401 research outputs found

    Flood hazard hydrology: interdisciplinary geospatial preparedness and policy

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017Floods rank as the deadliest and most frequently occurring natural hazard worldwide, and in 2013 floods in the United States ranked second only to wind storms in accounting for loss of life and damage to property. While flood disasters remain difficult to accurately predict, more precise forecasts and better understanding of the frequency, magnitude and timing of floods can help reduce the loss of life and costs associated with the impact of flood events. There is a common perception that 1) local-to-national-level decision makers do not have accurate, reliable and actionable data and knowledge they need in order to make informed flood-related decisions, and 2) because of science--policy disconnects, critical flood and scientific analyses and insights are failing to influence policymakers in national water resource and flood-related decisions that have significant local impact. This dissertation explores these perceived information gaps and disconnects, and seeks to answer the question of whether flood data can be accurately generated, transformed into useful actionable knowledge for local flood event decision makers, and then effectively communicated to influence policy. Utilizing an interdisciplinary mixed-methods research design approach, this thesis develops a methodological framework and interpretative lens for each of three distinct stages of flood-related information interaction: 1) data generation—using machine learning to estimate streamflow flood data for forecasting and response; 2) knowledge development and sharing—creating a geoanalytic visualization decision support system for flood events; and 3) knowledge actualization—using heuristic toolsets for translating scientific knowledge into policy action. Each stage is elaborated on in three distinct research papers, incorporated as chapters in this dissertation, that focus on developing practical data and methodologies that are useful to scientists, local flood event decision makers, and policymakers. Data and analytical results of this research indicate that, if certain conditions are met, it is possible to provide local decision makers and policy makers with the useful actionable knowledge they need to make timely and informed decisions

    X-ray tomography as a tool for detailed anatomical analysis

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    Wood identification, anatomical examination and retrieval of quantitative information arc important aspects of many research disciplines. Conventional light microscopy with a camera and (semi)automatic image analysis software is an often used methodology for these purposes. Morc advanced techniques such as fluorescence, scanning electron, transmission electron, confocal laser scanning and atomic force microscopy arc also part of the toolset answering to the need for detailed imaging. Fast, non-destructive visualization in three dimensions with high resolution combined with a broad field of view is sought-after, especially in combination with flexible software. A highly advanced supplement to the existing techniques, namely X-ray sub-micron tomography, meets these requirements. It enables the researcher to visualize the material with a voxel size approaching <1 mu m for small samples (<1 mm). Furthermore, with tailor-made processing software quantitative data about the wood in two and three dimensions can be obtained. Examples of visualization and analysis of four wood species arc given in this paper, focusing on the opportunities of tomography at micron and sub-micron resolution. X-ray computed tomography offers many possibilities for material research in general and wood science in specific, as a qualitative as well as a quantitative technique

    An Open Web-Based Module Developed to Advance Data-Driven Hydrologic Process Learning

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    The era of ‘big data’ promises to provide new hydrologic insights, and open web-based platforms are being developed and adopted by the hydrologic science community to harness these datasets and data services. This shift accompanies advances in hydrology education and the growth of web-based hydrology learning modules, but their capacity to utilize emerging open platforms and data services to enhance student learning through data-driven activities remains largely untapped. Given that generic equations may not easily translate into local or regional solutions, teaching students to explore how well models or equations work in particular settings or to answer specific problems using real data is essential. This article introduces an open web-based module developed to advance data-driven hydrologic process learning, targeting upper level undergraduate and early graduate students in hydrology and engineering. The module was developed and deployed on the HydroLearn open educational platform, which provides a formal pedagogical structure for developing effective problem-based learning activities. We found that data-driven learning activities utilizing collaborative open web platforms like CUAHSI HydroShare and JupyterHub to store and run computational notebooks allowed students to access and work with datasets for systems of personal interest and promoted critical evaluation of results and assumptions. Initial student feedback was generally positive, but also highlighted challenges including trouble-shooting and future-proofing difficulties and some resistance to programming and new software. Opportunities to further enhance hydrology learning include better articulating the benefits of coding and open web platforms upfront, incorporating additional user-support tools, and focusing methods and questions on implementing and adapting notebooks to explore fundamental processes rather than tools and syntax. The profound shift in the field of hydrology toward big data, open data services and reproducible research practices requires hydrology instructors to rethink traditional content delivery and focus instruction on harnessing these datasets and practices in the preparation of future hydrologists and engineers

    Hierarchical Path Finding to Speed Up Crowd Simulation

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    Path finding is a common problem in computer games. Most videogames require to simulate thousands or millions of agents who interact and navigate in a 3D world showing capabilities such as chasing, seeking or intercepting other agents. A new hierarchical path finding solution is proposed for large environments. Thus, a navigation mesh as abstract data structure is used in order to divide the 3D world. Then, a hierarchy of graphs is built to perform faster path finding calculations than a common A*. The benefits of this new approach are demonstrated on large world models

    Pesticide Application Management Toolset for Worker Protection Standards

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    The application of Pesticides has become a widely adopted practice within modern agriculture, however this practice poses a significant health risk to farm workers and crop advisors when pesticide exposures occur. Current safety standards require documentation of each application to help mitigate human exposure, yet these standards rely heavily on antiquated data collection formats and complex communication systems putting little emphasis on notification timeliness. Our objective was to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure for all farm workers and crop advisors by utilizing technological automation processes to reduce the number of links within the communication system. This proved successful though the collection of pesticide application information within a cloud-based data storage system, updating it in a near real-time fashion, and providing accessibility to the information from any location with cellular or internet connectivity. Today\u27s technological advances allow applicators to quickly upload their pesticide application information to the cloud-based system, which permits prompt information accessibility for field workers and crop scouts. Individuals can then login to their account and locate application specifics such as the products applied, locations they were applied, the rates at which they were applied, and when each location is safe for re-entry. The Spray-Safely application was developed for agricultural producers, crop scouts, and custom pesticide applicators who are interested in the ease of seamlessly sharing pesticide application information across multiple platforms. We have found that by utilizing wireless data transfer technology and available industry leader’s software application programming interfaces (API’s), we can achieve the development and implementation of third-party applications to meet industry needs. Advisor: Joe D. Luc

    Enhancing Operational Flood Detection Solutions through an Integrated Use of Satellite Earth Observations and Numerical Models

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    Among natural disasters floods are the most common and widespread hazards worldwide (CRED and UNISDR, 2018). Thus, making communities more resilient to flood is a priority, particularly in large flood-prone areas located in emerging countries, because the effects of extreme events severely setback the development process (Wright, 2013). In this context, operational flood preparedness requires novel modeling approaches for a fast delineation of flooding in riverine environments. Starting from a review of advances in the flood modeling domain and a selection of the more suitable open toolsets available in the literature, a new method for the Rapid Estimation of FLood EXtent (REFLEX) at multiple scales (Arcorace et al., 2019) is proposed. The simplified hydraulic modeling adopted in this method consists of a hydro-geomorphological approach based on the Height Above the Nearest Drainage (HAND) model (Nobre et al., 2015). The hydraulic component of this method employs a simplified version of fluid mechanic equations for natural river channels. The input runoff volume is distributed from channel to hillslope cells of the DEM by using an iterative flood volume optimization based on Manning\u2019s equation. The model also includes a GIS-based method to expand HAND contours across neighbor watersheds in flat areas, particularly useful in flood modeling expansion over coastal zones. REFLEX\u2019s flood modeling has been applied in multiple case studies in both surveyed and ungauged river basins. The development and the implementation of the whole modeling chain have enabled a rapid estimation of flood extent over multiple basins at different scales. When possible, flood modeling results are compared with reference flood hazard maps or with detailed flood simulations. Despite the limitations of the method due to the employed simplified hydraulic modeling approach, obtained results are promising in terms of flood extent and water depth. Given the geomorphological nature of the method, it does not require initial and boundary conditions as it is in traditional 1D/2D hydraulic modeling. Therefore, its usage fits better in data-poor environments or large-scale flood modeling. An extensive employment of this slim method has been adopted by CIMA Research Foundation researchers for flood hazard mapping purposes over multiple African countries. As collateral research, multiple types of Earth observation (EO) data have been employed in the REFLEX modeling chain. Remotely sensed data from the satellites, in fact, are not only a source to obtain input digital terrain models but also to map flooded areas. Thus, in this work, different EO data exploitation methods are used for estimating water extent and surface height. Preliminary results by using Copernicus\u2019s Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-3 radar altimetry data highlighted their potential mainly for model calibration and validation. In conclusion, REFLEX combines the advantages of geomorphological models with the ones of traditional hydraulic modeling to ensure a simplified steady flow computation of flooding in open channels. This work highlights the pros and cons of the method and indicates the way forward for future research in the hydro-geomorphological domain

    Developing an Integrated Model Framework for the Assessment of Sustainable Agricultural Residue Removal Limits for Bioenergy Systems

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    Agricultural residues have significant potential as a feedstock for bioenergy production, but removing these residues from the land can have negative impacts on soil health. Because of this computational tools are needed that can help guide decisions on the amount of agricultural residue that can be sustainably removed. Models and datasets that can support decisions about sustainable agricultural residue removal are available; however, no tools currently exist that are capable of simultaneously addressing all of the environmental factors that can limit the availability of residue for bioenergy production. This paper presents an integrated framework of models and data that provide a coupled a set of environmental process models and databases that can support agricultural residue removal decisions. Specifically the RUSLE2, WEPS, and Soil Conditioning Index models have been integrated together with the disparate set of databases providing the soils, climate, and management practice data required. The integrated system has been demonstrated for two example cases. In the first case the potential impact of agricultural residue removal is explored. In the second case an aggregate assessment of the agricultural residues available bioenergy production in the state of Iowa is performed

    The recognition of a right to reputation

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    Enhancing speed and scalability of the ParFlow simulation code

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    Regional hydrology studies are often supported by high resolution simulations of subsurface flow that require expensive and extensive computations. Efficient usage of the latest high performance parallel computing systems becomes a necessity. The simulation software ParFlow has been demonstrated to meet this requirement and shown to have excellent solver scalability for up to 16,384 processes. In the present work we show that the code requires further enhancements in order to fully take advantage of current petascale machines. We identify ParFlow's way of parallelization of the computational mesh as a central bottleneck. We propose to reorganize this subsystem using fast mesh partition algorithms provided by the parallel adaptive mesh refinement library p4est. We realize this in a minimally invasive manner by modifying selected parts of the code to reinterpret the existing mesh data structures. We evaluate the scaling performance of the modified version of ParFlow, demonstrating good weak and strong scaling up to 458k cores of the Juqueen supercomputer, and test an example application at large scale.Comment: The final publication is available at link.springer.co
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