14 research outputs found

    Data fusion for driver behaviour analysis

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    A driver behaviour analysis tool is presented. The proposal offers a novel contribution based on low-cost hardware and advanced software capabilities based on data fusion. The device takes advantage of the information provided by the in-vehicle sensors using Controller Area Network Bus (CAN-BUS), an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and a GPS. By fusing this information, the system can infer the behaviour of the driver, providing aggressive behaviour detection. By means of accurate GPS-based localization, the system is able to add context information, such as digital map information, speed limits, etc. Several parameters and signals are taken into account, both in the temporal and frequency domains, to provide real time behaviour detection. The system was tested in urban, interurban and highways scenarios.This work was supported by the Spanish Government through the CICYT project (TRA2013-48314-C3-1-R) and DGT project (SPID2015-01802) and by the company SERCORE Tech. S.L. through the project: “Proyecto de Viabilidad de la Comunicación entre el BUS CAN de un Vehículo Específico con un Dispositivo de Adquisición de Datos Móviles”. SERCORE provided invaluable support in the development of the communication technologies through the CAN BUS, presented in this paper

    Aggressive driving behaviour classification using smartphone's accelerometer sensor

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    Aggressive driving is the most common factor of road accidents, and millions of lives are compromised every year. Early detection of aggressive driving behaviour can reduce the risks of accidents by taking preventive measures. The smartphone's accelerometer sensor data is mostly used for driving behavioural detection. In recent years, many research works have been published concerning to behavioural analysis, but the state of the art shows that still, there is a need for a more reliable prediction system because individually, each method has it's own limitations like accuracy, complexity etc. To overcome these problems, this paper proposes a heterogeneous ensemble technique that uses random forest, artificial neural network and dynamic time wrapping techniques along with weighted voting scheme to obtain the final result. The experimental results show that the weighted voting ensemble technique outperforms to all the individual classifiers with average marginal gain of 20%

    Data Augmentation of IMU Signals and Evaluation via a Semi-Supervised Classification of Driving Behavior

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    Over the past years, interest in classifying drivers' behavior from data has surged. Such interest is particularly relevant for car insurance companies who, due to privacy constraints, often only have access to data from Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) or similar. In this paper, we present a semi-supervised learning solution to classify portions of trips according to whether drivers are driving aggressively or normally based on such IMU data. Since the amount of labeled IMU data is limited and costly to generate, we utilize Recurrent Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (RCGAN) to generate more labeled data. Our results show that, by utilizing RCGAN-generated labeled data, the classification of the drivers is improved in 79% of the cases, compared to when the drivers are classified with no generated data.Comment: Extended version of the paper accepted to The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation System

    Intelligent driver profiling system for cars – a basic concept

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    Many industries have been transformed by the provision of service solutions characterised by personalisation and customisation - most dramatically the development of the iPhone. Personalisation and customisation stand to make an impact on cars and mobility in comparable ways. The automobile industry has a major role to play in this change, with moves towards electric vehicles, auton-omous cars, and car sharing as a service. These developments are likely to bring disruptive changes to the business of car manufacturers as well as to drivers. However, in the automobile industry, both the user's preferences and demands and also safety issues need to be confronted since the frequent use of different makes and models of cars, implied by car sharing, entails several risks due to variations in car controls depending on the manufacturer. Two constituencies, in particular, are likely to experience even more difficulties than they already do at present, namely older people and those with capability variations. To overcome these challenges, and as a means to empower a wide car user base, the paper here presents a basic concept of an intelligent driver profiling system for cars: the sys-tem would enable various car characteristics to be tailored according to individual driver-dependent profiles. It is intended that wherever possible the system will personalise the characteristics of individual car components; where this is not possible, however, an initial customisation will be performed

    Real-time characterisation of driver steering behaviour

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    In recent years the application of driver steering models has extended from the off-line simulation environment to autonomous vehicles research and the support of driver assistance systems. For these new environments there is a need for the model to be adaptive in real-time, so the supporting vehicle systems can react to changes in the driver, their driving style, mood and skill. This paper provides a novel means to meet these needs by combining a simple driver model with a single track vehicle handling model in a parameter estimating filter – in this case an Unscented Kalman Filter. Although the steering model is simple, a motion simulator study shows it is capable of characterising a range of driving styles and may also indicate the level of skill of the driver. The resulting filter is also efficient – comfortably operating faster than real-time – and it requires only steer and speed measurements from the vehicle in addition to reference path. Adaptation of the steer model parameters is demonstrated along with robustness of the filter to errors in initial conditions, using data from five test drivers in vehicle tests carried out on the open road

    Smartphone-based vehicle telematics: a ten-year anniversary

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordJust as it has irrevocably reshaped social life, the fast growth of smartphone ownership is now beginning to revolutionize the driving experience and change how we think about automotive insurance, vehicle safety systems, and traffic research. This paper summarizes the first ten years of research in smartphone-based vehicle telematics, with a focus on user-friendly implementations and the challenges that arise due to the mobility of the smartphone. Notable academic and industrial projects are reviewed, and system aspects related to sensors, energy consumption, and human-machine interfaces are examined. Moreover, we highlight the differences between traditional and smartphone-based automotive navigation, and survey the state of the art in smartphone-based transportation mode classification, vehicular ad hoc networks, cloud computing, driver classification, and road condition monitoring. Future advances are expected to be driven by improvements in sensor technology, evidence of the societal benefits of current implementations, and the establishment of industry standards for sensor fusion and driver assessment

    Decoding Neural Correlates of Cognitive States to Enhance Driving Experience

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    Modern cars can support their drivers by assessing and autonomously performing different driving maneuvers based on information gathered by in-car sensors. We propose that brain–machine interfaces (BMIs) can provide complementary information that can ease the interaction with intelligent cars in order to enhance the driving experience. In our approach, the human remains in control, while a BMI is used to monitor the driver's cognitive state and use that information to modulate the assistance provided by the intelligent car. In this paper, we gather our proof-of-concept studies demonstrating the feasibility of decoding electroencephalography correlates of upcoming actions and those reflecting whether the decisions of driving assistant systems are in-line with the drivers' intentions. Experimental results while driving both simulated and real cars consistently showed neural signatures of anticipation, movement preparation, and error processing. Remarkably, despite the increased noise inherent to real scenarios, these signals can be decoded on a single-trial basis, reflecting some of the cognitive processes that take place while driving. However, moderate decoding performance compared to the controlled experimental BMI paradigms indicate there exists room for improvement of the machine learning methods typically used in the state-of-the-art BMIs. We foresee that neural fusion correlates with information extracted from other physiological measures, e.g., eye movements or electromyography as well as contextual information gathered by in-car sensors will allow intelligent cars to provide timely and tailored assistance only if it is required; thus, keeping the user in the loop and allowing him to fully enjoy the driving experience

    Vehicle Parameters Estimation and Driver Behavior Classification for Adaptive Shift Strategy of Heavy Duty Vehicles

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    Commercial vehicles fulfill the majority of inland freight transportation in the United States, and they are very large consumers of fuels. The increasingly stringent regulation on greenhouse-gas emission has driven manufacturers to adopt new fuel efficient technologies. Among others, advanced transmission control strategy can provide tangible improvement with low incremental cost. An adaptive shift strategy is proposed in this work to optimize the shift maps on-the-fly based on the road load and driver behavior while reducing the initial calibration efforts. In addition, the adaptive shift strategy provides the fleet owner a mean to select a tradeoff between fuel economy and drivability, since the drivers are often not the owner of the vehicle. In an attempt to develop the adaptive shift strategy, the vehicle parameters and driver behavior need to be evaluated first. Therefore, three research questions are addressed in this dissertation: (i) vehicle parameters estimation; (ii) driver behavior classification; (iii) online shift strategy adaption. In vehicle parameters estimation, a model-based vehicle rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag coefficient online estimator is proposed. A new Weighted Recursive Least Square algorithm was developed. It uses a supervisor to extracts data during the constant-speed event and saves the average road load at each speed segment. The algorithm was tested in the simulation with real-world driving data. The results have shown a more robust performance compared with the original Recursive Least Square algorithm, and high accuracy of aerodynamic drag estimation. To classify the driver behavior, a driver score algorithm was proposed. A new method is developed to represent the time-series driving data into events represented by symbolic data. The algorithm is tested with real-world driving data and shows a high classification accuracy across different vehicles and driving cycles. Finally, a new adaptive shift scheme was developed, which synthesizes the information about vehicle parameters and driver score developed in the previous steps. The driver score is used as a proxy to match the driving characteristics in real time. Drivability objective is included in the optimization through a torque reserve and it is subsequently evaluated via a newly developed metric. The impact of the shift maps on the objective drivability and fuel economy metrics is evaluated quantitatively in the vehicle simulation. The algorithms proposed in this dissertation are developed with practical implementation in mind. The methods can reduce the initial calibration effort and provide the fleet owner a mean to select an appropriate tradeoff between fuel economy and drivability depending on the vocation