1,251 research outputs found

    The Validation of the Information Systems Success Model: LMS Integration during Covid-19

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    This study adapted DeLone & McLean information system success model (D&M IS success model) regarding the implementation of learning management system (LMS) during Covid-19. Six variables are included; system quality, information quality, service quality, system usage, user satisfaction, and net benefits with 23 initial items. A total of 279 undergraduate students from a public university in Indonesia participated in this study. The factor structure of the instrument was investigated using a survey design. The survey data were calculated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Six variables emerged from the EFA methods, establishing a valid and reliable model; a few items were eliminated due to cross-loading. The suggested model was successfully mapped as a consequence of the results. The CFA confirmed that the instrument was suitable for the Indonesian setting. The findings led to the development of 19 reliable and valid items. The measured scale has psychometric qualities, allowing for future research with a tool to capture D & M IS success model technology integration

    Gamification: a key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC) success

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    Massive open online courses (MOOCs), contribute significantly to individual empowerment because they can help people learn about a wide range of topics. To realize the full potential of MOOCs, we need to understand their factors of success, here defined as the use, user satisfaction, along the individual and organizational performance resulting from the user involvement. We propose a theoretical framework to identify the determinants of successful MOOCs, and empirically measure these factors in a real MOOC context. We put forward the role of gamification and suggest that, together with information system (IS) theory, gamification proved to play a crucial role in the success of MOOCs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The Conditions for Repository Knowledge Management System Success in New Product Development

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    To address the challenges of knowledge sharing in new product development (NPD) processes, many companies implement knowledge management systems (KMSs). KMS projects are, however, often not successful, and the literature disagrees on which factors affect their success. To advance this knowledge, the present study investigates the conditions for KMS success in NPD processes through a series of interviews with NPD professionals. This process identifies 43 concepts, organized under 17 dimensions, influencing the success of repository KMSs. Through the identification of relationships between these dimensions, a conceptual model describing the conditions for KMS success is developed. The study hereby provides two main overall contributions. First, as compared to existing models, the present model provides a more detailed and complete account of the factors that influence KMS success. Second, the study identifies four main characteristics that set KMS projects apart from other enterprise information system projects

    The Role of Formal and Informal Learning Systems in Virtual Learning Environments

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    Online learning systems are the norm in today’s educational institutions. However, students also use social networking applications for learning, and we seek to understand the use and effectiveness of such informal (social networking application based learning) systems on learning. We analyze the design characteristics of formal and informal learning systems, in an educational environment, to develop and test a model of their impact on learning outcomes. We find students attention, volume, velocity, access to information, and their degree of control over their use of the learning systems drives their learning success

    Success factors for e-learning in business organizations: a qualitative study

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies Managemente-learning has received a consistent upswing during the last years. Promising individualized and costeffective facilitation of knowledge transfer, many business organizations have already adopted elearning initiatives. Despite this importance, however, the study situation covering its success factors is fragmented. A large majority studied e-learning in the university context, while others focused on the influence of specific factors, resulting in findings that are only partially transferable. Following a natural science research approach, this study seeks to close this research gap and provide a better understanding of e-learning success in (business) organizations. By conducting extensive literature research, it first identifies the most prevalent success factors for organizational e-learning and groups them into four domains. A bibliographical analysis then unveils four potential interrelationships among these domains. Based on these findings, eight assumptions are developed and consolidated into a research model. Through a focus group study with six participants experienced in organizational elearning, the model is consequently validated. The results show that all four identified success domains and their respective success factors exert a significant influence on organizational e-learning success. In addition, three of the four identified interrelationships between these success domains are confirmed. Ultimately, the adapted success model provides an actionable and holistic reference point for e-learning decision-makers to optimize their organizational e-learning initiatives

    Analysis of Success Factors of E-Learning

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    E-learning is being considered one crucial method of education, and various models and methods are being used to test its implementation and accomplishments. Among many, the DeLone MacLean information success (IS) success model is the most widely used in the assessment of e-learning systems’ success evaluation. The aim of this research was to study the effectiveness of the platforms used in e-learning at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. In this study, we used the D&M IS Success Model to examine whether e-learning can be a successful transmitter of knowledge. Our intention was to assess the success of e-learning by the D&M IS Success Model, define the impact of current e-learning practice on individuals, and identify the factors that affect the quality. The survey covered 685 undergraduate and graduate students of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Results demonstrated that high-quality systems and information upsurge the individual impact. In addition, increased and continuous usage of e-learning systems plays a mediating role between system quality and individual impact. To ensure the continuous use and effectiveness of e-learning systems, special attention should be paid to factors such as service quality, systems’ simplicity and flexibility, and customer satisfaction

    An extended information system success model for mobile learning usage in Saudi Arabia universities

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    The emergence of 4G networks allows m-learning to be attractive for educational systems. Mobile devices have the potential to enhance accessibility and efficiency distribution of educational materials and information. Developing countries, especially in the Middle East, lag behind as they face difficulties in the adoption and use of m-learning. Previous researches stated that the studies in the success of m-learning are still insufficient in developing countries, particularly in Saudi Arabia where the number of students involved in m-learning also constitutes low percentages. Nine factors that influence the success of m-learning are incorporated and evaluated into a research model. A quantitative approach was used, where questionnaires were sent to three universities in KSA. The contributing factors and the relationships between them were evaluated using a Structural Equation Modelling technique. The research revealed that information quality, user satisfaction (US), trust in technology, attitude, organisation support, trust in organisation, and the net benefits of m-learning positively influence m-learning usage. In addition, the results confirmed that user satisfaction is positively affected by system quality (SEQ), service quality (SQ), and net benefits (NB) of using (U) the system. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between NB and US for m-learning technology. This study extends the previous research by providing a conceptual model for the successful execution of m-learning services in universities. This mediating effect of US explains the impact of independent variables (IQ, SEQ, SQ) on U. It also examined the mediating effect of U in explaining the influence of US on the NB using m-learning services. The findings of this study are valuable as input for the Ministry of Higher Education and practitioners concerned with successful m-learning services. This study constructed a new model to enhance the mobile learning usage among students in universities

    An information systems' model of internal communication with and between teachers, as internal stakeholders, in portuguese public schools

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    A comunicação interna constitui um fator chave para o bom funcionamento das organizações e uma vantagem competitiva. O envolvimento dos stakeholders internos é uma questão fundamental para o futuro de qualquer organização. Igualmente importante é, também, definir uma política de comunicação interna crucial para a cooperação e motivar a relação entre os stakeholders. Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo no âmbito da comunicação interna com os professores, enquanto stakeholders internos, nas Escolas Públicas Portuguesas nas seguintes dimensões: papel da comunicação interna, veículos de comunicação, níveis de satisfação, democratização e abertura do conselho escolar e plataforma Moodle como veículo de comunicação. As técnicas utilizadas para a recolha de dados foram as seguintes: análise documental, entrevistas estruturadas e questionário estruturado. No que diz respeito ao questionário, este foi aplicado nos meses de fevereiro, março e abril de 2017 aos professores de 53 Escolas Públicas Portuguesas. O número de respostas foi de 191. A análise fatorial foi a principal técnica utilizada para encontrar os fatores subjacentes às opiniões e comportamentos dos stakeholders. Este estudo permitiu verificar que as dimensões estudadas desempenham um papel determinante e que uma comunicação interna adequada é um instrumento que melhora a organização das Escolas Públicas Portuguesas na prossecução dos seus objetivos, tornando-se cada vez mais ativas no seu meio ambiente. Finalmente, com base em todo o trabalho desenvolvido, esta pesquisa propõe um novo modelo de Sistema de Informação bem-sucedida, baseado no modelo DeLone e McLean (2003), que permite conhecer a satisfação dos stakeholders internos nas Escolas Públicas Portuguesas, no contexto da comunicação interna, utilizando o Moodle como ferramenta de comunicação. Em suma, este estudo demonstra como a comunicação organizacional interna é um fator organizacional importante nas Escolas Públicas Portuguesas, que melhora o desempenho dos professores, enquanto stakeholders internos.Internal communication is a key factor for the sound functioning of organisations and a competitive advantage. The involvement of the internal stakeholders is a key issue for the future of any organisation. Equally important is also to define a crucial internal communication policy for cooperation and to motivate the relationship between their stakeholders. This research presents a study within the scope of internal communication with teachers, as internal stakeholders, in Portuguese Public Schools in the following dimensions: role of internal communication, communication vehicles, levels of satisfaction, democratisation and opening of the school board and the Moodle Platform as communication vehicle. The techniques used for data collection were document analysis, structured interviews and a structured questionnaire. With regard to the questionnaire, it was applied in the months of February, March and April 2017 to the teachers of 53 Portuguese Public Schools. The number of responses was 191. Factor analysis was the main technique used to uncover the underlying factors behind stakeholders’ opinions and behaviours. This study allowed to verify that the dimensions studied play a determinant role and that an appropriate internal communication is an instrument that enhances Portuguese Public Schools’ organisation in pursuing their goals and becoming more and more active in their environment. Finally, based on all the work developed, this research study proposes a new successful model of an Information System based on the DeLone and McLean (2003) model, which allows knowing the satisfaction of internal stakeholders in Portuguese Public Schools, in the context of internal communication, using the Moodle Platform as communication tool. In short, this study shows how internal organisational communication is an important organisational factor in Portuguese Public Schools, which improves teachers’ performance, as internal stakeholders

    Learners’ Perspective on Critical Factors to LMS Success in Blended Learning: An Empirical Investigation

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    The use of Learning Management System (LMS) in academic institutions is becoming an imperative for many institutions. The success of LMS in academic institutions may be initiated by instructors’ adoption; however, LMS survives in the long run by learners’ continuous adoption and use. Consequently, the objective of this article is to examine the critical factors that influence the success of LMS in blended learning in terms of actual usage, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user satisfaction from the learners’ perspective. The study also examines how these success measures impact learners’ continuous intention to use LMS in blended learning. These critical factors are related to the major entities of LMS adoption: learner characteristics (computer anxiety, technology experience, self-efficacy, and personal innovativeness), instructor characteristics (attitude, teaching style, control, and responsiveness), LMS characteristics (system quality, information quality, and service quality), classmates characteristics (attitude and interaction), course characteristics (quality and flexibility), and organization characteristics (management support and training). Based on 512 learners, the results showed that all of these factors are critical to one or several success measures, except for learner self-efficacy, instructor online responsiveness, and management support. The results also showed that all success measures are critical to learners’ continuous intention to use LMS in blended learning

    The Antecedents And Outcomes Of User Satisfaction In E-Training

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    E-latihan telah berkembang menjadi satu cara revolusi pembelajaran di organisasi-organisasi kebelakangan ini disebabkan oleh perkembangan pesat infrastruktur teknologi maklumat di Malaysia. E-training has developed into a revolutionary way of learning in organizations in recent years due to rapid growth in information technology infrastructure in Malaysia