34 research outputs found

    European Journal of Combinatorics Index, Volume 26

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    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications

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    Bibliography on graph theory and its application

    Between primitive and 2-transitive : synchronization and its friends

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    The second author was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) through the project CEMAT-CIÊNCIAS UID/Multi/ 04621/2013An automaton (consisting of a finite set of states with given transitions) is said to be synchronizing if there is a word in the transitions which sends all states of the automaton to a single state. Research on this topic has been driven by the Černý conjecture, one of the oldest and most famous problems in automata theory, according to which a synchronizing n-state automaton has a reset word of length at most (n − 1)2 . The transitions of an automaton generate a transformation monoid on the set of states, and so an automaton can be regarded as a transformation monoid with a prescribed set of generators. In this setting, an automaton is synchronizing if the transitions generate a constant map. A permutation group G on a set Ω is said to synchronize a map f if the monoid (G, f) generated by G and f is synchronizing in the above sense; we say G is synchronizing if it synchronizes every non-permutation. The classes of synchronizing groups and friends form an hierarchy of natural and elegant classes of groups lying strictly between the classes of primitive and 2-homogeneous groups. These classes have been floating around for some years and it is now time to provide a unified reference on them. The study of all these classes has been prompted by the Černý conjecture, but it is of independent interest since it involves a rich mix of group theory, combinatorics, graph endomorphisms, semigroup theory, finite geometry, and representation theory, and has interesting computational aspects as well. So as to make the paper self-contained, we have provided background material on these topics. Our purpose here is to present recent work on synchronizing groups and related topics. In addition to the results that show the connections between the various areas of mathematics mentioned above, we include a new result on the Černý conjecture (a strengthening of a theorem of Rystsov), some challenges to finite geometers (which classical polar spaces can be partitioned into ovoids?), some thoughts about infinite analogues, and a long list of open problems to stimulate further work.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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    Efficient methods for read mapping

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    DNA sequencing is the mainstay of biological and medical research. Modern sequencing machines can read millions of DNA fragments, sampling the underlying genomes at high-throughput. Mapping the resulting reads to a reference genome is typically the first step in sequencing data analysis. The problem has many variants as the reads can be short or long with a low or high error rate for different sequencing technologies, and the reference can be a single genome or a graph representation of multiple genomes. Therefore, it is crucial to develop efficient computational methods for these different problem classes. Moreover, continually declining sequencing costs and increasing throughput pose challenges to the previously developed methods and tools that cannot handle the growing volume of sequencing data. This dissertation seeks to advance the state-of-the-art in the established field of read mapping by proposing more efficient and scalable read mapping methods as well as tackling emerging new problem areas. Specifically, we design ultra-fast methods to map two types of reads: short reads for high-throughput chromatin profiling and nanopore raw reads for targeted sequencing in real-time. In tune with the characteristics of these types of reads, our methods can scale to larger sequencing data sets or map more reads correctly compared with the state-of-the-art mapping software. Furthermore, we propose two algorithms for aligning sequences to graphs, which is the foundation of mapping reads to graph-based reference genomes. One algorithm improves the time complexity of existing sequence to graph alignment algorithms for linear or affine gap penalty. The other algorithm provides good empirical performance in the case of the edit distance metric. Finally, we mathematically formulate the problem of validating paired-end read constraints when mapping sequences to graphs, and propose an exact algorithm that is also fast enough for practical use.Ph.D