1,693 research outputs found

    Data-driven machine criticality assessment – maintenance decision support for increased productivity

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    Data-driven decision support for maintenance management is necessary for modern digitalized production systems. The data-driven approach enables analyzing the dynamic production system in realtime. Common problems within maintenance management are that maintenance decisions are experience-driven, narrow-focussed and static. Specifically, machine criticality assessment is a tool that is used in manufacturing companies to plan and prioritize maintenance activities. The maintenance problems are well exemplified by this tool in industrial practice. The tool is not trustworthy, seldomupdated and focuses on individual machines. Therefore, this paper aims at the development and validation of a framework for a data-driven machine criticality assessment tool. The tool supports prioritization and planning of maintenance decisions with a clear goal of increasing productivity. Four empirical cases were studied by employing a multiple case study methodology. The framework provides guidelines for maintenance decision-making by combining the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) data with a systems perspective. The results show that by employing data-driven decision support within the maintenance organization, it can truly enable modern digitalized production systems to achieve higher levels of productivity

    Artificial intelligence for throughput bottleneck analysis – State-of-the-art and future directions

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    Identifying, and eventually eliminating throughput bottlenecks, is a key means to increase throughput and productivity in production systems. In the real world, however, eliminating throughput bottlenecks is a challenge. This is due to the landscape of complex factory dynamics, with several hundred machines operating at any given time. Academic researchers have tried to develop tools to help identify and eliminate throughput bottlenecks. Historically, research efforts have focused on developing analytical and discrete event simulation modelling approaches to identify throughput bottlenecks in production systems. However, with the rise of industrial digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI), academic researchers explored different ways in which AI might be used to eliminate throughput bottlenecks, based on the vast amounts of digital shop floor data. By conducting a systematic literature review, this paper aims to present state-of-the-art research efforts into the use of AI for throughput bottleneck analysis. To make the work of the academic AI solutions more accessible to practitioners, the research efforts are classified into four categories: (1) identify, (2) diagnose, (3) predict and (4) prescribe. This was inspired by real-world throughput bottleneck management practice. The categories, identify and diagnose focus on analysing historical throughput bottlenecks, whereas predict and prescribe focus on analysing future throughput bottlenecks. This paper also provides future research topics and practical recommendations which may help to further push the boundaries of the theoretical and practical use of AI in throughput bottleneck analysis

    Data-driven approach for diagnostic analysis of dynamic bottlenecks in serial manufacturing systems

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    A variety of established approaches exist for the detection of dynamic bottlenecks. Furthermore, the prediction of bottlenecks is experiencing a growing scientific interest, quantifiable by the increasing number of publications in recent years. Neglected, on the other hand, is the diagnosis of occurring bottlenecks. Detection methods may determine the current location of a bottleneck, while predictive approaches may indicate the location of an upcoming bottleneck. However, mere knowledge of current and future bottlenecks does not enable concrete actions to be taken to avoid the bottlenecks, nor does it open up any immediate advantage for manufacturing companies. Since small and medium-sized companies in particular have limited resources, they cannot implement improvement measures for every bottleneck that occurs. Due to the shifts of dynamic bottlenecks, the selection of the mostsuitable stations in the value stream becomes more difficult. This paper therefore contributes to the neglected field of bottleneck diagnosis. First, we propose two data-driven metrics, relative bottleneck frequency and relative bottleneck severity, which allow a quantitative assessment of the respective bottleneck situations. For validation purposes, we apply these metrics in nine selected scenarios generated using discrete event simulation in a value stream with a serial manufacturing line. Finally, we evaluate and discuss the results.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Bottleneck identification and analysis for an underground blast cycle operation

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    Increasing demand for raw materials and base metals together with severe environmental regulations influence mining operations to be more economic, competitive, and sustainable. Since mining involve numerous operations which difficulty ranges from simple to very complex, each of them need proper design, performance and optimization. Mining operations including activities within blasting cycle affects productivity the most, and thereby their planning and performance is the most important from production point of view. Since blasting cycle operations include many complex activities where many inner and outer factors have an influence on operating efficiency, it is crucial to thoroughly investigate the system every time new problems arise or when looking for improvements. According to Theory of Constraints every production system has at least one bottleneck. Blast cycle operations may be treated as a system regarding production. Therefore, there is/are constraint(s) which should be solved and bottleneck(s) should be debottlenecked. It is in demand to properly identify constraints within the blasting cycle operations and subsequently take measures to improve them for enhanced production results. Due to system complexity and presence of many factors and variables it is efficient to use some techniques that will facilitate analysis. Discrete event simulation approach makes it possible to analyze underground mining operations and identify critical points where improvements could be made. In these thesis computer simulation approach, together with concepts derived from theory of constraints were used to identify bottleneck and perform its analysis. Many simulations were conducted to search for improvements and indicate those with the highest potential for development and increase of production

    Research on fault detection for three types of wind turbine subsystems using machine learning

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    2020 by the authors. In wind power generation, one aim of wind turbine control is to maintain it in a safe operational status while achieving cost-effective operation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate new techniques for wind turbine fault detection based on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system data in order to avoid unscheduled shutdowns. The proposed method starts with analyzing and determining the fault indicators corresponding to a failure mode. Three main system failures including generator failure, converter failure and pitch system failure are studied. First, the indicators data corresponding to each of the three key failures are extracted from the SCADA system, and the radar charts are generated. Secondly, the convolutional neural network with ResNet50 as the backbone network is selected, and the fault model is trained using the radar charts to detect the fault and calculate the detection evaluation indices. Thirdly, the support vector machine classifier is trained using the support vector machine method to achieve fault detection. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed radar chart-based methods, support vector regression analysis is also employed to build the fault detection model. By analyzing and comparing the fault detection accuracy among these three methods, it is found that the fault detection accuracy by the models developed using the convolutional neural network is obviously higher than the other two methods applied given the same data condition. Therefore, the newly proposed method for wind turbine fault detection is proved to be more effective

    An algorithm for data-driven shifting bottleneck detection

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    Manufacturing companies continuously capture shop floor information using sensors technologies, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning systems. The volumes of data collected by these technologies are growing and the pace of that growth is accelerating. Manufacturing data is constantly changing but immediately relevant. Collecting and analysing them on a real-time basis can lead to increased productivity. Particularly, prioritising improvement activities such as cycle time improvement, setup time reduction and maintenance activities on bottleneck machines is an important part of the operations management process on the shop floor to improve productivity. The first step in that process is the identification of bottlenecks. This paper introduces a purely data-driven shifting bottleneck detection algorithm to identify the bottlenecks from the real-time data of the machines as captured by MES. The developed algorithm detects the current bottleneck at any given time, the average and the non-bottlenecks over a time interval. The algorithm has been tested over real-world MES data sets of two manufacturing companies, identifying the potentials and the prerequisites of the data-driven method. The main prerequisite of the proposed data-driven method is that all the states of the machine should be monitored by MES during the production run

    Production Systems with Deteriorating Product Quality : System-Theoretic Approach

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    Manufacturing systems with perishable products are widely seen in practice (e.g., food, metal processing, etc.). In such systems, the quality of a part is highly dependent on its residence time within the system. However, the behavior and properties of these systems have not been studied systematically, and, therefore, is carried out in this dissertation. Specifically, it was assumed that the probability that each unfinished part is of good quality is a decreasing function of its residence time in the preceding buffer. Then, in the framework of serial production lines with machines having Bernoulli and geometric reliability models, closed-form formulas for performance evaluation in the two-machine line case were derived, and develop an aggregation-based procedure to approximate the performance measures in M\u3e2-machine lines. In addition, the monotonicity properties of these production lines using numerical experiments were studied. A case study in an automotive stamping plant is described to illustrate the theoretical results obtained. Also, Bernoulli serial lines with controlled parts released was analyzed for both deterministic and stochastic releases. Finally, bottleneck analysis in Bernoulli serial lines with deteriorating product quality were studied

    Developing Leading and Lagging Indicators to Enhance Equipment Reliability in a Lean System

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    With increasing complexity in equipment, the failure rates are becoming a critical metric due to the unplanned maintenance in a production environment. Unplanned maintenance in manufacturing process is created issues with downtimes and decreasing the reliability of equipment. Failures in equipment have resulted in the loss of revenue to organizations encouraging maintenance practitioners to analyze ways to change unplanned to planned maintenance. Efficient failure prediction models are being developed to learn about the failures in advance. With this information, failures predicted can reduce the downtimes in the system and improve the throughput. The goal of this thesis is to predict failure in centrifugal pumps using various machine learning models like random forest, stochastic gradient boosting, and extreme gradient boosting. For accurate prediction, historical sensor measurements were modified into leading and lagging indicators which explained the failure patterns in the equipment were developed. The best subset of indicators was selected by filtering using random forest and utilized in the developed model. Finally, the models give a probability of failure before the failure occurs. Appropriate evaluation metrics were used to obtain the accurate model. The proposed methodology was illustrated with two case studies: first, to the centrifugal pump asset performance data provided by Meridium, Inc. and second, the data collected from aircraft turbine engine provided in the NASA prognostics data repository. The automated methodology was shown to develop and identify appropriate failure leading and lagging indicators in both cases and facilitate machine learning model development

    Developing Overall Equipment Effectiveness Metrics for Prototype Precision Manufacturing

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    Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a powerful metric of manufacturing performance incorporating measures of the utilisation, yield and efficiency of a given process, machine or manufacturing line. When associated with the reasons for performance loss, OEE provides the means to compare and prioritise improvement efforts. This research assesses the current systems used in the high-volume production lines of Company-X, a precision manufacturer of computer components. This assessment led to the design of a singular methodology that functions in a high-volume production environment, in the rapid prototyping production, and the program qualification production divisions of Company-X. The methodology defined indicators (Utilisation, Efficiency and Yield), and factors that must be recorded on an individual piece of equipment within a manufacturing line to determine its OEE. These equipment-level records were captured utilising the equipment’s computer-controller, supplemented by minimal user input, to minimise the non-value added activities associated with data-entry. The methodology also determined the means to aggregate the records to prioritize improvement activities (Weighted OEE Pareto) and calculate the manufacturing lines overall performance (Overall Line Effectiveness)