2 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Vehicle Frontal Crash using Lumped Parameters Models

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    A full-scale crash test is conventionally used for vehicle crashworthiness analysis. However, this approach is expensive and time-consuming. Vehicle crash reconstructions using different numerical modelling approaches can predict vehicle behavior and reduce the need for multiple full-scale crash tests, thus research on the crash reconstruction has received a great attention in the last few decades. Among modelling approaches, lumped parameters models (LPM) and finite element models (FEM) are commonly used in the vehicle crash reconstruction. This thesis focuses on developing and improving the LPM for vehicle frontal crash analysis. The study aims at reconstructing crash scenarios for vehicle-to-barrier (VTB), vehicleoccupant (V-Occ), and vehicle-to-vehicle (VTV), respectively. In this study, a single mass-spring-damper (MSD) is used to simulate a vehicle to-barrier or a wall. A double MSD is used to model the response of the chassis and passenger compartment in a frontal crash, a vehicle-occupant, and a vehicle-tovehicle, respectively. A curve fitting, state-space, and genetic algorithm are used to estimate parameters of the model for reconstructing the vehicle crash kinematics. Further, the piecewise LPM is developed to mimic the crash characteristics for VTB, VO, and VTV crash scenarios, and its predictive capability is compared with the explicit FEM. Within the framework, the advantages of the proposed methods are explained in detail, and suggested solutions are presented to address the limitations in the study.publishedVersio

    Design and Analysis of Electric Powertrains for Offshore Drilling Applications

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    Doktorgradsavhandling ved Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder, 2016The global energy market is challenged with an ever increasing need for resources to meet the growing demands for electric power, transportation fuels, etc. Although we witness the expansion of the renewable energy industry, it is still the fossil fuels, with oil and gas dominating the scene of global energy supply sector, that provide majority of worldwide power generation.However, many of the easily accessible hydrocarbon reserves are depleted which requires from the producers of drilling equipment to focus on cost-effective operations and technology to compete in a challenging market. Particularly high level of activity is observed in both industry and academia in the field of electrical actuation systems of drilling machines, as control methods of alternating current (AC) motor drives have become an industrially mature technology over the past few decades. In addition, state-of-the-art AC motors manufacturing processes allow to conform to the strict requirements for safe operation of electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres. These two main reasons made electric actuation systems a tough competitor to hydraulic powertrains used traditionally by the industry. However, optimal design of induction motor drives and systematic analysis of factors associated with operation in harsh offshore conditions are still considered as a major challenge. In this thesis, effective methods for design and analysis of induction motor drives are proposed, including aspects of optimization and simulation-based engineering. The first part of the thesis is devoted to studying methods for modeling, control, and identification of induction machines operating in offshore drilling equipment with the focus to improve their reliability, extend lifetime, and avoid faults and damage, whereas the second part introduces more general approaches to the optimal selection of components of electric drivetrains and to the improvement of the existing dimensioning guidelines. A multidisciplinary approach to design of actuation systems is explored in this thesis by studying the areas of motion control, condition monitoring, and thermal modeling of electric powertrains with an aspiration to reach the level of design sophistication which goes beyond what is currently considered an industrial standard. We present a technique to reproduce operation of a full-scale offshore drilling machine on a scaled-down experimental setup to estimate the mechanical load that the designed powertrain must overcome to meet the specification requirements. The same laboratory setup is used to verify the accuracy of the estimation and control method of an induction motor drive based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF) to confirm that the sensorless control techniques can reduce the number of data acquisition devices in offshore machines, and thus decrease their failure rate without negatively affecting their functionality. To address the challenge of condition monitoring of induction motor drives, we propose a technique to assess the expected lifetime of electric drivetrain components when subjected to the desired duty cycles by comparing the effects of a few popular motion control signals on the cumulative damage and vibrations. As a result, the information about the influence of a given control strategy on drivetrain lifecycle is made available early in the design stage which can significantly affect the choice of the optimal powertrain components. The results show that some of the techniques that have a well-proven track record in other industries can be successfully applied to solve challenges associated with operation of offshore drilling machines. One of the most essential contributions of this thesis, optimal selection of drivetrain components, is based on formulating the drivetrain dimensioning problem as a mixed integer optimization program. The components of powertrain that satisfy the design constraints and are as cost-effective as possible are found to be the global optimum, contrary to the functionality offered by some commercially available drivetrain sizing software products. Another important drawback of the dimensioning procedures recommended by the motor drives manufacturers is the inability to assess if the permissible temperature limits given in the standards do not become violated when the actuation system experiences overloads different than these tabulated in the catalogs. Hence, the second most significant contribution is to propose a method to monitor thermal performance of induction motor drives that is based exclusively on publicly available catalog data and allows for evaluating whether the standard thermal performance limits are violated or not under arbitrary load conditions and at any ambient temperature. Both these solutions can effectively enrich the industrially accepted dimensioning procedures to satisfy the level of conservatism that is demanded by the offshore drilling business but, at the same time, provide improved efficiency and flexibility of the product design process and guarantee optimality (quantitatively, not qualitatively, measurable) of the final solution. An attractive direction for additional development is to further integrate knowledge from different fields relevant to electric powertrains to enable design of tailored solutions without compromising on their cost and performance