621 research outputs found

    A Smart Meter Infrastructure for Smart Grid IoT Applications

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    Electric infrastructures have been pushed forward to handle tasks they were not originally designed to perform. To improve reliability and efficiency, state-of-the-art power grids include improved security, reduced peak loads, increased integration of renewable sources, and lower operational costs. In this framework, “smart grids” are built around bidirectional communication technologies, where “smart meters” communicate with all other entities and collect data from the power grid, offering specific features to each actor playing in the energy marketplace. In this paper, to overcome some of the challenges raised by smart grids and smart meters, we propose a distributed metering infrastructure which provides bidirectional communication, self-configuration, and auto-update capabilities. Our 3-phase smart meters follow the basics Internet-of-Things principles and have the ability to run, either on-board or distributed on the network, multiple algorithms for smart grid management. These algorithms can be freely added, updated, or removed on-the-fly thanks to the auto-update feature of the system. Moreover, to reduce costs and improve scalability, we prove that it is possible to implement our smart meters using only off-the-shelf and inexpensive hardware devices. A digital real-time simulator (i.e., Opal-RT) has been used to assess the capabilities of both the infrastructure and the meter. Our experimental analysis shows that the latency introduced by the data transmission over the Internet is compliant with the limits imposed by the IEC 61850 standard. As a consequence, our architecture does not affect the operational status of the smart grid, making it a viable solution to support the deployment of novel services

    Data-Driven Distributed Modeling, Operation, and Control of Electric Power Distribution Systems

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    The power distribution system is disorderly in design and implementation, chaotic in operation, large in scale, and complex in every way possible. Therefore, modeling, operating, and controlling the distribution system is incredibly challenging. It is required to find solutions to the multitude of challenges facing the distribution grid to transition towards a just and sustainable energy future for our society. The key to addressing distribution system challenges lies in unlocking the full potential of the distribution grid. The work in this dissertation is focused on finding methods to operate the distribution system in a reliable, cost-effective, and just manner. In this PhD dissertation, a new data-driven distributed (D3MD^3M) framework using cellular computational networks has been developed to model power distribution systems. Its performance is validated on an IEEE test case. The results indicate a significant enhancement in accuracy and performance compared to the state-of-the-art centralized modeling approach. This dissertation also presents a new distributed and data-driven optimization method for volt-var control in power distribution systems. The framework is validated for voltage control on an IEEE test feeder. The results indicate that the system has improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art approach. The PhD dissertation also presents a design for a real-time power distribution system testbed. A new data-in-the-loop (DIL) simulation method has been developed and integrated into the testbed. The DIL method has been used to enhance the quality of the real-time simulations. The assets combined with the testbed include data, control, and hardware-in-the-loop infrastructure. The testbed is used to validate the performance of a distribution system with significant penetration of distributed energy resources

    Experimental verification of smart grid control functions on international grids using a real-time simulator

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    The drastic increase in distributed energy resources (DERs) leads to challenges in the operation of distribution systems worldwide. While several solutions for grid monitoring and control are available on the market and in literature, this research is the first of its kind aiming to supervise the grid by providing a modular configurable unified hardware and software architecture. The control algorithms are configured using data models according to IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC 61850-7-4. The novel system architecture is a portable, modular and flexible architecture that aggregates smart grid control functions onto a standardised hardware platform, emphasising the need for hardware independence. The central controller contains several smart grid control functions and the various field devices are distributed across the distribution grid. This paper deals with the simulation of different real-world distribution grids on the Real-Time Simulator (RTS) and experimental verification of the control algorithms. Smart grid control functions such as Coordinated Voltage Control (CVC) and Optimal Power Flow (OPF) are experimentally verified on a German grid. The grid dynamics are compared when the central controller executes the CVC against the OPF implementations. The experimental results, advantages and challenges of each control are presented here. The results also showed the variation in grid behaviour when the control parameters were varied. The paper also shows that the algorithm and the choice of the control parameters depend upon the distribution grid's complexity and the system operator's individual needs. The results illustrate the potential of such a universal distribution automation solution for system operators worldwide

    Design of Ancillary Services for Battery Energy Storage Systems to Mitigate Voltage Unbalance in Power Distribution Networks

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    power system, voltage unbalance issues are expected to exacerbate. Single{phase connectedphotovoltaic (PV) panels may cause unequal three{phase power ows, resultingin unbalanced grid currents and voltages. In addition, the random charging behaviour ofPlug{in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) equipped with single{phase on{board chargersis expected to further contribute to voltage unbalance rise as the number of thesedevices grows. If voltage unbalance increases to unacceptable levels, it may have adverseeects on power system operation and on the equipment connected to it. Traditionally,the phase swapping technique has been deployed by distribution system operators forvoltage unbalance mitigation, while other mitigating techniques include the deploymentof power electronics-based devices. The majority of the devices reported in the literatureare based on three-phase congurations, including series and parallel active power lters,unied power quality conditioners (UPQCs), static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs)and, more recently, three-phase distributed generation (DG) inverters.This research proposes the use of single-phase battery energy storage systems (BESSs)for the provision of phase balancing services, which has been considered only in a few literatureworks, with most of these research papers focusing on three-phase BESSs. In thisthesis, a novel control strategy is proposed for single-phase BESS units to compensatevoltage unbalance by injecting both active and reactive power simultaneously. The proposedapproach is based on the coordinated operation of three independent single-phaseBESS inverters using local voltage and current measurements.Initially, a comprehensive literature review is performed with the following aims: arobust classication of the ancillary services currently oered by BESSs, harmonisation ofthe notation found in the literature for ancillary services, and identication of potentialfuture applications of BESSs to power grids with large number of Low Carbon Technologies(LCTs). Then, the eectiveness of the proposed voltage unbalance compensationmethod is validated in the simulation environment, where two realistic models of distributionsystems are developed. Next, the impact of increasing PV and EV penetrationlevels on voltage unbalance for a typical UK distribution system is assessed based on adeterministic approach. The control strategy is validated experimentally by carrying outHardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) tests. Finally, an equivalent model of the distribution systemand BESS inverter is derived, which allows to carry out a preliminary probabilisticstudy to cater for the uncertainties related to the location and size of the PVs and EVs,and to evaluate the voltage unbalance levels without and with the BESSs controlled toprovide voltage unbalance compensation.It is concluded that the proposed BESS control system may eectively reduce thevoltage unbalance levels under various loading and generating conditions

    Effects of centralized and local PV plant control for voltage regulation in LV feeder based on cyber-physical simulations

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    Abstract In the modern power system, both local and centralized reactive power control strategies for photovoltaic (PV) plants, are proposed and compared. While local control improves the network security, it lacks the optimization benefits from centralized control strategies. Therefore, this paper considers the coordination of the two control strategies, depending on external impact from the weather system and consumer behavior, in a low voltage (LV) distribution feeder. Through modeling and simulation in an established real-time cyber-physical simulation platform, the LV network is evaluated with both local and centralized control. A set of boundaries for coordinating between the two strategies are identified, which can help network operators in deciding suitable control in different operating situations. Furthermore, the cyber-physical simulation platform, is used to study the impact of physical perturbations, i.e. changes in irradiance and consumption, and cyber disturbances, in form of communication channel noise, is evaluated for the control strategies. Results show how small and large disturbances in the cyber system affects the centralized control strategy optimizer performance

    Functional Analysis of the Microgrid Concept Applied to Case Studies of the Sundom Smart Grid

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    The operation of microgrids is a complex task because it involves several stakeholders and controlling a large number of different active and intelligent resources or devices. Management functions, such as frequency control or islanding, are defined in the microgrid concept, but depending on the application, some functions may not be needed. In order to analyze the required functions for network operation and visualize the interactions between the actors operating a particular microgrid, a comprehensive use case analysis is needed. This paper presents the use case modelling method applied for microgrid management from an abstract or concept level to a more practical level. By utilizing case studies, the potential entities can be detected where the development or improvement of practical solutions is necessary. The use case analysis has been conducted from top-down until test use cases by real-time simulation models. Test use cases are applied to a real distribution network model, Sundom Smart Grid, with measurement data and newly developed controllers.. The functional analysis provides valuable results when studying several microgrid functions operating in parallel and affecting each other. For example, as shown in this paper, ancillary services provided by an active customer may mean that both the active power and reactive power from customer premises are controlled at the same time by different stakeholders.© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Implementation of Pilot Protection System for Large Scale Distribution System like The Future Renewable Electric Energy Distribution Management Project

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    abstract: A robust, fast and accurate protection system based on pilot protection concept was developed previously and a few alterations in that algorithm were made to make it faster and more reliable and then was applied to smart distribution grids to verify the results for it. The new 10 sample window method was adapted into the pilot protection program and its performance for the test bed system operation was tabulated. Following that the system comparison between the hardware results for the same algorithm and the simulation results were compared. The development of the dual slope percentage differential method, its comparison with the 10 sample average window pilot protection system and the effects of CT saturation on the pilot protection system are also shown in this thesis. The implementation of the 10 sample average window pilot protection system is done to multiple distribution grids like Green Hub v4.3, IEEE 34, LSSS loop and modified LSSS loop. Case studies of these multi-terminal model are presented, and the results are also shown in this thesis. The result obtained shows that the new algorithm for the previously proposed protection system successfully identifies fault on the test bed and the results for both hardware and software simulations match and the response time is approximately less than quarter of a cycle which is fast as compared to the present commercial protection system and satisfies the FREEDM system requirement.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Improved grid interaction of photovoltaics using smart micro-inverters

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    Improved grid interaction of photovoltaics using smart micro-inverters

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    Advancements in Real-Time Simulation of Power and Energy Systems

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    Modern power and energy systems are characterized by the wide integration of distributed generation, storage and electric vehicles, adoption of ICT solutions, and interconnection of different energy carriers and consumer engagement, posing new challenges and creating new opportunities. Advanced testing and validation methods are needed to efficiently validate power equipment and controls in the contemporary complex environment and support the transition to a cleaner and sustainable energy system. Real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation has proven to be an effective method for validating and de-risking power system equipment in highly realistic, flexible, and repeatable conditions. Controller hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) and power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) are the two main HIL simulation methods used in industry and academia that contribute to system-level testing enhancement by exploiting the flexibility of digital simulations in testing actual controllers and power equipment. This book addresses recent advances in real-time HIL simulation in several domains (also in new and promising areas), including technique improvements to promote its wider use. It is composed of 14 papers dealing with advances in HIL testing of power electronic converters, power system protection, modeling for real-time digital simulation, co-simulation, geographically distributed HIL, and multiphysics HIL, among other topics
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