7 research outputs found

    Safety Verification of Communicating One-Counter Machines

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    In order to verify protocols that tag messages with integer values, we investigate the decidability of the reachability problem for systems of communicating one-counter machines. These systems consist of local one-counter machines that asynchronously communicate by exchanging the value of their counters via, a priori unbounded, FIFO channels. This model extends communicating finite-state machines (CFSM) by infinite-state local processes and an infinite message alphabet. The main result of the paper is a complete characterization of the communication topologies that have a solvable reachability question. As already CFSM exclude the possibility of automatic verification in presence of mutual communication, we also consider an under-approximative approach to the reachability problem, based on rendezvous synchronization

    Rational, recognizable, and aperiodic sets in the partially lossy queue monoid

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    Partially lossy queue monoids (or plq monoids) model the behavior of queues that can forget arbitrary parts of their content. While many decision problems on recognizable subsets in the plq monoid are decidable, most of them are undecidable if the sets are rational. In particular, in this monoid the classes of rational and recognizable subsets do not coincide. By restricting multiplication and iteration in the construction of rational sets and by allowing complementation we obtain precisely the class of recognizable sets. From these special rational expressions we can obtain an MSO logic describing the recognizable subsets. Moreover, we provide similar results for the class of aperiodic subsets in the plq monoid

    Bounded Reachability Problems are Decidable in FIFO Machines

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    The undecidability of basic decision problems for general FIFO machines such as reachability and unboundedness is well-known. In this paper, we provide an underapproximation for the general model by considering only runs that are input-bounded (i.e. the sequence of messages sent through a particular channel belongs to a given bounded language). We prove, by reducing this model to a counter machine with restricted zero tests, that the rational-reachability problem (and by extension, control-state reachability, unboundedness, deadlock, etc.) is decidable. This class of machines subsumes input-letter-bounded machines, flat machines, linear FIFO nets, and monogeneous machines, for which some of these problems were already shown to be decidable. These theoretical results can form the foundations to build a tool to verify general FIFO machines based on the analysis of input-bounded machines

    TTSS'11 - 5th International Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software

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    The aim of the workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present and discuss ideas about: • How to deal with the complexity of software projects by multi-view modeling and separation of concerns about the design of functionality, interaction, concurrency, scheduling, and nonfunctional requirements, and • How to ensure correctness and dependability of software by integrating formal methods and tools for modeling, design, verification and validation into design and development processes and environments. • Case studies and experience reports about harnessing static analysis tools such as model checking, theorem proving, testing, as well as runtime monitoring

    Algorithmic Analysis of Infinite-State Systems

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    Many important software systems, including communication protocols and concurrent and distributed algorithms generate infinite state-spaces. Model-checking which is the most prominent algorithmic technique for the verification of concurrent systems is restricted to the analysis of finite-state models. Algorithmic analysis of infinite-state models is complicated--most interesting properties are undecidable for sufficiently expressive classes of infinite-state models. In this thesis, we focus on the development of algorithmic analysis techniques for two important classes of infinite-state models: FIFO Systems and Parameterized Systems. FIFO systems consisting of a set of finite-state machines that communicate via unbounded, perfect, FIFO channels arise naturally in the analysis of distributed protocols. We study the problem of computing the set of reachable states of a FIFO system composed of piecewise components. This problem is closely related to calculating the set of all possible channel contents, i.e. the limit language. We present new algorithms for calculating the limit language of a system with a single communication channel and important subclasses of multi-channel systems. We also discuss the complexity of these algorithms. Furthermore, we present a procedure that translates a piecewise FIFO system to an abridged structure, representing an expressive abstraction of the system. We show that we can analyze the infinite computations of the more concrete model by analyzing the computations of the finite, abridged model. Parameterized systems are a common model of computation for concurrent systems consisting of an arbitrary number of homogenous processes. We study the reachability problem in parameterized systems of infinite-state processes. We describe a framework that combines Abstract Interpretation with a backward-reachability algorithm. Our key idea is to create an abstract domain in which each element (a) represents the lower bound on the number of processes at a control location and (b) employs a numeric abstract domain to capture arithmetic relations among variables of the processes. We also provide an extrapolation operator for the domain to guarantee sound termination of the backward-reachability algorithm

    Vérification formelle de systèmes d'information

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    Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'étude des méthodes formelles de spécification et de vérification dans le cadre des systèmes d'information. Les systèmes d'informations sont des systèmes dynamiques constitués d'entités et d'associations représentées par la composition en parallèle de processus répliqués issus de différentes classes. De plus, ces systèmes font partie de la classe des systèmes paramétrés. On propose un modèle de spécification de systèmes paramétrés, nommé PASTD, qui est adapté aux systèmes d'information et qui est basé sur la notation des diagrammes états-transitions algébriques (ASTD). Puis, on étudie le problème de sûreté pour les PASTD, à travers la méthode de vérification de couverture pour les systèmes de transitions bien structurés (WSTS). Cette méthode repose sur trois conditions principales : la monotonie, le beau préordre et la pred-base effective. Les PASTD sont montrés comme étant monotones et on définit une sous-classe vérifiant la propriété de beau préordre. Enfin, on décrit une nouvelle méthode, adaptée aux systèmes paramétrés, qui explicite un ensemble de conditions permettant de prouver la pred-base effective. Ces conditions définissent une nouvelle classe appelée RMTS (\emph{Ranked Monotone Transition Systems}). Cette méthode est appliquée aux PASTD

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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