1,228 research outputs found

    Decentralized fault-tolerant control of inland navigation networks: a challenge

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    Inland waterways are large-scale networks used principally for navigation. Even if the transport planning is an important issue, the water resource management is a crucial point. Indeed, navigation is not possible when there is too little or too much water inside the waterways. Hence, the water resource management of waterways has to be particularly efficient in a context of climate change and increase of water demand. This management has to be done by considering different time and space scales and still requires the development of new methodologies and tools in the topics of the Control and Informatics communities. This work addresses the problem of waterways management in terms of modeling, control, diagnosis and fault-tolerant control by focusing in the inland waterways of the north of France. A review of proposed tools and the ongoing research topics are provided in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Distributed fault diagnosis for process and sensor faults in a class of interconnected input-output nonlinear discrete-time systems

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    This paper presents a distributed fault diagnosis scheme able to deal with process and sensor faults in an integrated way for a class of interconnected input–output nonlinear uncertain discrete-time systems. A robust distributed fault detection scheme is designed, where each interconnected subsystem is monitored by its respective fault detection agent, and according to the decisions of these agents, further information regarding the type of the fault can be deduced. As it is shown, a process fault occurring in one subsystem can only be detected by its corresponding detection agent whereas a sensor fault in a subsystem can be detected by either its corresponding detection agent or the detection agent of another subsystem that is affected by the subsystem where the sensor fault occurred. This discriminating factor is exploited for the derivation of a high-level isolation scheme.Moreover, process and sensor fault detectability conditions characterising quantitatively the class of detectable faults are derived. Finally, a simulation example is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed distributed fault detection scheme

    Decentralized Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis Scheme for Interconnected Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems

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    This paper deals with the design of a decentralized fault diagnosis and prognosis scheme for interconnected nonlinear discrete-time systems which are modelled as the interconnection of several subsystems. For each subsystem, a local fault detector (LFD) is designed based on the dynamic model of the local subsystem and the local states. Each LFD consists of an observer with an online neural network (NN)-based approximator. The online NN approximators only use local measurements as their inputs, and are always turned on and continuously learn the interconnection as well as possible fault function. A fault is detected by comparing the output of each online NN approximator with a predefined threshold instead of using the residual. Derivation of robust detection thresholds and fault detectability conditions are also included. Due to interconnected nature of the overall system, the effect of faults propagate to other subsystems, thus a fault might be detected in more than one subsystem. Upon detection, faults local to the subsystem and from other subsystems are isolated by using a central fault isolation unit which receives detection time information from all LFDs. The proposed scheme also provides the time-to-failure or remaining useful life information by using local measurements. Simulation results provide the effectiveness of the proposed decentralized fault detection scheme

    Distributed Fault Diagnosis of Interconnected Nonlinear Uncertain Systems

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    Fault diagnosis is crucial in achieving safe and reliable operations of interconnected control systems. This dissertation presents a distributed fault detection and isolation (FDI) method for interconnected nonlinear uncertain systems. The contributions of this dissertation include the following: First, the detection and isolation problem of process faults in a class of interconnected input-output nonlinear uncertain systems is investigated. A novel fault detection and isolation scheme is devised, and the fault detectability and isolability conditions are rigorously investigated, characterizing the class of faults in each subsystem that are detectable and isolable by the proposed distributed FDI method. Second, a distributed sensor fault FDI scheme is developed in a class of interconnected input-output nonlinear systems where only the measurable part of state variables are directly affected by the interconnections between subsystems. A class of multimachine power systems is used as an application example to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Third, the previous results are extended to a class of interconnected input-output nonlinear systems where both the unknown and the measurable part of system states of each subsystem are directly affected by the interconnections between subsystems. In this case, the fault propagation effect among subsystems directly affects the unknown part of state variables of each subsystem. Thus, the problem considered is more challenging than what is described above. Finally, a fault detection scheme is presented for a more general distributed nonlinear systems. With a removal of a restrictive limitation on the system model structure, the results described above are extended to a class of interconnected nonlinear uncertain systems with a more general structure. In addition, the effectiveness of the above fault diagnosis schemes is illustrated by using simulations of interconnected inverted pendulums mounted on carts and multi-machine power systems. Different fault scenarios are considered to verify the diagnosis performances, and the satisfactory performances of the proposed diagnosis scheme are validated by the good simulation results. Some interesting future research work is also discussed

    Robust model-based fault estimation and fault-tolerant control : towards an integration

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    To maintain robustly acceptable system performance, fault estimation (FE) is adopted to reconstruct fault signals and a fault-tolerant control (FTC) controller is employed to compensate for the fault effects. The inevitably existing system and estimation uncertainties result in the so-called bi-directional robustness interactions defined in this work between the FE and FTC functions, which gives rise to an important and challenging yet open integrated FE/FTC design problem concerned in this thesis. An example of fault-tolerant wind turbine pitch control is provided as a practical motivation for integrated FE/FTC design.To achieve the integrated FE/FTC design for linear systems, two strategies are proposed. A H∞ optimization based approach is first proposed for linear systems with differentiable matched faults, using augmented state unknown input observer FE and adaptive sliding mode FTC. The integrated design is converted into an observer-based robust control problem solved via a single-step linear matrix inequality formulation.With the purpose of an integrated design with more freedom and also applicable for a range of general fault scenarios, a decoupling approach is further proposed. This approach can estimate and compensate unmatched non-differentiable faults and perturbations by combined adaptive sliding mode augmented state unknown input observer and backstepping FTC controller. The observer structure renders a recovery of the Separation Principle and allows great freedom for the FE/FTC designs.Integrated FE/FTC design strategies are also developed for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelling nonlinear systems, Lipschitz nonlinear systems, and large-scale interconnected systems, based on extensions of the H∞ optimization approach for linear systems.Tutorial examples are used to illustrate the design strategies for each approach. Physical systems, a 3-DOF (degree-of-freedom) helicopter and a 3-machine power system, are used to provide further evaluation of the proposed integrated FE/FTC strategies. Future research on this subject is also outlined

    Fault diagnosis for uncertain networked systems

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    Fault diagnosis has been at the forefront of technological developments for several decades. Recent advances in many engineering fields have led to the networked interconnection of various systems. The increased complexity of modern systems leads to a larger number of sources of uncertainty which must be taken into consideration and addressed properly in the design of monitoring and fault diagnosis architectures. This chapter reviews a model-based distributed fault diagnosis approach for uncertain nonlinear large-scale networked systems to specifically address: (a) the presence of measurement noise by devising a filtering scheme for dampening the effect of noise; (b) the modeling of uncertainty by developing an adaptive learning scheme; (c) the uncertainty issues emerging when considering networked systems such as the presence of delays and packet dropouts in the communication networks. The proposed architecture considers in an integrated way the various components of complex distributed systems such as the physical environment, the sensor level, the fault diagnosers, and the communication networks. Finally, some actions taken after the detection of a fault, such as the identification of the fault location and its magnitude or the learning of the fault function, are illustrated

    A distributed networked approach for fault detection of large-scale systems

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    Networked systems present some key new challenges in the development of fault diagnosis architectures. This paper proposes a novel distributed networked fault detection methodology for large-scale interconnected systems. The proposed formulation incorporates a synchronization methodology with a filtering approach in order to reduce the effect of measurement noise and time delays on the fault detection performance. The proposed approach allows the monitoring of multi-rate systems, where asynchronous and delayed measurements are available. This is achieved through the development of a virtual sensor scheme with a model-based re-synchronization algorithm and a delay compensation strategy for distributed fault diagnostic units. The monitoring architecture exploits an adaptive approximator with learning capabilities for handling uncertainties in the interconnection dynamics. A consensus-based estimator with timevarying weights is introduced, for improving fault detectability in the case of variables shared among more than one subsystem. Furthermore, time-varying threshold functions are designed to prevent false-positive alarms. Analytical fault detectability sufficient conditions are derived and extensive simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the distributed fault detection technique

    Model based fault diagnosis and prognosis of nonlinear systems

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    Rapid technological advances have led to more and more complex industrial systems with significantly higher risk of failures. Therefore, in this dissertation, a model-based fault diagnosis and prognosis framework has been developed for fast and reliable detection of faults and prediction of failures in nonlinear systems. In the first paper, a unified model-based fault diagnosis scheme capable of detecting both additive system faults and multiplicative actuator faults, as well as approximating the fault dynamics, performing fault type determination and time-to-failure determination, is designed. Stability of the observer and online approximator is guaranteed via an adaptive update law. Since outliers can degrade the performance of fault diagnostics, the second paper introduces an online neural network (NN) based outlier identification and removal scheme which is then combined with a fault detection scheme to enhance its performance. Outliers are detected based on the estimation error and a novel tuning law prevents the NN weights from being affected by outliers. In the third paper, in contrast to papers I and II, fault diagnosis of large-scale interconnected systems is investigated. A decentralized fault prognosis scheme is developed for such systems by using a network of local fault detectors (LFD) where each LFD only requires the local measurements. The online approximators in each LFD learn the unknown interconnection functions and the fault dynamics. Derivation of robust detection thresholds and detectability conditions are also included. The fourth paper extends the decentralized fault detection from paper III and develops an accommodation scheme for nonlinear continuous-time systems. By using both detection and accommodation online approximators, the control inputs are adjusted in order to minimize the fault effects. Finally in the fifth paper, the model-based fault diagnosis of distributed parameter systems (DPS) with parabolic PDE representation in continuous-time is discussed where a PDE-based observer is designed to perform fault detection as well as estimating the unavailable system states. An adaptive online approximator is incorporated in the observer to identify unknown fault parameters. Adaptive update law guarantees the convergence of estimations and allows determination of remaining useful life --Abstract, page iv

    Distributed fault estimation for linear systems with actuator faults

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    This article investigates the problem of designing a distributed fault estimation observer (DFEO) for a given linear time invariant observed system with disturbances. The DFEO consists of a network of local fault estimation observers. The local observers at the network nodes are physically distributed and hence each of them has access to only part of the output of the observed system. Each local fault estimation observer communicates with its neighbors as prescribed by the given network graph. Both full order and reduced order DFEO's are presented in this article. A systematic design procedure for DFEO gains is addressed, enabling the estimation error dynamics to be robust against the effects of the external process disturbance and the derivative of the fault. The numerical design of our DFEO is amounts to solving an optimization problem with constraints of a bank of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed distributed fault estimation approach by means of a number of simulation results