfy the corresponding requirements, the whole system model built according to the proposed approach satisfies its correctness requirements and is deterministic (i.e. for a given configuration a trace generated by the corresponding model run is uniquely determined). The model determinism implies that any model run can be used for schedulability analysis. This fact is crucial for the approach efficiency, as the number of possible model runs grows exponentially with the number of jobs in a system. Correctness requirements to models of system components models can be checked automatically by a verifier using observer automata approach. The authors proved by using UPPAAL verifier that all the developed models of system components satisfy the corresponding requirements. User-defined models of system components can be also used for system modeling if they satisfy the requirements.Рассматривается задача проверки допустимости конфигураций модульных вычислительных систем реального времени (МВС РВ). Конфигурация считается допустимой, если все работы успевают выполниться на МВС РВ в рамках своих директивных интервалов. Предложена обобщенная модель функционирования МВС РВ и метод построения на её основе модели для конкретной конфигурации. Модель представляет собой сеть временных автоматов с остановкой таймеров. По вычислению сети автоматов предлагается строить временную диаграмму (ВД) функционирования МВС РВ, необходимую для проверки допустимости. В работе обосновывается корректность предложенного подхода. Из спецификаций на МВС РВ был выделен ряд требований, применимых к моделям МВС РВ и их компонентов на выбранном уровне абстракции. Модели считаются корректными, если удовлетворяют этим требованиям. Доказано, что если все модели компонентов системы удовлетворяют соответствующим требованиям, то модель МВС РВ, построенная согласно предложенному подходу, удовлетворяет требованиям к модели системы в целом (то есть корректна), а также является детерминированной. Под детерминированностью понимается однозначность построения ВД сети автоматов, соответствующей заданной конфигурации. Это позволяет использовать для проверки допустимости конфигурации любое вычисление соответствующей сети автоматов, что крайне важно для эффективности предложенного подхода, так как число возможных вычислений сети автоматов растет экспоненциально с числом работ в системе. Выполнение требований корректности к моделям компонентов системы может быть проверено автоматически с использованием верификатора и подхода автоматов-наблюдателей. Все разработанные нами модели компонентов системы удовлетворяют соответствующим требованиям, что было доказано с помощью верификатора UPPAAL. Если пользовательские модели компонентов системы удовлетворяют требованиям корректности, то они могут быть включены в модель МВС РВ, которая при этом останется корректной и детерминированной

    Safe CCSL Specifications and Marked Graphs

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    International audienceThe Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL) proposes a rich polychronous time model dedicated to the specification of constraints on logical clocks: i.e., sequences of event occurrences. A priori independent clocks are progressively constrained through a set of clock operators that define when an event may occur or not. These operators can be described as labeled transition systems that can potentially have an infinite number of states. A CCSL specification can be scheduled by performing the synchronized product of the transition systems for each operator. Even when some of the composed transition systems are infinite, the number of reachable states in the product may still be finite: the specification is safe. The purpose of this paper is to propose a sufficient condition to detect that the product is actually safe. This is done by abstracting each CCSL constraint (relation and expression) as a marked graph. Detecting that some specific places, called counters, in the resulting marked graph are safe is sufficient to guarantee that the composition is safe

    Decidable and Undecidable Problems in Schedulability Analysis Using Timed Automata

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    We study schedulability problems of timed systems with non-uniformly recurring computation tasks. Assume a set of real time tasks whose best and worst execution times, and deadlines are known. We use timed automata to describe the arrival patterns (and release times) of tasks. From the literature, it is known that the schedulability problem for a large class of such systems is decidable and can be checked efficiently. In this paper, we provide a summary on what is decidable and what is undecidable in schedulability analysis using timed automata. Our main technical contribution is that the schedulability problem will be undecidable if these two conditions hold: (1) the execution times of tasks are intervals and (2) a task is allowed to reset clocks. We show that if one of the above two conditions is dropped, the problem will be decidable again. Thus our result can be used as an indication in identifying classes of timed systems that can be analysed efficiently

    Tool-Supported Formal Analysis of Real-Time Systems

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Verfahren zur effizienten, benutzerfreundlichen Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen entwickelt. Ziel ist die Verbesserung der Entwurfsqualität hinsichtlich von dynamischen/zeitlichen Programmabläufen möglichst ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand seitens des Entwicklers. Dieses erfordert ein Aufsetzen auf Spezifikationen, die bei der Entwicklung ohnehin anfallen. Konkret wird daher untersucht, wie sich Modelle der Unified Modeling Language mit formalen Methoden analysieren lassen und wie diese Analyse automatisiert werden kann. Es wird geklärt, welche Teilmenge von Modellen als Ausgangspunkt für eine dynamische Analyse geeignet ist. Dabei werden in dieser Arbeit drei Analyseziele definiert, die jeweils eine eigene Sprachdefinition erfordern. Wichtiger Bestandteil der Arbeit ist die Realisierung einer automatisierten Analyse. Dabei wird auf formale Techniken wie Model-Checking und auf algorithmische Lösungen der Scheduling-Theorie zurückgegriffen. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass sich verschiedene theoretische Lösungsansätze unter dem Dach einer einheitlichen Notation für den Anwender transparent anwenden lassen und in der Summe zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung der Software- Qualität in einem besonders komplexen Anwendungsgebiet beitragen können.In this work, methods for an efficient and user friendly analysis of real-time systems are developed. The intention is an improvement of the quality of the software design regarding the dynamic/temporal execution runs without additional efforts of the developer. This requires the use of specification models, which are common in the developing process, as basis for the analysis. Therefore, formal analysis of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is investigated and how this analysis can be automated. As precondition, it is investigated, which subset of UML models is well suited for a dynamic analysis. Three domains of an analysis are defined, which requires their own input language definition. An important part of this work is the development of an automated analysis. Therefore, formal methods like model checking and algorithms of the scheduling theory are used. It is shown, that different solution approaches can be hidden behind a well-known notation for improving the quality of software design in a complex application domain

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 11561 and 11562 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019, held in New York City, USA, in July 2019. The 52 full papers presented together with 13 tool papers and 2 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 258 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: automata and timed systems; security and hyperproperties; synthesis; model checking; cyber-physical systems and machine learning; probabilistic systems, runtime techniques; dynamical, hybrid, and reactive systems; Part II: logics, decision procedures; and solvers; numerical programs; verification; distributed systems and networks; verification and invariants; and concurrency