309 research outputs found

    Deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance in flexible manufacturing systems using petri net models

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    Deadlocks constitute an important issue to be addressed in the design and operation of FMSs. It is shown that prevention and avoidance of FMS deadlocks can be implemented using Petri net models. For deadlock prevention, the reachability graph of a Petri net model of the given FMS is used, whereas for deadlock avoidance, a Petri-net-based online controller is proposed. The modeling of the General Electric FMS at Erie, PA, is discussed. For such real-world systems, deadlock prevention using the reachability graph is not feasible. A generic, Petri-net-based online controller for implementing deadlock avoidance in such real-world FMSs is developed

    Formal Methods in Factory Automation

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    Study for the design of a management system for AGV networks

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    Automated Guided Vehicles are a vital part of the future intelligent manufacturing processes. In order to make the better profit, it is important to study if deadlocks can occur and how to tackle them. In this project we demonstrate how Petri Net models, which are perfect for representing deadlocks, can be mapped in the simulation software FlexSim. Eventually, we are using this software in order to evaluate different study cases with deadlocks

    Synthesis of Liveness-Enforcing Petri Net Supervisors Based on a Think-Globally-Act-Locally Approach and a Structurally Minimal Method for Flexible Manufacturing Systems

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    This paper proposes a deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) based on a think-globally-act-locally approach and a structurally minimal method. First, by using the think-globally-act-locally approach, a global idle place is temporarily added to a Petri net model with deadlocks. Then, at each iteration, an integer linear programming problem is formulated to design a minimal number of maximally permissive control places. Therefore, a supervisor with a low structural complexity is obtained since the number of control places is greatly compressed. Finally, by adding the designed supervisor, the resulting net model is optimally or near-optimally controlled. Three examples from the literature are used to illustrate the proposed method

    Algoritam za sprječavanje zastoja temeljen na uzastopnoj kontroli sifona Petrijeve mreže

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    This paper presents a formal calculation method of a deadlock prevention supervisor by the use of Petri nets. The proposed algorithm uses reachability tree to detect deadlock state and iterative siphon control method to synthesize the deadlock prevention supervisor. Such supervisor is maximally permissive and consists of minimal number of control places. The algorithm is intended for reversible or partially reversible P-T Petri net, but it can also be applied to Ordinary Petri nets. The calculation of the supervisor is illustrated by two examples. The first example shows the synthesis of deadlock prevention supervisor in a manufacturing system consisting of three conveyors and three robots, where the deadlock can occur due to concurrent requests of the conveyors for the robot engagements and unpredictable duration of those engagements. The second example shows the synthesis of deadlock prevention supervisor in a marine traffic system, where dangerous vessel deadlock situations may occur in case of vessels\u27 irregular motion through the system. To avoid this, the vessel traffic is supervised and controlled by traffic lights using the deadlock prevention supervisor, which is responsible for vessels\u27 stopping only in the case of dangerous situation and until this situation elapses.Članak opisuje formalnu metodu proračuna nadzornika za sprječavanje zastoja korištenjem Petrijevih mreža. Predloženi algoritam koristi stablo dostupnih stanja za detekciju stanja zastoja i metodu uzastopne kontrole sifona za sintezu nadzornika za sprječavanje zastoja. Nadzornik je najviše dopuštajući i sadrži najmanji broj kontrolnih mjesta. Algoritam je namijenjen za reverzibilne ili djelomično reverzibilne P-T Petrijeve mreže, ali se može koristiti i za obične Petrijeve mreže. Proračun nadzornika pokazan je na dva primjera. Prvi primjer prikazuje sintezu nadzornika za sprječavanje zastoja u fleksibilnom proizvodnom sustavu s tri robota i tri proizvodne trake, gdje se zastoj može dogoditi zbog međusobnog natjecanja transportnih traka za angažiranjem robota te zbog nepredvidljivosti trajanja tih angažmana. Drugi primjer prikazuje sintezu nadzornika u pomorskom prometnom sustavu, gdje se opasne situacije zastoja plovila mogu dogoditi poradi neodgovarajućeg pomicanja plovila kroz sustav. Da bi se to izbjeglo, promet plovila se nadzire i upravlja pomoću svjetlosne signalizacije korištenjem nadzornika za sprječavanje zastoja, koji je odgovoran za zaustavljanje plovila samo u slučaju opasnog stanja te dok to stanje ne nestane

    Modeling sequential resource allocation systems using Extended Finite Automata

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    Deadlock avoidance for resource allocation systems (RAS) is a well-established problem in the Discrete Event System (DES) literature. This paper is mainly concerned with modeling the class of Conjunctive / Disjunctive sequential resource allocation systems (C/D RAS) as finite automata extended with variables. The proposed modeling approach allows for modeling multiple instance execution, routing flexibility and failure handling. With an appropriate model of the system, a symbolic approach is then used to synthesize the optimal supervisor, in the least restrictive sense. Furthermore, a set of compact logical formulae can be extracted and attached to the original model, which results in a modular and comprehensible representation of the supervisor

    Simulating Train Dispatching Logic with High-Level Petri Nets

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    Railway simulation is commonly used as a tool for planning and analysis of railway traffic in operational, tactical and strategical level. During the simulation, a typical problem is a deadlock, i.e. a specific composition of trains on a simulated section positioned in such a way that they are blocking each other\u27s paths. Deadlock avoidance is very important in the simulation of railways because deadlock can stop the simulation, and significantly affect the simulation results. Simulation of train movements on a single track line requires implantation of additional rules and principles of train spacing and movement as train paths are more often in conflict than on a double track line. A High-level Petri Nets simulation model that detects and manages train path conflicts on a single track railway line is presented. Module for train management is connected to other modules on a hierarchical High-level Petri net. The model was tested on a busy single track mainline between Hrpelje-Kozina and Koper in south-western Slovenia

    Comparison and Evaluation of Deadlock Prevention Methods for Different Size Automated Manufacturing Systems

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    In automated manufacturing systems (AMSs), deadlocks problems can arise due to limited shared resources. Petri nets are an effective tool to prevent deadlocks in AMSs. In this paper, a simulation based on existing deadlock prevention policies and different Petri net models are considered to explore whether a permissive liveness-enforcing Petri net supervisor can provide better time performance. The work of simulation is implemented as follows. (1) Assign the time to the controlled Petri net models, which leads to timed Petri nets. (2) Build the Petri net model using MATLAB software. (3) Run and simulate the model, and simulation results are analyzed to determine which existing policies are suitable for different systems. Siphons and iterative methods are used for deadlocks prevention. Finally, the computational results show that the selected deadlock policies may not imply high resource utilization and plant productivity, which have been shown theoretically in previous publications. However, for all selected AMSs, the iterative methods always lead to structurally and computationally complex liveness-enforcing net supervisors compared to the siphons methods. Moreover, they can provide better behavioral permissiveness than siphons methods for small systems. For large systems, a strict minimal siphon method leads to better behavioral permissiveness than the other methods