13 research outputs found

    An Efficient NoC-based Framework To Improve Dataflow Thread Management At Runtime

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on how the application threads that are based on dataflow execution model can be managed at Network-on-Chip (NoC) level. The roots of the dataflow execution model date back to the early 1970’s. Applications adhering to such program execution model follow a simple producer-consumer communication scheme for synchronising parallel thread related activities. In dataflow execution environment, a thread can run if and only if all its required inputs are available. Applications running on a large and complex computing environment can significantly benefit from the adoption of dataflow model. In the first part of the thesis, the work is focused on the thread distribution mechanism. It has been shown that how a scalable hash-based thread distribution mechanism can be implemented at the router level with low overheads. To enhance the support further, a tool to monitor the dataflow threads’ status and a simple, functional model is also incorporated into the design. Next, a software defined NoC has been proposed to manage the distribution of dataflow threads by exploiting its reconfigurability. The second part of this work is focused more on NoC microarchitecture level. Traditional 2D-mesh topology is combined with a standard ring, to understand how such hybrid network topology can outperform the traditional topology (such as 2D-mesh). Finally, a mixed-integer linear programming based analytical model has been proposed to verify if the application threads mapped on to the free cores is optimal or not. The proposed mathematical model can be used as a yardstick to verify the solution quality of the newly developed mapping policy. It is not trivial to provide a complete low-level framework for dataflow thread execution for better resource and power management. However, this work could be considered as a primary framework to which improvements could be carried out

    GPU 에러 안정성 보장을 위한 컴파일러 기법

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2020. 8. 이재진.Due to semiconductor technology scaling and near-threshold voltage computing, soft error resilience has become more important. Nowadays, GPUs are widely used in high performance computing (HPC) because of its efficient parallel processing and modern GPUs designed for HPC use error correction code (ECC) to protect their storage including register files. However, adopting ECC in the register file imposes high area and energy overhead. To replace the expensive hardware cost of ECC, we propose Penny, a lightweight compiler-directed resilience scheme for GPU register file protection. We combine recent advances in idempotent recovery with low-cost error detection code. Our approach focuses on solving two important problems: 1. Can we guarantee correct error recovery using idempotent execution with error detection code? We show that when an error detection code is used with idempotence recovery, certain restrictions required by previous idempotent recovery schemes are no longer needed. We also propose a software-based scheme to prevent the checkpoint value from being overwritten before the end of the region where the value is required for correct recovery. 2. How do we reduce the execution overhead caused by checkpointing? In GPUs additional checkpointing store instructions inflicts considerably higher overhead compared to CPUs, due to its architectural characteristics, such as lack of store buffers. We propose a number of compiler optimizations techniques that significantly reduce the overhead.반도체 미세공정 기술이 발전하고 문턱전압 근처 컴퓨팅(near-threashold voltage computing)이 도입됨에 따라서 소프트 에러로부터의 복원이 중요한 과제가 되었다. 강력한 병렬 계산 성능을 지닌 GPU는 고성능 컴퓨팅에서 중요한 위치를 차지하게 되었고, 슈퍼 컴퓨터에서 쓰이는 GPU들은 에러 복원 코드인 ECC를 사용하여 레지스터 파일 및 메모리 등에 저장된 데이터를 보호하게 되었다. 하지만 레지스터 파일에 ECC를 사용하는 것은 큰 하드웨어나 에너지 비용을 필요로 한다. 이런 값비싼 ECC의 하드웨어 비용을 줄이기 위해 본 논문에서는 컴파일러 기반의 저비용 GPU 레지스터 파일 복원 기법인 Penny를 제안한다. 이는 최신의 멱등성(idempotency) 기반 에러 복원 기법을 저비용의 에러 검출 코드(EDC)와 결합한 것이다. 본 논문은 다음 두가지 문제를 해결하는 데에 집중한다. 1. 에러 검출 코드 기반으로 멱등성 기반 에러 복원을 사용시 소프트 에러로부터의 안전한 복원을 보장할 수 있는가?} 본 논문에서는 에러 검출 코드가 멱등성 기반 복원 기술과 같이 사용되었을 경우 기존의 복원 기법에서 필요로 했던 조건들 없이도 안전하게 에러로부터 복원할 수 있음을 보인다. 2. 체크포인팅에드는 비용을 어떻게 절감할 수 있는가?} GPU는 스토어 버퍼가 없는 등 아키텍쳐적인 특성으로 인해서 CPU와 비교하여 체크포인트 값을 저장하는 데에 큰 오버헤드가 든다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 다양한 컴파일러 최적화 기법을 통하여 오버헤드를 줄인다.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Why is Soft Error Resilience Important in GPUs 1 1.2 How can the ECC Overhead be Reduced 3 1.3 What are the Challenges 4 1.4 How do We Solve the Challenges 5 2 Comparison of Error Detection and Correction Coding Schemes for Register File Protection 7 2.1 Error Correction Codes and Error Detection Codes 8 2.2 Cost of Coding Schemes 9 2.3 Soft Error Frequency of GPUs 11 3 Idempotent Recovery and Challenges 13 3.1 Idempotent Execution 13 3.2 Previous Idempotent Schemes 13 3.2.1 De Kruijf's Idempotent Translation 14 3.2.2 Bolts's Idempotent Recovery 15 3.2.3 Comparison between Idempotent Schemes 15 3.3 Idempotent Recovery Process 17 3.4 Idempotent Recovery Challenges for GPUs 18 3.4.1 Checkpoint Overwriting 20 3.4.2 Performance Overhead 20 4 Correctness of Recovery 22 4.1 Proof of Safe Recovery 23 4.1.1 Prevention of Error Propagation 23 4.1.2 Proof of Correct State Recovery 24 4.1.3 Correctness in Multi-Threaded Execution 28 4.2 Preventing Checkpoint Overwriting 30 4.2.1 Register renaming 31 4.2.2 Storage Alternation by Checkpoint Coloring 33 4.2.3 Automatic Algorithm Selection 38 4.2.4 Future Works 38 5 Performance Optimizations 40 5.1 Compilation Phases of Penny 40 5.1.1 Region Formation 41 5.1.2 Bimodal Checkpoint Placement 41 5.1.3 Storage Alternation 42 5.1.4 Checkpoint Pruning 43 5.1.5 Storage Assignment 44 5.1.6 Code Generation and Low-level Optimizations 45 5.2 Cost Estimation Model 45 5.3 Region Formation 46 5.3.1 De Kruijf's Heuristic Region Formation 46 5.3.2 Region splitting and Region Stitching 47 5.3.3 Checkpoint-Cost Aware Optimal Region Formation 48 5.4 Bimodal Checkpoint Placement 52 5.5 Optimal Checkpoint Pruning 55 5.5.1 Bolt's Naive Pruning Algorithm and Overview of Penny's Optimal Pruning Algorithm 55 5.5.2 Phase 1: Collecting Global-Decision Independent Status 56 5.5.3 Phase2: Ordering and Finalizing Renaming Decisions 60 5.5.4 Effectiveness of Eliminating the Checkpoints 63 5.6 Automatic Checkpoint Storage Assignment 69 5.7 Low-Level Optimizations and Code Generation 70 6 Evaluation 74 6.1 Test Environment 74 6.1.1 GPU Architecture and Simulation Setup 74 6.1.2 Tested Applications 75 6.1.3 Register Assignment 76 6.2 Performance Evaluation 77 6.2.1 Overall Performance Overheads 77 6.2.2 Impact of Penny's Optimizations 78 6.2.3 Assigning Checkpoint Storage and Its Integrity 79 6.2.4 Impact of Optimal Checkpoint Pruning 80 6.2.5 Impact of Alias Analysis 81 6.3 Repurposing the Saved ECC Area 82 6.4 Energy Impact on Execution 83 6.5 Performance Overhead on Volta Architecture 85 6.6 Compilation Time 85 7 RelatedWorks 87 8 Conclusion and Future Works 89 8.1 Limitation and Future Work 90Docto

    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers

    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers

    Atomic dataflow model

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    With the recent switch in the design of general purpose processors from frequency scaling of a single processor core towards increasing the number of processor cores, parallel programming became important not only for scientific programming but also for general purpose programming. This also stressed the importance of programmability of existing parallel programming models which were primarily designed for performance. It was soon recognized that new programming models are needed that will make parallel programming possible not only to experts, but to a general programming community. Transactional Memory (TM) is an example which follows this premise. It improves dramatically over any previous synchronization mechanism in terms of programmability and composability, at the price of possibly reduced performance. The main source of performance degradation in Transactional Memory is the overhead of transactional execution. Our work on parallelizing Quake game engine is a clear example of this problem. We show that Software Transactional Memory is superior in terms of programmability compared to lock based programming, but that performance is hindered due to extreme amount of overhead introduced by transactional execution. In the meantime, a significant research effort has been invested in overcoming this problem. Our approach is aimed towards improving the performance of transactional code by reducing transactional data conflicts. The idea is based on the organization of the code in which highly conflicting data is promoted to dataflow tokens that coordinate the execution of transactions. The main contribution of this thesis is Atomic Dataflow model (ADF), a new task-based parallel programming model for C/C++ that integrates dataflow abstractions into the shared memory programming model. The ADF model provides language constructs that allow a programmer to delineate a program into a set of tasks and to explicitly define data dependencies for each task. The task dependency information is conveyed to the ADF runtime system that constructs a dataflow task graph that governs the execution of a program. Additionally, the ADF model allows tasks to share data. The key idea is that computation is triggered by dataflow between tasks but that, within a task, execution occurs by making atomic updates to common mutable state. To that end, the ADF model employs transactional memory, which guarantees atomicity of shared memory updates. The second contribution of this thesis is DaSH - the first comprehensive benchmark suite for hybrid dataflow and shared memory programming models. DaSH features 11 benchmarks, each representing one of the Berkeley dwarfs that capture patterns of communication and computation common to a wide range of emerging applications. DaSH includes sequential and shared-memory implementations based on OpenMP and TBB to facilitate easy comparison between hybrid dataflow implementations and traditional shared memory implementations. We use DaSH not only to evaluate the ADF model, but to also compare it with other two hybrid dataflow models in order to identify the advantages and shortcomings of such models, and motivate further research on their characteristics. Finally, we study applicability of hybrid dataflow models for parallelization of the game engine. We show that hybrid dataflow models decrease the complexity of the parallel game engine implementation by eliminating or restructuring the explicit synchronization that is necessary in shared memory implementations. The corresponding implementations also exhibit good scalability and better speedup than the shared memory parallel implementations, especially in the case of a highly congested game world that contains a large number of game objects. Ultimately, on an eight core machine we were able to obtain 4.72x speedup compared to the sequential baseline, and to improve 49% over the lock-based parallel implementation based on work-sharing.Con el reciente cambio en el diseño de los procesadores de propósito general pasando del aumento de frecuencia al incremento del número de núcleos, la programación paralela se ha convertido en importante no solo para la comunidad científica sino también para la programación en general. Este hecho ha enfatizado la importancia de la programabilidad de los modelos actuales de programación paralela, cuyo objetivo era el rendimiento. Pronto se observó la necesidad de nuevos modelos de programación, para hacer factible la programación paralela a toda la comunidad. Transactional Memory (TM) es un ejemplo de dicho objetivo. Supone una gran mejora sobre cualquier método anterior de sincronización en términos de programabilidad, con una posible reducción del rendimiento como coste. La razón principal de dicha degradación es el sobrecoste de la ejecución transaccional. Nuestro trabajo en la paralelización del motor del juego Quake es un claro ejemplo de este problema. Demostramos que Software Transactional Memory es superior en términos de programabilidad a los modelos de programación basados en locks, pero que el rendimiento es entorpecido por el sobrecoste introducido por TM. Mientras tanto, se ha invertido un importante esfuerzo de investigación para superar dicho problema. Nuestra solución se dirige hacia la mejora del rendimiento del código transaccional reduciendo los conflictos con la información contenida en las transacciones. La idea se basa en la organización del código en el cual la información conflictiva es promocionada a señales del flujo de datos que coordinan la ejecución de las transacciones. La contribución principal de esta tesis es Atomic Dataflow Model (ADF), un nuevo modelo de programación para C/C++ basado en tareas que integra abstracciones de flujo de datos en el modelo de programación de la memoria compartida. El modelo ADF provee construcciones del lenguaje que permiten al programador la definición del programa como un conjunto de tareas, además de la definición explícita de las dependencias de datos para cada tarea. La información de dependencia de la tarea se transmite al runtime de ADF, que construye un grafo de tareas que es el que controla la ejecución de un programa. Adicionalmente, el modelo ADF permite que las tareas compartan información. La idea principal es que la computación es activada por el flujo de datos entre tareas, pero que dentro de una tarea la ejecución ocurre haciendo actualizaciones atómicas a un estado común mutable. Para conseguir este fin, el modelo ADF utiliza TM, que garantiza la atomicidad en las modificaciones de la memoria compartida. La segunda contribución es DaSH, el primer conjunto de benchmarks para los modelos de programación de flujo de datos híbridos y los de memoria compartida. DaSH contiene 11 benchmarks, cada uno representativo de uno de los Berkeley dwarfs que captura patrones de comunicaciones y procesamiento comunes en un amplio rango de aplicaciones emergentes. DaSH incluye implementaciones secuenciales y de memoria compartida basadas en OpenMP y TBB que facilitan la comparación entre los modelos híbridos de flujo de datos e implementaciones de memoria compartida. Nosotros usamos DaSH no solo para evaluar ADF, sino también para compararlo con otros dos modelos híbridos para identificar sus ventajas. Finalmente, estudiamos la aplicabilidad de dichos modelos híbridos para la paralelización del motor del juego. Mostramos que disminuyen la complejidad de la implementación paralela, eliminando o reestructurando la sincronización explícita que es necesaria en las implementaciones de memoria compartida. También se observa una buena escalabilidad y una aceleración mejor, especialmente en el caso de un ambiente de juego muy cargado. En última instancia, sobre una máquina con ocho núcleos se ha obtenido una aceleración del 4.72x comparado con el código secuencial, y una mejora del 49% sobre la implementación paralela basada en locks

    Integrated Programmable-Array accelerator to design heterogeneous ultra-low power manycore architectures

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    There is an ever-increasing demand for energy efficiency (EE) in rapidly evolving Internet-of-Things end nodes. This pushes researchers and engineers to develop solutions that provide both Application-Specific Integrated Circuit-like EE and Field-Programmable Gate Array-like flexibility. One such solution is Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Array (CGRA). Over the past decades, CGRAs have evolved and are competing to become mainstream hardware accelerators, especially for accelerating Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. Due to the over-specialization of computing architectures, the focus is shifting towards fitting an extensive data representation range into fewer bits, e.g., a 32-bit space can represent a more extensive data range with floating-point (FP) representation than an integer representation. Computation using FP representation requires numerous encodings and leads to complex circuits for the FP operators, decreasing the EE of the entire system. This thesis presents the design of an EE ultra-low-power CGRA with native support for FP computation by leveraging an emerging paradigm of approximate computing called transprecision computing. We also present the contributions in the compilation toolchain and system-level integration of CGRA in a System-on-Chip, to envision the proposed CGRA as an EE hardware accelerator. Finally, an extensive set of experiments using real-world algorithms employed in near-sensor processing applications are performed, and results are compared with state-of-the-art (SoA) architectures. It is empirically shown that our proposed CGRA provides better results w.r.t. SoA architectures in terms of power, performance, and area

    Energy-efficient mobile GPU systems

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    The design of mobile GPUs is all about saving energy. Smartphones and tablets are battery-operated and thus any type of rendering needs to use as little energy as possible. Furthermore, smartphones do not include sophisticated cooling systems due to their small size, making heat dissipation a primary concern. Improving the energy-efficiency of mobile GPUs will be absolutely necessary to achieve the performance required to satisfy consumer expectations, while maintaining operating time per battery charge and keeping the GPU in its thermal limits. The first step in optimizing energy consumption is to identify the sources of energy drain. Previous studies have demonstrated that the register file is one of the main sources of energy consumption in a GPU. As graphics workloads are highly data- and memory-parallel, GPUs rely on massive multithreading to hide the memory latency and keep the functional units busy. However, aggressive multithreading requires a huge register file to keep the registers of thousands of simultaneous threads. Such a big register file exceeds the power budget typically available for an embedded graphics processors and, hence, more energy-efficient memory latency tolerance techniques are necessary. On the other hand, prior research showed that the off-chip accesses to system memory are one of the most expensive operations in terms of energy in a mobile GPU. Therefore, optimizing memory bandwidth usage is a primary concern in mobile GPU design. Many bandwidth saving techniques, such as texture compression or ARM's transaction elimination, have been proposed in both industry and academia. The purpose of this thesis is to study the characteristics of mobile graphics processors and mobile workloads in order to propose different energy saving techniques specifically tailored for the low-power segment. Firstly, we focus on energy-efficient memory latency tolerance. We analyze several techniques such as multithreading and prefetching and conclude that they are effective but not energy-efficient. Next, we propose an architecture for the fragment processors of a mobile GPU that is based on the decoupled access/execute paradigm. The results obtained by using a cycle-accurate mobile GPU simulator and several commercial Android games show that the decoupled architecture combined with a small degree of multithreading provides the most energy efficient solution for hiding memory latency. More specifically, the decoupled access/execute-like design with just 4 SIMD threads/processor is able to achieve 97% of the performance of a larger GPU with 16 SIMD threads/processor, while providing 20.5% energy savings on average. Secondly, we focus on optimizing memory bandwidth in a mobile GPU. We analyze the bandwidth usage in a set of commercial Android games and find that most of the bandwidth is employed for fetching textures, and also that consecutive frames share most of the texture dataset as they tend to be very similar. However, the GPU cannot capture inter-frame texture re-use due to the big size of the texture dataset for one frame. Based on this analysis, we propose Parallel Frame Rendering (PFR), a technique that overlaps the processing of multiple frames in order to exploit inter-frame texture re-use and save bandwidth. By processing multiple frames in parallel textures are fetched once every two frames instead of being fetched in a frame basis as in conventional GPUs. PFR provides 23.8% memory bandwidth savings on average in our set of Android games, that result in 12% speedup and 20.1% energy savings. Finally, we improve PFR by introducing a hardware memoization system on top. We analyze the redundancy in mobile games and find that more than 38% of the Fragment Program executions are redundant on average. We thus propose a task-level hardware-based memoization system that provides 15% speedup and 12% energy savings on average over a PFR-enabled GPU.El diseño de las GPUs (Graphics Procesing Units) móviles se centra fundamentalmente en el ahorro energético. Los smartphones y las tabletas son dispositivos alimentados mediante baterías y, por lo tanto, cualquier tipo de renderizado debe utilizar la menor cantidad de energía posible. Mejorar la eficiencia energética de las GPUs móviles será absolutamente necesario para alcanzar el rendimiento requirido para satisfacer las expectativas de los usuarios, sin reducir el tiempo de vida de la batería. El primer paso para optimizar el consumo energético consiste en identificar qué componentes son los principales consumidores de la batería. Estudios anteriores han identificado al banco de registros y a los accessos a memoria principal como las mayores fuentes de consumo energético en una GPU. El propósito de esta tesis es estudiar las características de los procesadores gráficos móviles y de las aplicaciones móviles con el objetivo de proponer distintas técnicas de ahorro energético. En primer lugar, la investigación se centra en desarrollar métodos energéticamente eficientes para ocultar la latencia de la memoria principal. El resultado de la investigación es una arquitectura desacoplada para los Fragment Processors de la GPU. Los resultados experimentales utilizando un simulador de ciclo y distintos juegos de Android muestran que una arquitectura desacoplada, combinada con un nivel de multithreading moderado, proporciona la solución más eficiente desde el punto de vista energético para ocultar la latencia de la memoria prinicipal. Más específicamente, la arquitectura desacoplada con sólo 4 SIMD threads/processor es capaz de alcanzar el 97% del rendimiento de una GPU más grande con 16 SIMD threads/processor, al tiempo que se reduce el consumo energético en un 20.5%. En segundo lugar, el trabajo de investigación se centró en optimizar el ancho de banda en una GPU móvil. Se realizó un estudio del uso del ancho de banda en distintos juegos de Android y se observó que la mayor parte del ancho de banda se utiliza para leer texturas. Además, se observó que frames consecutivos comparten una gran parte de las texturas. Sin embargo, la GPU no puede capturar el reuso de texturas entre frames dado que el tamaño de las texturas utilizadas por un frame es mucho mayor que la caché de segundo nivel. Basándose en este análisis, se desarrolló Parallel Frame Rendering (PFR), una técnica que solapa el procesado de multiples frames consecutivos con el objetivo de explotar el reuso de texturas entre frames y ahorrar así ancho de bando. Al procesar múltiples frames en paralelo las texturas se leen de memoria principal una vez cada dos frames en lugar de leerse en cada frame como sucede en una GPU convencional. PFR proporciona un ahorro del 23.8% en ancho de banda en promedio para distintos juegos de Android, este ahorro de ancho de banda redunda en un incremento del rendimiento del 12% y un ahorro energético del 20.1%. Por último, se mejoró PFR introduciendo un sistema hardware capaz de evitar cómputos redundantes. Un análisis de distintos juegos de Android reveló que más de un 38% de las ejecuciones del Fragment Program eran redundantes en promedio. Así pues, se propuso un sistema hardware capaz de identificar y eliminar parte de los cómputos y accessos a memoria redundantes, dicho sistema proporciona un incremento del rendimiento del 15% y un ahorro energético del 12% en promedio con respecto a una GPU móvil basada en PFR

    Data-Triggered Threads /

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    This thesis introduces the data-triggered threads (DTT) programming and execution model. Unlike threads in conventional parallel programming models, the DTT model initiates threads on changes to memory locations. This enables increased parallelism and the elimination of redundant, unnecessary computation. This thesis shows that 78% of all loads fetch redundant data, leading to a high incidence of redundant computation. By expressing computation through the DTT model, that computation is executed once when the data changes, and is skipped whenever the data does not change. The set of C SPEC benchmarks show performance speedup of up to 5.9X, and averaging 46% with architectural support. To improve the generality of the DTT model, this thesis also demonstrates a software-only runtime system that allows DTT programs running on top of existing machines. With mechanisms to minimize the multithreading overhead and dynamically turning on/off the DTT model, the software runtime system improves the performance of serial C SPEC benchmarks by 15% on a Nehalem processor, but by over 7X over the full suite of single-thread applications. We also show that the DTT model can work in conjunction with traditional parallelism using the software-only framework. The DTT model provides up to 64X speedup over parallel applications exploiting traditional parallelism. This thesis also discusses CDTT, a compiler framework that takes C/C++ code and automatically generates a binary that applies the DTT model to eliminate dynamically redundant code without programmer intervention. With the help of idempotence analysis and inter-procedural name dependence analysis, CDTT identifies potential code regions and composes support thread functions that as soon as live-in data changes. CDTT can also use profile data to target the elimination of redundant computation. The compiled binary running on top of a software runtime system can achieve nearly the same level of performance as careful hand-coded modifications in most benchmarks. CDTT improves the performance of serial C SPEC benchmarks by as much as 57% (average 11%) on a Nehalem processo

    Software data-triggered threads

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