22,078 research outputs found

    Analyzing Computational Components of Standard Block Encryption Schemes

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    Encryption is used to secure sensitive computer data which may be at rest or in motion. There are several standard encryption algorithms that have been used to encrypt and protect blocks of sensitive data to ensure confidentiality. The most popular standard block encryption schemes are the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), and the first standardized encryption scheme, which is no longer the standard scheme now, namely the Data Encryption Standard (DES). AES is the current standard for block encryption used worldwide and is implemented on many processors. In this work, we compare the hardware performance of these three encryption schemes. First, we identified the underlying computational components for these three encryption schemes, and then we analyzed to what extent these computational components were being used in these block encryption schemes to encrypt and decrypt a given message. In this paper, we compared the contribution of these computational components to evaluate the overall encryption efficiency in terms of speed and computational delays for encrypting a given block of data for a given hardware platform. AES was found to be the faster scheme in terms of hardware computation speed in accomplishing the same encryption task compared to the other two block encryption schemes, namely, the DES and 3DES schemes

    DES — Data Encryption Standard

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä tutkielmassa tutustutaan Data Encryption Standardiin (DES), joka oli yli kaksi vuosikymmentä hallitseva standardi kryptografian alalla ja monella tapaa esikuva nykyisille salausalgoritmeille. DES oli laajasti käytössä ympäri maailmaa esimerkiksi sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä sekä pankkien tiedonvälityksessä. DES on niin sanottu lohkosalain, joka paloittelee salattavan viestin ennalta sovittuihin pätkiin ja salaa näistä lohkoista jokaisen erikseen. DES oli ensimmäinen lohkosalain ja sen kehityksen, sekä murtamisessa esiin tulleiden hyvien ja huonojen puolien pohjalta onkin kehitelty nykyisiä salausalgoritmeja, kuten paljon käytetty AES eli Advanced Encryption Standard. Tutkielmassa käydään ensin läpi DES:in yleinen rakenne sekä toiminta yksinkertaistetun mallin avulla. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään salauksen jokainen vaihe yksityiskohtaisesti lähtien salausavaimen muodostuksesta aina salauksen purkamiseen saakka. Jokainen salauksen vaihe on avattu yksittäisiä bittioperaatioita myöten ja tutkielmaan tutustumalla tulisi saada erittäin hyvä kuva DES:in toiminnasta. Lopuksi käsitellään salauksen murtamista ja esitellään DES:in korvaajaksi kehitetty AES. Algoritmin yleisellä tasolla tapahtuvan teoreettisen käsittelyn lisäksi tutkielmassa käydään erittäin tarkasti läpi oman esimerkkiviestin salaus jokaista pientäkin vaihetta myöten. DES-algoritmi sisältää 16 salauskierrosta, joista jokainen sisältää useita kymmeniä operaatioita, joten mahdollisuus näppäilyvirheisiin on korkea. Tämän vuoksi esimerkkisalausta varten kirjoitettiin Python-koodin, joka tekee kaikki salausalgoritmin vaatimat operaatiot ja näin ollen poistaa mahdollisuudet käsin laskettaessa tapahtuviin näppäilyvirheisiin tai muihin inhimillisiin virheisiin

    Aplikasi Algoritma Des (Data Encryption Standard) untuk Pengaman Data

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    Cryptography is a field of knowledge which uses a mathematical equation to perform the encryption and decryption process. This technique is used to convert the data into a specific code, with the aim that the stored information can not be read by anyone except those who are eligible. In this final project will be presented the design of cryptographic applications with cryptographic algorithm Data Encryption Standard. This cryptographic applications implementing encryption and decryption method using the DES algorithm.This research will presenting application design of crioptographic and its algorithm data of DES. This application will implementing the way of encryption and decription using DES.  DES algorithm is adopted as standard algorithm. Since that, DES has been used in desimination  information widely to protect data savely. In every day live, DES is using in many applications like to encrypt PIN (Personal Identity Number) in ATM and Banking transactions via internet. Even government organitations in US like Departmen of Energy, Justice Department, and Federal Reserve System are using DES to protect their data desiminations. The principt of DES  working is devides information in special blocks, so that DES is  known as cipherblock. The messages will be randomly using standard matrix in DES alhgorithm. The first proces will generate DES  key algorithm. Cipherblock with 64 bits block size. Because in this application we have designed  internal key altogether in enription process. The next we will to do enription process. The steps in doine encryption will begin with choosing file .txt. This file contents will be changed as binery numbers using ASCII as reference. The changing file as binary will be devided into 64 bits. Its means automatically that  in DES algorithm using 8-characters or 64-bits. Next step, the deviding text will be permutated using first permutation matrix, the goal is to randomice plaintext. The randomice text will devivided into 2 blocks which 32-bits in length. Each block will use L0 dan R0  as symbol.  The next process will do 16-cycling process. After 16-cycling process, both blocks will  put in  unity. After that, we will final permutation with using permutation matrix iP-

    DES Security Enhancement using Genetic Algorithm

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    In this paper is proposed method for creating Data Encryption Standard (DES) sub-keys. The proposal simplifies the creation and expansion process of the encryption key of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, which is considered one of the most important elements in the process of encryption. The sub-keys generation methods is implemented by using a genetic algorithm. The sub-keys generated using this method, based on genetic algorithm; they give a totally different group of pseudorandom sub-keys each time program is executed.Furthermore, comparison analyses between the proposed method sub-keys generation process and the standard technique used in Data Encryption Standard (DES) it give optimum results.The proposed method is also evaluated and subjected to many randomness tests in order to measure it‟s strength after encryption using National Institute of Standards and Technology-Test Suite is a statistical (NIST-STS) for randomness tests. The result shows that the proposed method gives good result and can be used it in many ciphers for sub-keys generation

    DES i AES

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    Data Encryption Standard (DES) je naziv za simetrični kriptosustav šifriranja elektronskih podataka, objavljen od strane američkog instituta za standarde (NBS) 15. siječnja 1977. godine, nakon 4 godine dugog natječaja i procesa standardiziranja. Razvio ga je IBM-ov tim, na čelu s Horstom Feistelom, 1974. godine. DES primjenjuje ključ duljine 56 bitova na 64-bitne blokove podataka. Proces se odvija u nekoliko faza i uključuje 16 rundi operacija. Mnogi kriptoanalitičari su pokušali pronaći razne brze metode razbijanja DES-a. Početkom 1997. godine, zajedničkim snagama internetske populacije od 14000 korisnika računala koji su isprobavali razne šifre, jedna poruka je konačno dešifrirana otkrivanjem ključa nakon isprobavanja samo 18 od mogućih 72 kvadrilijuna mogućih ključeva. NIST je kasnije objavio da DES neće ponovno dobiti certifikat kao standard i da će prihvaćati prijedloge za njegove zamjene. Sljedeći prihvaćeni standard će biti poznat pod imenom Advanced Encryption Standard. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) je specifikacija za način šifriranja elektronskih podataka, objavljen od strane američkog instituta za standarde i tehnologiju (NIST) 26. studenog 2001. godine, nakon petogodišnjeg procesa natječaja i standardizacije u kojem se natjecalo 15 kandidata, od kojih je Rijndael procijenjen najboljim i odabran kao budući standard. Svaki AES šifrat se sastoji od blokova veličine 128-bitova i ključeva veličine 128, 192 i 256 bitova. AES je mnogo puta analiziran što je dovelo do upotrebe na svjetskoj razini, kao što je to bila situacija i s njegovim prethodnikom, Data Encryption Standard-om. AES je prvi javno objavljeni i u potpunosti dostupni način šifriranja podataka, odobren i od američke sigurnosne agencije NSA.The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a specification for a symmetric-key algorithm for the encryption of electronic data adopted by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (NBS) on January 15, 1977 after a 4 year-long contest and standardization process. It was developed by an IBM team, with Horst Feistel’s lead, around 1974. DES applies a 56-bit key to each 64-bit block of data. The process can run in several modes and involves 16 rounds or operations. Many cryptanalysts have attempted to find shortcuts for breaking the system. Early in 1997, a cooperative effort on the Internet of over 14,000 computer users trying out various keys finally deciphered the message, discovering the key after running through only 18 quadrillion of the 72 quadrillion possible keys. NIST has later indicated DES that will not be recertified as a standard and submissions for its replacement are being accepted. The next standard will be known as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for the encryption of electronic data adopted by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on November 26, 2001 after a 5-year standardization process in which fifteen competing designs were presented and evaluated before Rijndael was selected as the most suitable. Each AES cipher has a 128-bit block size, with key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bits. The AES ciphers have been analyzed extensively and are now used worldwide, as was the case with its predecessor, the Data Encryption Standard (DES). AES is the first publicly accessible and open cipher approved by the NSA
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